
Both Hero and Hideyoshi were unexpected, Shigure Yui would invite them to stay for the night.

"I'm OK."


Kano and Inuyama Tamaki both agreed.They are all people who have slept with Shi Yu Yu Yi, and staying overnight at Shi Yu Yu Yi's house is not only a common occurrence, but also happens occasionally.

Hideyoshi got up and went to the window, and looked at the rain outside the window.He knew it was raining, but he still thought about going back to the apartment instead of spending the night at someone else's house.

It's just that the rain outside is not so heavy, and it seems that it will fall even more, which makes him a little embarrassed.

They checked the weather forecast and brought umbrellas when they went out, but such a big rainstorm had no effect other than keeping their hair from getting wet.

Not only was it raining heavily outside, but the wind was also very strong, beating the windows and making weird and frightening noises.

"Spend the night here." Shi Yu Yuyi also saw the violent storm outside, "I can prepare towels and toothbrushes for you, and you can wear mine in pajamas. I have several sets of pajamas, basically I haven't worn them, they are all clean .”

Shi Yu Yuyi seemed to think of something, looked at Hideyoshi and hesitated for a while, and said, "Well, Hideyoshi can also wear it."

"Hagoromo, does your family run a hotel? They will prepare toothbrushes and towels for four people."

Shiro asked Kagura Mea's concern. Neither Hero nor Kagura Mea could have imagined that there would be four people's toiletries prepared by Shi Yu Yuyi's house.

"You didn't just read the weather forecast and knew that there would be heavy rain tonight, so you went to buy it so that we could stay overnight."

It's rare that he didn't play tricks on Shigure, and said strange things to make fun of, Hideyoshi guessed.

"No, no." Shi Yu Yuyi waved his hand quickly, and hurriedly covered up, "How is it possible, you are thinking too much. Towels and toothbrushes are spare, spare."

The little face was reddish, and what Shi Yu Yuyi said in a panic was not convincing at all.

Hideyoshi believes that there are multiple spare towels at home, but he does not believe that there are four spare toothbrushes, the number is too much.

Shi Yu Yuyi's clumsy lie, he didn't try to expose it, but listened to it seriously, turned to Yu and Xi Luo, and asked, "What about you, do you want to go back or stay here overnight?"

"Mea, let's be together and love each other at night."

Kagura Nana blinked her big blue eyes, the longing eyes made Kagura Mea hard to refuse.

Unable to refuse, she looked at Eucliwood and Hero with the same eyes of Kagura Nana.

Stay, stay, stay!

The three words "stay" are written in the different-color pupils with upper blue and lower orange and upper orange and lower blue.

Kagura mea is like this, how can Hero and Eucliwood refuse.

The three girls wanted to stay overnight, and Hideyoshi, who didn't want to go home alone in the rain, of course also stayed.

Shi Yu Yuyi's birthday was very ordinary.

The cake is served, the candles are inserted, the lights are turned off and the fire is lit, everyone sings, Shigure Hagoromo, who wears a birthday hat, makes a wish, blows out the candles, and turns on the lights.

Cut the cake, divide the cake, eat the cake.

She didn't waste food by throwing cakes, and she didn't throw a whole piece of cake at Yui Shigure's face. Shigure Yuyi just spent her 15th birthday like this.


Without Hideyoshi's birthday gift, Shigure Hagoromo's 15th birthday would be normal, but with Hideyoshi's birthday gift everything will be different.

Mouth ball, jump 〇, collar, cat tail, cat ears.

Unwrapping the gift and seeing these five items, Shigure Hagoromo, Inuyama Tamaki, and Kagura Nana were all dumbfounded.

Shiro covered her eyes and didn't want to look at it. The pure and good boy Shikino looked puzzled, Kagura Mea widened her eyes and made a sound of "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". The big [Pervert] was torn off and pasted on Hideyoshi's back with tape.

The tape is Hideyoshi's.


Kagura Nana looked at Hideyoshi who had no expression on her face, and couldn't help applauding.

The sound of "pa pa pa pa" sounded in the quiet living room.

"It's really you, Hideyoshi." Inuyama Tamaki clasped her hands on Hideyoshi's shoulder with a calm expression, "I didn't expect Hentai to be by my side. Do you think I should call the police, call the police, or call the police."

"Hentai? Call the police?" Shikano, who was out of the mud but not stained, didn't care about H and didn't know adult products, didn't understand what Kagura Nana and Inuyama Yuhime said.

"Is there something wrong with these things? Why is Hideyoshi called a hentai? Aren't cat ears and cat tails cute? Hey, why is the tip of the tail like this?"

