Guiyao Village seems to be unable to hold back, and wants to harvest it, which means that guy is very valuable to hunt.

"This, this is the first time I've seen this kind of thing."

The next sentence Xieyan said saved the cube.

"But it's not a mechanical creation, we can be sure."


Master Xia was disappointed.If it is not a mechanical creation, he has no reason to sneak attack.Without a legitimate reason to sneak attack, one's own crit will definitely not take effect.

It's all because this guy doesn't look like a carbon-based creature, and he's lost his head.

"Wait, why does that guy look like the one used in the ancient city..."

After the first battle of Yuezong, Gucheng's equipment fusion ability was completely known, and his pet, the partner cube, was also valued by the production players.

Xia Zhi has seen a partner cube before, but the partner cube in the ancient city is the standard style in the illustrated book, with a heart-shaped pattern in the center.And the guy in front of him who looks like a partner cube only has cubes divided by different colors.

What Xia Zhi said made Xieyan recall the relevant information.After careful comparison, it made a conclusion.

"Master, this seems to be a - wild partner cube."

"Then the color and shape..."

"It's the Flash Elf!"

"Understood, let's find a way to catch it."

This guy seems to be flying, can you let it carry itself?

Xia Zhi's hand was once again on the hilt of Guiyao Village Zheng's knife, and he began to calculate the combo in his mind.

After a while, she rushed over by herself, slammed with a shield in her hand, followed by a godly slash, and finally Sasha knocked it into the air with a sandstorm, and finished the job perfectly with the back of her sword.

Wait, I don't know how to hit with the back of a knife, what if I get killed.

Just when Xia Zhi was hesitating whether to change the weapon, Cube ended the water diversion process, floated in the air and stopped spinning.

"Not good, did it notice me?"

Master Xia was startled and jumped out of the grass.He took out the shield of Cthulhu and flew into the air.

"Shield Slam!!"

"wait wait wait!!"

A terrified voice came from the cube.

As the brilliance flashed, a cute-looking child in long sleeves appeared in the place where Cube had been.

Coincidentally, the child's head appeared at exactly the same height as the shield.

"PIA!", Xia Zhi fell to the ground, his eyes widened as he looked at the child who fell into the lake.

"Xieyan, is it because I've been imprinting too many brains recently. Why do I look like a girl now?"

NO.797 Are you really willing to do anything?

"No, master, this fellow is indeed like this."

Xieyan helped bring the child up, and the tentacles swam away inadvertently.

"And it just looks human, it doesn't actually have a gender."

"Good guy, do I want to live a will?"

Xia Zhi was dumbfounded, for a moment he seemed to see a demon king waving to him.

There is no other reason, this child is really cute.Short orange hair and fair skin, paired with energetic attire, are devastating to A Zhai who has been licking cards all year round.

Fortunately, Master Xia is a ruthless squeezing machine. It is absolutely impossible to make him succumb with this charm.

"Master, do you need us to wake it up?"

After Xieyan picked up the wild cube, he turned it over so that it faced the grass, and at the same time made a gesture of grabbing from behind.

"Wait, your posture is easy to scare people, let me do it."

He pulled out the infinite bucket.

In this weather, the water temperature is also very low, so it is perfect for awakening ignorant teenagers (female?) who have gone astray.

"Master, is this going to be interrogated?!" Xieyan looked at Xia Zhi's hand in horror, it must be a rope! !

"No, I still have to make sure it calms down. If it goes crazy, it's not good."

Xia Zhi thought, this guy seems to be able to turn into a cube, so ordinary binding of hands and feet should not work.But if you cover all the surface of the torso and joints by yourself, even a cube cannot break free.

Master Xia tied the rope three times, five times and two times.

"This, this is the tortoise shell—" Xie Yan's eyes widened.

"Ahem, it's good to know, there's nothing I can do about it." Xia Zhi held up the bucket and prepared to buckle it up to wake up the captives.

At this time, the bound cube woke up.

After it realized that it was restrained, it looked up in horror, and saw Xia Zhi holding a bucket and preparing to smash it down.

"No, don't! Sorry, I didn't mean to break into your empty island!!"

"Tch." Xia Zhi put away the bucket, turned around and stood in front of it to sit down, Xieyan dragged a few stones over to serve as a stool for him.

After sitting down, Xia Zhi looked at the tightly bound cubes, and an invisible coercion spread from his side.

"You... are you not human? Are you a mechanical creature?"

"No, it's not..." Fang Fang cringed a little.

In fact, even with the duck sitting in this shameful state, sitting on the grass, it still managed to break free.

But the consequences of doing so will probably offend the guy in front of him.

I just came to the empty island without an owner to fish, but I didn't expect to meet the owner of the empty island by accident. Judging by the horror of this breath, it seems that it is still an old immortal left over from the old era.If he defines himself as an intruder, judging from the violent character of the Sky Island Lords, it is not surprising that he was killed.

"Humph—" Xia Zhi didn't know if he could do it or not, so he snorted and made a long nasal sound.

