Bob's farm went bankrupt, the farmer owed [-] million Longmen coins, and fled to Rhodes Island with high-energy stone worms.jpg

Sword Dance of Letania:

Chapter 5 Scout, you're plotting against me!

Winter is training.

After joining Rhodes Island, she quickly passed Rhodes Island's operator test and became a reserve vanguard operator.

When she was a student, she was the "Winter General" who dominated the entire campus. Even adults may not be as good at fighting as she is, which made her very proud.But after coming to Rhodes Island, she realized that she had been watching the sky from a well before. The world is big, and there are many strong men on Rhodes Island. Her fists and feet are just three-legged skills in front of the real killing technique.

She suddenly saw a somewhat familiar figure.

It was a Sarkaz man, wearing a brown coat and carrying a large sword as tall as a man on his back, hurriedly walking through the corridor outside the training room.

Wait, that face... the man who slept inside that dragon back in Chernobog?

Instructor Jian Lei, who was in charge of the training, noticed her eyes, and she looked back to the corridor with a clear expression.

She naturally recognized Lynn, and she was also one of the first operators to take part in the operation during the battle of Chernobog.It's just that she was assigned to Scout's team later, so she didn't have much interaction with Lynn.

Even so, this powerful Sarkaz mercenary still left a deep impression on her.

"That's a mercenary who has a cooperative relationship with Rhodes Island. You can tell at a glance that he is very strong, right? His name is Lynn. It was thanks to him that he was able to defeat the herd manipulator in the last Chernobog operation." The mastermind behind the scenes."

After that, Jianlei winked at the girl again: "Don't worry, you will become that strong one day. Let's not think about things that far away. Would you like some popping candy? I have all kinds of flavors, you Definitely will be satisfied."

"Oh, Lynn?"

Lin Dong was a little concerned, but didn't ask any further questions.

Forget it, the most important thing is to work hard to improve yourself.


Leisure time is always short.

Lynn is a person with strong action ability. Now that he has decided to do it, he will not procrastinate.

After breaking up with Ace and other friends, Lynn went to the engineering department in Rhode Island to get his sword back.The person in charge of maintaining the sword is a female Feng Hoof with a broken horn. Her skills are superb. The sword Lin En took from her was as good as new. He tried to activate the engraving on the sword, and was surprised to find that even the inscriptions were hidden. It has been carefully maintained.

This made Lin En couldn't help but look at the other party twice. His sword was not ordinary. It was a sharp weapon carefully crafted by the masters of the Tower of Babel. He was rewarded by the other party to himself.

Being able to maintain and maintain this sword in good condition shows that this Fengtu has quite remarkable attainments in weapon forging, at least not much worse than the elite operator in Rhodes Island who is proficient in weapon maintenance.

It's really a person who can't be judged by his appearance. He obviously looks about the same age as himself.

"Thank you."

"There's no need to thank you, it's just a small job, a little effort."

For this trip, Lynn planned to act alone.

Frost Star originally planned to go with him, but was stopped by Dr. Su Suluo in the end. Her treatment for ore disease has not yet ended, and the medicine is only showing initial results. The last attack was out of helplessness. This time the figure The petite doctor would never let his patients go out and take risks.

"It doesn't matter. Letania is not a dragon's den or a tiger's lair. Besides, there are operators from Rhodes Island stationed near Wollenmud. If it doesn't work, I can still borrow Rhodes Island's support."

It took Lynn a whole night to convince Frost Star, although his promise seemed a bit unreliable to Frost Star, after all, he had promised her so sternly before going to Chernobog.

Then she was on the brink of death twice in a row, the last time she pulled it out of the dragon's body with her own hands.

However, for the sake of Rhodes Island's support, she still felt relieved.

...Just looking for someone, won't be issued a national arrest warrant by Letania, right?

Thinking of this, she fell asleep sweetly holding Lynn's arms, and fell asleep peacefully after a while.

And Lynn...

He looked at the misty sky outside the window, and lightly withdrew his arm from Frost Star's embrace.

"I'll be back soon."

After leaving a shallow kiss on her cheek, Lynn took up the sword and left.


The red morning light streamed from the sky, and Lynn came to the deck of Rhodes Island to check the means of transportation for this trip.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to run to Letania with one pair of legs, so why not go to the dead?

