Hideyoshi was sitting on the bench where he met Euclid, eating bread alone.

As always, he escaped.

It's useless to escape shame, I don't want to go back here, I just want to die later.

Today is sunny and sunny, which is a good weather.


As if attracted by the bread, the pigeons landed around the bench one by one, making the sound of dragging the author.

"A fat pigeon."

Hideyoshi broke off a small piece of bread and threw it on the ground.Seeing the fat pigeons surrounding him begging for food, he felt inexplicably much better.

Half of the bread was eaten, and half was fed to the pigeons. After a while, the bread was eaten.

After leaving the apartment, Hideyoshi sent Yu a message and went to class.

He asked for leave yesterday for composition and arrangement class, and today he doesn't want to ask for leave again.It's a bit early to go to class now, but instead of sitting in the park and enjoying the cool breeze, it's better to go to the classroom and sit earlier.

Study, study, study.

Hideyoshi, who was obsessed with studying and could not extricate himself, temporarily forgot about the troublesome things.

Unlike Hideyoshi who went to class, Hero in the apartment asked for leave again after washing up and breakfast, and even Kagura Mea was fishing again.

I'm not in the mood for class, I'm not in the mood for live streaming, and I'm not even interested in playing games.

Holding her legs, Xi Luo leaned on the sofa. She was so boring that she was watching variety shows with Euclid Wood.

On the surface, she was watching the show, but in fact she was absent-minded, thinking about Hideyoshi in her mind.

One word: annoying.

Thinking of Hideyoshi, Hero felt indescribably irritated and depressed, as well as ashamed of herself for doing such a thing.

After a while, her fair little face turned red, as red as a boiled crab boss.

Annoyed by Hideyoshi, she was even more annoyed by herself.

If Hideyoshi could be blamed for what happened yesterday, then what happened tonight was undoubtedly her fault.

What should I do……

With half of her face hidden in her arms, Xi Luo couldn't laugh at all while watching the funny variety show.

Should I apologize, or pretend nothing happened?

Rationally told Xi Luo, it is best to apologize generously and pretend not to care.But Hero, who knew she was a coward, knew she couldn't do it.

Moreover, Hideyoshi didn't apologize to me for what happened yesterday morning, why should I apologize to him first.

With an ostrich mentality, Hero found a reasonable excuse for her evasion.

It would be great if eating too much catnip and Polygonum japonica can really have the effect of getting drunk.

When I wake up, I don't remember anything, I don't touch my lips lightly, eat or drink water, and I can't help but recall the intense kiss last night.

She really doesn't remember anything, and she doesn't need to pretend nothing happened.

"It's annoying."

Shiro's ears drooped decadently, and her normally restless tail drooped weakly on the sofa. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was in a bad mood.

There was laughter in the variety show, and the two of them in the living room were quiet.Compared to watching a funny variety show, the two of them looked more like they were watching a documentary. They stopped joking and didn't even make a loud noise while drinking tea.

Pretending to eat pieces of catnip and not remembering nothing happened, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

After Hideyoshi came home at night, Shiro saw Hideyoshi, but still couldn't hold back the shameful desire to run away.

Just about to run away, I only heard Hideyoshi speak.



Hearing her own name, Xi Luo, who wanted to run away, stood upright with her tail and ears in fright. She really wanted to escape but couldn't.

great reaction...

Back at the apartment, Hideyoshi threw the large and small bags he bought on the sofa, holding the biggest thing in his arms and stuffing it into Hero's arms, saying.

"This is for you, um...well, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. No matter... Anyway, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. This is an apology, I hope you can forgive me."

After hesitating for a long time, Hideyoshi thought about it and did not apologize for what happened in the morning and what happened in the evening.

Although he felt that he had suffered an innocent disaster last night, there was something wrong with him who had to kiss back if he wanted to compete with Hero.

If he would rather die than submit, and Hero kissed him, he would rather not be kissed by Hero, how could the two of them kiss for half an hour.

"what is this?"

There was a soft thing half the size of a person in her arms, which made Xi Luo stunned.

