Visibility ten kilometers


Sitting on the soft cushion, feeling the roar of the Originium engine, Lynn looked at Texas who was driving expressionlessly, and took out two cigarettes from his pocket.

"Come on one?"

Texas took it unceremoniously. She took out the lighter from the front interlayer very skillfully, lit it for herself, and then sent the flaming lighter to the side.

Lynn hurriedly leaned over and lit the cigarette butt in his mouth.

"You have a great car, Texas, look at the cushion, I don't feel the bumps at all."

"It was bought by an angel, who said that every time I ride in my car, the buttocks will be worn out, so I added a cushion for myself...does it really work?"

"At least I feel good when I sit up."

Lynn raised his eyebrows. He naturally recognized the angels. Back then in Syracuse, the three of them formed a small team that didn't cause trouble and made the gangsters over there miserable.

"Speaking of which, how many days ago did you arrive?"

"Yesterday, Ursas's siege suddenly disappeared, so we arrived at Rhodes Island safe and sound. Neng Angel was injured a little bit, and I still need to deal with some contact work with Rhodes Island. Croissant and Kong have already hitched a ride. Back to Longmen."

Having said that, Texas suddenly spoke seriously.

"I'm sorry... I thought we could attract enough attention, but it's clear that the crisis you've encountered is no less than ours."

Although Texas is dangerous, they at least drove to Rhode Island.

Lynn is different, his car has long been scrapped in the wilderness.

"After I go back, I will ask the boss to increase my salary... Boss is not stingy, at least you will be compensated for your losses."

"Only in terms of money, I have always had confidence in Penguin Logistics."

Both of them laughed, the smile was very reserved, only the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, but the gentle smile couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Texas glanced at Angelina who was curled up in the back seat and sleeping soundly.

"The child was taken care of by you, thank you for bringing her back intact."

"This child is very talented and strong. She is still a little naive now... But people will always mature. I think she is very suitable for Penguin Logistics."

"In Rhodes Island, she can get the most complete treatment, which Penguin Logistics cannot provide."

Texas threw the cigarette butt out of the window. In the desolate wilderness, the unextinguished cigarette butt rolled around a few times, and then lay quietly in the crevice of the rock.

Fortunately, it is a wilderness instead of a grassland.

"After sending you off, I'm about to start my return journey. When will I come to Longmen?"

"Let's wait until this mission is successfully completed. After I get the money, I will have a leisurely vacation. Don't forget to introduce me to the delicious food in Longmen."

"Well, definitely."

The hull of Rhodes Island is getting closer and closer. Only when it really reaches the bottom of Rhodes Island can you feel how majestic this land battleship is.

After stepping into it, the thick steel and strong sense of technology filled the entire corridor.

"Then I'll go first, see you at Longmen."

"Well, see you at Longmen."

After saying goodbye to Texas, Lynn took Angelina to Kelsey's office. After sending the girl in, Lynn thought that he couldn't hear what was being talked inside anyway, so he just squatted down. At the door of the office, it looks like a migrant worker asking for salary.

Then, just when he was bored, a door next to Kelsey's office opened, and Dr. Sarkaz, with white hair and black clothes, walked out pushing a wheelchair.Sitting in the wheelchair was a blond Sarkaz girl dressed in white. Unlike the former, her body was filled with a delicate and gentle temperament, like a suffering princess, while the former—she gave people the impression that More like a knight guarding a princess.

Lynn inevitably caught sight of the two Sarkaz girls. The predecessor of Rhodes Island, the Tower of Babel, was after all the staff of His Royal Highness Teresia, and it was perfectly normal for Sarkaz people to work in it. , So he didn't make a fuss, just nodded slightly to the two girls, and then glanced at the door plate of the door they pushed open.

Oh, it's the Rhode Island Medical Department, that's all right.

Don't look at the delicate and frail appearance of the girl in white clothes, maybe she is a miracle doctor who can save people between life and death.

After all, when he was in the Tower of Babel, Lynn had seen all kinds of doctors, and he was used to it for a long time.

