In the future, if other Vs enter the subtitle group of Bizhan and are willing to use love to generate electricity, they can generate electricity. After all, small Vs can’t afford the subtitle group’s salary, and even older Vs may not be able to afford it.

However, other V is another V's business, and he must be paid. Without salary, there will be no binding force on the subtitle group.

Hideyoshi knew that it might be too naive to do so, but he also knew that there is a limit to using love to generate electricity. Members of the subtitle group will always be lost, and a passion will always be extinguished due to reality and other things.

And the relationship between Vtuber and the free subtitle group is too deformed.

Vtuber’s subtitle group is essentially a fan organization that manipulates the official account and barbecues for free to protect V’s interests. This is why the Vtuber circle has the taste of a fan circle.

The subtitle group purely using love to generate electricity is not what Hideyoshi wants, it’s not that he looks down on the subtitle group, it’s purely because some people’s "love" in the subtitle group is more deformed, and people are more cerebral palsy, just like the brainless fans of star chasing, dangerous and trouble.

Compared with love, Hideyoshi still feels that the relationship maintained by setting up his own subtitle group with money is more stable.

PS: Regarding the subtitle group, there is a problem with the pure power generation mode with love, there is no doubt about it.There are too many cute people in the subtitle group, too many delirious people, and there are too many B things in the subtitle group.For money, a small V has no strength, and a big V may not necessarily have one. Even if there is a corporate power, capitalists who are used to prostitution are unlikely to be willing to do such a thing.To be honest, it is just a bad head, and it will not get better later. =-=

PS2: I want to speak clearly, but I can’t speak clearly, and to be honest, I don’t know much about the relationship between the subtitle group and Vtuber. I’m sorry if any subtitle group members are accidentally injured by me.If you have any suggestions for the operation of Vtuber in the book, you can put them forward, and I will adopt them.Because I don't know much about V's operation.I'm just a Taozi article writer, I can't compare with those big guys who write Vtuber live broadcasts (tears)

PS3: By the way, since I moved in the past two days, I have two shifts, and it should be better next week.It should be updated occasionally, thank you for your understanding.

Chapter 184 Those who are willing to be deceived come

Euclid Wood posted a news on her Bizhan account, a "cannibalism" news.

Recruitment timeline, translation, proofreading, editing, everyone who can "eat" will "eat", and at the same time, a special reminder will be paid, and those who are willing to be deceived will come.

He would say that he was willing to be deceived because Hideyoshi is still underage, and it is impossible to sign the entire contract with the subtitle team, so the salary can only be simply transferred money.And there is no legal constraint, he can spend money if he doesn't want to.

That's why he asked You to say "willing to be deceived". At the end of this sentence, there is a cute emoji, which is similar to a dog's head to save his life.

It's both a joke and not a joke.

It is enough for You, Xiluo, and Mea to use one subtitle group, and there is no need to deliberately divide them into three subtitle groups.

Because Hideyoshi knows that manpower is definitely not enough, and there should not be so many fools willing to be deceived.If you don't have enough manpower, you can just do more things yourself. For example, You can also help with translation.

The account of the subtitle group is separate from the official account of Vtuber, and a special account is created. The name of the apartment is "Sakuraso", and the team leader is Hideyoshi.

The requirements for recruiting are not very high. He is not a prostitute for nothing. He recruits people with salary. If the requirements are too high, how should the salary be calculated?

It’s okay to go whoring for free, no matter how high the requirements are, because there will always be people who like to generate electricity.

Hideyoshi thinks that this kind of person is called using love to generate electricity at a good level, or Vtuber licking dogs and clowns at a bad level.

After all, I have such a strong ability, what can I do wrong, why do I want to work for others for free? Is it possible that I really thought I could be a Vtuber?

If country V is okay, they are all in the same country, and there is still a little probability.V in other countries, huh, huh, difficult.

