"You... Forget it, I understand. Tallulah is cleaning up the mess on the outskirts of the city, and the Patriot guerrillas are about to withdraw to Chernobog. Hold on for a while, and I will bring people back soon!"

W backed away in a hurry, but how could the monster let go of the bugs that were close at hand?It stretched its hard-earned body to the fullest, and its tentacles rolled towards Lynn and W.

The strange black air spread on the tentacle-like flesh and blood, and the scarlet eyes on the tentacles let out piercing laughter. W's figure who was about to leave paused, and the screaming sound engraved in her mind usurped her spirit, making it hard for her to Take control of your body.

What a monster!

Just the sound...can immobilize me! ?

The stiffness caused by the shriek was only for a short moment, but in just this moment, the crazily spreading flesh and blood had come within reach.

A flaming figure stopped it.

One person, one sword!

The sharp blade chopped off the monster's tentacles, and the soaring flames ignited its body. In an instant, the miserable screams resounded in the hearts of Lin En and W, as if the pain of being pierced into the brain made Lin En Eun nearly gritted his teeth.

Enemy of civilization, a thousand-eyed, thousand-fingered demon!

The continent of Terra is not a monopoly of human beings.

Few people know the existence of these monsters. They are blocked from civilization, entrenched deep in the frozen soil of the northern plains, and wandering in that blank wasteland.They are the enemies of civilization, and they will be rejected by the world just by showing themselves, but once they get their bodies, they can unscrupulously plunder and devour everything around them.

Demons are terrifying because of their knowledge. Ursus relied on powerful warlocks and heavy-armored Wendigo and other elite troops to fight against them for many years.Many years ago, more than [-] inner guards were killed in the battle in the Sunset Canyon, and in the earlier era, the Ursus paid more blood to find a way to fight against the demons.

Use the power of demons to fight against the invading demons.Before the development of artillery and magic to the current level, before the patriot brought his people into the Ursus Empire, it was because of the sacrifice of generations of inner guards that Ursus could keep the evil spirits out of the country.

Why is the emperor's blade so powerful?Because their bodies were implanted with fragments of demons, restrained with rituals and combat uniforms, and finally created inhuman weapons of war.

The bodies of the inner guards have already become inhuman existences, but they are controlled by human will and technology. Every inner guard is a human hero worthy of respect, but now—they are swaying their power on the wrong place. The place caused an unimaginable catastrophe.

After losing the shackles of the combat uniform, the fragments of the demon continued to wake up. It seized the long-awaited opportunity, occupied the body of the inner guard, and reacted to it in the real dimension, triggering a huge battle. Before the annihilation of—

It came.

If W's bomb was stronger, if the inner defender's resistance was stronger, if the awakening of the demon was slower, if the reaction of the real dimension was faster, if...

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

If you can't stop the demon here, then this Chernoborg will become its bait.Human corpses will become the nourishment for the evolution of demons, and the traces of civilization will become a delicious meal for the growth of demons.A fully grown demon that overwhelms the sky like a city will be a catastrophe. Ursas and even all human beings may have to pay dozens of times the price of the setting sun canyon to have the chance to kill the demon.

Lynn will not allow such a thing to happen, and no human being will allow such a thing to happen. At this moment, the prejudices of the country and the nation are completely discarded. As a human being, a person who knows "demons" A warrior with existence and power, Lynn decided to fight to the death here.

But are demons really that easy to deal with?

Magic can't suppress the black energy of the demon, and flames can't bridge the gap between the two.Standing in the "country" opened by the demons, the evil forces are constantly eroding Lynn's body. Even if Sarkaz's body is strong and tough, it is still difficult to be alone in this domain of demons.

First is the right hand holding the sword, then the body, the back... Lynn's body is constantly showing signs of erosion, the power of the demon acts on his unprotected body, slowly transforming his body during the battle, Trying to turn him into a new demon carrier as well.

Finally, he no longer had the strength to hold the sword, and the tentacles made of flesh and blood lashed at his body like whip blades, knocking him into the air heavily.


Lin En was lying on the ground, his eyes could no longer see clearly, he could only see the palms that were close at hand, and he was alienated into a completely inhuman appearance.

It's ugly.

Before, he was complacent about being able to defeat the inner guard, but in the end he was no match for the demon.

He looked into the distance, and in his blurred vision, Lynn saw the demons with hundreds of eyes and thousands of feet condensed into dark buds that were about to bloom. When the roses withered and turned into debris on the ground, the dark dragon broke out out.

After getting the second transformation, the hungry demon turned his gaze to the command tower not far away.

there is food...

With food, one can evolve and grow.

For this demon, there is nothing more important than devouring food.

The appearance of demons is strange, and demons born from different carriers have different characteristics. As demons born from flesh and blood, human flesh and blood have a fatal attraction for them.

It grinned ferociously, and climbed towards the command tower with hands and feet.

Picture: "OK", location: "Images/1628896618-100259672-107543176.jpg"

PS: Second more!

Hmph, probably no one can guess, the final Boss is a demon!

Chernoborg tour :

Chapter 55 I have someone I want to protect

The Doctor... The Doctor is still in the conning tower.

Lynn's heart boiled with panic.

No, whether it's the Rhodes Island operators or the accompanying Sarkaz mercenaries, no one is a match for this guy!

Only relying on Amiya, relying on the immature strength of the demon king, she can't fight the demon that has grown up at all. She can't even fight the inner guard, so how can she defeat the demon!

