"Amano? Is that you?" With clasped hands, holding a flying scalpel, Tatami felt more and more familiar with the other person's figure.

The other party didn't speak, but the speed in her hand was getting faster and faster. The scalpel was like a storm, sweeping towards Tatami, but she threw so many scalpels, but she didn't have any intention of stopping at all, just like her medicine chest. The scalpels in there are endless.

Tatami feels more and more that the other party is Misaki Amano. This is not a blind suspicion, but a tacit understanding established between the two for a long time.

For example, if you often watch someone write, you will remember the other person's font.Tatami is often targeted by Misaki Amano, so she has already figured out the law of Misaki Amano's throwing knives and her throwing posture.

And the technique of the female nurse who threw the scalpel was exactly the same as that of Amano Misaki, and some small movements were also exactly the same.

Although he didn't see the other party's appearance clearly, Tatami was almost certain of the other party's identity, and that was Misaki Amano!But she should be in Academy City now, how could she appear here?

After throwing the scalpel for a while to no avail, she dropped the medicine box and turned around without hesitation and ran away. Seeing this, Tatami also followed, not knowing whether the other party was Misaki Amano, he was very unwilling.

**'s footsteps were not very fast, but they were not slow either, just enough for Tatami to keep up, as if trying to lead him somewhere.

Tatami did not hesitate and followed directly.If the other party is really Misaki Amano, then she will definitely not harm herself.If the other party is not, then simply consider yourself unlucky!

Not long after, ** who had been in Tatami's line of sight suddenly stepped into a ward.Seeing this, Tatami hurriedly quickened his pace and followed in.

Pushing open the half-hidden door of the ward, Tatami found that there was no one else in the room except for a scary prop zombie on the ward.

Carefully approaching the prop zombie, and tentatively poked it with the pen of creation, Tatami found that there was nothing in it, only some parts and stuffing.

Since it wasn't this thing, where did the **** just now go?Will the big living disappear?Or... is that **** really a ghost?

No, from the beginning to the present, all the ghosts that appeared were fake, and this one must be no exception, so the other party must be hiding somewhere.

Looking at the ward, the whole ward is the same as other hospitals, but it looks a little more gloomy, and the things are very dilapidated, looking like things from decades ago.

The ward is not too small, there are three cards on the left and right, one of the six wards has a scary prop zombie on it, and there are not many other things.It's just some little desks and a big wardrobe in the corner.

and many more.......

Tatami suddenly realized one thing, how could there be a big wardrobe in the ward?This is obviously unreasonable!

It's like a high school student standing among a group of elementary school students. No matter how you look at it, this wardrobe has nothing to do with the hospital.

Carefully approaching the closet, Tatami poked the closet lightly with the pen of creation, and found that the closet was not locked, or even closed tightly, but was only concealed.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tatami grabbed the cabinet door and pulled it open, but to his surprise, there was no one inside, not even clothes, it was just pitch black.


Tatami discovered an abnormal phenomenon. It stands to reason that it is impossible for shadows to appear in Tatami's pair of true eyes of the evil king, but there is indeed darkness in front of him, as if the true eyes of the evil king have failed.

Rubbing his eyes and opening them again, Tatami found that the darkness in front of him slowly began to disappear to both sides, gradually revealing a gap similar to a passage.

Just as Tatami was thinking about whether to go in, suddenly a huge force hit Tatami's buttocks and drove it into the gap.

While Tatami exclaimed, he didn't forget to look back. Behind him, the woman who had disappeared before was standing at the door of the wooden cabinet in a kicking posture.

You can't even touch a tiger's butt, how dare you kick it!

Rubbing her aching buttocks, Tatami complained, stood up and looked around. This is a strange room, but it looks much more normal than the haunted house in the hospital before.

Looking behind him again, he didn't see the previous gap, but a complete wall, so complete that the inspector couldn't help but praise it.

Although I don't know why the suspected Amano kicked him in, but since the other party brought him to this room, there must be his purpose.

Instead of caring about why the other party brought him into this room, Tatami began to look at the room.

This room can no longer be described as a room, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a hall, because it is very spacious and can be compared with the waiting room of a station.

