Xi Luo, who was so focused on the new clothes, didn't care about her tail. She saw the cat's tail in Hideyoshi's hand, but she didn't know what her head was thinking. She didn't think the tail belonged to her.

The cat and the cat's tail are two kinds of creatures - 猹.

Xi Luo just watched Hideyoshi toss her tail like that, and she asked again: "When did you finish drawing? Don't you have a lot of things to do, and you still have time to do ours well."

This man is a monster.Shiro's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

"How do you plan your time, I can't understand it?"

Hideyoshi goes to Didi Academy on Mondays and Fridays, works at the Angel Cafe after school, and attends music classes during the day on weekends.

The rest of the time he is doing alchemy, drawing and making PVs.

H-Hentai's book "Little Fox Is Practicing Repaying Grace", "Weekly Shonen Jumc" comic "Ghost Killer", Bizhan's drawing story "meamea sheep diary" three works are serialized normally, "Su Yan", "True Color" and "Hoarseness" "" "He's a Monster" four songs PV production.

With so much work, when Xi Luo knew about it, she felt that Hideyoshi was not a human being, but a liver essence, with livers all over her body.

Now you tell me that you not only lost the book, comics, drawing stories, and PV, but also finished our leather case.

Are you still human? !


Hideyoshi closed his eyes and said nonsense.

"Meow? Seriously?"

Hero didn't know whether to believe it or not, the magic that Yuzai Hideyoshi said might be true.

"Seriously, time stops magic."

"You're wrong."

"I'm right."

"You're wrong."

"That's right."

Hero and Hideyoshi argued for a long time on the issue of "right" and "wrong", but they couldn't figure out why.

If there is no result from the quarrel, then stop arguing.Xi Luo changed the subject: "Is it okay for you to treat the new clothes as Mea's birthday present?"

"Is it not good?"

Hideyoshi asked back, answering questions with questions.


Shiro also asked back.

"Is it not good?"

"Okay... stop!"

Xi Luo hurriedly made a "forbidden" gesture to prevent falling into the same reincarnation just now.

"I'm just kidding, Mea's new clothes are a birthday present, so it's impossible for you and Yu's new clothes to be a birthday present too."

Yu's birthday is easy to say, in the next month, the new clothes can barely be regarded as an early birthday gift.That's not the case for Xi Luo, her birthday is in November, and no matter how early the birthday gift is given, it will not be three months in advance.

"I'm going to give Mea a pillow as a birthday present. I hope she won't press me or hug me when everyone sleeps together." Hideyoshi couldn't help sighing when he thought of everyone sleeping together, waking up in the morning and opening his eyes to see Mea's big face. "I placed an order online a few days ago, and it will arrive today."

"That's it." Hero didn't get angry when she found out that Hideyoshi was joking, but was worried that she had been teased by him again.

"By the way, let's go out and order a cake for mea later, and buy some more food. There will be a lot of people at home tomorrow."

Hideyoshi remembered that Kagura Mea had invited Kizuna Ai and Kagura Nana for her birthday this time.Five guests is not a small number.You have to be busy with family affairs today, washing clothes, drying quilts, watering flowers, weeding... She is busy with a series of things, so it is inconvenient to call her when going out to buy things.

"it is good."

Shiro nodded in agreement.

After the two said they were going to go out, they didn't talk for too long. They tidied up a little, changed into outdoor clothes and went out.

After leaving the apartment, Hideyoshi said, "After you come back from shopping, do you want to go out with me again?"

Xi Luo was puzzled: "What are you going out for?"

"Go to Lu Nao's house, she will broadcast live tonight, help her check it out."

Kano is going to be "born" tonight, and Hideyoshi, who is a "male mother" in her first post on the beep station, is a little worried, thinking of going to her "daughter"'s house to see if there is any problem, in case there is an accident in the live broadcast tonight.

"I go."

Hearing that she was going to Kano's house, Hero agreed without thinking.She has a good relationship with Kano, and she is also very curious about Kano's family.It's a rare opportunity to visit other people's homes, how could she not go.

