It's not that she doesn't want to go home, but she hasn't got the wild ginseng yet.

"...I do research in this area. I am a doctor, and I know about Originium Disease."

"I also know that wild ginseng can't cure Originium disease..."

Scarti didn't know where she heard this kind of information, she could only correct Zhao Yun'er's thinking.

"Huh? Sister Fairy is a doctor? That must be able to cure Auntie's illness, right?"

As soon as she heard Skadi say that she is a doctor, Zhao Yuner's mood improved a lot.

She looked at Skadi expectantly, hoping she could give herself an answer.

"Although I really want to say yes, but...sorry, even though I have conducted a lot of research on Originium Disease, I have not yet found a corresponding treatment method."

"But I have medicine that can relieve Originium Disease, it's just..."

"It can only be alleviated, not eradicated."

Skadi naturally took Zhao Yuner's little hand.

The other party is only a little over 1.4 meters. It is better to say that it is a little girl than a girl.

But she is much more mature than the little girl. Her appearance of eleven or twelve years old looks like fifteen or sixteen.

The child of the poor has long been in charge of the family, and Zhao Yuner's parents abandoned her.

There is an aunt in the family who was infected with Originium Disease half a year ago.

This obviously brought a lot of pressure and blow to Zhao Yun'er. She took on the whole family, and it's really normal for her to mature.

"But, but... Didn't the God of Medicine say that it can be cured?"

"I secretly listened to what the God of Medicine and the village chief said, saying that it can be cured..."

Zhao Yun'er was a little uncertain, although Skadi did save her, but that God of Medicine was famous, so how could he lie to others.

"Hey..." Skadi sighed.

If that person could really cure Originium Disease, he wouldn't be here alone.

I'm afraid it's not another charlatan who is known for murdering money and killing people.

Forget it, take some time to deal with this matter yourself.

Everyone was saved, and she heard that it was a patient with Originium disease. She really couldn't let go.

Arturia and Medea followed Skadi silently, they didn't know why Skadi did this.

After saving someone, you can leave after making sure the other person is safe.

After all, they are still secretly carrying out missions.

But since Skadi said so and did so, they should follow along and have a look.

Anyway, it's already night now, and it's a good thing to rest for a while before setting off.

"Do you usually come here to play?"

The mountain is more than 500 meters high, although the terrain is not complicated, and the terrain up and down the mountain is very flat.

But for a ten-year-old girl, it is still very difficult.

Skadi is sure that Zhao Yuner is just an ordinary girl, and even because of malnutrition, her physical fitness is much worse than that of her peers.

With such a physical condition, climbing this kind of mountain requires gathering herbs.

Look at the mud and tattered skirt on her body, and look at the herbs in her bamboo basket.

I’m afraid she has been here for a long time, won’t she be tired?

"Hmm! I know Sister Fairy must be worried about whether I'm tired or not."

"I was very tired when I came up, but I know there is a fruit forest here, and there is a clear spring beside the fruit forest."

"Just eat a fruit and drink a sip of clear spring."

"Not only will there be no accidents, but my strength will be restored quickly, and I won't be tired after walking for a day."

Because Skadi had been secretly comforting her spirit, Zhao Yuner quickly recovered from her grief.

Her nature is lively, and she exudes a kind of vitality.

She also answered Skadi's question.

"Since there are such good fruits, why not eat them every day?"

"You have been in the stage of malnutrition for a long time. If this continues, you may die from overwork one day."

"do not you know?"

Skadi thought about the reason, if Zhao Yuner didn't know, she just took it as a reminder.

"I know...I know..."

Zhao Yuner lowered her head and fully accepted Skadi's reprimand.

"But there is no money in the family, only my aunt and I depend on each other."

"Auntie has bad legs and feet, so she can't do coolie work, but can only do some needlework."

"The money I can make is not much, and I basically grew up eating a lot of food."

"Auntie also... also said that she just knows that I have a good relationship with everyone."

"If everyone knows that she suffers from stone disease, she will definitely be rejected, and then I will be rejected."

"By that time, I may not even be able to eat..."