Confused, Shikano reached out and was about to touch the cat's tail butt plug, but a hand grabbed her hand.

The owner of the hand is Inuyama Tamaki.

"Shikano, don't touch it. If you touch it, you will be a bad boy. Don't ask anything, don't listen to anything, don't look at anything."

Inuyama Tamaki hugged her behind Kano, covering Kano's eyes with her hands so that she would not look at these unsuitable things for children.

Although Lu Nai will grow up sooner or later, it is still too early for her now, it is better to let the child grow up later.

Because once you grow up, you will be accompanied by yellow tinted glasses, and everything you look at will turn yellow.

PS: Whether it's Shigure Yui's older brother or Hero's younger brother, I didn't write about it.I've mentioned this before, so please don't complain about why Xi Luo doesn't have a younger brother, and Shi Yu Yuyi doesn't have an older brother.

PS2: I will mention this matter again, but I only found out about it two days ago. Kano's brother seems to have passed away, so I can't say anything, I can only say that the deceased rests in peace, and I wish you happiness in another world.

Chapter 294

"Hideyoshi, open the door! You have the ability to send me to jump, why don't you have the ability to open the door!"

Shi Yu Yuyi slapped on the door of his room, clenching his teeth.

"I do not!"

Hideyoshi's extremely reluctant voice filled the room.

"Didn't you say that if I dare to give it to you, I dare to accept it?"

"I'm talking about mouth balls, if you dare to give it to me, I will take it!" Shi Yu Yuyi kicked the door, "You shameless guy, actually, actually, actually gave me that kind of thing!"

"What does it mean to be shameless? Mouth balls are adult products, and jumping 〇, collars, cat tails, and cat ears are also adult products. If you can stop the mouth ball, why don't you dare to accept other things." Hideyoshi retorted unconvinced, "And It seems that I am too stingy to just give a mouth ball, I think a mouth ball is not enough to relieve your loneliness at home, so I will buy you a little more. There is a discount for buying a set, which is much more affordable than buying one.”

Hideyoshi's natural words made Shi Yuyu tremble angrily, she kicked the door fiercely, and couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Brother, forget it, forget it. Don't care about it like her."

Inuyama Tamaki hurriedly grabbed Shigure Yuki to prevent Shigure Yuki from tearing in pain from kicking the door again to commit suicide.

"Calm down, it's your own body that gets hurt by being angry."

Shikano gently patted Shiyu Yuyi's back to comfort her, she said so, but she knew that it would not be so easy for Shiyu Yuyi to calm down.

Jumping 〇, mouth ball, pointed cat tail, etc. She looked it up on the Internet with her mobile phone, and after knowing what it was, she could understand why Tokiame Yuromo was so angry.

She would also be mad at Nana if she received adult stuff from Nana on her birthday.

How can anyone give this kind of thing on someone's birthday? There is something wrong with the head that can give this thing.

But listening to the conversation between Yuyi and Hideyoshi, it seems that Shigure Yuyi said that Hideyoshi dared to give it to her, so Hideyoshi would give that kind of gift.

"Hagoromo, courtesy is light and affection is heavy, Hideyoshi is also kind, please forgive her." Kagura Nana stood talking without back pain, "It's hard to say about mouth balls, collars, cat tails, and cat ears. Jumping 〇 is not very useful Is it?"

Pressing against Shigure Yui's ear, Kagura Nana, who is a standard bad friend, said in a harsh tone: "You can be happier at night."

"If you like this gift, I can give it to you."

Shigure Yui grabbed Kagura Nana's arm, smiled kindly, and the strength in his hand continued to grow.

"No need, no need." Kagura Nana shook her head, trying to break free from Shigure's hands, but Shigure's arms were firmly grasped by Shigure, "You have to keep the birthday present that someone gave you carefully. Okay, how can you pass it on to others to live up to their good intentions."

Even if Shigure Yuyi was caught and his arm was pinched so painfully by Shigure Yuyi, Kagura Nana was still willing to die.

However, if a person dies, he will die, and the pinched place of Kagura Nana is getting more and more painful.

Shigure Hagoromo, who was on the verge of anger, was not polite at all when he attacked Kagura Nana who was on fire.

What is Nana doing? No.1.I'm angry, and you still come to provoke me, don't I want to lose face!

"Wrong, wrong, I was wrong, the hero spares my life! No, no, no, the heroine spares my life!"

Kagura Nana, who couldn't stand the pain, begged for mercy. After calling her the wrong name, Yu Yuyi's force on her hand became stronger. It was only by calling "Nvxia" that she was spared.