If he doesn't go by himself, maybe Hideyoshi will go alone.

It's okay if there is someone in Kano's family, but if there is no one, Kano will be alone.Aren't Hideyoshi and Kano living together in the same room alone, it would be bad if either Kano or Hideyoshi became a wolf.

Even if it's not like a wolf, what if they glared at Mung Dou -- they saw the right thing, and they were together.

She hasn't decided whether she likes Hideyoshi yet, it's okay if she thinks clearly if she doesn't like it, but if she likes it, it's over.

Thinking that she lived with Hideyoshi, instead of being close to the water and getting the moon first, but letting Kano, a little deer, get ahead first, she would definitely cry to death.

However, Kano and Hideyoshi, the two of them are unlikely.Two people are in the same class, but they don't talk much.She was more worried about Hanoi than about Kano.

Hagoromo, who often bickers with Hideyoshi, always gives her the taste of a happy enemy, which makes her feel very threatened.

As for mea?Shiro didn't think of her at all, or subconsciously ignored her.

PS: Minami Nanami, I will try my best to restore it.But because it is a fan fiction, it will definitely add to my understanding.Will not fully follow the Vtuber image.As for Minami Nanami's appearance time, she will appear during the summer vacation.

Chapter 319 I'm going to eat people!

At night, Kano's room.

Hideyoshi, Hero, Shigure Hagoromo, Kagura Nana, and Inuyama Tamaki, five of them sat on the bed, their eyes were fixed on Kano who was sitting on the chair and was about to start broadcasting.

There are five of them, all mobile phones are silent, and everyone remains silent.From the beginning of the broadcast to the end of the live broadcast, they would not say a word, dare not breathe loudly, and dare not even fart loudly.

Don't do this, it's stressful.

Noticing everyone's gazes, Shikano broke out in a cold sweat.

The crowd waiting in full battle made her feel heavy.

Although Shikano has not officially started the broadcast, there are already many people in the live broadcast room, and the popularity of the live broadcast room is constantly rising.

I just want to say goodbye, why did I become a Vtuber.

Thinking of being tricked into debuting as a Vtuber Shikano, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

It's time to laugh, live broadcast with a mournful face, and it's not a good thing to pass on negative emotions to others. Hideyoshi said that Vtuber brings happiness to people.

Shikano took a deep breath, as if talking to himself, but also as if speaking to everyone in the room.

"I started broadcasting."

The quiet air became even more peaceful, Hideyoshi and the others seemed to be playing "One Two Three Wooden Figures".Not only did he not say a word, he didn't even move.

Kano's first post was much more lively than the debut live broadcast of the four of them, Hideyoshi, Hero, Kagura Mea, and Euclid Wood.

It will be so lively, and the promotion and drainage of these four "predecessors" are indispensable.Before the broadcast of Kano, Kagura mea and Eucliwood in the live broadcast were broadcasted early. Before the broadcast, DDs were urged to see Hideyoshi Kinoshita's "daughter" Kano.

After adjusting his mood, Shikano first greeted everyone, and then introduced himself step by step.

Whether it's greetings with DDs or self-introduction, Kano speaks Chinese.

She asked Hero to help her write this self-introduction. In order to introduce herself well in Chinese, she often invites Hero to go out, invites her to eat and drink milk tea, and asks her for Chinese lessons when she is full.

Kano's self-introduction is in Chinese, half of it is surprise, and the other half is not surprising.

Most of the surprises are newcomers to the Vtuber circle, and I am surprised to see a foreign friend who can speak Chinese.The other half of the DDs who are not surprised are mostly fans of Mea, Hero, and You.

These three people are crooked nuts, and one of them speaks Chinese more fluently than the other. Everyone is not surprised to see Kinoshita Hideyoshi's new "daughter" Kano speak Chinese.

If Kano didn't say anything, they would be surprised.

Hideyoshi Kinoshita's "daughters" Eucliwood, Kagura Mea, and Hero can speak Chinese more or less no matter how well they speak. Your youngest "sister" is different from "sisters" who can't speak Chinese Is this plausible?