So Hideyoshi asked mea, Hero, and You to broadcast live, try to guide the audience to the old father fans, and let the Gachi fans climb.

It doesn't matter if you have a lot of fans, otherwise Gachi has too many fans, not to mention that you will be popular when you are in love, even if you link up with the opposite sex Vtuber once or twice, you may be popular.

It doesn't matter if Hideyoshi broadcasts live by himself. He prefers male mother fans, because this fan group is more interesting. If you let them climb, they will punch and "shake the air".

Compared with pure mother fans and Gachi fans, male mother fans are really interesting and not annoying, but occasionally feel a little Kimo.

Hideyoshi's second live broadcast. Mea, Xi Luo, and You all helped him promote it. He didn't ask Mea and the others to help him promote it, but they took the initiative.

This brought Hideyoshi to the start of the broadcast, and there were quite a few people in the live broadcast room.At the same time, You also appeared in his live broadcast room early, ready to translate what he said.

However, Hideyoshi didn't say much, he was mainly drawing emoticons and P emoticons.

Who told him to pretend to be from the Far East? He couldn't understand Chinese, and he would only speak when there was a barrage of Far East language floating in the live broadcast room to ask some questions.

Seeing his P's hanging picture of Kagura Mea, Xi Luo, and You, the audience in the live broadcast room were all amused.And after seeing him quickly draw funny emoticons one after another, the audience was also shocked.

Words such as "big brother", "big touch", "big mouse" were used in the live broadcast room.

Compared with You and their live broadcast, Hideyoshi's live broadcast room is relatively boring.However, the pictures he drew and P's pictures are interesting, and the popularity of the live broadcast room continues to rise.

It didn't take long to rise to the first place in the [Learning] section.

The [Learning] section of Bizhan is much weaker than other sections.The live broadcast is either self-study, science popularization, or painting.

Although Hideyoshi's live broadcast has risen to the first place in the [Learning] section, in fact his popularity in the live broadcast is not very high, and there are not many bullet screens in the live broadcast, but it looks okay.Discussing the hanging pictures in the live broadcast room, and saying hello to You, the simultaneous interpreter, trying to get You's attention.

Of course Eucliwood would not pay attention, she concentrated on watching Hideyoshi's live broadcast, and occasionally typed out what Hideyoshi said on the computer by typing on the keyboard.

The live broadcast ended in less than an hour.

It won't take long for mea to start broadcasting, and You, the simultaneous interpreter, needs to appear in the live broadcast room to save the children who don't know Far East.

Otherwise, in the short time without You, Mea will torture the audience's ears with her plastic Chinese that is completely incomprehensible.

Sometimes mea and Xi Luo will accidentally start the broadcast at the same time without discussing the broadcast time. You, who is a simultaneous interpreter, can only appear in one live broadcast room, so there will be no simultaneous interpretation in the other live broadcast room.

Rarely, there will be wild simultaneous interpretation, and when Hideyoshi is idle, he will also go to the live broadcast room as a simultaneous interpretation.

However, if something happens to Hideyoshi and there is no wild simultaneous interpreter, it means that someone will try to communicate with the audience in Chinese.

Xi Luo is okay, she learned Chinese after mea, but the progress is faster than mea, and she can barely communicate with the audience in the live broadcast room.

But mea can't do it. This idiot learned earlier than Hero, but knows less than Hero.When there is no simultaneous interpretation in the live broadcast room, she speaks Chinese as "Waibi Babu" on encrypted calls, babbling and not knowing what she is talking about, and the live broadcast effect is full, making the audience laugh to death.

In order to make a good start at Bizhan, Kagura Mea, You, Xi Luo and others must learn Chinese well.

Needless to say, her live broadcast and communication with people are completely in Chinese, which is one of the reasons why she has more followers than Mea and Xiluo.Xi Luo and Mea are studying hard, and there will be a live broadcast of "Learning Chinese" several times a week.

