Looking at Panda's look of "I'll follow you if you don't take me", Xia Zhi felt that this guy could perform Sichuan Opera to change his face.

However, the actual reason is—Panda has never forgotten the shame of being swallowed by Plantera.Hearing that this guy has actually become stronger, his first reaction was to avenge his shame.

"I'm going too." Now that the two bad friends have passed.Young Master Jiang is also very boring to be alone, and it just so happens that he also wants to try the terminal prism.

And Tuantuan following the summer solstice means that Rebecca will definitely follow, and there is a high probability that Chelsea will be dragged along.

"Okay, okay, then get ready and we'll go."

As a result, the two-person team that was originally scheduled to attack Plantera expanded to six people.


Chenghai City, the underground jungle.

A small pink flower bud drilled out of the grass, absorbing the surrounding nutrients and growing vigorously.

However, a figure held a laser drill and leaned over maliciously.

"I drill!!!"


If this little flower bud grows to the extent that the dragon catcher can move freely, it will definitely stay away from here as much as possible.

However, in the face of a laser drill that can drill tens of meters, where can the dragon hunter go?

The little flower buds didn't even hold up for half a second before they were chopped into pieces by the drill.

【Plantera has woken up! ! 】

"Guys, get ready! As soon as it comes out, fire at full force!!" Xia Zhi put away the drill and shouted loudly.

Tuantuan clenched Yueyao, and Young Master Jiang took out the final prism.Both Panda and Rebecca are holding Meow Knives, while Chelsea is carrying the Celebration Type II.

The crowd waited in anticipation.

Some vines stretched out as feet, and Plantera slowly drilled out of the depths of the jungle, appearing in front of everyone.

In the past, it would definitely have relentlessly spit out a round of seed machine guns to sieve these intruders, but today it instinctively feels... not so good.

The Xia Zhi of Mad Star's Wrath was clenched in both hands, and he waved his weapon.

"Do it!!"

The dense meteor swarms, the flaming moon beams, the rainbow cats constantly ejected, the gorgeous missiles, and the colorful lights with hidden murderous intentions... instantly drowned Plantera.

After a scream.

[Plantera has been defeated! ! 】

"That's it?"

Master Xia scratched his head.The difficulty he estimated should be a boss that is a bit difficult to deal with, but can be defeated in normal laning.Why is it so weak? Could it be that Plantera hasn't been strengthened?

If Plantera knew human language, it would probably scold like this.

"Strengthening has a (beep) effect! Six of you are besieging a flower, please be yourself!"

NO.709 Zenith Sword is number one in the world!

From the treasure bag that fell on the ground, Master Xia pulled out a machete of seeds as he wished.He suspected that Plantera forcibly stuffed it in to avoid the fate of being beaten.

This emerald green scimitar is just like its name. When it is slashed, it can scatter some seeds to cause damage-the damage itself is quite satisfactory, but these seeds are easy to miss if you don't look carefully.

"I have a bold idea..."

"No, you should follow the mission." Panda advised him. "This scimitar is too low."

"Hehe, just talking. Look at what is left in my hands now."

In fact, when Master Xia held the weapon for more than ten seconds, System Ji began to buy and sell again.

"Did anything else explode?" Chelsea asked him.

"Let me see..."

Xia Zhi stretched out his hand to grab it, he felt as if he had caught a heavy container.After pulling it out, the treasure bag is also empty.

It turned out that what Xia Zhi caught was a clay flower pot.In the center of the flowerpot, a familiar pink flower bud was planted.


plantera seedlings

Consumable Summons

After use, get a pet plantera

Remarks: Grass-type Pokémon (fog) suitable for beginners


"I got the Pokémon!" Xia Zhi excitedly raised the summoned item in his hand above his head, like a new trainer who just walked out of the research institute.

"You are enough." Young Master Jiang looked at the flower with a delicate expression. "Don't neglect your initial Pokémon."

"Future Pokémon masters will not be troubled by such small problems."

As he said that, Master Xia threw the summoned object into his backpack, and let it go to accompany the squid in the heaven.

"Moreover, I found that I have never seen these summons before. It seems to be a new thing after a month."

"You, what do you want to do?" Tuantuan felt for a moment that Xia Zhi's back seemed to have grown a devil's tail and horns.

This person is terrible.

"I've changed my mind! I'm going to collect all the new summons. But before that—allow me to answer the phone."

Xia Zhi took out her mobile phone and contacted Jessica in Sky Island.

"Hello? Excuse me, did the seller find it?...Okay, please send it here."

After hanging up the phone, Master Xia took out a small bench from his backpack and sat down.Judging from his happy expression, Jessica should have done this.

5 minutes later, a green portal suddenly appeared from next to the summer solstice.Jessica rode her alien queen bee and got out of the portal.She held aloft a long blue sword.

"Captain! I got the enchanted sword you wanted."

"You've worked hard, Comrade Jessica, you've worked hard."

Xia Zhi took the enchanted sword with tears in her eyes, skillfully turned Jessica in the opposite direction, and pushed it back into the portal.

"Seeing that you are in such a hurry, there must be something else to do. I won't delay you—"

"Soul light!! It's rare for me to come out to get some air!" Jessica broke free and closed the portal. "Can you understand how I feel?"

Obviously his skill set is good, but he has to stay at the base, and in the environment of Sky Island, he can't even meet an invading guy.Although rare resources such as Tianzhu fragments are indispensable, but... light spot skills are nothing.

"Okay, you stay. We just want to try a new weapon." Before Xia Zhi could express her opinion, Chelsea nodded in agreement.

