"After you get Bai Xueji's ring, you can go and have a look. There may be some surprises there."

Snow White City is the castle where Sofia the Snow White Demon Princess lives.As the master of ice and snow, Bai Xueji's palace is covered by ice crystals. From a distance, the whole Snow White City can be seen crystal clear and dazzling under the reflection of light, like a beautiful and dreamy castle like snow.

"If a traveler who doesn't understand sees Snow White City, he may be fascinated by it in an instant, and many beautiful reveries will arise in his heart.

Although removing the dangers involved, there is nothing wrong with their ideas. "

Green was only a few kilometers away from Snow White at this time, and he looked at the flawless Snow White with admiration while hiding in the forest.

Originally, he didn't need to hide like this, but for some reason, the people in Bai Xue City suddenly went crazy during this period of time.Looking for something everywhere, the seven dwarves under Snow White's command were all sent out by her to various places.

Such a situation had to make Green more cautious. Before knowing the specific situation, he decided not to reveal his whereabouts for the time being.

In his memory, there was no such big change in Baixuecheng in that reincarnation, and the current situation is unknown to him.

...has he experienced something similar before?

Green just watched Bai Xuecheng's movements, and at the same time eavesdropped on the conversations of the residents in the city.

"Oh, Bai Xueji has gone crazy for some reason, and suddenly wants to find a guy who doesn't know what he looks like to be her husband. Obviously, the prince is in the castle, waiting for her answer wholeheartedly."

A murloc with a fish head and human body complained quietly to the other murloc.These murlocs were covered by a huge layer of ice, but they didn't seem to notice it.

"That's right, the prince is infatuated with Bai Xueji, and he is also handsome, why Bai Xueji doesn't agree.

I heard that this unknown guy was seen by Bai Xueji from her magic mirror, and he is said to be the most handsome man in the world.

It's ridiculous, who else can be more handsome than our prince. "

His companion whispered back, equally wary.

There is no way, this is Snow White City, and it is Snow White's territory.

If the words of the two were heard by Bai Xueji's subjects, even the prince would not be able to keep the two of them.

After all, Bai Xueji is one of the Five Demon Girls along with Master Mermaid Ji.

In the distance, Green filtered the words of them and others, and after a little analysis, he came to a conclusion.

Bai Xueji fell in love with a boy said to be the most handsome in the world from the magic mirror, and sent people to look for him everywhere.

"It's a bit difficult to do like this. This is another unexpected thing."

Green had a serious look on his face, and his plan was disrupted again.

If Bai Xueji likes that boy, how should Green get her ring.

Do you want to find that person and kill him, and then pretend to be him?Or directly snatch Bai Xueji's ring.

Regarding Bai Xueji's actions, Green was inexplicably upset.

... Sure enough, he is a scumbag.

Regarding this matter, Green decided to go to the place where the magic mirror was placed deep in the underground palace. He needed to know all the information.

After having an idea, Green started the preparations. He cast various concealment spells on himself.Reduce your own presence and presence.

After all, what he was going to face was Bai Xueji, the ruler of this snow land, so he should not be careless.

When night came and the snow was dark, Green touched Snow White City.

The process is not difficult, just like going home.Of course, with Green's familiarity with Snow White City, it is not an exaggeration to say that he will go home.

Green sneaked into the underground palace and came to the room where the magic mirror was placed to enter.It's just that the voice from inside made him stop his movements suddenly.

Green suppressed the shock in his heart, allowing his aura to blend with his surroundings without revealing any clues.

"Mirror, mirror...

Where is that boy...? "


"He has come to Snow White City? That's great..."

Bai Xueji's voice was as cold as ice and snow, but Green couldn't hear the joy in her tone.

Well, Green admits, he's a bit of a lemon right now.

His expression was a little sour, and a killing intent rose in his heart towards that strange guy.

Obviously he and Bai Xueji are strangers now, but when he really heard that she fell in love with someone else, he really couldn't accept it.

Thinking of this, his mood fluctuated.

A scumbag is a scumbag, then find that guy and kill him.

It was this slight mood swing that made Green's breath a little chaotic.

Let Bai Xueji inside notice it.

If Green is not facing Bai Xueji, if he is not in Bai Xue's forest.There is nothing wrong with this mistake, and it is not even a mistake.

It's a pity that in this territory, Bai Xueji is the absolute master.

"There are enemies...?"

When Green heard this sentence, he knew that the situation was not good. He knew Bai Xueji too well.

Sure enough, an ice-blue cold current hit Green from the room.

Green dodged the blow, and ran out without turning his figure, preparing to leave the underground palace.It is very unwise to fight Bai Xueji here.As long as he leaves the underground palace and leaves Snow White City, he can hide himself.

But this is just a beautiful vision, and Green knows that he may...not be able to escape.

If it is said that Bai Xueji can display abilities far beyond her own strength in the snow, then in this underground palace, she is an uncrowned god.

At this time, Bai Xueji has the power to resist even against the Princess in Ashes. .

The entire underground palace was engraved with a spell of ice and snow by Bai Xueji, and was blessed by the entire Snow White Garden.

"Looks like that's all it takes."

Green took a deep breath, with a determined look on his face, he turned his head to face the room with the magic mirror, and then exuded a powerful aura, confronting Bai Xueji's ice and snow, and walked step by step into the room deep in the underground palace.