But here is like a maze, there are countless partitions, or he is really in the maze now, if he remembers correctly, it seems that the maze is next to the haunted house.

"Is there a maze after the haunted house? What are you trying to do..." Looking at the criss-crossing maze-like partitions in the room, Tatami scratched his head and walked in.

ps: Sure enough, I have a relationship with the wallpaper knife...but I plan to never touch that thing again!The last time the scar was not healed, this time I added a new one...Fortunately, this time it was not very deep, just a small bite, and a band-aid can solve it...Next time I will buy a Swiss Army Knife apple......

Chapter 340 Revealed

This maze is not formal at all.

This was Tatami's first reaction after entering the maze.Because the partitions that make up the maze here seem to be placed temporarily, they are very messy, and some even have no way at all, and even the plastic film for decoration on the partitions is crumpled. It seems that I was in a hurry when I posted it, and I didn't organize it at all.

The more he walked, the more confused he became. When he reached the center of the maze, Tatami discovered that there was actually a circular open space in the middle that could accommodate more than a dozen people to rest.

There was no one in the open space, but there was a sign in the middle, but since the sign was not facing Tatami, he didn't see what was written on the sign.

Prompted by curiosity, Tatami took a step and walked around to the front of the sign, wanting to see what was written on it.

Originally, he thought it might be a map of the maze or an introduction card, but to his surprise, it was a mirror!And it's a fun mirror!

There are many decorative patterns on the distorting mirror. In the middle of the disabling mirror, there is a line of words, which reads: Welcome to the distorting mirror paradise.

"Huh?" Seeing the above words, Tatami was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, the surface of the surrounding partitions suddenly peeled off a layer of colored plastic film, revealing the mirror surface inside. .....

Tatami, tall, short, fat, thin, and many strange-looking Tatami appeared in the distorting mirror around him, and the scene was very strange.

Although the self in the distorting mirror is very ridiculous, Tatami can't laugh at all, because... in a place full of mirrors, there is a person who can be said to be invincible!

From the time he met the men in black to now, Tatami felt more and more that they were very similar to some people, that is, members of News.

Scarlet Mirror who uses mirrors to activate space abilities, Wang Xi who has fire abilities, Black Nineteen who can do space abilities in the dark, Misaki Amano who has amazing throwing knife skills, and everyone who attacked him before They're all alike.

"Amano? Glass? Nineteen? Wang Xi? Is it you? Just answer me! Why did you attack me?" Tatami said loudly, looking around the distorting mirror.

No one came out, no one even spoke, only Tatami's voice echoed in the entire hall.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond at all, Tatami sighed and walked towards the direction he came in.He didn't want to stay in this ghost place any longer.

But at this moment, the mutation happened!

The distorting mirror at the entrance of the passage was suddenly pushed by someone, blocking the passage, and then there was a ripple on the mirror surface, and several throwing knives with a cold light flew out of the mirror, and went straight to Tatami's head.

Tatami shortened his body and dodged it. A few flying knives brushed against the top of Tatami's head and sank into the mirror not far behind Tatami.

"Sure enough..." Tatami looked at the mirror that had just returned to calm, and he was very sure that the people who attacked him were the news people, because they didn't hide at all this time, and Misaki Amano also directly used his own throwing knife , not a scalpel.

"Amano, I know your throwing knife, stop playing tricks, come out!" Tatami yelled at the mirror from which the throwing knife flew out just now.

Amano Misaki didn't speak, what answered him was the throwing knife that flew out of the mirror again.

This time it was not a mirror, but dozens of flying knives in several directions. Those flying knives were reflected in the distorting mirror, and it looked more. It was difficult to tell how many flying knives flew out of these distorting mirrors.

What's even more troublesome is that if the throwing knife misses a hit, it will fly into the mirror in front of it, and then fly out of the other mirror. It seems that it is flying back and forth in a reverse direction. In fact, those The flying knife kept flying in a straight line until it lost power and landed.

Throwing knives kept flying out and falling, and some even collided with each other, attacking from an unusually tricky angle, making Tatami flustered for a while.

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