Hope everyone knows. "

"I understand the Savior, I'll let someone do it!"

Zhang Chengan knocked on the table and pondered for a while: "Then, set up a stall outside. All those who come to intercede with the Eye of the Storm and Shenlunhai will all be led to the stall over there and asked to register their information.

If they are willing to register, just listen to what they have to say.

If they don't want to rank, coax them away.

When the next round of merchant ships is allocated, all registered forces will be downgraded by one level.

All the chariots and horses who have clearly separated from Shenlunhai will be directly raised by one level, and then some more preferential policies will be given. "

"Master Savior, is this forcing them to stand in line?"

"Of course. Otherwise, is there really a free lunch in this world?"

Zhang Chengan sneered, and changed to a more comfortable sitting position: "Then, let the wind out. Let's talk about unofficial news, we may introduce some more favorable policies here.

For example, fast track for transportation, integration of VIP resources, preferred partners, VIP charter business, etc...

In short, it will be very different from the previous situation where everyone ate a big pot of rice. "

"This is, slap and give some sweetness. This sweetness is still a cake. In fact, we didn't do anything, and let them fight for the benefit of the future!"

Zhang Chengan nodded slightly: "For some things, of course you have to get in the car before paying. While you are spreading these news, you can covertly place the power of Shenlunhai in the position of being offered a reward.

I believe that really smart people will know what to do. "

Goosebumps appeared on Umer's arms: "Yes, Lord Savior, I understand, I'll do it now."

As soon as these rumors came out, the eye of the storm might be devoured by the pack of wolves before he could do it himself.

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it, and when the drum breaks, everyone beats it.

When someone tells you that at some point in the future, the bricks of this wall can be exchanged for gold bricks.

I believe that there will be many forces taking precautions and starting preparations.He even made a move ahead of time and started digging for bricks.

If one person digs, a group of people will be in a hurry, that is, everyone rushes to dig together.

But, what does it have to do with Dagon No. [-] Company when they pick the wall tiles?

Not official information!

We didn't say anything, we didn't know anything!

As for the future, can wall bricks really be exchanged for gold bricks?It doesn't matter whether the brick picker and the brick changer can know.

Anyway, the wall, there is definitely no chance to know.

Chapter 134 Start the War!God's wrath

If hanging the body of the deacon of Eye of the Storm in the port to dry is a slap in the face and provocation.

Then the following announcements and gossip from the First Dagon Company basically stabbed the eye of the storm firmly in the heart.

In less than a month, the Eye of the Storm suffered more than 40 unidentified attacks.

Many high-level officials were hunted down one after another, and the kidnapping of low-level members was commonplace.

On the black market, there was even a [Eye of the Storm Member Position Price Reference List] to ensure that the sale of these heads would not have too high a premium.

The eye of the storm was furious at the beginning, and constantly dredged up their relationship, trying to end this farce through alliances and joint pressure.

But they were surprised to find that the envoys they sent out never returned without saying anything, and the other party enthusiastically invited their high-level personnel to meet face-to-face.

After losing a large number of personnel one after another, they finally came to their senses.

The current Eye of the Storm, in the eyes of other forces in the Sea of ​​Dawn, is no longer an ally. They are a mine containing endless treasures.

From the leader to the cleaner, everyone is a shining gem!Clearly marking the price in the black market is simply more popular than some interstellar beasts full of treasures.

A large number of star beast hunters have completely changed their careers and become real hunters.

There are even counterfeit products that are fake members of the Eye of the Storm on the black market, and some auction houses even make voice calls to inquire about the Eye of the Storm, asking them to help distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

The entire Sea of ​​Dawn is as lively as a festival.

Everyone sings, everyone dances, congratulate the storm, and recruit more employees.

So that everyone can have a fat festival together.

Finally, the leader of Eye of the Storm, who could not bear the humiliation, uttered his hysterical roar.

The Eye of the Storm wants to declare war on Dagon's No. [-] Trading Company in the Sea of ​​Dawn.

The moment after this declaration of war appeared, Dagon Company then issued a response message.

The content is stinky and long, but in summary it has two meanings.

First, everyone is optimistic. It was this little boy who first declared war on us. He was the instigator of the war.

Second, if you want to fight, I will fight. I have tens of thousands of warships!Let's fight to the death today!With me without you!

In fact, everyone is like a bright mirror in their hearts.

Your stinky and long response letter, which is thirty to forty pages long, is less than five seconds behind the others' declaration of war.

You said you read the declaration of war, and then responded, he wouldn't believe anything!

Forty densely packed response books have caught up with a novella.Five seconds, let alone writing, is not even enough to construct an outline in the mind, not even enough to give the title of the book.

The reaction speed is so fast, people can't help but guess.

Is this group of people paying attention to the movements of the eye of the storm 24 hours a day, staring at them, waiting for them to issue a letter of war?

Thinking of this, the leaders of the various factions in Sea of ​​Dawn couldn't help but shudder.

Dagon Trading Company is really good enough, not only to fight, but also to fight violently on the moral high ground.

After one operation, Eye of the Storm became a shameless war initiator.Instead, the Dagon Trading Company became a poor man who was forced to fight back in self-defense.

Before this battle started, the boss of Eye of the Storm was angrily killed half of his life.

But the second half of life only existed for less than 10 minutes.

Five seconds after the declaration of war appeared, the response was released.In less than five seconds after the response letter was released, Dagon's Armada had already arrived at the door of the Eye of the Storm.