"Master Bai Xueji, I surrender."

As soon as Green entered the room, he lowered his head and spoke loudly, with momentum like a rainbow and a loud voice.


Regarding his actions, Green didn't think it was inappropriate, it was a last resort for him.Although it's not that he can't beat Bai Xueji, there's no need to.

If they win, the entire Snow White City will be reduced to ruins.If he lost, he would really have to experience the resurrection process of an undead.

Besides, based on Green's understanding of Bai Xueji, he has now figured out how to get Bai Xueji's forgiveness, and he has prepared three sets of plans in a short time.

Bai Xueji looked at the thief who had sneaked into the underground palace expressionlessly.

At this time, I knew that I bowed my head and apologized. If he hadn't surrendered quickly, Bai Xueji would let him know what the Queen of Ice and Snow is.

What should I do with this guy next, make him into an ice sculpture, or make him into an ice puppet.Or just kill it.

But this guy's strength is not bad, it's a pity to be able to sneak here under her notice and kill him directly.

If he hadn't been sent to assassinate the other magic girls, it shouldn't be a problem to attack Rapunzel and the Frog Princess with this guy's strength, even if he died, it wouldn't be a pity.

Just as Bai Xueji's thoughts diverged, Green spoke. He looked up at Bai Xueji, ready to start the first plan.

At this time, Bai Xueji stared at Green, thinking about how to squeeze his value.So when Green raised his head, Bai Xueji saw his face clearly.

"Bai Xueji is big..."


Come on, the plan failed.

Green was silent, he was a little skeptical now, is his memory experience really useful?Why does it go wrong every time.

Bai Xueji looked at the thief's face and didn't know how to react for a moment.

She regretted a little, was the tone of her words too harsh.

After a long time, Bai Xueji's voice sounded, but it was no longer as cold as before.

"As a thief, I think about how to deal with you."

"Then... let you... be my husband..."


Shocked Green all year.

Wait, did this happen before?

Despite the shock, Green's mind was still spinning.

He remembered that when he first went to see Lapshell, Lapshell had the same reaction.

From this point of view, the accident a year ago had a profound impact on the magic girl, and more than one magic girl was changed.

If this is the case, Green recalled the previously collected information, combined with the current situation, he came to an incredible conclusion.

There are rumors that Bai Xueji saw the most handsome boy in the world in the magic mirror and wanted to make him her husband.

The current situation is that Bai Xueji wants to make Green her husband.

Then Green = the most handsome boy in the world, the equation is established.

This is really a confusing situation. Although Green is indeed handsome and handsome now, he is not the most handsome in the world, but this is not important.

He was relieved deep in his heart. It turned out that the boy was him, so it was fine.

Green quickly understood the situation, and at the same time began to think about Bai Xueji's request.

Want to become Bai Xueji's husband?If she agrees, Bai Xueji's ring can be obtained easily, and Bai Xueji will be happy.

But the disadvantages are not without. When the gods settle the case, Bai Xueji will not be able to run away.

That god is full of malice towards those who are close to him.

Thinking of this, Green hesitated again.There are some errors between his previous plans and the current scene, and it will take some time to correct them.

Um?Why did Bai Xueji's eyes suddenly become terrified.

Bai Xueji calmly waited for Green's answer. She believed that no one could refuse her charm, after all, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

She looked at Green's shocked appearance and found it very interesting, with a slight smile on her lips.Then he began to carefully look at every inch of Green's body. This is his future husband, so he must remember his appearance well.

Bai Xueji's gaze shifted from Green's face to her shoulders, slowly scanning every inch of her body.

...until her eyes fixed on Green's left hand and she couldn't move it away.

There, a gold-and-yellow patterned ring was worn on Green's middle finger.

A cold current formed behind Bai Xueji, and the already extremely low temperature of the underground palace seemed even colder at this moment.

Bai Xueji stared at Green's ring, and the gentle smile on her face turned cold.

Bai Xueji knew this ring, it was Rapunzel's ring.There is also a ring on her body, the ring of Bai Xueji who belongs to her alone.

"Are you the husband of... La Pushell...?"

When Bai Xueji spoke, her tone was as cold and calm as the eternal ice, which made people feel chills when they heard it.

Green felt very cold at this time, and his whole body was cold from the inside to the outside.When Bai Xueji spoke, Green remembered the ring.

Fuck, he actually forgot this one.But it doesn't matter, Green has a plan to deal with it, which is enough to keep him safe, and it can also reduce a wave of favorability.

"That's right, I am Lapshell's husband. Bai Xueji is sorry, but I cannot agree to your request."

Green's answer is very sincere, and the effect is obvious.

"very good……"

Bai Xueji's tone seemed to be praising, but the ice crystals behind her were continuously condensed into blue-white cold currents.

There is undisguised love in her eyes, and a determination to freeze people into ice.

"Then you are now...my...husband...

As for... Lapshell, you...forget about her. "

Green looked at the surging white cold current behind Bai Xueji with a little panic on his face.

In his heart, he was constantly thinking about how to solve the current situation. According to Bai Xueji's actions, the next step might be to freeze him and temporarily restrict his movements.

That's not okay, his time is still precious.

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