Generally, Duolingo and Baige are used for learning. The latter is actually not suitable for learning, but it is mainly enough to grow grass and the program is effective.Occasionally, the two will learn live broadcast together with You.

Yu is in charge of teaching, and the two of them are in charge of learning.There is no simultaneous interpretation in this kind of live broadcast linkage.Xi Luo's is okay, she can speak yingyu during the live broadcast, and there are still more people who can understand yingyu than Far East.

Therefore, Hideyoshi will be the simultaneous interpreter for the live broadcast linkage, translating what Mea said.As for Xi Luo's, let's look at the wild simultaneous interpretation. The per capita level of the beep station is eight, and there will always be one or two wild simultaneous interpretations.

"Learn, learn ass, I don't want to learn anymore!"

After downloading the broadcast, Kagura Mea held her head and lay powerlessly on the table. Her head ached from learning Chinese.

The audience in the live broadcast room was simply not a human being, and she was asked to learn Chinese such as "holding one's hand", "doing one line at a time, one line at a time, one line at a time, and doing any line at a time".

Still human?The Kagura mea she was learning was a pain in the ass, and she couldn't recognize the characters for "ba" and "xing".

Originally, she was full of confidence and wanted to learn these Chinese, but in the end she became a disgraceful broadcast of fleeing at the speed of light.

If you don't want to learn anymore, just give up and be a waste.

At the end of the term, Kagura mea will learn Chinese, review texts, take vocal music lessons, and live broadcast.

She felt that she was going to learn to vomit, and now she had to live broadcast and study, and it made her uncomfortable to die.

"rua, it's so disgusting, I want to vomit, maybe I'm pregnant..."

Chapter 185 Guaranteed by mea's personality

The Sakuraso subtitle team was established.

There were 16 people in total, including Hideyoshi and You, and 14 people were recruited.

Hideyoshi is the leader of the subtitle group of Sakurazhuang, and he did not disclose his identity to the members of the subtitle group.

The wages and benefits are not high, and the money given out can maintain food and clothing. If you want to eat well and buy other things, don't even think about it.

In the future, with the increase in popularity and income of Youthem, the treatment of the subtitle group will also increase. Now, as compensation, the subtitle group will provide some special benefits, such as Q limit, some handmade gifts, autographs, paintings paintings and the like.

Kagura Mea, Xi Luo, and You are not yet making high profits on, and they are in a state of loss for sending money to the subtitle group.

There is a limit to using love to generate electricity, and love will disappear or transfer.If there is no financial relationship, Vtuber's binding force on the subtitle group is actually very low.

The best thing is to sign a contract to support your own subtitle group, and use money and contracts to bind it, so as not to cause any trouble for Vtuber by the subtitle group.

There is no shortage of fanatical fans with too much "love" in the subtitle group.Many of these fans are very naive, thinking that they are doing this for the good of V they like, and will get V's likes, but in fact, they may be adding fuel to the fire, forcing that V to death.

In another world, Vtuber is popular, and there are many incidents of subtitle groups adding fuel to the flames.And there have also been incidents where Vtuber is good, and subtitle groups make trouble.

Either the love is too crazy, or there is an inner ghost in the group, the circle is not big, but there are a lot of P things.

This is why Hideyoshi separated the official account and the subtitle group account.

The fourteen members of the subtitle team that Hideyoshi recruited are basically college students, four of them have entered the society, three of them are "company dogs", and the other is a family with more than ten apartments, renting and living at home to eat and die of.

These people, Hideyoshi, have agreed that they can't quit the subtitle group at will. If they want to quit, they should say half a month in advance and then hand over the work at hand to other team members.There will be tasks every week, not too heavy, and people will not be woken up to work in the middle of the night, but those who cannot be completed will be fired.

There are no idlers in the subtitle group. After all, the subtitle group of Yinghuazhuang is not a subtitle group that uses love to generate electricity.

