The accountant said quietly.

"It's really, it's the first time I see someone worse than Jessica."

"Since this is the case, don't deliberately tease me...don't you have sympathy?"

"No." ×2

"Hmph, I am broad-minded, and I don't care about you."

Kaos turned over and fell asleep with his eyes closed.


In the evening, everyone came to the monster spawning site in the suburbs.

"The captain changed today! This must be recorded properly."

"Ah, it's a young lady I don't know, I'm so fucking licked!"

Panda and Jiang Haifeng surrounded Kaos on one left and one on the right, looking like dogs.

"You two Hentai, get lost!"

Kaos couldn't bear it anymore, kicked them off the platform one by one.

After the two of them flew up again, she said.

"Today's activity is not too difficult, but it requires a clear division of labor and cooperation. Free ion?"

"Ah, Leader, I'm here."

Ye Youli came back to his senses and quickly stood at attention.

"The Boss this time has a lot of mobility and is immune to knockback, so your skills are useless. However, I found a suitable place for you..."


Ye Youli looked at the place Kaos was pointing at, with a dazed look on his face.

Below the platform, a room was built at some unknown time, and various statues were placed in it.

Thinking of the legend of the "Pumpkin Evil Sect", Ye Youli felt cold behind his back.

He smiled forcedly.

"That.......Leader, you don't want to lock me in alone, do you?"

"how could be."

The corner of Kaos' mouth curled up in a happy arc.

"There is Panda going in. There are so many bosses, he will definitely not be able to backstab them, so why not produce more pumpkin heads."


NO.473 The Pumpkin God Cult is number one in the world! !

"Let's go, ion."

Panda pointed helplessly at the entrance of the room.

"It's pretty safe inside, as long as you paddle until daytime."

"Ah, I see..."

Ye Youli burst into tears, entered the room, and began to shut himself up.

"Then, I'll go in too. Remember to leave something good for me."

Panda entered the room and closed the door from the inside to prevent free ions from running out.

"I always feel that treating free ions like this is a bit too much."

Tuantuan complained.

"However, this kid has gained a lot of benefits, so it's okay to cooperate with the team a little this time."

At least, in every boss battle, the task of inflicting damage or attracting the boss never fell on that kid.

"It's very kind of you to understand how I feel."

Kaos put his hands on his chest and nodded.

"In addition, to learn new strategy routines, it's better to experience it yourself... As the saying goes, 'It's better to see it once than to see it once'."

"Actually, you are afraid that the free ions will touch the falling objects."

Rebecca tapped Kaos on the head helplessly.

"That's why the free ion will let you bully like this."

"It's hard for me to do it too. It's not easy for me to point at the free ion and reveal the fact that he is a non-chief."

Kaos looked at the accountant.

"It's almost time, let's activate the statue. In 10 minutes, we will start attacking Frost Moon."


Chelsea pushed the circuit switch next to her.

In the closed small room, chickens jumped up immediately.But soon, the sound of slashing and tearing replaced the sound of collision, and a large number of pumpkin heads flew over from all directions.

The pumpkin head was originally going to crash into the monsters in the room, but the ion and Panda slashed monsters so fast that they stopped halfway through the flight.Only when new monsters appeared did they continue to scramble to fly over.

As time went by, more and more pumpkin heads gathered around here, and most of them crowded into a group, constantly hovering in the air.

"The number is almost there, ready to enter the next stage."

After everyone drank the auxiliary potion, Kaos took out the naughty gift and opened it.

[System prompt: The Frost Moon has risen! 】

In the sky, the light of the moon became dimmed, as if the surface was covered by a layer of ice crystals.

The originally muggy air seemed to have become colder.

【Current points: 0】

[First wave: zombie elves, gingerbread men. 】

"It's still the same old routine as last time. Focus on killing the boss."

Kaos didn't rush down, but looked at the group of pumpkin heads.

When the group of pumpkin heads found their prey, they stopped surrounding the room. Instead, they found the approaching enemy and slammed into it.

-157! -324 (critical strike)! -157! ...

The zombie elf wearing a santa hat screamed and fell to the ground.

The gingerbread man is even more straightforward, directly falling apart.

"Oh, oh, it's quite efficient."

Unsurprisingly, the efficiency of the pumpkin head is quite terrifying.They can fly regardless of the terrain and search for their prey faster than the player's reflexes.

"I actually... have no chance to throw the fireball."

Tuantuan aimed at the mobs several times, finally put down the staff again, sighed helplessly, and said bitterly.

"I admit that the free ions are stronger now."

"The Cult of the Pumpkin God is so terrifying."

Young Master Jiang had already set up the table at some point, and there were still a few bottles of sake bought from a traveling merchant on the table.

He poured himself a bottle of wine and drank alone with the moon.

"Are you here on vacation?"

"Anyway, the boss hasn't appeared yet. Would you like to come over and have a drink with me?"

"it is good."

Kaos sat down politely and brought himself a bottle of sake.

"Ton ton ton..."

"It's a pity, oh..."

Holding the small cup, First Young Master Jiang looked at the little monsters being bullied by Pumpkin Head with a look of regret.

"What do you say?"

"Well, I've been observing since the very beginning. These pumpkin heads are dispatched in groups, and their target is often only one at a time..."

But in fact, to kill mobs, you don't need so many pumpkin heads to hit them all at once.

"So you want them to be more efficient?"

Kaos shook his head.

"Then the boss battle will be a headache. Now the efficiency is already terrifying, let's be content."

"That's right! Come on, I'll toast you."


Seeing that the two of them were about to enter the "blatantly pretending to beep" mode, the rest of the people present couldn't stand it any longer.

"Hey, that's enough for you guys. Get drunk, how will you deal with the Frost Queen later?"

Rebecca dragged Kaos away while glaring at Jiang Haifeng.

"Don't spoil Kaos."

"Tsk, how boring..."

Young Master Jiang drank the sake in his cup and cleaned up the place.Judging by the progress, it was almost time to brush long-range and flying monsters, and there was no way to continue drinking.

【Current points: 50】

[Fourth Wave: Christmas Evergreen Tree, Elf Archer, Zombie Elf, Gingerbread Man]

"The fourth wave has arrived."

Due to Kaos being lazy, Chelsea temporarily took over the position of team leader.She reminded everyone in the team newsletter.

"The Boss has started to appear. Pay attention to all units and try to kill it in one go."

"Quack quack..."

Horrifying and evil laughter came from afar at this moment.

The tall shadow shrouded in darkness gradually approached. On the upper part of the shadow, there were two red eyes.

After being illuminated by the fire, the darkness finally dissipated.

A decorated Christmas tree with hands and feet slowly approached the crowd on the platform.

"It's a Christmas evergreen. Chelsea, look at the properties."

Since "Kaos" has no investigative skills, he can only ask the accountant at this time.


In each battle, one of Chelsea's tasks is to collect the attributes of each boss, sort them out and publish them, so that people who come later can attack them.

It's the same this time.Chelsea summoned the electronic spider, ready to investigate the details of the Christmas evergreen tree.

However, something unfortunate happened.

The pumpkin heads accumulated around saw a living target at this moment, rushed towards it frantically, and exploded.

Dense numbers of injuries emerged from the top of the Christmas evergreen tree, and then it screamed.

The entire tree trunk split apart and fell to the ground, seemingly dying.

"...Hey! Can this game still be played like this?!"

The accountant was dumbfounded.

I'm still investigating in Roll, why did you beat him to death!

"It's not your fault, Chelsea."

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