"Hey. Let's see what new operations the captain can do!"

The people around looked like they were watching a good show.

Xia Zhi snorted softly, and held up the enchanted sword in his hand.It vibrated slightly, disintegrated into a streamer and sank into Xia Zhi's right hand.

"I have completed the Ten Trials. Zenith Sword, come to me!"

Seeing the flash of light produced by the fusion of the weapons, Panda and Young Master Jiang covered their dog's eyes.

"Ahh! I'm going blind! I'm going blind!!"

"Is this the legendary light of evolution?"

After the light passed, Xia Zhi still stood there as usual, his hands were empty.A thick giant sword was aiming at Xia Zhi with its hilt, moving slowly like the hands of a pocket watch.Most of the sword body of this giant sword is a deep blue, but the hilt and blade are yellow-green that exudes colorful light.The purple gemstone, inlaid above the hilt, adds an elegant aesthetic to this great sword.

Everyone was stunned by this appearance.

After a long time, Panda said quietly.

"Master Xia, can you lend me it to play with?"

"This one is useless. It is my template enhancement..."

Xia Zhi tried to hold the sword, but found that it seemed that there was no need to do so.The moment he shot, the slowly rotating Zenith Sword also began to move slightly forward.And all of this seems to be just because I was just thinking about letting the Zenith Sword flutter forward.

"Then—how about this?"

Xia Zhi made a gesture of holding the sword, and tentatively slashed forward.

The Zenith Blade, which was still spinning slowly, seemed to have received some kind of instruction.It began to rotate at an accelerated speed, and the blade swept across the ground in front of Xia Zhi.Then, the phantoms of two more swords appeared, and launched this arc attack from other lines.After completing the attack, Zenith Sword flew back to Xia Zhi's side, while Phantom caught up with the Zenith Sword itself and was absorbed by it again.

And it wasn't until this time that the mud on the ground suddenly cracked, and three huge cracks appeared.

"Damn it! You should have only slashed once." Panda can confirm that Xia Zhi only waved his arm once.

But the Zenith Sword seems to have two additional attacks, quickly completing three arc slashes in the air.


Xia Zhi was also surprised.He was curious how far the sword could strike.Because the Zenith Sword does not seem to have a sword energy system, only the purest slash.In this case... as long as the distance is not short, I will be satisfied.

He aimed again at the living wood in the distance—a conservative estimate of 500 meters away, which is also the limit of the sword energy attack.

The Zenith Sword attacked again with Xia Zhi's wishes.It and the phantom take three arcs as the path, while horizontally cutting the life wood selected as the target.As for the monsters in the middle, as long as they touched their remaining arc paths, they would all be cut in half!

Looking at the Zenith Sword flying back into his hand, Xia Zhi was silent for a while.

"This sword...seems a bit fragrant."

Meow Knife, Starfury?That is already in the past tense, I declare that from today onwards, I will only push the Zenith Sword.


Zenith Sword

220 base melee damage

14% crit rate

strong knockback

Extremely fast usage

Remarks: For soldiers, it is not just a weapon, it is a comrade in arms and a witness of the journey.


Template Enhancement - Zenith Sword

Heaven's Protection: When Xia Zhi does not hold a weapon, it is regarded as equipped with a Zenith Sword.

Zenith Sword Art: When the Zenith Sword attacks, it will additionally release a sword weapon that has been used to perform a combined slash with the same damage as the main body.The arcing blade trail continues to slice through approaching enemies before disappearing, dealing damage equal to the weapon's current attack power.When using a sword weapon, you can use the Zenith Sword to manipulate the weapon to attack.

Virtual Reality Conversion: Zenith Sword will not be blocked by blocks or any objects to attack the path.At the same time, it will ignore the invulnerability effect brought by the star veil series equipment.

? ? ? (Unnamed): Can only be used actively when the maximum life reaches 1000.The attack method has changed.During this period, you can freely control up to three sword weapons (all of which can be designated as Zenith swords), and the phantom generated by Zenith swordsmanship will imitate your attack style.The number of phantoms increased to three.

Gaia's Protection: It can only be used actively when the maximum life reaches 1000.When using a melee weapon to attack successfully, two layers of charge will be superimposed, up to a maximum of fifty layers.Charges can be consumed to increase the power equal to double charges x weapon attack power to the next Zenith Swordsmanship attack.


NO.710 Extreme swordsmanship - the return of ten thousand swords! !

"Too supermodel, this is too supermodel."

After Master Xia watched the template enhancement, his impatience with the previous task disappeared in an instant.However, when he saw a row of unnamed question marks, he suddenly remembered something.

"Freely manipulate sword weapons to attack... Isn't this the return of all swords?"

Could it be that System Ji decided to make herself a new generation crane after seeing that she had been hacking and killing on the front line for so long?But most bosses are immune to knockback! Hundan!

Anyway, let's name it first.Xia Zhi felt that he still had a long way to go before he could control ten thousand weapons, so let's call it Yujianshu for now.

Right now the avatars are still sleeping in the room, Master Xia can't test this move for the time being, he plans to wait until night, summon as many bosses as possible, and then beat them violently with his brand new weapon.

"Xia Zhi, you just laughed, it's so scary..."

Tuantuan took a step back timidly.She originally wanted to say she was a pervert, but who knows what Master Xia is pretending to be thinking now.What if he actually puts it into practice.

"That's nothing but excitement! I plan to challenge all bosses tonight."

"Ha, are you alone?" Panda was a little disbelieving. "Be careful of capsizing in the gutter."

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