He took out Guiyao Village Zheng and wiped it.After approaching the block, the ghost village flickered for a while, as if it was high.

Cube was frightened by the battle.With this weapon level, it is easy for the opponent to take his life.

But since the opponent didn't make a move, he still has a chance to fight for it.Of course, it doesn't rule out that the other party's cat and mouse play tricks, so it doesn't matter what you do.

"You, whatever compensation you want, I can do it... Please don't kill me."

This seems to work.

After a long silence, Xia Zhi spoke in a deep voice.

"Are you really willing to do anything?"

As if thinking of something, Fang Fang's cheeks turned red.It seemed that it was afraid that Xia Zhi would misunderstand, so it opened its mouth quickly.

"Odd, weird things are not allowed! I'm not human, I don't have that function!!"

"Who asked you to do strange things, your charm is not as high as mine." Xia Zhi said with disgust. "Curved into cubes now?"


"Then change it for me quickly, don't dawdle."

Due to the addition of Guiyao Village Zheng and Xieyan, Master Xia's intimidation automatically succeeded.

The youth (female?) cube turned back into a cube. Although the rope was still tied to its surface, it obviously couldn't affect its actions.

Xia Zhi tugged at the rope, but she was indeed freed.If you let it go away, things will be difficult to handle.

"It seems that I still don't know much about non-human beings."

Having said that, Xia Zhi walked towards the square, and when the latter didn't react, he tilted it at an angle, and he himself chose a comfortable surface to sit on.


Xia Zhi knocked on the plane of the cube below.

"Let me see what you're capable of."

"You, are you using me as a mount?"

"No, I just asked you to give me a ride." Xia Zhi said solemnly. "On the standpoint, I treat you equally."


"Aren't you willing to do whatever you say first? Little Cube."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!" Xia Zhi felt the vibration under his buttocks, and it seemed that this square was very angry.

"...I am not called Cube! Since you are an equal, please call me Stella!"

Cube said in a muffled voice.It has already noticed that Xia Zhi has no killing intent.

"How long are you going to let me fly?"

"Stella? All right, then you fly to the place I pointed out. As for how long you will work part-time? I will settle an account for you."

Xia Zhi snapped her fingers.

"First of all, the grounds around the pool have been destroyed."

"Didn't that be destroyed by you!!"

"Secondly, the rare carp I raised are all dead... Don't stare at me so much, just put them away for breeding. My empty island, the fish in it are also mine, isn't that strange?"

"...%¥&* (square swearing)"

"In the end, when the old man saw you, he almost lost his will and went astray, so the mental damage fee is not small... After deducting the daily wages, you only need to fly me for 21 days and eight hours. Can."

Stella has already lost her mind, and started to baa baa baa.

Who are these people!A mouthful of words can teach people half to understand.

Seeing this reaction, Xia Zhi understood that the other party's will had begun to waver.

Although this set of rhetoric was taught to him by Young Master Jiang, Huyou can't just memorize lines, and his acting skills are also indispensable.Relying on his superb acting skills, he got a wage earner—although it was temporary.

But nearly a month should be enough to find a new mount by myself. By then, this guy will be useless, so he can naturally send him away casually.

"As expected of the master!" Xieyan praised beside him. "This saves a lot of money."

"That's right, to save the world, every penny must be saved. That way you'll be more sure of dealing with the Goblin Engineer's demon enchantment."

NO.798 Precious video of early humans taming wild cubes (continued)

In any case, Xia Zhi finally managed to ride back on the cube Stella, and both parties chose not to speak as much as possible during the flight to avoid embarrassment.

"Just land here." Seeing that the mine was not far away, Xia Zhi said, he didn't want to land in the town in full view.

"That's what you said." Stella snorted coldly, and suddenly disintegrated into small cubes in the air.

Master Xia, who had lost his support point, fell straight down, but even so, he still had a calm expression on his face.

The reason is that when Stella disintegrated into small cubes, Xia Zhi casually grabbed a part that was closer to the core and held it in his hand. Unless it didn't want this part, it still had to keep up.

Sure enough, after the summer solstice landed, Stella returned to her human form and flew over with an aggrieved expression on her face.Part of his left arm is missing.

"I thought that you would directly come to a strong man to cut his wrist."

Xia Zhi smiled and threw the cube parts in his hand, not afraid that Stella would run away.

"Why would I hurt myself!"

Stella recovered her left arm and turned away from looking at Xia Zhi.

"You want me to work for you, you have to provide a place to live, and three meals - don't treat me like a livestock!!"

"That's no problem, a separate room and three meals can be provided, and I can even pay you some salary."

Xia Zhi estimated that it would be quite easy for Stella's appearance to blend into human society, and the money would definitely be used.Although its cute appearance is easy to attract attention, it can also maximize the favor of the members of the Appearance Association.

"Where did you live before?"

"Shengdu, work in a flower shop." Stella said angrily.

"Then aren't you about to be dismissed?" Master Xia was in awe when he heard this. "I'll give you a raise."

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