"You...didn't participate in the Daihasei Festival?" Misaka Mikoto was the first to speak, she looked at Tatami curiously and asked.

"I'm different from you guys. I'm banned from participating in any competitions, so... now I'm helping the disciplinary committee catch the impostor of the golden-eyed black knight."

"I heard from Heizi that although I really want to help, but..." Misaka Mikoto smiled bitterly. She is different from Tatami. Tatami cannot participate, but she must participate. "Heizi will be in your care."

"Don't worry, with me here, no one will be hurt, besides... I almost already know who that fake is." Tatami patted his chest and said confidently.

"Really?" Misaka Mikoto obviously didn't believe it, "Heizi told me yesterday that you just picked up the other's shoe, how could you find it so quickly?"

"Don't confuse me with what she said, although I'm not sure if it's him, but... I'm pretty sure."

"That's good!" Misaka Mikoto nodded, "So, if you catch that imposter...um... how about I give you a reward?"

"Reward? What reward?" Tatami didn't seem very interested in this reward.

"This is a secret, come on!" Misaka Mikoto smiled mysteriously, but did not say what the reward was.

"Okay, then I'll just look forward to it." Stretching, Tatami said lazily.

"Hmm... By the way, why hasn't Mom returned from buying ice cream?"

"Ice cream?!" Hearing this word, Tatami was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the reason why he came here, "Oops, Miss Pao, I won't bother you to catch up with your family. See you in a few days!"

Tatami hurriedly bid farewell to Misaka Mikoto, and then rushed not far away like the wind, making Misaka Mikoto behind him smile wryly.

While running, Tatami accidentally bumped into another person, but this time he just passed by. The golden curly hair of the other person made a deep impression on him, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, just said I'm sorry, but then rushed not far away again.

"Is this the God Son of Science?" Orianna looked at Tatami's back and smiled softly, "What a reckless guy."

She didn't pay attention to Tatami. In fact, as long as the other party doesn't hinder her, she doesn't want to be an enemy.

When Tatami found Shirai Heizi with ice cream, Shirai Heizi's resentment had materialized, making no one dare to approach her within ten meters of her body.

Night can cover up everything and cover everything. All the things that should not happen and the unforgivable things happen in the night.

This is a young man in a white special attack uniform. He walks in the dark without fear. The headband on his head and the red sun on his chest make him look so... .two!

Alright... Maybe his attire was too flamboyant. Finally, the fake golden-eyed black knight couldn't bear it anymore, and he stood silently in front of the boy.

"Are you the black knight with golden pupils?" The boy looked at the knight wrapped in darkness, and he was not as flustered as the others, or even scared.

The knight didn't speak, but quickly moved to the boy's side and punched him, but to his surprise, the boy wasn't blown away by him as he imagined.

"Shooting without any warning, it really is lack of backbone, or is it patience? Not enough patience? After comprehensive judgment, you are indeed the golden-eyed black knight who has been walking in the dark recently!"

The boy's reaction was beyond the expectations of the golden-eyed black knight. Before he could react, the boy made another move.

"I'm one of the espers in Academy City. Seven... No, I'm the eighth out of the eight, Sogiita Gunba, but what I'm saying now is that the raging waves in my heart are going on. overflowing!!"

He opened his hands and leaned back like a bow. With a bang, colorful smoke mixed with red, green and yellow billowed out from behind him.

The fake golden-eyed black knight took a look at the handsome boy in Chuuji, or Sogiita Gunha, pulled the water pipe on the wall with one hand, used it as a weapon, and rushed towards Sogiita Gunha.

"You don't speak, you only know about Yimei's attack, where is your backbone? Strong fist!"

The golden-eyed black knight who hadn't rushed in front of Sogiita Gunba was suddenly hit by an invisible shock wave, and flew upside down like a broken sack.

The golden-eyed black knight thought that with his own strength, it would be easy to take down the eighth place of this superpower, but he didn't expect that this bone was so difficult to crack, so after suffering a loss, he had the intention of retreating.

"Want to run? A man needs to have backbone! How can he escape! Strong fist!" Sogiita Gunba obviously looked down on his behavior, and another shock wave hit the golden-eyed black knight.