Some subtitle groups have a large number of people, but very few actually participate in the work. More than half of the people have not done any subtitle group work.It's purely for the sake of getting into the group and getting acquainted with others.

For Hideyoshi, it is meaningless to raise these people, and these people may turn into ghosts and spread rumors everywhere when they get hot.

In the Vtuber industry, the subtitle group is a very strange existence. Sometimes I really don’t know whether it is a fan Vtuber or a fan subtitle group.In the world before Hideyoshi traveled, the success of many foreign V's at station B is inseparable from the hard work of the subtitle team.

Not all DDs learned about Vtuber by watching the live broadcast, many of them became DDs by sliced ​​cooked meat made by the subtitle group.

There is a big gap between a competent subtitle group and an incompetent subtitle group. The former can make Vtuber quickly gain followers, even skyrocketing. less than.

Every member of the subtitle group, Hideyoshi, asked for a phone number, and added Penguin and WeChat.

To make sure the phone number was available, he texted all his team members and asked them to reply.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Hideyoshi finally settled the matter of the subtitle team.

"so tired!"

After shutting down the computer and closing the laptop, Hideyoshi stretched.

【ended? 】

Euclid Wood, who was sitting on the bed reading a book, picked up the notepad and asked.

"Well, it's over, I'm so tired."

Hideyoshi covered his mouth and yawned. He came to the bedside and took off the slippers and the coat over the pajamas, lifted the quilt and got into Yu's bed skillfully.

"Still sleeping?"

Usually Yuu is asleep at this point, Hideyoshi is curious to see Yuu not sleeping yet.


Euclid Wood did not explain Hideyoshi's doubts, and closed the book after writing this word on the notepad.

【Good night】

"Good night."

With a silent "good night" and a vocal "good night", the lights were turned off in a second.

On a cool night, the dark room was silent.

Hideyoshi quietly hugged his beloved real-life pillow Euclid Wood, rubbing Yu's hair contentedly.

Euclid Wood was curled up in his arms under the warm blanket, and the girl's breath was panting on his chest, making a small piece of his chest crispy and itchy.It was the position of the chin and neck, and it was a little uncomfortable for him to have the armor on his forehead against him.

Compared to this position, Hideyoshi prefers sleeping with Yu from behind.

Although you can't feel Yu's cute breath like this, but you don't have to be resisted by the armor, and in this position he can make the greatest contact with Yu's body, and he can rub Yu's stomach, if there is nothing, I'm sorry for A You can also feel the charming curve of the beautiful buttocks.

The only thing that sucks is the easy Boki.

But it doesn't matter even if Boki dies, it's not like he hasn't had that kind of situation after sleeping with You for so long.

Chunmeng Li Wuhen, as an adolescent boy, no matter what happens at night, terrible things will happen.

Yu didn't give him a good face the first time, neither did he give him the second time, and he didn't give him the third time, but after four times, five times, six times, seven times, and more and more slowly, Yu seemed to reluctantly accept it. .

Now he seems to be able to clean his gun, but he doesn't know how long it will take until he misfires, after all, he hasn't even reached the step of "just rubbing".

"Yu, can you change your posture, the armor is so tight."

Hideyoshi said softly while rubbing Euclid Wood's hair.

The girl who couldn't speak in his arms moved, turned over and leaned into his arms.Yu poked Hideyoshi's face with his hand and wrote a few words on it.

Hideyoshi, who often let Yu write on his face or other places on his body at night, felt the gestures of the words, and knew what Yu wrote.

【Don't Do Strange Things】

"No, I guarantee with Mea's personality."

Hideyoshi chuckled softly, and Euclid Wood in his arms hummed softly, saying that it was useless to use Mea's personality as a guarantee.

"Okay, okay, how about I guarantee it with my personality."

Your personality is even more unbelievable.

Euclidwood complained in her heart, but did not respond, but closed her eyes.She knew that physical activity in adolescent boys was normal.It's just that Gui knows that such things will still make her upset.

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