"Wait!" Sakuya stopped the two from behind.

Aiga and Fran froze, but had to stop.

Fran winked and signaled Aige to think of a solution quickly, but what good solution is there at this time?It won't be possible to bring down Sakuya with a shovel.

But Fran's eyes lit up, and she thought it was a good idea. She took advantage of this to bring down Sakuya, and then Mu Q. The remaining crickets and one Remi were not a problem. Domination of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is just around the corner!

no!calm!As soon as Aige grabbed Fran's wrist, don't make trouble at this time, okay?

Sakuya looked at the two of them strangely, what the hell were they flirting with?

One person knocked on the top of the head, and Sakuya put his hands on his hips and said, "You want to eat when you're so dirty? No way! Let me take a bath before we talk about it."

Hearing what Sakuya said about this matter, Aige was immediately relieved, but Fran on the other side was stiff.

"Take a shower, sounds good..."

"But I refuse!" Fran immediately added after Ai Ge's words.

"Ah, Second Miss, it's better not to embarrass me." Sakuya looked at his pocket watch as if nothing had happened.

To be honest, Sakuya is going to be very busy now, and waiting for Mrs. Paqiuli will be a big trouble. The goblins have to eat in batches, and the watchdog tied outside the door is still waiting for leftovers.

As for when you said stop?How could the maid of the Scarlet family be so rude in front of the guests.

"So in summary, please don't trouble me, please?" Sakuya said: "You know that resistance is useless."

"Hmph!" Fran sneered, "Do you think it will be the same today?"

Ai Ge who was confused by the situation beside him: "I am not the same now as I was before!"

"Oh?" Sakuya raised her eyebrows, she almost forgot that the love song would not be suspended by herself, that would be a bit troublesome.

But it's just a little bit, Sakuya turned to Ai Ge and said: "Then Miss Ai Ge, do you want to wash it first?"

"Well, okay." Aige nodded.

"Ah! Why is this!" Fran held Aige to prevent her from leaving: "Don't go take a bath!"

"But your body is so dirty." Ai Ge distanced herself from Flan in disgust: "Especially Flan, you just dug, cough cough! Didn't you get more dust when you swept the floor?"

"That's right! That's good!" Sakuya clapped his hands: "It's better to let Miss Aiga and Miss Fulan go to wash together, as you can see, I still have a lot of things to do."

Ai Ge nodded: "Well, we can do it ourselves, and Sakuya can go and get busy."

Sakuya looked at Fran and smiled: "Then please."

"Woo~ I don't want love songs..."

"Fran, don't be willful! You are so dirty now! Even though I am the same, hurry up and take a shower with me."


Sakuya watched the two girls pull away, one thing has been resolved, then next...



"Ah? Dinner? That kind of thing is fine." Paqiuli flipped through the books in front of her without interest: "Anyway, magicians won't die if they don't eat."

"But it's always bad not to eat." Sakuya persuaded the magician in front of him with a wry smile.

"Whispering! Shut up! I won't eat! Eating is a waste of life! A real magician can sustain life with just black tea!"

Where are you from?Sakuya looked at the purple magician in front of him with a headache, and had a plan in his mind: "That's it, I wish you a good night."

Sakuya gave a salute without breaking the etiquette, turned around and walked outside the door. After walking a few steps, she stopped as if thinking of something: "Speaking of which, I forgot to tell you..."

"What?" Paqiuli, who had lowered her head just now, raised her head impatiently.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that the black tea in the museum will be reduced from next month."

"How can...slow down!" Paqiuli immediately reacted as soon as she stood up, and looked at the maid in front of her with vacant eyes: "Is this a threat?"

"How is it possible?" Sakuya smiled and bent down: "How could I threaten you? It's just that you also know that the ladies broke up many houses a few days ago, and the repair fee has to be deducted from the daily. "

"Then reduce my food and replace it with black tea! I don't eat it anyway."

"That can't be done. Black tea is a luxury, while food is a necessity. Do you think the prices between the two are equivalent?"