Since the thing was wrapped in layers of white plastic bags, Hero couldn't tell what Hideyoshi stuffed her.

"Your favorite salmon."

When Hideyoshi mentioned the word "salmon", Hero blushed again.

The memories that I tried to forget but couldn't forget resurfaced again, and the feeling of Kiss also reappeared.

"Salmon? Mmm!"

No, the red face can no longer be red.

Seeing Hero's shy look, Hideyoshi felt mischievous and couldn't help but say.

"Yes, salmon, didn't you want last night..."

"Woo!!! Last night, what last night?! Last night I drank catnip tea and drank fragments. I don't remember what happened."

Xi Luo, who was holding the salmon, hurriedly explained, but the way she bared her teeth and claws seemed to be covering up something.

Bad acting, boy.Your words are not convincing at all.

"Is that so..." Hideyoshi, who lowered his head slightly, apologized and did not expose Hero's clumsy lie.

"Dinner's ready, what are you two doing standing here, dinner... Hey, what are you hugging, Helo, it's so big."

Kagura Mea, who came out of the kitchen, had just finished stealing the dishes made by Eucliwood, and the corners of her mouth were still not wiped clean.


Xi Luo unpacked the plastic bag.

"Salmon? Such a big one? It can't be mutated by nuclear radiation."

Kagura Mea licked her lips, after eating a few pieces of meat in the kitchen, not only did she not satisfy her craving, but she became even more craving.

"This shouldn't be for food." Shiro couldn't laugh or cry, and the soft touch in her hug told her that it wasn't a real fish, and that it felt more like a pillow, doll or something like that than a greasy dead fish.

After unpacking the plastic bag, as she guessed, what Hideyoshi gave her was a salmon pillow.

To be precise, it is a salmon fillet pillow.Not a whole fish, but a chunk of fish.

"So hungry..."

"Suddenly want to eat sashimi."

Kagura Mea and Xi Luo were hungry when they saw the pillow.

"Then how about we go eat sashimi tomorrow?"

Hideyoshi suggested.

"Aren't you a lover of kizuki, don't you like to eat sashimi? Not only sashimi, you don't even eat lettuce." Kagura Mea touched Hideyoshi's forehead and muttered, "I don't have a fever either."

"Who said, I can still eat tomatoes and cucumbers raw." Hideyoshi slapped Mea's hand, "Would you like to go?"

"I'll go as soon as you treat me."



"Then cook instant noodles at home by yourself tomorrow."


PS: I didn't lie to you, I updated it. MD, it's just that the posts and comments are gone, it's uncomfortable.It is recommended to join the group and post and comment in the group (laughs).

Chapter 283 Shrimp and Pig Heart

Tonight, the name "Kinoshita Hideyoshi" briefly became a hot search on the Internet of Flower Planters and Jidong.

The reason is that last week, the 12th chapter of "Slaying Ghost Boy" "the heroine" and the female partner died. The "heroine" and the female partner who died this week were whipped by the original cartoonist Hideyoshi Kinoshita.

Today is Monday, the day when "Weekly Shonen Jumc" is released, and it is also the day when the 13th chapter of "Ghost Killer" is serialized.

In the last week, when the 12th chapter of "Ghost Slaying Boy" came out, both the readers of the extreme east and the readers of the flower planters were stupid.

If the good heroine said no, would she?The cute female supporting role also said no?It's the first time this manga is posting bento boxes, and when it comes up, it takes away the heroine?

Isn't this too terribly cruel? !

At that time, everyone scolded "Kinoshita old thief" and "Kinoshita Hideyoshi has no heart" on the Internet, and threatened to send blades and bombs.

However, "Weekly Shonen Jumc" is an old-fashioned manga magazine. It serializes a lot of evil and kingly manga, and there are also many kingly and evil manga of deadly popular characters. It has rich experience of being sent blades and phone calls.

As soon as Chapter 12 came out, the editorial department received the blade, as well as threats and death calls.But the one who received the blade was the editorial department, and the one who answered the phone was the editor of the editorial department.

Grumpy readers The anger they feel against the cartoonist doesn't get through to the cartoonist at all.