Before, whether it was Tatami or Shirai Kuroko, they attacked him with the purpose of capturing him alive, so that he didn't suffer too much injury, so he had a fluke mentality, but he never thought that he would provoke Such an aggressive master.

Hit head-on by two spine-filled shock waves, the golden-eyed black knight was at the end of his battle. He moved to the distance bit by bit on the ground, trying to find a chance to escape, but under the eighth man, he survived ?

Sogiita Gunba stood behind the golden-eyed black knight, raised his fist, and then slowly lowered it, "You don't deserve to be defeated by me, you are such a spineless person, I don't want to be your enemy, you do it yourself!"

The eighth person left, leaving only the black knight with golden eyes, lingering on the ground...

ps: I find that I can no longer write the feeling I want. What I want to say is that this book is probably coming to an end. After this volume, there will probably be another volume, which will invade Academy City in the wind ahead At the end of the time, maybe I will write a little more, but as long as that time comes, it will almost be the end.

As for whether I will write a new article, I am not sure. Maybe I will write down the book about the mourning girl, maybe I will start a new one, maybe I won’t write it, everything depends on what I think at the time.

Chapter 370 True and False

"Ahem..." Golden blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, Cun Yanye took off his armor with great effort, and lay down in the living room.

"Superpower..." Thinking of the scary guy before, Cun Yanye was afraid again, as long as the other party attacked like that a few more times, he might lose consciousness.

But this also made him more thirsty for power.

Strength, what a charming word, after receiving the strengthening potion given to him by the mysterious person, Cun Yanye finally understood what it means to be strong.

No one dared to bully him, and everyone was in awe of him. In the past, those who he respected as wolves and tigers were just like the ants on the side of the road.

But these are not enough!

Cun Yan Ye clenched his fists.

These are not enough!There are people stronger than yourself!There are still people who can look down on themselves!There are still people who can despise themselves and say to themselves that they are not worthy of dying in his hands!

So, even stronger!

"I still need...more...better effects...a stronger potion with better effects!" Cun Yanye's golden eyes exuded an aura called **.

"Hey, let me tell you, will he really come to the door?" Shirai Heizi asked while sitting in the Keqi Room, boredly looking at Tatami.

"Well, I should have thought it was him, but I didn't expect him to actually use that." Tatami looked at the door confidently and said.

Outside the door, although it was almost night, there were still a lot of people due to the Daba Star Festival, but it was unknown whether counterfeit goods would be mixed in the crowd.

Inside the door, although Ke Qiwu has a background, he did not dare to be a typical example during the Daba Star Festival, so even though it was almost evening, there was no wine or anything on the table, and it was still desserts, as well as admiration. coming guests.

I don't know how long it has passed, anyway, Shirai Heizi has already eaten cakes and can't eat any more, there is finally movement outside the door!

Suddenly there was a commotion in the street where people were coming and going. Not long after, groups of knights in armor appeared outside the door.

People outside Academy City didn't know what this meant, they thought it was a parade held by Academy City, but many people inside Academy City knew that those were members of the Golden Eye Knights.

The knights stopped at the entrance of the Keqi House, looking at the Keqi House as if they were facing an enemy, which made many people in the Keqi House leave in a hurry.

"T... Tatami, we... Huh?" Shirai Heizi originally wanted to ask Tatami what to do, but when he turned around, he found that Tatami next to him didn't know what to do. When is it gone.

The knights neatly separated a path, and with the sound of heavy footsteps, a knight who was dressed slightly differently from the other knights came out. The knight's golden eyes caused a commotion. blockbuster.

"Kechi House is the gathering place of all the beasts. Today, our Knights with Golden Eyes will destroy it here!" The fake Black Knight with Golden Eyes is obviously very satisfied with the influence he has caused. He imitated the Black Knight with Golden Eyes. voice, said loudly.

"Who are you! The black knight with golden pupils is the leader of our Keqi House. Many people know this, but you are actually shouting in front of the Keqi House. Are you tired of your life?" The young man of the house member pointed at the fake golden-eyed black knight and shouted.

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