He has this ability, or in other words, he is the only one who can do this in Rhodes Island, so Miss Doctor will give the job to him. The rest of the people, either are not strong enough, it is difficult to retreat, such as Ascalon And Scout, are either too conspicuous to kill at all, like Logos and Patriots.

"Okay, let's not talk about that, I'm going to take a shower first, after running around for so long, I can finally take a fragrant and hot bath."

Zofia walked into the bathroom, she didn't close the bathroom door, she just concealed it, then smiled and winked at Lynn.

Lynn thought for a while, and then walked in.

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PS: Second update

Recently, I have fallen into title difficulty, and I have to think about the title of the chapter for a long time

Break through the clouds:

Chapter 4 Reid

Since the Karaton Council implemented the "New Policy for Infected Persons" four years ago, the number of residents in the community of infected persons has increased. Many infected persons who cannot survive will come here from thousands of miles and exchange their hard work for a return. It's a decent salary.

Compared with Usas, the persecution of infected people in most parts of Victoria is indeed not so heavy, but having said that, it is still difficult for ordinary poor infected people to find a job that can make a living. Prejudice, protests and violent conflicts are everywhere. Between the infected and the non-infected, intensified.

All in all, when it comes to infected people, few countries in the world are clean at all. The conflict between infected people and non-infected people is not formed naturally, but the relationship keeps deteriorating under the provocation of some people with ulterior motives, and finally becomes It became what it is now.

Compared with normal people, the number of people is not too large, the economic proportion in the society is negligible, coupled with the short life span and terrifying contagion, these incurable ore disease infected people are simply the most As long as there is such a "public enemy" for a good abandoned child, all kinds of contradictions caused by unreasonable systems and policies can be transferred logically.

It's cruel, but also very realistic.

Caraton's "New Policy for Infected Persons" is a bold attempt. Infected persons who have been oppressed to the point of being out of breath are undoubtedly very cheap labor force, and the cost of hiring them is only half of ordinary workers or even less , and after a large number of ore disease inhibitors from Rhodes Island entered the market, more and more infected people regained hope in life and were willing to work in exchange for rewards.

In addition, with the rise of the origin stone industry in recent years, fewer and fewer ordinary people are willing to work in the origin stone factory, and the shortage of labor forces many nobles and businessmen to find new ways out, so at this time, the infected entered their sight.

It’s cheap and easy to use, doesn’t require a guarantee agreement, doesn’t need to consider vacations and working hours, and doesn’t even need to provide protective equipment at work.

How can this not make those businessmen who get into the eyes of money be tempted?

The infected people already live in misery, let alone being picky.

Lynn sat peacefully in the small hotel he rented, and he wrote and drew in his notebook, while Zofia put a blanket over Lynn's back and gently combed his freshly dried hair.

The episode in the bathroom was just a short rest after a long journey, and the two of them didn't stay together for too long, because there was still a lot of information to sort out.

Victoria is full of the regent Teresis's eyeliner. Although he does not have strong control over the empire, he can't even command the iron army guarding the frontier and the grand dukes who have built their territories in order. With the help of his intelligence team, he did a good job in intelligence work.

This is also one of the reasons why Lynn and Zofia did not immediately go to the operators of the Rhodes Island office. Rhodes Island is the remains of the Tower of Babel. Will you feel at ease with Rhodes Island?impossible things.

Especially now that Rhodes Island is getting bigger and bigger. With Tracy's character, he absolutely must have eyeliner around all the offices that Rhodes Island opened in Victoria.

Lynn and Zofia disguised and changed their appearance before setting off, and after crossing the border on foot, they went back and forth again and again before arriving in this city called Karaton.

To be honest, Rhodes Island is really full of talents, there are not a few operators who are proficient in disguise, and several of them are killers - but Rhodes Island does not pay special attention to the background of these operators, as long as they are not The heinous guy, if he doesn't do evil after joining, then everyone will turn a blind eye.

With the help of the puppet operator and Miss Ascalon, Lynn successfully disguised himself to the point where...well, he couldn't even recognize himself.

This is not just a simple make-up, but a human face mask is forcibly "imprinted" on his own face by using special Originium skills and Kluthil's gizmo, without any sense of disobedience.

Even after some camouflage of the horns with origin stone skills, even the race doesn't look like Sarkaz, but more like ghosts from the Eastern Kingdom.

As for Zofia, she didn't have to spend so much trouble. After all, Kuranta was everywhere, and she only needed to use a human face mask to change her appearance, and the rest of the steps were omitted.

The identities of the two are businessmen from Casimir. After all, Casimir has just experienced drastic changes, and coupled with the special partnership between Grand Knight Commander Russell and Rhodes Island, it is very convenient to forge their identities, and Zofia also It is indeed from Casimir's background, so the possibility of revealing the secret is unlikely.

All of this is to prevent Rhode Island from being involved, and then being used by Tracys to take advantage of it.

