"Those two guns..."

Looking at the two uniquely shaped double guns in Tatami's hands, and feeling the extinguished fire clouds that lost their magic power supply, Shenyue had roughly guessed something.

Shenyue glanced at Tatami and waved her right hand.

The bottle of red wine on Tatami's right suddenly trembled.


Tatami naturally noticed the bottle of red wine, and he quickly smashed it into pieces with the demon-breaking red rose.


The red wine in the broken wine bottle flowed out, and a strange symbol suddenly lit up inside the red wine, but the symbol quickly went dark.

Although the symbol disappeared in a flash, it was captured by Tatami's golden pupil.

"That's... a rune?"

Tatami recognized that thing, it was the rune used by Stiyl when he unleashed the Witch King.

Although this rune is slightly different from Styre's, it's not much different.

"Are you a rune mage?"

Tatami saw the rune and guessed Shenyue's identity naturally.

"It seems that you got the knowledge of runes from the so-called genius rune magician Stiyl Magnus in London?" Shenyue was not too surprised to see her identity recognized, after all He already knew that there was a rune magician who had fought against the human library, and it was normal for the other party to recognize the runes.

"Compared to you, that so-called genius, Stiyl, is nothing?"

Tatami looked at the densely packed red wine around, and said in a praiseful tone.

"You actually blended the runes into the red wine. I have to say that your method is really not simple."

"Not everyone is as ostentatious as that guy." Shenyue took a sip of red wine, and didn't take Tatami's praise seriously, "People who are too ostentatious will have no good results, besides... ...How can our little scavenger magic association compare with the behemoth of the Church of Necessary Evil? People use the name of a genius rune mage to increase the reputation of their church, but what about us scavenger? It's an unjust death."

"I don't think so." Tatami looked at the other party and narrowed his eyes. "To be able to fight against the largest city on the science side like Academy City, the background of your scavengers must not be simple."

"That's right, Academy City is indeed the largest city on the science side, so...just destroy it! Science will collapse! Magic will regain its glory!"

Shenyue seems to be extremely concerned about the destruction of Academy City. Despite being blocked by the fire cloud, Tatami can still see the excitement in the opponent's eyes.


Tatami looked at Shenyue calmly, and said three words.

"what why?"

"Why are you so keen on destroying Academy City? Is it so important to restore magic to its glory? It's so important that you come to Academy City to catch me at your own risk." Tatami expressed his doubts in his heart.

"Science is useless!" Shenyue said this sentence with a ferocious face, almost roaring, "This world can only be saved by magic!!! Science must be destroyed!!!"

"Stupid thoughts, there are many things that cannot be solved by magic. If science is really destroyed, the world will be in chaos!" Hearing Shenyue's words, Tatami couldn't help but reprimanded him.

"Can't even save people! What's the use of science!"

Shenyue's voice echoed in the wine cellar, and it lasted for a long time.

After hearing Shenyue's last words, Tatami understood that the Uchiha Shenyue in front of him might also be a person with a story.

"What does it mean that you can't save people?" Tatami looked at Shenyue and asked him.

After Shenyue heard Tatami's words, she didn't respond immediately, but calmed down her shortness of breath due to excitement, and calmed herself down.

"Have you ever heard of a life detector?"

"Life detector?" Tatami heard what Shenyue said, thought for a while and asked, "Is it the kind that will prompt when it detects life?"

"Almost..." Shenyue lowered her head and muttered, "I don't even know what that thing is called."

"I am the second young master of the Konoha Consortium, and I have an older sister named Uchiha Shenyin."

Shenyue drank the red wine in her hand and slowly told her story.

"Ten years ago, my sister and I, as the future heirs of the Konoha Consortium, went to a banquet with our parents. Unexpectedly... that banquet would eventually become a banquet of death!"

"Is it a feast of death? Is it a vendetta? Or a terrorist attack?"

Tatami heard Shenyue's words and expressed her guess.

"It's not...we encountered an earthquake..." Shenyue trembled all over, and a look of fear appeared in her eyes.

"I will never forget... the scene where the ground shook and the people rushed to the gate like crazy, many people died in the stampede... and I, with my sister I was pushed into a corner by the crowd...but it was because of this corner...that I survived..."

"You hate science because of this? Earthquakes seem like natural disasters? What's the matter with science?"

After listening to Shenyue's narration, Tatami couldn't help feeling a little curious.

"What do you know! Originally, my sister and I could both survive! But...the people who came to search and rescue clearly heard my sister and me calling for help, but it was only because the life detector did not respond, I gave up the search and rescue!"

"Do you know how I survived?"

Shenyue smiled desolately, and clenched her hands tightly, ignoring the broken goblet in her hand, the glass shards pierced into his palm, and bright red blood flowed out from between the fingers.

"Sister she brought a glass of red wine out of nowhere... she said she found it by accident in the wreckage... I drank it... I survived.. ...while she was allergic to alcohol...and gave me all the red wine...she died..."

"Did he die because he didn't eat for a long time?" Tatami thought for a while and replied.

"No...she didn't die of starvation or thirst...she bled to death..."

After hearing Shenyue's words, Tatami's heart skipped a beat, "Could it be..."

"That's right... That glass of red wine is not real red wine... It's my sister Uchiha Kanon's blood! I was young and ignorant like a vampire, relying on my sister's blood She survived that disaster! But my sister... closed her eyes forever..."

Tatami was silent, he didn't know what to say at this moment, it's no wonder that Shenyue hated science so much after such a thing happened.

"My sister and I were dug out three days after the earthquake. It was not the so-called search and rescue teams that saved us, but a magician. It was raining...it was cold... But my sister's hands are colder...because her body is already stiff..."

"She can't open her eyes anymore..."

ps: Hey, hey... I actually had an unprecedented Calvin today!But fortunately, the code came out, and finally asked for a ticket.

Also... there are a lot of wolves in the book review area...

Chapter 140 Five The Last Supper

The fire clouds are still dancing, and the dim oil lamp is swaying with the wind, as if telling the story of its owner.

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