Fortunately, Rhode Island still has a lot of transportation. Even if the Good Boy and the Bad Thing are under maintenance, he can borrow a car from Kelsey.

"Are you going to Letania?"

W leaned on the car door and knocked on Lynn's car window: "It's not a good place. Although it is more tolerant of infected people, it takes race very seriously. Sarkaz like us are over there. Very unpleasant."

"I don't like that side either. The nobles are basically not good things, and the nobles in Letania are the worst things."

Lynn thought of the few Leitanian nobles he had met, and clicked his tongue in disgust.

"But I'm just looking for a friend this time, and I probably won't run into those dogs."

After he finished speaking, he saw W blink his eyes, and his expression suddenly became very rich.

"Lyn... haven't you realized that you are a crow's mouth?"

She simply stopped knocking on the window, but stretched out her hand to open the car door, and sat down on the co-pilot's seat: "Driving and driving, you really can't relax, so let me accompany you crazy for a while, the big deal is Being wanted by Letania, I will never go to Letania again."

"Don't make trouble, after you leave, who will bring your mercenaries?"

"Leave it to Kelsey for two days. In a few days, Ines and Hedley will be back from Victoria. With the two of them, I have nothing to worry about."

Well, it seems that it has been planned for a long time.

With W's highly trouble-making style, to be honest, Lynn was still a little worried. Maybe it was nothing serious, but after W got involved, big news came out.

As if seeing what Lynn was thinking, W spread his hands with a smile: "Is it too late for you to kick me out of the car?"

"... I hope you don't leave a bomb in this car when you go down."

Lynn rolled her eyes, and finally turned a blind eye to W's behavior.

It's as if there is one more person who eats rice by his side.


Before starting the engine, Lynn posed one last question to W beside him.

"How did you know I was going to Letania?"

"Oh, you said this. Scout told me that he also wanted to go to Letania. Rhode Island happened to have some projects nearby. He wanted to cooperate with you... Then he said yesterday I squatted at the door of your dormitory at night and listened to you and the white rabbit talking about love all night, and I didn't find a chance to knock on the door to come in and talk to you about serious business until dawn."

Lynn's eyes widened, and a question mark slowly rose above his head.

"Then he met me and complained about it. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Scout, you street scumbag, next time I will definitely expose the fact that you wrote a love letter to Ascalon and then died before you left school!

Well, by the way, change the other protagonist of the story from Ascalon to Dr. Kelsey.

Across the three decks, Scout, who was working in the Rhode Island elite operator's office, suddenly sneezed.

I get a cold too?

He was a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much about it, completely unaware that he had been memorized by someone.

Picture: "Don't engrave everything into DNA", location: "Images/1629497887-100259672-107579698.jpg"

PS: good morning~

Sword Dance of Letania:

Chapter 6 The shadows hidden beneath the peace

On the third day after leaving Rhodes Island, Lynn and W officially entered the land of Letania.

Unlike other countries that are close to Ursus, there are not many frictions and conflicts between Letania and Ursas. Teamed up to invade Casimir.

Of course, the result of that time was not satisfactory. Whether it was the bear army of Ursas or the warlocks of Letania, they were all entangled by Kazimir's knights. Warlocks who participated in the battle left a deep impression.

There was no trouble in the process of entering the border, which made Lynn and W both heave a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, it's a good start."

"Worummud is located in the north of Letania, not far from our current position - shall we drive all the way there directly, or resupply at the mobile town along the way?"

"Let's stay overnight in Krims and replenish supplies to avoid any accidents on the way."

W shrugged, and had no objection to Lynn's opinion: "That's fine, I also want to take a good hot bath, the bumps along the way have made me sick."

"I'm really sorry that the road is not smooth enough - there are more mountain roads and woods in Letania, I advise you to prepare early to save your butt from getting swollen."

"Shall I put two bomb pads under my ass?"

"If you don't want to panic, feel free."

Along the way, the two have been bickering sporadically like this. This can be regarded as a relatively unique way of getting along with Lynn and W.

Thanks to W as a road companion, Lynn is not so bored.

Just occasionally a little overwhelmed.