The medical department is really a place where talents emerge in large numbers.

What Lynn didn't notice was that the moment she saw him, the Sarkaz girl in black suddenly tensed her body. She habitually grasped the staff, as if holding a sword, and then let go .

She glanced at the sword that Lynn had placed beside her in surprise, as if recalling some unpleasant memories.

And it wasn't until they walked away that the girl in white turned around suspiciously.

"The Shining? What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, Liz, I just met familiar people."

The girl known as Shining let out a long breath.

"Fate is really wonderful...Although I guessed that I might meet him here, when I really saw this sword again, I still felt a faint pain."

"Pain? Is Shining hurt?"

The girl in white grabbed Shining's hand nervously, and Shining shook her head slightly.

Her slender but strong fingers gently brushed her lower abdomen, recalling the confrontation between her and Lynn when she was wearing the mask of the Absolutionist when they were in two opposite camps.

Under the heavy robe, there was a long-healed sword mark, which seemed out of place with the surrounding delicate skin.

"The wound has already healed, but the pain will never be forgotten."


Angelina was invited out of Kelsey's office with a dazed expression.

Lin En told her long ago that Kelsey is good everywhere, but there is one problem that cannot be changed, that is, she never refuses to speak properly, and she can expand a simple sentence to forty or fifty words. He spoke in the style of a Riddler.

She didn't believe it at first, but when she really communicated with Kelsey, she was stunned by just a few words from the other party.

Who am I, where am I, what is she talking about?

"Then, if there is no problem, just sign it."

I understand this!

So the dazed little fox signed a contract of sale for himself without knowing it, gratifying, gratifying, gratifying.

And just when she was about to close the door respectfully, Kelsey's voice came from the office again.

"Reserve operator Angelina, before leaving, ask Lynn to come in."

Picture: "Shining Nightingale (grass version)", location: "Images/1627160340-100259672-107441074.jpg"

Image: "Grass", Location: "Images/1627160227-100259672-107441074.jpg"

PS: The first volume will be finished tomorrow!

Jie Ge's Bizarre Adventure:

Chapter 22 new tasks

Kelsey's office does not have the tidy and clean feeling of most successful people. On the contrary, it looks messy in Lynn's view.

But considering that Kelsey is the kind of person who can't wait to split one hour into two hours on weekdays, and as a boss, he will lead by example and take the lead in working overtime, which is not too surprising.

There used to be a doctor who helped her share the work during the Tower of Babel, but now it’s a good thing. After the doctor disappeared, Kelsey fell directly into the crisis of death from overwork. To be in charge of the operation of Rhodes Island, negotiate with heroes from all walks of life, and even go out once and pick up a patient with severe symptoms of ore disease, and perform surgery himself...

Considering that she is the actual supreme leader of Rhodes Island...


In this regard, Lynn admires Kelsey from the bottom of her heart. This kind of appearance that is willing to fight for her ideals to the last bit of reason is really pretty.

"I think you should find a secretary, at least help you tidy up the office."

"There are no idlers on Rhodes Island, why don't you come? The salary can be negotiated."

"Forget it, I'm used to idleness, and I'm not used to this kind of big company."

Facing Lynn's words, Kelsey just rolled her eyes and didn't mind much. She picked up the coffee next to her and took a sip, the heavy expression on her face relaxed a little.

"This is the information you brought back after all the hard work along the way."

Kelsey spread out a letter and put it on the table. The notes on this letter were very new and should have been written on the spot. The contents of the letter were attached to Angelina's staff with a special origin stone skill Until she arrives at the destination, the content of the letter will naturally unfold under Kelsey's Originium skill.

Lynn raised his brows, and unceremoniously picked up the letter and began to read it.

"This is impossible."

He frowned, and made such an assertion.

"It is impossible for the integration movement to have any contact with the Ursus Third Army. Tallulah is an idealist, not a conspirator. Even if this happened, the captain and Yelena would be merciless." Harvest the life of the traitor."

Integration movement and third army contact?Even the latter provided funds and armaments for the former?