Countless gun barrels and sights are all locked on the territory of the Sea of ​​Storms.

Zhang Chengan stood on the halving, swirled the fine wine in the goblet, and drank it down in one gulp.

"It's a place full of filth. Umer, clean this place up for me."

"Obey, Lord Savior."

Following an order, countless artillery fire and rays of light shot out from the Armada, and then bloomed on the continent where the Sea of ​​Storms was located.

Space barrier?

They are as fragile as soap bubbles in front of the Armada. As early as when the port was being built, they had the technology to destroy space barriers.

Moreover, it is a technology that breaks open at will according to the user's will.

An incalculable amount of artillery fire bloomed on the continent of the eye of the storm, covering it one after another like a vacuum cleaner.

This is a real ground scrub. The washed terrain is flat and of a single color, which seems to make patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder very comfortable.

When they learned that the Armada had appeared outside the territory of the Eye of the Storm, most people basically thought the same as the leader of the Eye of the Storm.

I have only read the third page of this response letter, why have you already called me?

Then, there was nearly an hour of cannon fire to wash the ground.

No enemies, no effects, no risks.

Adhering to the principle of no matter what, the Armada frantically washed the ground with artillery fire, and washed the entire Eye of the Storm continent back and forth four times before reluctantly shutting up.

It felt like spraying a person's [-] generations of ancestors back and forth several times from top to bottom, but he couldn't even find the black spots like spitting, so he shut his mouth unwillingly.

In the eye of the storm, except for a dozen gods, all the family members were basically wiped out.

At this time, those watching the excitement in Sea of ​​Dawn began to get excited.

It is true that in terms of the development of the family, Dagon Company can be described as astonishing.

But from the moment they appeared like shooting stars, to now hovering over the other forces in the Sea of ​​Dawn like the scorching sun, only the family members showed their face outside during the whole process.

Few of the gods of their power make an appearance.

Although there is information that Dagon Company has two powerful Chosen Sons who already have god-level combat effectiveness.

But in the face of the sea of ​​storms where the main body of the organization is composed of gods, there are still certain weaknesses in high-end combat power.

Now, all the foundations of Eye of the Storm have been destroyed, leaving only a dozen polished commanders.

But they are gods!Powerful gods!Even if only half of them are capable of fighting, their combat power is still difficult to equalize.

Although they couldn't stop their family members from being massacred, they believed that the enemy couldn't resist the combined hands of more than a dozen gods.

The final part of the war of the gods has to be the gods!

The other forces in the Sea of ​​Dawn all sent a large number of battle gods to the battlefield to support them.

They must ensure the existence of Dagon, because it is related to everyone's future financial resources.

Moreover, helping Dagon at this time is a timely help, and this friendship will be exchanged for unimaginable benefits.

But when they reached the outskirts of the battle, suddenly an evil spirit that made the gods tremble swept across, almost sweeping across the entire Sea of ​​Dawn.

On the flagship deck of the Dagon Armada, a god wrapped in a fully mechanical exoskeleton stepped out.

He raised the ghost-headed broadsword in his hand and rushed towards the dozen or so gods in the eye of the storm.

And then, it was a one-sided massacre!

Chapter 135 Extermination, the fierce power of the soldier master

On the barren land, the soldier lord descended from the sky, exuding a powerful murderous aura.

Zhang Chengan held up the little demon, pointing at the boss of the eye of the storm, a high god of the thunder department on the elemental side.

Surrounding him, there are two mid-level gods of the elemental wind-type, and a circle of low-level gods and elementary gods like miscellaneous fish.

Eight, eight gods with fighting abilities.Most of the rest are civilians and not a threat.

The boss of Eye of the Storm, Brost, held his artifact and said viciously, "You are too arrogant to fight eight with one."

Zhang Chengan sneered: "It's funny to say, I've always been kind to others and kept a low profile. I didn't expect that I would be labeled as arrogant today.


After he finished laughing, he took a deep breath, pressed his forehead with one hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Do you know what you ruined? You ruined the beautiful retirement life of an innocent young man.

This blood feud must be filled with your lives! "


With a flash, the soldier lord had already arrived in front of Brost, and the ghost-headed sword in his hand slashed down in the air, and the shrill howl of the sword made the scalp numb.


Kneel to God with one knife!

Brost knelt on one knee, holding his Thunder Hammer with both hands, holding on tightly.

He couldn't understand why the young man in front of him, who was clearly only a rudimentary god, could burst out with such powerful divine power.

It is true that there is no necessary relationship between god level and combat power.

No matter how high the god level is, non-combat gods may be defeated by gods whose god level is lower than themselves.

But this range is not large, and has always been within a reasonable range that everyone can accept.

But I am a fighting god!He is also two god levels higher than him, why was he suppressed! ?

"Get out of here!!!"

Brost roared, the thunder on his body exploded, and an explosion occurred with a bang.Zhang Cheng'an was immediately sent flying, drawing a beautiful arc in mid-air.

At this time, several other gods rushed to attack, and a large number of divine skills shot up into the sky with divine power, all of them attacked Zhang Chengan who was flying backwards.

"System, activate the engraving of the soul-swallow the sky and eat the earth."

【Ding!The soul engraving of swallowing the sky and eclipsing the earth is successfully opened. 】

【Ding!The effect of swallowing the sky and eclipsing the earth: Yin and Yang are in harmony...]

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