Readers of The Flower Planter know that the manga artist Kinoshita Hideyoshi has a Vtuber account on Biz.com, and they can swear when Kinoshita Hideyoshi starts broadcasting or in his comment area.

Readers in the Far East and those readers who don’t know that Hideyoshi Kinoshita has an account on Bizhan can’t do it. There is no other way but to be incompetent and furious.

"Ghost Killer" is not very popular among flower growers at present, because this manga does not have many stories, and it was translated into Chinese by a translator before, so its popularity is not very high.There was publicity after landing on the beep station, but not long after landing on the beep station, there are still relatively few people who know about this comic.

This made Hideyoshi's comment area and live broadcast room less crowded with him.There are too few readers of Florist, and even fewer know that he has an account on Biz.

And many readers are quite sensible, after all, they are people who have read a lot of comics, and they have never tried any kind of knife. They can bear the knife of "Ghost Slayer".

As long as I wear this invincible armor, nothing can hurt me.jpg.

However, in the serialization of Chapter 13 of "Ghost Killer", they discovered their childishness and innocence.

In Chapter 13 of "Ghost Slaying Boy", the male protagonist cut open the stomach of the ghost and found two girls who were swallowed by the ghost.

The tragedy of the girl's death is not described in particular details, but the minced meat and bones around the body and the text description on the black page tell readers the miserable appearance of the two girls, Ryoko Sakuraba and Mochizuki Su, who were half-chewed and digested by ghosts.

In the second half of the manga, the scene turns to Mochizuki Su's home.Her mother was cooking with Ryoko Sakuraba's mother, happily chatting about their daughter and waiting for her return.

The most murderous thing is the two pages at the end of the comic. The first page is a close-up of the sumptuous dishes made by the two mothers, but the latter page turns into the minced meat and bones of the dead bodies of two girls.

Under this strong contrast, readers suddenly turned into weeping cats and cats.

Break the defense, really break the defense.

Everyone is an old reader of "Weekly Shonen Jumc". They have read all kinds of comics, and they are all people who have seen big storms. They have never eaten any kind of knife.

But damn it, I have never eaten this knife!

This is not over yet, you must know that Hideyoshi Kinoshita will contribute the 18× of "Ghost Killer" on H-Hentai today.

Readers who knew the news had a bad premonition after watching "Ghost Slaying Boy", and those who didn't know took off their pants and clicked in after finding out that Kinoshita Hideyoshi H-Hentai had a new contribution.

After clicking in, I saw a few short pages of bloody novelty-hunting screens, and my whole person suddenly became ill.

Those readers who didn't know the news, had read "Ghost Slaying Boy" and still wanted to read the book to soothe their souls were instantly torn apart.

Go, don't move.

If the characters in the 18× painting of "Ghost Slaying Boy" still have a human form, maybe they can still be able to rush.But in front of the two corpses that were so dilapidated that even their human shapes could not be recognized, if someone could rush out, they would be the hungry ghosts.

If Chapter 12 of the manga made readers angry at Hideyoshi, then Chapter 13 and the official 18× on H-Hentai will add fuel to the fire.

The readers of the extreme east and the flower planters are all furious, especially the flower planters who learned from Kinoshita Hideyoshi’s live broadcast that there will be 18× readers in "Devil Killing Boy", and they read the so-called After 18×, the hatred for Hideyoshi has turned into a real killing intent.

If he didn't know Kinoshita Hideyoshi's address, any irascible brother would buy a plane ticket and fly to the Far East to "single kill" Hideyoshi.

Those irascible old buddies who can't compete with Kinoshita Hideyoshi in real life can only scold in Kinoshita Hideyoshi's live broadcast room and comment area. Some people see that Kinoshita Hideyoshi doesn't respond at all, and go directly to the live broadcast of Hero, Mea, and Yu between.

The level of swordsmen in Chapter 12 is incomparable with that in Chapter 13. It is also this sentence that made the name Hideyoshi Kinoshita famous and even out of the circle. More people watched "Ghost Killer" together, and the number of people who watched it changed. More, he rushed more.

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