
"End? I didn't allow myself to fall."

Wiping the blood oozing from his forehead, Ren Ming got up from the ground with a blank expression and responded lightly.

At this moment, his red eyes were burning with a crazy luster like a wild beast.

"Then... attack again until you... fall."

Anleya gritted her teeth, and the mechanical right arm began to glow with silver light again, but her heart was occupied by surprise.

She didn't attack the wrong place, it was indeed the temple, but why hasn't she fainted yet!

Ordinary people should have died if they were attacked there!Why can the opponent still move!

"It's useless, I've already started negotiating with that Highness, it's meaningless no matter how you stop it."

Ren Ming exhaled slowly, insisting not to faint.

The oozing blood also dripped from his forehead to the ground, and quickly disappeared.

"Impossible! Since you entered the have never left my sight. How is it contact His Highness!"

The raised mechanical right arm trembled slowly, and Anleya said hoarsely unwillingly.

His strength is getting weaker and his consciousness is getting more and more blurred. It is obvious that the toxin has increased.

But when did the other party poison him!

"When are you thinking about poisoning?"

The voice of benevolence continued to come, but the words made Anya's heart tremble violently.

"Then... so what! You... can't escape!"

The beam of energy light converges on the right arm of the robot, slowly moving in the direction.

Anya felt that the consciousness she was struggling to maintain suddenly began to disintegrate faster.

So she planned to use Originium skills to break the window and attract the searchers here before her consciousness completely fell into darkness.

As long as the window is blown up, it will be her victory!



The moment the light bloomed, Ren Ming's body was blown away again, and he blocked the blow with all his strength.

"Cough, I'm so stubborn..."

After struggling to get up from the ground, Ren Ming, whose chest was hit, coughed.


Anleya looked at the blocked blow, her eyes turned into despair, and her thin pink lips trembled slightly.

"Your abilities are working...why are you"

"Why? You have someone for your own daughter, and I have someone I care about, that's all."

Blood spilled from the corners of his eyes and nostrils, making Ren Ming look like a ghost crawling out of hell, but he still responded calmly.

He was severely injured when his ability was functioning, and his consciousness was also collapsing.

But thinking of what Teresia had done for the infected, he would never allow himself to faint.

Another point......

If he fainted, not only Laplande and the others would be captured by the dragon lady's men, but he would also be caught by the dragon lady and become the opponent's puppet.

No matter where he thought about it, he would never allow himself to faint.

"Is this...?"

The body was weak and fell to the ground, and the vision was completely blurred. Anleya, who maintained the last trace of consciousness, murmured slowly.

I can't move at all, it is estimated that the toxin has spread to the brain......

"The last... question, where did the poison... come from?"

The sword she was holding also fell from her hand, she asked softly.

Not reconciled...

"The toxin is in my blood. In order to prevent people from disturbing me, the blood was evaporated in this room from the beginning."

Ren Ming looked at An Leya with complicated eyes.

Originally, there was no such toxin in his body, but after that poisoning, he had an extra ability,

Because the toxin on Anya's dagger is not a simple toxin, it is a kind of blood.

And his ability to swallow blood to obtain other people's origin stone skills just allowed him to obtain the origin stone skills of controlling toxins.

Once using this origin stone skill, his blood will also be transformed into poison.

" are a monster."

With a wry smile, Anya's eyes began to close slowly.

"One more thing. I have reached an agreement with that Highness, your daughter will return to you. After all... few people can push me to this point."

Ren Ming shook his head and slowly closed his eyes.


Eyes widened suddenly, Anleya stared at Renming in disbelief.

Then, the pupil suddenly and completely loses focus.

Apparently, she passed out.


And Ren Ming's body also slowly slid down, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

a moment later...

The eyes also completely lost focus, and the consciousness completely collapsed.

He also fell into a coma completely.



The explosion completely buried the dust, and the passage was completely blocked.

"Almost got caught."

