The villagers are both fearful and respectful of the person that Lord Jingshen personally told him to take good care of. They would glance at them curiously when passing by. If they find Tatami looking at them, they usually lower their heads and hurry past Don't dare to look directly at him.

After having enough physical strength for a long-distance trek, Tatami finally made up his mind, picked up the crutch that Fei Renjing gave him, and walked step by step to the hill not far from the village. It is said that he was on that hill The shrine that was discovered in the shrine, for what happened that day, that shrine maiden.He didn't figure it out, and he was always a little bit reconciled.

The dappled sunlight shines through the branches onto the old stone-paved road. Green moss almost covered the entire steps. The road was very slippery. Although it was a bit difficult to walk, Tatami persisted.He felt that there seemed to be someone behind him, but because of the poor tracking skills of the other party, Tatami could easily see that the other party was from the village, and he was probably worried about himself.

Seeing that he was not someone who wanted to make trouble for him, Tatami didn't care too much, and continued to walk on the steps paved with stone slabs.

Tatami climbed the mountain road for a whole morning today, which might have taken only a few minutes or ten minutes.He set off around sunrise, and when he climbed to the top of the mountain, the sun was already high in the sky. The lush branches and leaves, the fresh air, and the entire mountain were surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland on earth. This also made Tatami feel that his trip was not in vain.

But Tatami didn't seem to appreciate this rare beauty, because a dilapidated shrine caught his eyes.

Leaning on crutches, Tatami stepped into this courtyard-sized shrine. Although it was dilapidated, this shrine still gave people a sacred feeling, like a princess from a defeated country, even though she had been demoted to common people or even She is a slave, but her temperament is far beyond comparison to ordinary people.The same is true for this shrine. Although it is just a ruin, Tatami still feels that the momentum in this shrine seems to have a soul.

According to the direction in his memory, Tatami came to a sunny direction in the guest room of the shrine. Soon, he saw the familiar room, where he had been lying down.

"It's true." Tatami finally understood that Fei Renjing didn't lie to herself.However, what happened that day left a deep impression on him. The bitter taste of the medicine and the figure of the witch did not look fake at all.

But... how to explain the scene in front of me?

Putting the crutches aside, Tatami lay flat, closed his eyes slowly, relaxed his whole body, and slowly slowed down his breathing.



A familiar fragrance penetrated his nostrils, and when he opened his eyes, there was still the glaring sunlight, the lazy back, and a cup of tea and a plate of senbei beside him.

"Yo, are you back?" The witch said lazily after taking a bite of the senbei without looking back.

Tatami didn't know that the villagers following him found that he had walked into the cloud-shrouded mountain and followed him, but when he came in, he found that Tatami himself seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, everywhere I couldn't find it, but I found a crutch that was still warm among the ruins.

A few villagers look at me and I look at you, "The big thing is not good, hurry up and inform Lord Jingshen!"

Then several people hurried down the mountain and disappeared on the mountain road.

"Who are you, and where is this place?" Tatami looked at the back and sat up.

"I'm a shrine maiden, and a shrine." Absently answering Tatami's question, this shrine maiden doesn't seem to have the sacred meaning of a maiden at all, and she's not as good as Jigami Qiusha .

"Are you really a witch? Then can you explain to me, what do the ruins here mean?" Tatami gradually became vigilant, "Can you explain to me, are you a human? Or a ghost? "

"Of course it's a human!" The witch stretched her waist, revealing her clean armpits, and the huge bowknot on her head trembled as if alive, as if nothing in this world could make her get out of this laziness. liberated from the situation.

"So... it looks like the floor hasn't been swept yet?"

Tatami, who originally thought the other party was going to say something, saw that the other party suddenly picked up the broom next to him, and a crossroad suddenly appeared on his forehead, and he waved his hand with his limited divine power.

The fallen leaves in the yard were immediately swept up by a force, and they were neatly piled up on the side of the road.

"Okay, now can you tell me who you are?"

Looking at the clean courtyard, the witch scratched her head, sat down again, poured another cup of tea, and basked in the sun lazily.

"Hey! Don't you want to say something?" Tatami called out to the other party when he saw that the other party did not respond again.

"What are you talking about?" The witch turned her head, looked at Tatami and said, "Oh... for the sake of the incense money you offer, I forgive you for doing things that are disrespectful to the gods at the shrine. is you."