In Lynn's view, this is simply nonsense. You must know that in the past few years, the integration movement has fought guerrilla warfare with Ursas' army in the wilderness for several years, and the two sides have long been dead.

"But this letter is undoubtedly true. Leaving aside the obstacles you received in the wasteland, it came from a former operative of the Tower of Babel—he is now working for the Integration Movement as a Sarkaz mercenary. It was he who risked his life to deliver this information."

Lynn remained silent, while Kelsey continued to speak: "Rhode Island plans to welcome the doctor back."

"Doctor, this is really a name I haven't heard for a long time, Kelsey, it seems that you sealed the doctor in Chernobog's coffin back then."

"Rhode Island can't do without her, and Amiya can't do without her."

Kelsey didn't want to talk much about it, she just mentioned it briefly and then changed the subject.

"According to reliable information, the integration movement is now operating near the Chernobog waterway. I have every reason to believe that they will take action soon-this will become an obstacle that cannot be ignored when we act. Huge destabilizing factor."

"At this time, you discovered that the integration movement was connected with the Third Army representing the main combat faction of the Ursas military... Hey, if you can't solve this problem, you must be unable to sleep at night, right?"

"That's right, if the integration movement really reached an agreement with the Ursus Third Army, then Chernobog will be a huge trap with conspiracy, and Rhodes Island will have to grit its teeth Jump in and get chestnuts out of the fire."

Kelsey admitted it very generously.

No matter what it is, once it has something to do with the Ursus military, it will definitely be troublesome.

Kelsey understood this acutely during her time in Ursus.Especially the Third Army and the Fourth Army, which are the main fighters, are basically either making trouble or on the way to make trouble.

What is their intention in contacting the integration movement?Ursus is the country with the strictest treatment of infected people. Those gentlemen who are full of malice towards infected people don't necessarily want to incorporate the integration movement, right?

Kelsey doesn't have a deep understanding of the integration movement. She only knows that it is an armed organization mainly composed of infected people. In order to protect the lives of infected people and other rights and interests, they have fought guerrilla warfare against the Ursus army on the permafrost for several years. In addition, Lynn had been with the integration movement for a while before coming to Kazdale, and he had a close relationship with several cadres of the integration movement.

Could it be that the Third Army wants to turn the integration movement into a knife in its own hands...?

Then what is their goal?Is it to completely ruin the reputation of the infected, or is it an attempt to use these infected as a forward to attack the nearby Longmen?

In other words, to use the power of the integration movement to wipe out the dissident noble forces entrenched in Chernobog...

Even Kelsey, who claims to be "omniscient", can hardly make a judgment without sufficient intelligence support.

She can think of countless possibilities in an instant, but these are just possibilities, and she cannot determine the opponent's next move.

"So Lynn, I have a new commission here. I want to commission you to go to Chernobog. The threat of the Reunification Movement is imminent, and you may be able to help us out."

Kelsey's eyes were full of inaudible expectations. Lynn was indeed Rhodes Island's best help in this matter. Not only was he strong, but he also understood the integration movement very well. With his help, Dr. The success rate can be increased by a full ten percent.

The plan to rescue the doctor is extremely dangerous. The black coffin that seals the doctor is also something that is strictly guarded and protected by those in power in Chernobog. Variables, the success rate may drop to single digits.

Lin En glanced at the letter in his hand, he closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and when he opened them again, there was determination in his eyes.

"Okay, I just want to question Tallulah, how true is this information?"

He raised the sword, his expression gradually serious.

"If she is sincere, I will help her. If she turns bad, I will kill her."

end of volume one

Image: "Picture", Location: "Images/1627306225-100259672-107441180.jpg"

PS: Thanks to @{"reader_id":"259165","reader_name":"Fruit Color Miracle"} for the spicy bar!

Chernoborg tour :

Chapter 1 White Lies

"Alright, now that you have accepted the entrustment, let's talk about the compensation."

Facing Lynn's words, Kelsey frowned and reported a very astonishing number.

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