Both the doctor and Kelsey agreed that Lynn would definitely make a big fuss, but also, this man is not a law-abiding master. It is flattering to describe him as free-wheeling. You must know his nickname on the battlefield But mad dog.

These years have experienced many ups and downs. Although the personality seems to be more introverted and calm, the essence of a person will not change. This is why Miss Doctor and Kelsey firmly oppose this operation. Lynn and W teamed up One of the reasons, Miss Doctor has a hunch that these two people will definitely blow Caraton upside down...

Considering their personal grievances with Tracys, it might blow up all the way to Londinium.

Zofia is better, with a calm and stable personality, who can pull back the runaway Lynn at a critical moment, and can help Lynn a lot as a good helper during the investigation.

"We still have to start with that guy named Bechmann."

Lynn's voice was very calm: "There are not many clues, I can only know that the guy runs an arms factory... and recently received a large amount of funding from the town council, which seems to be used to purchase new equipment."

"Based on this bit of information alone, not many useful speculations can be made."

"So we need the help of local snakes. Besides the people from Rhode Island, we can have other helpers."

The knock on the door sounded just right, and a small smile was drawn on the corner of Lynn's mouth. He opened the door and saw a young Ursus infected person standing at the door. He was wearing a long dark coat and a A gray peaked cap and a scarf covered the lower half of his face, but they couldn't hide his excitement and restraint.

He is a seasoned fighter, but even such a man can feel a little uneasy when facing "idols".

"I've known you for a long time, um... I mean, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Lynn."

Lynn shook his hand.

"Well, nice to meet you, Red."

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Break through the clouds:

Chapter 5 Insufficient Greed

For Lin En, the last time he came into contact with the integration movement was at Longmen half a year ago. At that time, Lin En was far from being as powerful as he is now. The forces of the movement escaped from the borders of Ursus.

Probably because of what he did in Chernobog, Lynn's reputation within the integration movement has a feeling of being deified. Those infected who have nowhere to go, ranging from elite cadres to ordinary miscellaneous soldiers, most of them There is a kind of enigmatic admiration for Lynn. Within the integration movement, Tallulah and the Patriots are naturally the most prestigious, and then it is Lynn's turn.

Reid is also one of Lynn's admirers. When he was in Ursus, he was called "Red Knife", and he was considered a good cadre. Unfortunately, he was guarding a base far from Chernobog. , so he did not follow Tallulah and others to participate in the great battle that shocked the entire Ursus.

When the Longmen Incident ended and the soaring integration movement gained a firm foothold in Ursas, Tallulah decided to let the cadres of the integration movement go to various parts of the world to save the infected who were in difficulty, so Red took a part of himself The subordinates came to Victoria to unite and take care of the local infected people.

"I'm currently working in a nearby factory. That fellow, Bechmann, will come to the factory every Tuesday and Thursday to inspect the situation, trying to find ways to pick on the workers so that they can deduct the wages of the workers."

Zofia couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the words. For a character like Bechmann, the wages of the workers are just a small profit, so they have to be deducted?It is not so much that these interests make it difficult for him to give up, it is better to say that he is enjoying the pleasure of exploiting others.

"What a petty rotten person."

"Yes, but his nephew is the captain of the town guard, so no one dares to gossip behind his back. Last year, a member of Parliament impeached him. It ended up being a disaster. He was bombed during his speech. It took several months. The murderer has not been found."

What Reid meant was obvious.

The captain of the guard is his own person, so how can he find out who the real culprit is?

Lynn nodded: "Thanks for your hard work, your information is very important and saved us a lot of time."

Tomorrow is Tuesday, which means that Bechmann will go to the factory tomorrow, which is a good opportunity for Lynn.

A chance to have a good "talk" with Bechmann.

It is useless to kill Bechmann, this is just a pawn pushed out to be the talker, after death there will be a second or third Bechmann standing up, the sinful trade will not stop, it will only get worse Hide deeper.

You have to dig out the people behind him.

According to Reid, there were quite a few bodyguards around Bechmann, some of them were gang fighters from Syracuse, and some were retired veterans who survived the battlefield.There are a lot of people, but the levels are uneven. There are a few powerful ones, but most of the rest are some miscellaneous fish waiting to die.

To Lynn, the crowd was nothing short of a mob.

As for the information... then Lin En's acting skills will be tested, and coercion with force will definitely not work. God knows whether this insidious villain, Bechman, will run the train with his mouth full of clues to the wrong place.

If you think there is hope to survive, you will deliberately keep it for sale, and if you know you will die, you will talk nonsense and take revenge before you die.

Old disgusting person.

Lynn had suffered such a loss before and almost died in Rutland.

Luckily, none of the team that had committed crimes in Akahurah escaped. Bechman probably didn't know that Kaldoli was dead until now, so there was a lot of room for maneuver.

