Wang Mingyang said swearingly.

On the face is the same "compassionate" color as the Buddhist monk.

Facing Wang Mingyang's words.

Tang Sanzan shook his head expressionlessly and said: "There is almost no falsehood in what you said, but there is only one point, which is false."


Wang Mingyang was stunned, as if he didn't quite understand why such a sentence popped out of Tang Sanzan's mouth suddenly.

Tang Sanzan had a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Take advantage of his convenience.

He easily peeked at all the secrets deep in the other party's heart.

An extremely ordinary soul can't hide even half of it in front of Tang Sanzan.

So... about this guy, why does it "split".

Perhaps Wang Mingyang himself has forgotten this point "after the split".

But Tang Sanzan is very clear!

"The dispute between good and evil is true, it is true that the soul is divided into two sides, and it is also true that it was selected by Qingming High School to obtain the highest authority!"

"The only thing that is false is... the original you was actually separated from your body while indulging evil thoughts."

"Deep in your heart, you desire to completely indulge and vent, but you have always been submissive, but you can't do this."

"It's obviously a good way to separate his evil thoughts and let him accomplish everything he wants to do."

"Even... able to keep your 'innocence', right?"

"So... when the opportunity comes, you who bear the 'Mandate of Heaven' actually noticed something."

"That's when your plan began..."

Tang Sanzan didn't continue talking.

The fact is already obvious.

Wang Mingyang deliberately divided his evil thoughts and let him act recklessly.

Even the power of more authority in Evil Thought was intentionally done by him.

"Shan Nian Mian" is willing to endure the torment of evil thoughts, dormant for countless years.

The reason... is to completely secure the position of the ruler of the prototype of the underworld!

Among other things, in terms of affordability alone, Wang Mingyang may be due to the early "sharpening".

He has almost reached the level of "invulnerability".

Wang Mingyang, this seemingly simple guy.

But there are also scheming calculations!

Everything in Qingming High School seems to be under the control of the evil side.

But in fact.

From beginning to end, it is within the so-called "Shan Nian Nian" plan!

And that includes...the doomed failure of the evil side!

Because... from the moment he was selected, Wang Mingyang learned some secrets in the dark.

The evolution of Netherland...was never for the purpose of annihilating living beings.

Not to satisfy his own selfish desires!

So... he calculated that with the existence of evil thoughts, sooner or later, he would be reduced to what he is now.

Even if not, the body that was carefully crafted by evil thoughts.

It is also destined not to be fused by the evil side.

Because...the existence in the dark has created all of this.

An extremely selfish, extremely evil guy will definitely not be allowed to control Netherland.

As for him, Wang Mingyang, who cut off his evil side, he would naturally be a perfect choice.

Seems like a battle between good and evil.

In fact, it was just a calculation by Wang Mingyang following the trend.

Even if there is no such special existence as Tang Sanzan.

In the end.

It will also follow the script of "Good Thoughts" Wang Mingyang.

The evil side that seems to be in control of "absolute authority" doesn't know it at all.

The authority gap between "Shan Nian Mian" and him is actually not that big.

And for such a gap, it only needs the ghosts in Qingming High School to lean towards him.

It can easily make up for it, and in turn suppress the evil side.

When Qingming High School evolved into Netherland.

It's time for "Shan Nian Nian" to launch a counterattack.

One is good and the other is evil, one is upright and the other is reckless.

The answer to this multiple-choice question is naturally obvious.

Even Li Ge would probably choose to stand on the side of "good thoughts".

The situation... In fact, it will always be in the hands of the inconspicuous "benevolent side".

It's a pity...he ran into Tang Sanzan.

All the ghosts in Qingming High School were instantly killed by Tang Sanbu.

Even those scattered permissions that were originally distributed to them.

Not only did they not return to the space between heaven and earth, but they gathered on Tang Sanzan instead.

He didn't even expect it.

Tang Sanzan actually solved the evil side at such a speed of light, and he was also suppressed together.

So that... the situation turned around too fast, like a tornado.

"Shan Nian Nian" didn't even have time to react.

He has already been reduced to a prisoner, and his calculations are completely in vain.


Chapter 296 The Arrival of the Ghost Bus

"Push everything to the heinous evil thoughts."

"As for myself, I am Zhuo Qinglian and not a demon."

"Tsk tsk tsk... How perfect, in this way, to sit firmly in the position of the ruler of Netherland."

"Is not it?"

Tang Sanzan looked at Wang Mingyang jokingly.

The tone was full of sarcasm.

Hum... What are you kidding.

It took such a huge price for me to win this Qingming High School.

This guy just wanted to say a few words and pick his own peaches?

That is obviously impossible.

One side.

The extremely bad avatar who was bound in place by the seal had already looked dull and numb.

Tang Sanzan's words hit him thoroughly.

I never dreamed that my own existence was actually just a product of "my" calculations!

Everything he did was just to pave the way for "Shan Nian Noodles".

After the truth is revealed.

The evil side is like a clown.

Fortunately, he tried more than once to confuse his own "good side".

Looking at it now, it's not ridiculous at all!

His actions, in front of the "Shan Nian Mian", are completely like a clown.

He thought he won everything, but in fact he lost completely!

Wang Mingyang faced evil thoughts, his face was already numb and dull, without any reaction.

The broken state of mind is far more fatal than the physical injury.

There is a saying that there is nothing more sad than death.

That's what he's in right now.

In the gray and black intertwined world, the sky has changed from the original dark red.

Gradually turned into a gray appearance.

Qingming High School, at this moment, is only one step away from becoming the real Netherland!

That is... to make this world a true master.

A statue that can maintain the order of the Netherland and protect the existence of the Netherland!


The atmosphere at this moment is nothing but silence.

Wang Mingyang thought about his face, his face was ugly, and he didn't say a word.

The truth has been mercilessly revealed by the other party.

Then I want to inherit the imminent perfection of Netherland with the identity of "cutting down evil thoughts, Gao Guangwei is upright".

That would really be treating the monk in front of him as a fool.


After a long silence.

Seeing Tang Sanzan, he didn't even want to kill them immediately.

In Wang Mingyang's heart, a glimmer of hope was born again.

As everyone knows... Tang Sanzang's current focus is not on him at all.

Instead... looking out into the dim sky.

There, there is a bus, which is slowly approaching at the moment.

"Fulfill me, I swear that from now on, I will respect you as the master and serve you by the master's side!"

"A master of the underworld as your loyal servant will also make your face glow, won't it?"

"Master! As long as you help me, I can pay any price! Anything!"


Wang Mingyang's kind thoughts face, in order to survive.

It can be said that there is nothing to do.

Anything can be said, and there is no half-principle or bottom line at all.

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