The residents of Letania mainly live in mobile cities and smaller mobile towns. There are not many villages in Letania that can be seen everywhere in other areas. On the other hand, Leitania consciously gathers civilians in mobile towns where the gendarmerie is stationed, and does not give rebels any space to breed and develop.

Coupled with Letania's relatively lenient policy towards the infected, even though most of the nobles in the country are iron waste who only eat and don't do business, Letania has developed peacefully and steadily in the new era, with little turmoil.

A situation where a bunch of rebels grow out of the ground every three days or even a city falls, like the neighbor Usas next door, is simply unimaginable for the Leitanians who have been used to peace for decades of.

It can only be said that the tyranny of Ursus understands everything.

"However, even Leitania, which looks peaceful on the outside, will have such disputes."

After going on for a short distance, Lynn keenly noticed a cry for help, and he and W looked at each other, confirming that this was not a non-existent auditory hallucination.

"Why, do you want to draw your sword to help when you see injustice?"

"I'm just a little curious."


Most people know that Leitania has a very gentle policy on the infected. They are allowed to live in some streets of the mobile town, and they only need to pay a small price-such as doing some jobs that are easy to get sick.

In essence, Ursas and Letania use the infected people in exactly the same way. The infected people who have nothing are driven together, mining, making Originium crafts... These jobs that normal people keep a respectful distance from, come from people infected with ore disease. To do it, for the nobles, it can be regarded as waste utilization.

It’s just that the policy of Ursas is more harsh and cruel in comparison, and in Letania, after sweating and working, the infected can at least report to the group for warmth and live in the streets made up of infected people, enjoying and normal life. people close to life.They can even receive a shot of ore disease inhibitor every month. Regardless of its real effect, this is simply an unimaginable benefit in Ursus.

However, in such a peaceful Leitania, is there really no persecution of the infected?

No, these infected people living in Letania just live like human beings. In the eyes of many nobles, the infected people are not so much humans as livestock with two legs. Almost the same.

The so-called inhibitors are nothing more than low-cost inferior products, and some are even just a mixture of painkillers and nutrient solutions.The streets where the infected people live are deserted, and the infected people do not enjoy any rights and interests that normal citizens should enjoy, and no one cares about life, old age, sickness and death.The guards would often arrest people without giving any reason, and most of the infected people who were captured never appeared in people's sight again.

Under the shadow of prosperity, some people study the spells left by the mad Witch King. With the support of the nobles, these spellcasters use the infected as their spell-casting unit, and cast powerful spells at the cost of desecrating life.

Many infected people were captured for this reason, used as slaves, and finally died in pain.

Lynn hated Letania, hated the hypocritical faces of those nobles, hated evil warlocks who blasphemed their lives, and hated the "world peace" that was deliberately whitewashed.

Therefore, when he really encountered guards chasing innocent infected people, those warlocks who used slave bodies as staffs to cast spells... He would naturally draw his sword obediently.

After all, he was a Sarkaz.

Moreover, under the influence of the years, it is genuine.

"The Demon Race! It's the Demon Race!"

The guards chasing the girl were swept away by violent explosions, and the warlock who cast spells in the distance was also pierced through the chest by a sword blade. The cooperation between Lynn and W was as perfect as ever, and within a moment the team chasing the infected was completely dead or injured.The captured infected children looked around in a daze, at the blood-flowing ground, and at the Sarkaz with horns on their heads harvesting their lives indifferently.


In those stories, the demon race full of evil and doing all kinds of evil?

But for them, those guards and warlocks who captured and killed their relatives and friends are more terrifying and hateful than the "demons" in the story.

The last warlock also died, and his proud Originium skills did not become a life-saving straw.Lynn's Originium skills can be described as a warlock killer. Those flames, hail, hurricanes, and dense fog, after losing the support of Originium energy, all turned into useless fly ash.

Lin En swung his sword, and the fire swayed out, burning the corpses on the ground into unidentifiable coke.The afterglow of the flame illuminated the profiles of him and W, and they hid behind them. Although the children of the infected were scared, they did not run away.

Both Lynn and W were a little surprised. With Sarkaz's notoriety and this bloody battle, normally these children would have fled away long ago.

Lin En sheathed his sword, walked up to the eldest girl among the children, and looked at her.

"Come on, let's talk about it. Since you won't run away, what kind of deal do you want to make with the devil?"

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