"Cut..." Shirley cut lightly, Alice moved in response, and with a wave of her big hand, Fengzhan Binghua flew out again, and the whole person hit the sharp object protruding from the roadside, was pierced from behind.

Although the wound was very painful, Feng Zhan Binghua found that his brain was still very clear, and he didn't have the slightest feeling of going into a coma.It was as if I had just been pricked with a toothpick.

Alice came to Feng Zhan Binghua again, grabbed her and put her in front of a glass, "Look at you now, do you still think you are human?"

"Don't..." Feng Zhan Binghua tried to close her eyes, but helplessly, her eyelids disappeared at some point, and there was still that weak glasses girl in the glass, no matter who she was, I'm afraid they will be frightened and run away when they see such a terrifying scene.

The pain in her body has not disappeared, but the wound is slowly healing, and the eyelids and the broken glasses are slowly forming on her face.

This is the essence of Feng Zhan Binghua.

After peeling off the human skin, what remains is the ugly, true essence.

"Do you understand now? You are a monster and you cannot escape. Where do you want to escape to? Is there any place that can accept a monster like you? There is no place for you in the world!" Alice Letting go of his hand, Feng Zhan Binghua fell powerlessly to the ground, with meaningless moaning sounds from his mouth.

If you don't face up to the wound, the pain won't go away.

No matter how hard you try, it's too late.Feng Zhan Binghua has nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide.There is no paradise in the world that can warmly accept this ugly monster without self-consciousness.

Maybe... so dead is also a good choice...

Feng Zhan Binghua's face was ashen, with no fear in her eyes, no hope, just like a walking dead without a soul...or in other words, she didn't even have the qualifications to be called a walking dead!

I really want...I really want to finish that meal with him...

Feng Zhan Binghua thought of him, the first person to tell her his name, the first to smile at her, and the first to invite her to dinner.

Maybe...seeing me again...he won't smile at me...

Touching the wound on his face, Feng Zhan Binghua seemed to have seen Tatami's frightened expression.

This monster of myself...maybe really not fit to live in this world...

Feng Zhan Binghua closed his eyes, waiting for the giant arm of the stone statue to fall, as long as it falls, everything will be over... yes... it's over so simply... ....

As it should be...


A powerful roar sounded, causing Feng Zhan Binghua to open her eyes, and what she saw was a golden figure from the back. Even though the other party had changed clothes, she still called out the other party's name.


Tatami was wearing the divine costume of Kaiwangshen, with a golden lollipop in his mouth. His fist as big as a sandbag was in stark contrast to Alice's huge fist, but it was beyond the power of Fengzhan Binghua. Unexpectedly, Alice's fist slowly cracked, and finally turned into broken stones and scattered all over the ground.

"I didn't expect that you would come to rescue such a monster, a monster who even gave up on himself. As far as I know, you should have known each other for less than a day?" Shirley looked at Tatami in surprise, and Alice's fist had recovered while Shirley was speaking.

"Yeah... She has already given up on herself. If I give up again, won't there be no one in the world who cares about her?" Tatami's golden pupils were not angry, His tone was very calm, without any hesitation.

"I didn't expect you to care so much about this monster. It seems that the world treats that monster well. Anyway, there is another idiot who treats her well..."

"She's not a monster!" Before Shirley finished speaking, another voice sounded, and Qiaoba stepped in front of Feng Zhan Binghua, "She's not a monster! Call it a monster!"

If there's one thing Chopper hates the most, it's that others call him a monster.

In his own group, because of its blue nose, he was often excluded, and after eating the devil fruit, he was feared by humans. If the doctor hadn't saved him, he might have died long ago.

"No... I'm not a monster either. Compared with Feng Zhan, you, a woman, are a monster! You are a monster in human skin!" Chopper said, his body began to swell, and finally became Almost the same height as Alice.

Chapter 330 The Fourth Corner

Chopper and the stone statue Alice had already engaged in sex. This time, Chopper was really angry. He didn't look harmless to humans and animals at all, and beat Alice back.

Although Shirley wanted to help, she was unable to carry it out.Because Tatami was staring at her, she didn't know what happened to Tatami after she left, but she could clearly feel that Tatami had become a little different.

Not only the clothes, but also the other party's gloomy gaze became bright at this time, like two light bulbs in the dark underground street, making Xueli feel uncomfortable all over.

