After Tang Sanzan approached, he looked at the dark corner with a calm expression.

In his heart, he was constantly thinking and guessing.

Now is the time when the sun is shining, not night.

The ghost in front of him is obviously not very powerful, but he is willing to brave the scorching sun and come to find him.

The secret in this is somewhat interesting.

Following the appearance of the little ghost hiding in the black mist, his Xintong also activated silently.

Just for a moment, the icy look on Tang San's buried brow became more and more intense!

Because... this seemingly insignificant brat.

It actually involved a restricted area of ​​the Yan Kingdom that no living person could enter!

As for the existence of this little devil itself, it is just a pawn being used.

" happened to bump into me, Lord Buddha. If you don't go there, I'm sorry for your hard work in inviting me."

Tang Sanzan sneered.

His eyes fell on the strange imprint that suddenly appeared on the back of his left hand.

It was a strange seal with a unique shape, similar to a coat of arms.

In the middle of the mark, some kind of text that ordinary people cannot understand is written.

However, under the eyes of wisdom.

Tang Sanzan recognized the four big characters - Qingming High School.

These four characters are the name of the restricted area.

The strange mark on the back of the hand is the admission notice.

Or... a letter of employment.

About Qingming High School, this weird forbidden zone for humans.

Tang Sanzan had enough understanding from the materials of the Yin Ye Group.

According to the record.

Qingming High School existed before the horror revived.

But at that time, it was just a normal school.

Of course... there are some things that are not quite normal.

For example, the location where it was established happened to be in a very yin place.

What's more coincidental is... this extremely dark place is also a mass grave.

For some unknown reason, this Qingming High School was established here.

Even the name "Qing Ming" is very down to earth.

all in all.

After all the coincidences add up, it is not a coincidence.

If nothing else, accidents will always happen.

Qingming High School, no accident, after the recovery of terror came.

It directly turned into a restricted area for human beings, and all the human beings around the entire campus were spared and all died.

And from there.

The perennial black mist shrouded the surroundings of Qingming High School.

When outsiders approached, they could always hear the sound of students reading and laughing in the mist.

And the sound of the school bell ringing and so on.

After Qingming High School was turned into a dead place, there were many people who went in to investigate.

Without exception, no one has ever come out.

The top power in the hidden night group also tried to eradicate this restricted area.

But the strange thing is that the place shrouded in black mist seems to form a special closed-loop space.

It has a strange and tyrannical rule blessing, and it cannot be broken!

A strong person whose strength surpasses the Dao Transformation Realm cannot enter it at all.

In desperation, they could only allow Qingming High School to turn into a restricted area for human beings.

So far, no strangers are allowed to enter.

But the problem is.

It's true that people don't want to mess with places like this.

Qingming High School is a weird forbidden place, but it will always be at certain times.

Manipulate some weak ghosts and go out to distribute so-called "admission notices" and "job notices".

And the creatures touched by such ghosts, no matter demons or humans.

On the back of his hand, there will be a strange mark that belongs to Qingming High School.

Once the imprint appears.

also represents.

Qingming High School has its eyes on you.

Within three days, they must go to and enter the Qingming High School shrouded in black mist.

Otherwise... Once more than three days, people who have not been able to enter it.

tends to...die badly...

PS: Let’s put the update in the afternoon and evening. During the recent period, the author probably has difficulty adjusting his schedule. Let’s sleep during the day and update the code at night. Good night and sweet dreams, everyone!

Chapter 232

once Upon a time.

Has the hidden power to transform the Dao realm.

The distance from the Taoist realm is already considered to be the kind that is only close to the door.

That's how it exists.

I don't know why.

Even an existence like him was found by Qingming High School.

Even the method to find him is exactly the same as that in front of Tang Sanzan.

Send a ridiculously weak imp.

This little devil has a negligible relationship with the target.

It can even be the kind that just met once!

all in all.

As long as there is any form of contact with this little ghost who is regarded as a pawn.

One word, one look...

It will let the imprint of Qingming High School fall on the selected person.

It's like a unique, irresistible force of rules.


After all... even the power at the peak of Dao Transformation Realm.

None of them escaped its lock, and were finally branded.

However, since it is the hidden power of Dao Transformation Realm.

Naturally, he would not just sit and wait to die after being targeted like an ordinary monk.

Not to mention obeying the rules of Qingming High School and entering the weird world in the black mist within three days.


This powerful man at the peak of Dao Transformation has arranged various means.

When the three-day period comes, I plan to fight against Qingming High School!

The result... chilling!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the soul of the Dao Transformation Realm.

It was directly taken away out of thin air, and the physical body just became an empty shell.

At the beginning, this caused quite a stir.

As a result, countless evil cultivators swarmed here, their bones piled up into mountains, and the ground was soaked in blood.

The body of a strong man in the Dao Realm.

Its allure is naturally unimaginable.

It's just... after the battle for the physical body of the Dao Transformation powerhouse is over.

People are just beginning to recall... Qingming High School's methods are so weird and terrifying!

The power at the peak of the Dao Transformation Realm is not a Chinese cabbage, the kind that can be manipulated by others.

Even if it is placed in the Buddha's land, it can definitely be called a top combat power.

It is such an existence that has been folded into the hands of Qingming High School.

Since then, the name of Qingming High School's restricted area has been completely established, and no one dares to spy on it.


"you are?"

Tang Sanzan put away his thoughts, and his eyes fell on the kid in front of him.

Although his body was wrapped in black mist.

Tang Sanzan was still able to see through the figure in the black mist with his eyes.

"Little master, I am a resident of Nancheng District, and I have the honor to admire your powerful means."

The ghostly answer was full of awe in its tone.

" are looking for me to help you get out of this situation?"

"No, no, I don't know why... After death turned into a ghost, I especially want to see you, little master."

The ghost in the black mist gradually became confused.

Even his eyes began to become stiff and numb until he completely lost himself.

"Ji Jie Jie..." A gloomy and sly smile came from Gui Ying's mouth.

"Qingming High School... looking forward to your arrival..."

That piercing and weird sound was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching glass.

Tang Sanzan frowned, and a beam of Buddha's light poured down directly.


The heart-throbbing sound resounded instantly.

The originally faint black mist was illuminated by the pure Buddha light of Tang Sanbu.

It was dispelled in an instant.

"Uh...I'm...what's wrong?"

The weak ghost came back to his senses with a confused expression on his face.

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