"Come on! High God? This is impossible!"

"No, she is the chosen one, this is her own skill effect!"

With the addition of imperial robes, Umer looks more regal.She looked down, her eyes were piercing.

Those crazy ratmen looked up at the sky in a daze, the all-consuming madness was rapidly dissipating.They felt the powerful aura that was different from the divine power, and their sanity gradually recovered.

"Under the sun and the moon, is it possible that the king's land, and the shore of the land, are all subjects."

Umer put his hands behind his back, and said in a stern voice, "You bastard, why don't you kneel?"

On the wasteland, all the individuals prostrated themselves on the ground, with their foreheads pressed against the ground, paying their highest respect to the empress in the sky.

Zhang Chengan was very satisfied with this result. Umer was the queen of the moon elves before, and after being merged into the sun elves, she rose further and became the common empress of the two elves.

In addition to the original [Imperial Power Granted by Heaven] and [Burning the Biao God], there are many more inherent skills.

What she is showing now is the skill used for preaching on a large scale and subduing the family - [All Nations Come to Dynasty]!


With a swipe of her finger, Wu Meryu pointed to the dozen or so space tunnels opened: "Deal the heaviest blow to the fools who try to fool the great savior!

I order you!attack!

Destroy everything you see! "

The two rat kings immediately raised their arms and shouted, leading the black swarm of rats, they rushed towards the reserve God's Domain of the Education Department!

All of this is what they asked for!

Chapter 156 I'll Give You a Chance

The exam is over, and with the exam, there is also the reserve domain of the entire education system.

A large number of resources, fertile land, and the raised rat people were all wiped out under the counterattack of the Dagon Theological Cult.

Everything happened so fast that no one could react at all.

In order to facilitate the general exam this time, all nine storage domains of the Education God Department have been opened.Because they were not closed in time, these warehouse-like Fertile Gods were emptied by the rats.

What should I do if I can’t move it?Thousand Machine Rats come to help you!

These guys used local materials to create a large-scale transport mechanism Warcraft, even the huge stones were not spared?

That is to say, the time is urgent and the task is heavy, otherwise these five feet of land in God's Domain will have to be resisted by these rats.

Zhang Chengan's mouth was crooked with joy.

A new campus is about to be built!I'm worried that I can't find someone to take advantage of!

but now!What is windfall?What is night grass and what is a wave of fat?

Looking at the mountains of resources, Zhang Chengan couldn't help admiring: "It's still a damn fast robbery!"

Just as Zhang Chengan was about to complete the exam and exit the battle platform, a dialog box popped up in front of him.

[Hello, dear student Zhang Chengan, we are the coordinating department of this exam.At present, there are some problems with your grades, please click Confirm and go to the Coordination Department Shenyu for verification, thank you...]

Zhang Chengan's instinctive reaction was to refuse. He had just emptied the five warehouses of his family, and the doors of the warehouses were ripped off.

Now the opposite party asks himself to go to understand the situation, who will go!

But after much deliberation, Zhang Chengan still decided to go.

This exam is so weird, if I don't go in person, I'm likely to be labeled as such because I wasn't there.

You can't get sick if you have anything, you can't suffer from anything you eat, and the most unacceptable thing is to be dumb!

Zhang Chengan made up his mind and directly clicked the OK button.

In a flash of light, he disappeared into the school's god domain, experienced a superstar-distance projection of consciousness, and came to the headquarters of the coordination department in the form of a spiritual body.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a fat-headed official being detained aside, and several uniformed people were taking pictures in the room, and the remaining uniformed personnel were questioning the staff.

Seeing Zhang Chengan appearing, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then all of a sudden surrounded him.

"Are you that examinee?"

"Which candidate?"

"Third Star Field Key High School, Zhang Chengan, Class Two, Second Class, your class teacher is Wang, and the principal is Yang?"

Zhang Chengan nodded slightly: "Yes, it's me."

"Hello, hello, I'm really sorry, classmate, I surprised you."

"I'm actually fine..."

Zhang Chengan rubbed his nose, suddenly felt a venomous gaze staring at him, and turned his head to look at him.It turned out that it was the fat official who was looking at him through gritted teeth.

"what's going on?"

The three supervisors looked at each other, and then simply told Zhang Chengan what happened here.

From their hesitating appearance and some fragmented information, Zhang Chengan can probably restore the general situation of the matter.

For that fat official, Zhang Chengan immediately showed a provocative smile, and the other party gasped heavily in anger.

"The investigation is almost done." An officer from the Disciplinary Investigation Bureau came over with the inquiry record: "We will file a public prosecution in the near future.

We will deal with the actions of Minister Ning Yongshou and Ning in accordance with the law.As far as the current information is concerned, there are charges of deliberate murder, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, and using power for personal gain.

The Discipline Inspection Bureau will definitely investigate to the end and will not tolerate it. "

Zhang Chengan was very happy, and gave the other party a thumbs up: "It's pretty quick, I give you a thumbs up."

"Student Zhang Cheng'an, right? As an important witness in this public prosecution, we may ask you a simple question later. I hope you can cooperate."

"Cooperate, fully cooperate!"

"That's great, thank you for supporting our work."

Things seemed to be going smoothly, but for some reason, Zhang Chengan looked at Minister Ning with a very arrogant and disdainful look.

Just when Zhang Chengan was wondering, a figure appeared in the room.

The person who came was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and was dressed upright, looking like a gentle scum.