With the comatose Texas on his back, Laplande breathed a sigh of relief.

After negotiating with the other party's troops, those people actually wanted to break the contract and catch them.

They, who are proficient in collapse and evasion, of course will not sit idly by, and immediately pull important researchers as a threat, and then retreat from the passage they came in before.

But this is just a tactic to delay the attack. After a while, they will be arrested because of lack of strength.

Fortunately, during the escape, someone appeared to help them blow up the passage and block the way, otherwise they would be completely finished.

Turning to look at the person who helped them, Laplande looked a little surprised: "You are... the thief who stole things that day?"

"It's a witch! It's a witch! If I had known it was you, I wouldn't have come to help, really."

Ye Yan covered her face with her hands and said angrily.

"Anyway, we are now companions, please give me more advice, just call me Huang."

With the comatose Shi Huaiya on his back, Huang greeted Yeyan carelessly.

"Fufufu, you should be more likable. It seems that Hui asked me to save you. It's not too much to ask. Go from here, I've already dug the passage."

Yeyan stretched lazily, turned and left to the other side of the passage.


Laplande froze for a moment, a complex expression appeared on his face.

Even the situation of their arrest was expected, so they asked others to dig another underground passage.


Whether everything you do is out of genuine concern, or is it all in your calculations.

Chapter 46 Hope (Underplay)の花

In the darkness of the entire space, there were only two figures standing.

One is the figure of Ren Ming, and the other is the giant wolf.

Different from the state of Scarlet Shadow last time, this time the giant wolf's figure is very clear and has a real entity.

The silver hair shone with a faint light, and the lines of the slender figure were extremely soft, making it look as cold and beautiful as the moonlight.

"You're asking for trouble again."

The giant wolf stared at Ren Ming, and an ethereal voice came from its mouth.

"Well, this transaction is not a loss, no matter how you think about it, it is a profit."

Ren Ming dragged his chin in thought for a moment, then paralyzed his hands.

Seeing that a wolf has good features, is there something wrong with him?

"It's getting more and more serious to pay the price, but you're not prepared for it."

The head of the giant wolf approached, and the huge blood-colored vertical pupils were fixed on Renming's eyes.


Renming's indifferent expression froze for a moment, then returned to normal immediately, and said calmly: "There is still time, I can wait."

A hint of vicissitudes appeared in the scarlet vertical pupils of the giant wolf, and the ethereal voice echoed in Ren Ming's ears again: "But time has no meaning to me. I wake up countless times, fall asleep countless times, and I will eventually get tired of it."

"So it's not good to let yourself live freely?"

Ren Ming sighed, reached out and rubbed his temples.

The other party obviously took advantage of taking his body away, so why did he act reluctantly.

"Painful memories from the past don't fade over time, neither do scars, and you, like me, will experience that feeling one day."

The giant wolf slowly crawled on the ground, seeming a little tired.

"You mean you can't prevent the price from happening?"

Ren Ming covered his cheek in silence.

If you don't want to, don't grab your body, it's good for everyone.

"Can you not develop feelings for the paper man?"

The giant wolf squinted at Ren Ming with a slight disdain in his eyes.

"Um....... This metaphor is easy to understand." Ren Ming turned his head in embarrassment, and then turned to stare at the giant wolf seriously: "So I should say who is number one in the world, Sister Pao or Rem ?”


The giant wolf suddenly fell silent, she was considering whether to slap Ren Ming on the head.

The surface fell into a dead silence...

Sighing slowly, the giant wolf's figure gradually dimmed, leaving only the echoing voice.

"In order not to make the price worse, I will go out and supervise you after a while."

"Can you still go out?"

Ren Ming's eyes showed obvious astonishment.

"It's as natural as breathing with your gills, so you can wait for me to kick you a few more times!"

The last sentence came, and the giant wolf figure completely disappeared.

"Just kidding, I'm not Merlin,"

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