"Yeah! And Mengzi's share!" Ai Ge laughed and said, "It's not just me, mom, Lily and Liuqin all contributed!"

"Hmph! It must have been faster without me." Lily was still arguing awkwardly.

Shenqi unfolded the scarf, and the ugly word "Qi" came into her eyes.

"If, as expected, it's better to remove it." Ai Ge pointed her index finger in embarrassment: "Although I have worked hard, it really doesn't work."

"No, I like it very much." Shenqi directly wrapped the scarf around her neck, stroked the scarf and said, "It's very warm."

"Hey~" Ai Ge scratched her head in embarrassment.

Shenqi slowly squatted down, hugged Aige and Lili in her arms, and rubbed their necks reluctantly: "Then grandma, I'm leaving..."

"Well, take care all the way." Ai Ge said, patting the other party's back lightly.

"Well... First, take care all the way..." Lily was not used to such behavior, and just passively learned the love song.

After embracing the two girls, Kamiki stood up and looked at Alice.

"What? Do you still want to hug me?" Alice spread her hands: "I'm already past this age."

"Forget it then." Shenqi smiled a little, with a carefree look, but her slightly frowned eyebrows revealed her.

Seeing this, Alice hummed, stepped forward and hugged her mother: "Take care."

Chapter 418 414. Reimu's Return Gift

While it's shameful to waste time, it's a reasonable use for sleeping.

That is, after sending Shenqi away, Aige and Lili hid in the house and fell asleep for a long time, and did not get up from the bed until the sky was dark.

But this is something that can't be helped. In order to learn how to weave scarves, the two children struggled with their brains, and they didn't sleep all night.

Although the results of the last two people did not pass, there is no way to erase this effort.

I just had dinner after waking up, but after two or three hours, I started to sleep normally at night again.

While Alice was helpless, she could only attribute it to the child's lethargy behavior.


After two days of hard work, Ai Ge's gift was finally completed.

"Is it ready?" Alice asked as she watched the girl running down the stairs.

"Yeah!" Ai Ge nodded, and stretched out the basket on her arm to Alice: "Everyone is ready!"

The basket is full of sachets with almost the same specifications. Why is it a sachet?

Although Ai Ge is not like Lily who recognized her talent in this area and gave up on it, but if Ai Ge wants to weave dozens of scarves, even Alice would not have such high expectations, let alone short It's been two days.

To sum up, the sachet, a small, negligible small object with low sewing difficulty, has entered the field of vision of Aige.

Although there is a little less sincerity compared with the scarf, but there is a saying that is good, the heart is the most important!Mind!

"Master's, Mu Q's..." Ai Ge pointed to the small sachets in the basket and read out the name of the person who was going to give them.

Looking at it this way, although these things are basically the same, the girl's intentions can be seen in the details.

Like this one, Alice picks up one of them, it has a chicken embroidered on it...

"It's a phoenix!" Ai Ge corrected with a pout.

Well, it's whatever you say, Alice put the sachet back helplessly.

But if you count carefully, it seems that the number of people is not right, a few are missing.

When the question was raised, Aige also had his own explanation.

"Because several people have prepared other gifts."

"Other gifts?" Alice asked suspiciously.

"Well, because I really don't know what to give, I just gave the sachet," Ai Ge explained: "But some people have something they want to give early in the morning, so I didn't prepare them."

"That's it." Alice nodded in relief. It turned out that it was not just for convenience, the child also had his own considerations.

Lily sat aside and glanced at Ai Ge without any trace, of course she knew about this kind of thing.

Obviously, the ones with poor skills are as good as the ones I have, but they are still weaving scarves. If I ask, I will give them to the vampire.

What about the gift that others gave first, and I have to come up with a matching gift in return.

What, it is obviously a piece of broken stone and it is still used as a treasure to make a base. If it was fused together, it might be considered a good-quality magic boosting crystal, but now thanks to someone, the magic nodes inside have already disappeared. It was destroyed in a mess, and at most it could be restored to the point where it could shine.

What did you say that matched it, but it was yourself? Didn't this idiot have the slightest desire to be grateful to him?

Ah, of course I don't want any sachets, what's so good about those shoddy things, I can get better ones if I ask my mother.

Lily thought to herself, it's just that this guy sleeps very late every day, turning on the lamp so that he can't sleep, that's all.

"Shall we leave after lunch?" Alice asked.

"Well, in this case, the few nearby can be delivered today." Ai Ge replied.


"Do you want Liuqin to come together?" Ai Ge looked at the robot maid who hesitated to speak.

Liuqin paused: "If you wish."

"Then let's come together!" Ai Ge did not refuse the other party's follow this time, because the other party seemed to be just sitting there except cooking and accepting orders when her mother said that she was not at home, so it must be very boring.



"I'm going out!" After another round of washing by her mother, Ai Ge's time to go out was delayed by another hour.

"Hurry up, Liuqin!" Turning her head to greet the maid who was still saying goodbye to Alice, Ai Ge had already rushed away with Shanghai.

The place to go for the first stop has already been decided. When talking about Gensokyo, you must not bypass that. That’s right, Hakurei Shrine!

Although Aiga and Reimu don't have a good relationship, and the other party definitely bullies people more than taking care of others, but who can say that Aiga-sama has a lot of adults!

However, the real reason is because of fear of being retaliated by the other party.

Although Alice has always said that she has a good relationship with Reimu, that witch will not let you do whatever you want just because you have a good relationship with her.