"Mr. Zheng! Mr. Zheng! Help me!"

"Shut up! You idiot who has more success than failure!"

This Mr. Zheng frowned, and walked in front of the officer of the Discipline Inspection Bureau with his hands behind his back.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

"It turned out to be Councilor Zheng. We are dealing with a case of official abuse of power." The young operator pointed to Minister Ning: "This is the person involved in the case, and this classmate is an important witness."

Mr. Zheng snorted coldly: "Do you have a permit for arrest?"

"Mr. Congressman, this is still the investigation period, and we brought Minister Ning back for normal questioning, not arrest, so we don't need an arrest permit."

"Let people go."

"This...how is this possible?"

Councilor Zheng's face darkened: "Why not? Didn't you say that it was only during the investigation period? The dignified minister, the second-in-command in the education system, you just arrested?

Let people go! "

The operator was dumbfounded, and finally gritted his teeth: "Don't let me go! This is against the rules!"


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Councilor Zheng slapped the officer on the face: "Bastard! Do you know who I am?"

"You! How did you hit someone?"

"Hit someone?" Mr. Zheng straightened his bow tie: "This is the realm of the gods! What you are using is the spiritual body! I am hitting your spiritual body!

Even this is not clear, you still want to investigate the case?What is your operator number!Who is the superior? "

"Hey! Mr. Zheng, calm down, calm down, isn't it just letting people go? Anyway, the matter is not yet settled, let's let it go, let's let it go!"

Another officer, who was a little older, rushed over and pulled the young man aside: "Don't die? Councilor Zheng is one of the candidates for the next session of Congress!

If he let him go, he will let him go first, a hero will not suffer from immediate losses! "

The people from the Discipline Inspection Bureau had no choice but to unfasten Director Ning immediately, and the latter ran to Mr. Zheng's side as soon as he was out of trouble, with a flattering look on his face.

"Mr. Zheng, I'm so sorry that I asked you to come here in person."

"Stupid pig! You can't even handle such a trivial matter!"

"This...it's not my problem! Everything was going smoothly, but suddenly a...yes! It's him! It's him!"

Minister Ning pointed at Zhang Chengan who was walking over and shouted viciously: "Mr. Ning, this is the student who cheated in the general exam and seriously interfered with the exam procedure."

"You..." Mr. Zheng looked at him, "Why do you feel so familiar?"

"Mr. Zheng! He just allowed his family members to rob the education system's reserve domain!"

"This is a serious crime!" Councilor Zheng sneered, and looked at the officer of the Discipline Inspection Bureau: "What are you doing in a daze? What are you guys looking at? Why don't you arrest him?

Check him first to see if there are any violations. "

"Mr. Congressman, he is a witness! The witness turned into the accused, it's too..." The young congressman wanted to say something dark, but the congressman gave him a glare, the words stuck in his throat, and his face turned red.

Zhang Chengan sighed: "To be honest, I am in a good mood today, and you are very lucky. Mr. Zheng, right? I can give you a chance to reorganize the language."

Chapter 157 Do you know me?

(It’s no good, the code won’t move anymore, two more cards will be added tomorrow morning... manpower is limited, hope Haihan...)

Councilor Zheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, boy, you are the first person who dares to talk to me like that."


A clear and sweet slap made Mr. Zheng's face crooked.Everyone looked at Zhang Chengan in disbelief, feeling like they were dreaming.

"You! How dare you..."

"Mr. Zheng! Mr. Zheng, are you alright?" Minister Ning was terrified at first, and then he called out to the Discipline Inspection Bureau with a ferocious face: "What are you looking at? Why don't you hurry up and arrest this mob who attacked the congressman!"

Just when everyone was in a mess, Zhang Chengan suddenly slapped his chest, and the third-level Human Brave Medal appeared.

At that moment, everything was silent.

Councilor Zheng and Minister Ning's eyes widened. Of course they knew this thing, but at this moment it seemed so unreal.

"stand at attention!"

Zhang Chengan shouted angrily, and everyone present subconsciously stood at attention, stiffening their bodies.

Zhang Chengan straightened his collar, looked around indifferently with his hands behind his back: "I originally planned to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in return was misunderstanding and alienation.

Stop pretending, I am a third-class hero, I have a showdown~"

"Three-three-three...third-class...third-class brave?" Mr. Zheng swallowed.

Zhang Chengan looked at the big and small officers and leaders, and coughed lightly: "Why, what should I do when I see the holder of the badge of bravery, do you need me to teach you?"

"To! To the brave man who has been fighting for the well-being of mankind! I would like to pay the highest respect!"

Hearing the sparse shouts from the crowd, Zhang Chengan smiled slightly, and waved to Mr. Zheng, who moved reluctantly and came in front of him.

"Do you know me?" Zhang Chengan looked at him calmly.

"Forgive my blindness, I didn't... didn't recognize it too much..."


Zhang Chengan slammed with his forehand, causing Councilor Zheng to turn around in a circle.

"I'll let you get to know each other today."

"Hey! You! How can you..."

"stand at attention!"

Zhang Chengan roared again, and everyone tensed up again.Councilor Zheng's face turned red, and he felt aggrieved.

Zhang Chengan pointed to his nose: "My name is Zhang Chengan, do you know me?"

Zhang Chengan!

Councilor Zheng suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Recently, it seems that many internal congressional documents have involved this rising star.I just glanced at it hastily, and didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't expect to bump into it today.

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