"But I don't want Aunt to die, and I don't want to lose Aunt because of this reason."

"If Auntie can be cured, I don't have to worry about this..."

"Half a year ago, my aunt was finally unable to move because of a stone disease. I have been taking care of my aunt and making money."

"This mountain is one of the few places where I can play alone."

"I don't know where the fruits and springs come from."

"But I know, it must be baby."

"I can eat one every time I come, and I can drink a sip of clear spring."

"It's already a very good thing."

"This is a gift from God, I can't destroy it casually, let alone eat too much."

"Because of this, you will definitely be punished..."

"The children in the village say that I am suffering in this life because my parents have done a lot of bad things, and I was a bad person in my previous life."

"If I don't do well in this life, I will definitely suffer in the next life."

"It's fine for me to bear these myself, and I must not let the next life be like this..."

"At least in the next life, I will have a mother, a father, and an aunt...I want one..."

"A complete family... I want to live with my parents, my mother, my aunt, without going hungry, and without worrying about whether I can survive the winter."

"I want to receive gifts during the holidays, and I want everyone to eat together during the Chinese New Year."

"In order for me to enjoy these things in my next life, I don't have a problem with suffering now."

"But Auntie can't, Auntie can't die because of stone disease..."

"I don't want Auntie to die, I don't want..."

"If I can let my aunt live well after I die, I will definitely do so."

Zhao Yuner seemed to have been completely opened up by Skadi, and she knew everything about her problems and talked endlessly.

My life experience, my current situation.

Why malnutrition, and why not eat those good fruits to supplement nutrition.

What do you think, what do you dream about...

It was all made clear to Skadi.

During this period, Skadi didn't say anything, just listening to her say so, with extremely complicated emotions.

This child is obviously so good, so this kind of thing will happen to him?

Is it true that good people are not rewarded, and kind people should be punished?

She shouldn't have been in these dangers, she would have been a very good child.


This is not just the origin stone disease, but more of the human heart.

As she has always said, how to heal the heart is the biggest problem.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Skadi reached out and rubbed her head.

Her heart was very complicated, and there was an emotion brewing that she wanted to cry.

But she can't cry, she has to deal with the current problem well.

After all, crying doesn't solve anything.

She is well aware of this.

PS: This chapter is 4200 words, updated 21700/20000.

PS2: This chapter is written in a more sensational way, which may affect everyone's emotions.But some things still have to be written clearly... eh.

PS3: Please ask for the recommendation ticket, monthly ticket and reward blade, thank you everyone.

Chapter 264 Chapter 28: People's hearts are the most difficult to guess, so we must learn to use them

"Is this your village?"

Scarti thought it would be a little far, but she didn't expect it to be this far.

Escorted Zhao Yun'er down the mountain for 10 minutes, and then walked for half an hour before seeing the lights of the village in the distance.

The nearly one-hour journey is still under the escort of a few of them, so there is no need to worry about the attack of the Originium Infested Beast.

In other words, if this girl was allowed to go there by herself, it would probably take two hours to go there.

Four hours a day, I have to help the family with housework and take care of my aunt.

After everything was ready, he dragged his malnourished body and carried a bamboo basket on his back to collect herbs in the mountains.

How can such a child not be distressed?How could Skadi not like and want to help her?

"Zhao Yun'er? Are you back?"

"Why is it so late tonight, is there any danger?"

Zhao Yuner entered the village first, while Skadi and the others fell behind.

So when Zhao Yuner appeared, a little boy playing at the gate of the village only saw Zhao Yuner coming back with a bamboo basket on his back.

The moment he saw her, the little boy threw down the stone, ran up to her, and asked about her situation.

He was slightly relieved when he saw that her clothes were only a little damaged and there was no injury on her body.

"I'm fine, Zhao Lan."

The girl who wasn't quite used to the little boy's approach took two steps back and said softly.

"Is he your friend?"

Skadi came over at this time, stood behind Zhao Yuner and asked a question.

"Yes... someone I know."

Zhao Yuner subconsciously grabbed Skadi's skirt and hid behind her.

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