Lynn suddenly thought of an interesting idea.

"Red, I need you to do something for me."


Bechmann has been having a rough time of late.

As the popular man under Duke Deco, Bechman naturally understood that his ability was actually far from worthy of his status.

Being able to sit in the current position, run an arms factory that is making money every day, and get a share of the huge profits of the arms trade is thanks to being an illegitimate child with half of Duke Deco's blood on his body.

The munitions factory he runs actually belongs to the property of Grand Duke Godottin. He is just the operator, a senior wage earner, but he is not the real owner of the factory.

His ambition is more than that, but he has to stop here because of his lack of ability. This sense of gap makes him almost crazy. He longs for money and rights, and is not satisfied with getting his own dividends every year—even though That is already a wealth that ordinary people can hardly match.

To put it simply, it is greedy enough to swallow elephants.

The extravagant life and the psychology of showing off and comparing made him greedy, and at this time, an olive branch was thrown in front of him.

Blindfolded by money, Bechmann agreed to the other party's request without hesitation. Even though slave trading was a crime and a violation of human ethics, he did not have the slightest bit of uneasiness in his conscience. What are you doing?

His desire keeps expanding like a balloon until one day...

"Kardoli, this trash, why hasn't there been any news yet!?"

Bechmann slammed the stick in his hand to the ground, his fat face was soaked with sweat, even the pleasure of dominating the factory could not overwhelm his inner fear.

He is short of money, or rather, he continues to pay a large sum of money to fill the shortfall in public funds that he has caused.

Just some time ago, the town council, as always, allocated a large sum of money to Bechman to repair and replace the original military equipment, and Bechman, who was addicted to gambling...he chose to embezzle public funds to satisfy his personal needs. Selfish desires.

Originally, this was nothing to him, as long as Kaldoli's slave hunting team returned smoothly and captured a batch of slaves of acceptable quality and handed them over, the money hole would soon be filled.

It's not the first time he's done this either.

It’s just over a month has passed, let alone Caldori’s return, there’s not even a message. Now Bechman panicked, because the Grand Duke’s inspection team will pass by here soon. If they are in the ledger If any problems are found on the Internet, he may not even save his life in the end.

Kaldoli seems to be unreliable. Although he has been cooperating happily during this time, he has been delayed for so long this time, and God knows when he will come back.

Sure enough, mercenaries are unreliable.

"I have to think of a way, I have to think of a way..."

Bechmann wiped the sweat off his face with a handkerchief, and began to think about how to cover up his dereliction of duty.

If you artificially create a sabotage accident, and then push the pot to the infected people...

seems to work.

He pushed open the door of the luxury villa and walked into the resplendent and magnificent hall, but there was no delicate maid who greeted him neatly with a whining voice.

An uninvited guest wearing a black coat is standing in the center of the hall calmly at this moment, as if he is the owner here.

"Oh, my dear Baron Bechmann."

Lynn turned around, trying to hide the biting killing intent under her smile.

"good evening."

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Break through the clouds:

Chapter 6 The Whispers of the Evil God

Lynn actually wanted to slaughter the fat pig in front of him.

Look at this luxuriously decorated villa, look at those exquisite and luxurious decorations, and those servants who are called maids but are actually slaves. When thinking about where this guy's money comes from, Lynn can't help feeling a little disgusted.

After "visiting" his blood-stained basement and the tortured woman in another courtyard, he understood even more that this man is indeed the scum of the scum, even though he is wearing human skin and looks like a human being. It looks like a dog, but when you take it apart, it's all black inside.

Lynn had to let him live for a few more days just for what was in his head.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?"

Bechmann was obviously stunned for a moment, and then immediately calmed down. Although he is not very capable and has no self-knowledge, he has been in a high position for many years and can see many things clearly.

The fact that the other party can stand here so unscrupulously shows that he is not afraid of his bodyguards at all, or in other words, he has already dealt with the bodyguards and mercenaries he arranged here to protect the residence.

Therefore, calling the guards in a panic is completely useless. If he wants to kill himself, he doesn't have to spend so much trouble at all. As long as he shoots a crossbow arrow at the moment he enters the door, he won't even have a chance to resist.

After all, I am not the kind of martial artist who can fight, and my fat body is not a disguise for muscles. Let alone this kind of ruthless person who sneaks into my courtyard without anyone noticing, an ordinary thug in the boiling area or a street gangster can do it. Take your own life.

In these years, he has been assassinated eight times instead of ten times. To be able to live until now, the help and support of the adult behind him is extremely important. , the skill is also quite good.

Although they also had the task of monitoring themselves, Bechman had no intention of betraying that lord at all, so what was there to be afraid of?In other words, only by showing everything about himself to the other party like now can that adult truly feel at ease with himself.

Only in this way can I make more money and climb to a higher position.

He sees it clearly.

"The purpose of coming here? Well, it's probably to remind you to take care of your dog."

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