Sakuya smiled like a flower, but Paqiuli had a displeased face: "I will not accept threats..."



Paqiuli looked at the two people across the table expressionlessly.

"Ah~ It's so comfortable to take a beautiful bath." Ai Ge changed into loose pajamas, and the ends of her hair were still a little damp.

"Hmph! It's not uncomfortable at all." Sitting next to her, Fran twisted her body awkwardly.

Sakuya pushed the dining car in, and the goblins couldn't do this kind of thing, so only Sakuya and the little devil were there to serve.

"Where's Remy?" Patchouli asked the head maid who was setting the plate for her.

"Miss, she feels a little uncomfortable, so she rests in the room."

"Ha, didn't you say that idiots won't get sick?" Paqiuli said this deliberately. It's not shameful to bow to Sakuya in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but it just makes people uncomfortable.

"Master Paqiuli..." Sakuya cast a reproachful glance at the magician.

"Forget it, don't we have a doctor now? How about letting her see it?"

Ai Ge immediately straightened her back on the chair, with the appearance of 'that's right, it's the next'.

"It's not sick, it's just that I feel a little tired, and I'll be fine after a little more sleep."

"That's right." Paqiuli just mentioned it in passing, since it's fine, it's great.

Just as I was about to enjoy my food, I saw the two little devils on the opposite side winking: "What's the matter? Did you two troublemakers get into any trouble again?"

"No!" X2, the two vetoed in unison, which made Paqiuli, who was originally indifferent, suspicious.

"Hey, it's actually a little bit." Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Ai Ge said coyly, "But it's okay! We've already solved it."

"is it?"

"That's right!" Fran gestured a little distance away from her fingertips: "It's just a little, insignificant little trouble, and it's all over now."

"That's good." Paqiuli was actually not interested in this.

What kind of trouble can two brats cause?At most, the ceiling of the Scarlet Devil Mansion would be pierced. This kind of thing happens once or twice a month, so it's not a big deal.

ps: I may not be used to the climate here at the beginning of school, and I feel uncomfortable when I catch a cold, and I can’t speak because of a sore throat

Chapter 335 334. An Unexpected Incident

The nights in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, no, it’s better to say that the nights in Gensokyo are boring. Except for some monsters who like night activities, most people have almost no entertainment measures on ordinary days.

If you don't want to read a book at home for a while, then you have to develop a good work and rest habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

Originally, Paqiuli was a resolute night owl, or she was the kind of person who was 24 hours a day. Only when she felt a little insane would she barely sleep for a few hours to recover her spirits.

Tsk, a cold-blooded and heartless reading machine.

Originally, today was supposed to be the usual midnight study session, and usually Remi would wake up to accompany her at this time, although in Paqiuli's view she was only here to disturb her quiet reading time.

However, it may be because of the medicine, Paqiuli felt a rare drowsiness, and when reading a book, she still felt that her head was as heavy as lead.

This kind of situation also happened when drinking the medicine of Baiyi Yonglin before. Now it seems that Aige has not wasted time under the doctor's hands.

The purple-haired witch smiled, put the bookmark in the book and closed it, stretched her waist, and rubbed her sore eyes, it seemed that she had really reached her limit.

"Hmm~ Are you going to rest?" The little devil leaned over his head, with a bright smile on his face that Paqiuli hated very much: "It's so strange, could it be menopause..."

"Little devil, I [order] you here..." Paqiuli interrupted her servant calmly: "Stand on your head!"

"Huh? Al?" The little devil flipped his arms and legs involuntarily: "Wait, wait!"

Paqiuli sighed and stood up, when will this servant learn to respect her master.

"[Order] You, do a hundred handstand push-ups."

"Wait, wait, wait, one, two, three..." Although the little devil said no, his body still obeyed the master's order very honestly. He covered the hanging skirt with one hand, and kept the other hand Bend, straighten, bend again...