I don't know if it's because of the summer vacation, but there are more virtual anchors on Biz.com.There are Vtuber from Youtube, and Vup from Beep.

Fortunately, Vup is a flower grower and can speak Chinese, while Vtuber is a mixed bag.

Some will, some will not, some will not learn, some will not learn.

After the number of virtual anchors on Biz.com increased, Hideyoshi created a group, and pulled Vtuber and Vup who could pull into the group, so that the Vtuber Chinese in the Youjiao group was willing to learn Chinese, and then tried to link with them to attract traffic.

Again, Vtuber should adapt to the audience, not the audience to adapt to Vtuber.Foreign Vtubers come to plant flowers, and if they want to make money, learning Chinese should be his/her duty and responsibility.

After all, Vtuber is a service industry and serves the audience.

Since it is a service industry, isn't it natural to improve service levels?

It is the uncle who gave the money!

Hideyoshi wants to make this clear to Vtuber and Vup and their fans.The person who makes money is the uncle, and the person who makes the money becomes the younger brother, the dog, and the clown.

Let You teach Vtuber Chinese, he just wants to make Vtuber fans think that learning Chinese is a matter of course for Vtubers who come to BEE to make money.

Do as the Romans do, and when you come to other people's places, you should abide by the corresponding rules.

Among them, Hideyoshi will also let foreign friends in Youjiao group know what is the political red line of flower growers, what can be said, what can't be said, what can be done, and what can't be done.

It's just pretending on the surface, doing one thing in front of others and another in the back, that's better than disgusting people behind others, and disgusting people in front of others, it's much better to spread its wings on the political red line.

Everyone is here to make money, not to steal money. To make money, you have to lower your attitude, but to steal money, you have to have a high attitude.

The virtual anchor circle of Bizhan is still clean.I just don't know what will happen when all kinds of things that don't know whether they are people or ghosts flood in during the summer vacation.

The circle is clean now, and Hideyoshi hopes that it will remain clean in the future.In order to prevent the virtual anchor circle of Bilibili in this world from following the old path of Bilibili in another world, he can only do his best.

Let the Vtuber who comes to the YouTube station learn Chinese without touching the political red line, which is considered a success.

If there is someone who is blind and destroys this environment, then he will definitely show the other party what cruelty is.

Lu Nao's first live broadcast was not long, starting at seven o'clock and ending at eight o'clock.

The live broadcast was very successful, there were no accidents during the process, and it ended satisfactorily under the "88888888" and "only eight o'clock" of the DDs.

"It's over, so tired, so tired, so tired."

As soon as it was broadcast, Shikano lay down on the table tiredly.In just one hour of live broadcast, she felt like a year had passed.

During the period, I kept talking, and I couldn't stop babbling, and the live broadcast room would cool down if I stopped.

Forgot to prepare water, so now she is parched.

She wanted to drink water, but her body and mind were so exhausted that she didn't want to move while lying on the table.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Hideyoshi couldn't help laughing when he saw Kano tired. He rarely saw Kano lazy and tired.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Shigure Yui clapped his hands and applauded to celebrate the end of Kano's live broadcast.

"Great, I can finally eat." Kagura Nana said weakly, rubbing her deflated stomach, "I'm so weak."

Since Hideyoshi and Shiro went to Kano's house in the afternoon, they helped test the live test and test the live room with them, and they haven't eaten until now.

She doesn't know if other people are hungry or not, but she is starving to death anyway.

"If you don't eat anymore, I will eat people!"

Kagura Nana uttered wild words.

"You eat Jill."

Shi Yu Yuyi whispered in unskilled Chinese.


Shiro, who was next to Shigure Yuyi, was dumbfounded when she heard this, turned her head to Hideyoshi, brought this guy over, and said angrily.

"What have you taught Yuyi!"

Chapter 320 Brother Xun: Ghs is the primary productive force

"True Color" sung by Euclid Wood became popular.

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