"The stronger the strength, the smaller the mind" I don't know where it came from, but it's absolutely true. If I let the priestess know that I don't have a gift, I'm sure she won't let Aige go.

In this case, it is better to prepare the other party's share as early as possible, and you can also pray for the next year to be safe next year.

"What, it's you." The miko who seemed to be nestled in the kotatsu all winter looked at the girl who walked in on her own.

The whole person is really lazy and hopeless, but fortunately, Ai Ge has expected this, instead of standing outside the house and waiting for the other party to open the door, but landed directly in the yard.

Speaking of which, Reimu seems to have complained that the monsters did not obey the rules, and broke in every time without even knocking on the door. Now it seems that everyone has recognized the fact that Reimu will never open the door.

Ai Ge, who was still a little poor at first, felt that it would be more convenient to come in directly after seeing the truth of the matter.

"Then what's the matter with you?" Reimu said and pulled the senbei on the table towards her.

This person is really...

Aika got into the kotatsu angrily, so she wouldn't eat your food.

He took out the sachet prepared for the other party directly from his pocket.

"Ah? What is this?" Lingmeng threw it around without interest: "Isn't there money in it?"

This guy...be patient, be patient, you can't beat her, you can't beat her...

"Ahem, anyway, thank you for taking care of me this year."

The other party is rude, but Ai Ge will not lose his manners.

"Ooh, ooh, you little brat is still very good." Lingmeng's triumphant look made people want to beat her up: "Just remember my kindness, and next time you can just stuff me with money."

Uh... This witch has expressed her desire with a serious face. If I knew it, it would be more convenient to just give her money, no!Just because giving her money would make her happy, so I couldn't do that. This could be considered a small revenge.

"But don't expect to get any gifts in return from me." Lingmeng put away the sachet and looked at Aige vigilantly.

The girl was stunned by the thick-skinned witch's anger, and replied angrily: "I didn't plan to do this in the first place. After all, she is a well-known 'poor witch' in the village."

It is precisely because I have lived in the shrine for a while that I know that this name is really true.

"Hmm... That title really makes people angry." Reimu looked at the girl with a displeased face: "Since you said that, then I have to come up with some decent return gift!"

The witch crossed her arms and thought for a while, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration: "Yes! I'll give you that!"

Aige watched Reimu go out of the house, wondering what rags he would bring out for himself later.

Fortunately, this doubt did not last long, and the witch came back after a while: "No, here you are."

"What is this?" Ai Ge looked at the thing in his hand that was folded into a five-pointed star, it must be made of spells.

"It's a talisman." Reimu said, "That's what you said, but it's just a name for nothing. I originally wanted to make a lot of money at Hakurei's rally, but I didn't expect no one to come... ..."

The miko vented her dissatisfaction angrily, and it must be a great advantage of this person to obey her desires and not get caught up in them.

Ai Ge looked at the amulet in his hand, well, it's not bad, and he didn't plan to receive the gift in return, so this is a windfall.

Although it's just a talisman in name, didn't I say it, the heart is the most important thing.

"Then I'll take it."

"Yeah, accept it with gratitude."

Chapter 419 415. Huiyin and Meihong

Being kicked out by a cold-blooded and ruthless witch, isn't it just eating a piece of senbei from her?Cheapskate Lingmeng.

But even if she doesn't rush, Aige doesn't plan to stay for long, there are still many places to go.

Starting from the Hakurei Shrine, go to Terakoya first, and then stop by the Eternal Pavilion. If you have enough time, you may be able to go to the Sun Flower Field.

Although the plan was perfect, Ai Ge's first stop made her deeply realize her mistake.

"Give it to me?" Teacher Huiyin was still so considerate, not only prepared snacks for Aige, but even juice, which formed a sharp contrast with a narrow-minded witch.

Ai Ge nodded, and said nervously: "Well, what you did is not very good, I hope you don't feel disgusted."

Huiyin looked at the sachet in her hand: "I can't remember the last time I received a gift from a student."

Speaking like this, Huiyin suddenly smiled wryly and said: "Forget it, it's already pretty good if they don't cause trouble for me."

Ai Ge sat on the cushion with some embarrassment. No matter who it is, sitting in front of the teacher will always feel a little at a loss.

Damn it, that guy Liuqin almost ate up his snacks.

"I like it very much, thank you." Teacher Huiyin accepted the gift with a smile, and then clapped her hands: "It's rare that you specially sent it here. I want to give you a reward."

"No, no, no need..." Ai Ge hastily waved her hand to refuse.

However, who can refuse Teacher Huiyin, she patted Aige on the head: "Anxin, take that away."



"Woooo~" the girl came out of the temple house with a sad face.

"Master, why are you so upset?" The maid asked from behind, "You obviously received a gift from Teacher Huiyin."

"I'd rather not accept it!" Ai Ge yelled viciously, but it was impossible at that time, if you don't want to be hit by Teacher Huiyin's head, it's better to obediently obey.

Seeing Liuqin's confused face, Aige waved her hands irritably: "Forget it, forget it, you won't understand anyway."

"I'm sorry, Master, I'm so useless." Liu Qin lowered her head and said.

"No, no, no! I'm just talking casually!" Seeing the other party's sudden depression, Ai Ge immediately comforted: "Liuqin is very useful! If it weren't for you, I would definitely carry these things around. Well, I'm exhausted."

Aige refers to the 'return gift' carried by Liuqin.

"Can I help?" the robot maid asked.

Of course, Ai Ge's little head nodded quickly: "It's a great help!"

"Well, it would be great if I could help you."

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