No, I have to help them, I have to help...

How can I help?

Where is my sword?

Consciousness gradually blurred, and his mind was polluted. Lynn reached out his hand in vain to grab something, but the arm covered in black flesh finally touched cold steel.

It was a knife, a long-bladed saber that had pierced the ground and lost its owner.

It was the inner guard's knife, as the emperor's saber, it was of excellent quality, almost comparable to Lynn's usual big sword.

"Will my end be a twisted monster like that inner guard?"

Feeling that the body is getting heavier and heavier, and the spirit is like falling into the abyss, Lin En seems to see a grinning face appearing in front of him, calling himself to sink quickly.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, you are already very tired. You have nothing, what reason do you have to fight?"

Reason for fighting...?


"You can't even protect me, so what qualifications do you have to fight?"

Warm palms brushed Lynn's cheeks, and at that moment, the shadow of the demon turned into Teresia's face, gently holding Lynn's face, tilting his head, and laughing heartily.

The warm smile became extremely ferocious, and "Teresia" in front of Lynn turned into a black gust of wind, and Lin En, who was in the center of the gust of wind, heard reprimands and insults from all directions.These voices come from his memories, penetrate his mind, his enemies and his friends, those he killed and those he saved.

In the end, all the countless phantoms dispersed, leaving only the shadow belonging to Teresia standing in front of Lynn.

For some reason, even though she was only a black phantom, she brought Lynn a completely different feeling from when she came to life before.

Unlike demons, with malicious ridicule and irony.

On the contrary, it gave people a gentle and familiar feeling, and even the voice was so calm that it made people choke.

"you are silly."

She said so.

"You know that this is a road to death, why do you still want to come?"


four years ago.

After parting with W, Lynn became a mercenary just like most Sarkaz who couldn't survive.

He keeps fighting and moving forward, but he is not strong enough. He was far from strong enough at that time. When he made his name on the battlefield, when he looked back, all the things he wanted to protect had disappeared.

I have nothing to protect myself.

Haunted by past regrets, he wandered the battlefield like a ghoul, until he met Theresia, His Highness who was so dazzling to him.

Lynn will never forget that day, it was a sunny afternoon, he found Teresia walking alone in a forest.

Under the warm sunlight, she turned her head to look at Lynn——

A Sarkaz mercenary hired by the Prince Regent to swing his blade at her.

The battle was very short. At that time, Lynn hadn't discovered his Originium skills. His sword could be said to be vulnerable to Theresia's spells, and he was soon defeated on the ground.

Failure, death?

Well, right is a kind of relief.

I'm tired too, tired of...

To Lynn's surprise, Teresia did not kill him, but asked him questions in a very calm tone.

"Do you have anyone you want to protect?"

"I'm a mercenary, I only kill people, I never protect people."

"Your swordsmanship is very strong, and I can see that it is a sword tempered to protect something, not a pure killing sword."

"...There used to be, but now there is no more."

Teresia smiled and held out her hand to him.

"Then, let's go find it."

"Not a Sarkaz, not a single person, has justified their death in this war."

"Go find the person you want to protect."


"You know that this is a road to death, why do you still want to come?"

Lynn struggled to open his eyes.

He tried his best to hold the steel that was close at hand, and amidst the heavy panting, even the crazily growing pitch-black flesh couldn't interfere with his will again.

The blurred line of sight swept across the distance, and one could vaguely see the pitch-black dragon climbing continuously on the command tower.

"Why are you here?"

He looked directly at the phantom of Theresia in front of him, and tried hard to find a little familiar taste in the corner of her mouth.

The pain all over the body has not diminished, and even the consciousness cannot be fully awake under the shroud of the kingdom of demons.

However, he will not let go, will not let go of the sword in his hand.

Because I lost it once, I never want to lose it a second time.

Because I have been shaken once, I don't want to be shaken again.

Can't retreat, behind is the person who desperately wants to protect.

Don't be afraid, if you waver, you will make a choice that you will regret for a lifetime.


The black air current wrapped around Lynn's body, but it didn't continue to erode his will.

Twisted flesh and blood covered his body, replacing his arms, but did not continue to spread.

The wind is blowing, it is no longer a howling wind, no longer a cold black wind, but warm and warm, like a warm afternoon wind.

Just like that afternoon, when I found a reason to swing my sword in front of Her Majesty Theresia...

Let the wind blow away the chaotic breath, and let the light illuminate the chaotic thoughts.

Lynn pulled out the knife on the ground. Amidst the ear-piercing echo, the black flesh on his arm spread over it, turning this simple military long knife into a ferocious and flamboyant war blade. Completely become one with people.

The severe pain in his arm made Lin En, who finally stood up, almost kneel down again, but the warm phantom appeared beside him, and the illusory hand supported Lin En like a real body, making him uncomfortable. Crumbling again.

Phantom was still looking at Lynn, she stared at his bloody profile, as if waiting for Lynn's response.

"Because I have someone I want to protect."

Power, a steady stream of power poured into his body, that is the power of demons, but he no longer rejects it.

Lin En turned into a black gust, he forgot the pain, caught up with the climbing dragon with just one jump, and then swung his knife silently in the eyes of the other party who was confused and terrified.

Theresa's phantom was still standing on the ground.

The black sand in her hand gradually dissipated. Looking up at the sky, she saw two out-and-out monsters fighting each other.


"Don't fight, but accept this power and assimilate with the demon. Now even I can't guarantee that I can protect your mind."

"But... people who want to protect."

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