"Incense money?" Tatami was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Hmm, it seems that you are also a very wealthy guy." The witch took out a wallet casually, and that wallet was very familiar to Tatami, and it belonged to him.

Before, he thought that Scarlet Mirror was holding it temporarily, but now it seems that he was actually snatched away by this witch who appeared from nowhere.

"You bastard...give it back to me!" For some reason, after leaving Academy City, Tatami's temper became irritable. He had a sense of concern about this witch and this shrine. Now he finally couldn't bear it anymore, he clenched his left fist and hit the witch.

He barely used his divine power before, but now it is not as good as just now. His soft fist may be able to catch even a child. Naturally, it is not a problem for the witch. She easily caught Tatami's fist. attack.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The limp fist was easily blocked by the witch, Tatami was not only not angry, but a little surprised.

He was too irritable before, but he ignored too much, such as why his divine power, which was already close to exhaustion, was more, and he who was struggling to walk was now able to swing his fist!

"Patients should lie down properly!" The witch held Tatami's hand with her left hand, and her right hand touched Tatami's forehead. Immediately, Tatami felt a huge force on his forehead, and then lay down.

After laying Tatami down, the witch didn't say anything more, but as if she had discovered something, she froze for a moment, and then showed a somewhat mysterious smile on her face, "If you want to know something, Come to me next time, I believe you already know how to get in."


Tatami covered her forehead and wanted to say something, but then the witch took off the Kekedi on Tatami's wrist, and said meaningfully, "Staying here will be of great help to her, I believe You also have a deep understanding?"

Tatami didn't understand it at first, but he soon realized that maybe this shrine was of great help to the recovery of divine power and spiritual power, otherwise his sudden divine power could not be explained.

Originally, Tatami wanted to say that he was recovering his divine power here, but then his eyes blurred and he lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, it was already the original broken shrine.

Clutching her chest, Tatami sat up slowly.

"Before... was it a dream?"

Tatami is not sure, if it is a dream, it is too real, if it is not a dream, then the other party must be the guardian of this broken shrine, or she is the god of this shrine in the first place!

Regarding the theory of gods and ghosts, Tatami can be said to be completely convinced now. After all, in a sense, he is a god, and he has even seen Amano Misaki and Black Ten who have the power of ghosts and gods and the ghost power of the three realms Nine, therefore, he became more interested in the identity of the witch.

Just as he was contemplating, he was suddenly awakened by a pleasantly surprised sound.

"Master Mirror God! Master Tatami is here!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of hurried footsteps and dogs barking came from all directions, and Tatami noticed that the ruins of the shrine, which was not very big, were full of people at this time, and it was Scarlet Mirror who took the lead .

"Great!" Seeing Tatami, Scarlet Mirror breathed a sigh of relief.

When he heard the people who followed Tatami say that Tatami was missing, Fei Renjing was really shocked. He thought it was Wang Xi who had chased him here, so he quickly took the people from the village up the mountain to look for him. .

As a result, he searched the entire shrine, but found no trace of the other party. Just when he was about to send someone to dig three feet into the ground, Tatami miraculously appeared.

Fei Renjing looked at Tatami with a confused look on his face, and quickly sent someone to carry Tatami down. Now only the two of them are left in the whole news. If something happens to Tatami again, Scarlet Inkyung will never forgive himself.

On September 80.00th, Academy City, the battle between Kaze and Uchiha Kamitsuki came to an end when Uchiha Kamitsuki was rescued by a mysterious woman with green hair, but due to the raging wind and fire, Academy City can say The loss was heavy, causing more than [-]% of Academy City's functions to be paralyzed within a few hours.

Not only that, the "angel" from the scientific side appeared, and the president of the Heresy Inquisition, who was traveling with Wind Ahead, was unfortunately killed in a fight with Anbu News in Academy City, and more than [-]% of the Roman Orthodox troops collapsed.

But Academy City is also not feeling well. All members of News, including the "Doll Bookstore" with the same status as the magic side, disappeared that night, and there is no news!

On October [-]st, Academy City officially affirmed the existence of magic.

On the other hand, the Roman Orthodox Church also attacked Academy City due to the existence of "angels" in Academy City and the death of the president of the Inquisition Society.

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