"Hagoromo, you are becoming more and more violent. You were not like this before. You used to be such a good Nadeko, but now you have become a bad girl. If you disagree with me, you will strike."

Kagura Nana rubbed her sore arm and kept sucking in the cool air.In middle school, Shigure Yuyi was still a gentle girl who couldn't swear, didn't use many curse words, didn't speak poisonously, and didn't know how to beat others. How did she become like this in high school?

"Because for some people, it's useless to talk about reason, they have to talk about physics."

Shigure Hagoromo stared at the door, as if through the barrier of the door, saw Hideyoshi in her room.

She will become vicious and violent, all thanks to Hideyoshi, if it wasn't for Hideyoshi, how could she become what she is now.

It's really a chance to miss Hideyoshi's life.I want to grow up to be a gentle and virtuous mature woman, but the appearance of Hideyoshi made her violent and biting.

Across the door, Hideyoshi, leaning against the door, bowed his head and fell into deep thought.

why?It was just a birthday present for Yu Yi, why was she so angry, why she wanted to cramp and peel herself, and burn her bones to ashes.

All the gifts I give can make her happy, why don't she feel happy when she receives a happy gift, but angry instead.

"Today's high school students, it's really hard to understand."

Hideyoshi, who was also a high school student himself, shook his head and sighed.

"If you have the ability, don't come out for the rest of your life!"

Shigure Hagoromo, who didn't have the key to his own room and couldn't go in and bite Hideyoshi, was furious.

Seeing that Hideyoshi seemed to have made up his mind and couldn't come out, she had no choice but to say a few harsh words.

"I'm fine."

Hideyoshi didn't think about hiding in Shigure's room for too long, and guessed that Shigure's anger had almost dissipated before he went out.

Go out now, the orange dog at the door will definitely make holes in you.

"Hmph, then you are not allowed to come out." Shi Yu Yuyi took out the mobile phone from his pocket, and typed on it to show Inuyama Yuji and others.

[You guys go downstairs first, I'll squat him here]

As Shigure Yui's good sister, Kagura Nana wanted to remind Hideyoshi in the room when she saw this, and pulled her sleeve with a small hand.

Kagura Nana looked over, and saw Kano, who was holding onto her sleeve, shook her, and then pointed to Shigure Yui.

On the screen of the mobile phone, it was Shi Yu Yuyi who wrote the words.

【Nana, if you ruin my good deeds, I will kill you (laughs)】


Kagura Nana quickly shook her head and said "Don't dare not dare", feeling that she seemed to have a problem, worried that Shi Yuyu Yumi would misunderstand and nodded quickly.

The four of them have been playing since they were young, and they still have a certain tacit understanding.Shigure Yuyi understood what Kagura Nana wanted to express, and nodded with satisfaction.

If Kagura Nana really dared to turn her elbow outward, tell Hideyoshi that she pretended to leave by herself, but she was squatting outside.She can't really kill Kagura Nana, but she will definitely let Kagura Nana know what cruelty is when she sleeps at night.

Shikano, Inuyama Tamaki, and Kagura Nana went downstairs. When they went downstairs, they still comforted Shigure Yui, pretending to be pulling Shigure Yui, saying that they went downstairs to watch TV, and leave Hideyoshi alone. This bad guy.


In Shigure Yui's room, Hideyoshi heard footsteps disappearing outside the door.

"It's better not to go out for now, maybe Yuyi is squatting outside."

Hideyoshi smiled and said to himself, what he didn't expect was that what he said casually turned out to be true, Shi Yu Yuyi was full of anger, waiting for him to open the door to catch him and bite him to death.

PS: The ta who described Hideyoshi in the dialogue is that she is not a mistake, it is Hideyoshi's Schrödinger gender that works.In most of the settings, the sex with Hideyoshi is considered to be a girl, and only a few times someone realizes that he is a man.Yu is an exception. He thinks that Hideyoshi is a girl less often, but sometimes he is blurred about Hideyoshi's gender concept.

Chapter 295 The Smell of the Beautiful Girl's Bath Water

Shigure Yuyi's family.

Hilo, Kano, Kagura Mea, Inuyama Tamaki, and Kagura Nana are sitting on the sofa watching TV together, and Euclid is taking a shower in the bathroom.

Hideyoshi is still hiding in the room, and Tokame Yuroe is also squatting Hideyoshi at the door.

Everyone has nothing to say about Shi Yu Yuyi's behavior.

Among the girls here, no matter who received a gift from Hideyoshi for their birthday, they would go crazy after opening it.

After Shigure Yuyi opened the gift and saw the contents inside, he told himself to be calm and not to be as knowledgeable as a dog like Hideyoshi.

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