She didn't know that the reason why Tatami became what he is now is entirely because of the magical lollipop in his mouth, which he managed to snatch out from Kekedi's hand. Although it is not a lot, it is enough to deal with the current situation. Condition.


Feng Zhan Binghua asked with a face full of surprise, she was very sure, Tatami naturally saw her terrifying appearance, even so, the other party came to save her, which made her a little puzzled.

"I think you should know about the human-shaped library? As a human-shaped library, wouldn't it be possible for me not to know about your situation?" Tatami turned around and smiled habitually.

At this time, Feng Zhan Binghua remembered that the other party called out his name the first time he saw him.He was just a little surprised to see his abnormal state, and he was not stunned like everyone else.

In other words, he already knew that he was a monster, and he didn't hate himself because of his strangeness.And now, he is still showing that spring-like smile to himself.

"Don't worry, do you think people who can set fire are ordinary humans? Are the female junior high school students who can emit electric discharges like ordinary girls? Outside of Academy City, maybe they are also outright monsters, but in this In the city, no one will crowd them out, because this city is a gathering place for a group of monsters, everyone is a monster, and there is no reason to blame others, so...don't just give up on yourself, because if you If you give up, don’t those of us who are still persisting become Baghas?”

Stretching out his hand and gently wiping the tears off the girl's face, Tatami said softly.

"Hmm..." The girl was trembling, everything was just Shirley and her own conjecture, even though the world abandoned her, there was still a small corner that could accommodate her, because that In the corner, there is also a group of idiots like her.

"Godlike, God's medicine, God's power, God's fire! The four heavenly symbols representing the four realms, deploy the right power in the right direction, and give the right guidance!"

Taking advantage of the gap between Tatami and Feng Zhan Binghua's conversation, Shirley's oil crayon quickly drew a distorted cross in the air.

Creak... Alice's body began to rattle.

It was Alice's wail.

The stone statue has no mouth to speak, but the painful voice can be heard from the joints of the whole body.In order to obey the orders of the strong man, it seems to be desperately turning the gears stuck in the rags.The huge body of the stone statue kept making terrible creaking sounds.Even so, Alice was still moving desperately.

Chopper naturally noticed the strangeness of the other party, and took a few steps back vigilantly. The instinct of the animal told it that something seemed to have changed in the stone statue in front of him.

Sure enough, Alice's originally clumsy movements became more sensitive, and even her strength increased a lot. It was originally suppressed by Chopper, but at this moment it had the faint intention of overtaking it.

"I seem to have heard the power of God... that bastard Kekedi..." Tatami touched the bracelet on his hand and clicked his lips.

Looking back at Feng Zhan Binghua who had basically recovered, Tatami comforted the other party, and then wanted to rush towards Xueli.

"Wait... no! This... will definitely die... this... can't... I...!" But as soon as Tatami turned around, Feng Zhan Binghua grabbed his clothes, and was previously held by Alice. Feng Zhan Binghua, who had been beaten so hard, naturally understood how powerful the stone statue was, so she couldn't help saying, "You and that... that Chopper go first, I... I After the break... Anyway, I can't die..."

"Don't worry!" Tatami directly interrupted Feng Zhan Binghua's words, "I won't die, besides, I won't do the thing of abandoning my friends and running away alone, I think Chopper thinks the same way. "

"But...but..." Feng Zhan Binghua originally wanted to say something, but he hesitated for a long time and still didn't say it.

"Don't forget, the two of us haven't finished our meal yet. I will definitely come back alive and finish that meal with you!" Tatami stretched out her thumb and made a must for Feng Zhan Binghua. Said with a gesture of victory.

Turning around, with a force in his mouth, the golden lollipop turned into countless light spots and merged into Tatami's body, and the Kaiwang's costume on his body also formed a set of armor armed to the teeth in the golden light .

And this piece of armor is exactly the knight that Tatami often wears, but the one on Tatami is golden.

"The rich gold is really better than the gray feeling..." Stretched out a golden fist and clenched it hard, Tatami's golden eyes were full of confidence.

"Alice!" Shirley shouted, dodging behind Alice, while Chopper stood in front of Tatami, the two behemoths looked at each other with fierce fighting intent in their eyes.

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