Leaving the little devil alone in the library, Paqiuli rubbed her eyes and walked back to her room, feeling more and more sleepy. It seemed that she really needed a sleep.

In the corridor, Paqiuli also met Sakuya who was patrolling. It seemed that she had just escorted the fairy maids back to the room.

The word escort is not just talking. Most of the elf maids don't need sleep very much. If they are allowed to stay outside all night, once Sakuya takes a nap or something, it is not surprising that they cause any trouble.

Sometimes Paqiuli is really thankful that there is Sakuya in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, if only Remi and Fran...haha.

"Are the little ghosts asleep too?" Since the owner is still asleep, Paqiuli has to do a little bit of responsibility.

"Well, I cleaned up a room for them on the first floor." Sakuya looked at the tired magician in front of him and asked, "Do you need anything else?"

Paqiuli thought for a while and raised a finger: "Then have a cup of hot milk."

Hot milk helps sleep. Although Paqiuli feels that she doesn't need sleep aid at all, she can fall asleep as soon as she touches the pillow, but Paqiuli will not let go of the opportunity to keep Sakuya busy.

Of course, this is not revenge, the magician thought to himself.

"Then I'll prepare it and deliver it to your room, right?"

Paqiuli nodded, and staggered back to the room, but she didn't wait for Sakuya's milk in the end.



Paqiuli fell into a drowsy sleep, and didn't even know if she was sleeping on the bed.

This wobbly feeling is like hiding in the cabin before.

In order to avoid witch hunting, Paqiuli has been to many places, and she can't remember whether she has ever been on a boat.

Although the young Paqiuli is only over 100 years old, this age is really nothing in the group of monsters. Even the unreliable dwarf owner of his family is over 500 years old, and her sister is no more than her. Only five years younger.

She is the youngest in the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion except for Sakuya.

Closer to home, although she is no longer a human being, this does not prevent her from still looking at things from a human perspective. 100 years is really a long time, so long that she almost forgot where she has been and what she has done.

It is understandable to feel shaking in the dream, but there is something wrong with the feeling of water dripping on my forehead!

Paqiuli opened her eyes suddenly: "This, what's going on?!"

The room was filled with water, and Paqiuli's bed was floating on the water like a boat. She stood up in a panic and almost fell off the bed. Fortunately, Paqiuli did not forget that she could fly.

Without saying a word, he opened the door with magic, only to find that not only his room, but the entire basement was flooded.

The entire basement? !Paqiuli's face suddenly changed.

"Sakuya! Sakuya!" Shouting loudly, Patchouli flew towards her library quickly.

In a trance, Sakuya appeared in front of him, still in a neat maid outfit, I don't know if she didn't sleep all night or got dressed in advance.

"What, what's going on, Master Patchouli?"

"How do I know?" Paqiuli flew towards the library angrily, trying to calm down in her mind: "Go and see where the source is?"

"Yes! I'll go right now."

Another trance, Sakuya next to him was only slightly misplaced: "I found it, it's here, but I can't block it."

"Take me there!" Paqiuli flew in the direction Sakuya said without saying a word.

In this way, it seems that my book must have suffered, it is better to solve this matter from the source as soon as possible.

The room pointed by Sakuya was indeed the source, and the water continuously seeped out from the gap in the door. It seemed that the water level inside the house was higher than outside.

Directly use earthy magic to seal the door completely, and now we can only do this first, but fortunately, there are no windows in the basement room.

Hurriedly rushing back to her library, looking at the various books floating on the water, Paqiuli felt her heart was bleeding.

He wanted to use Huoyao magic to evaporate the water, but he was afraid of burning his precious books, so he had no choice but to draw the accumulated water out little by little.

I, Sakuya and the little devil worked all night before I managed to get the water out of the basement.

Sitting on the chair and stroking the wet books in front of her, Paqiuli's heart was cut like a knife. Although the books on the upper shelf were not damaged much, many of the books on the lower shelf had to wait for drying to know the specific damage.

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