For her now, time has lost its meaning.

She just walked, walking, dragging her wings stained by smoke and dust, and moved forward.

One, two, one, two.

Just like when she first trained the formation, there were only the sounds of commands in her mind and the mechanical movements of her body.

Finally, a hole was torn open in the boundless darkness.

That is the everlasting bright moonlight.

Reflected on the dark sea, the ripples of light turned into a silver-white road leading to the endless distance of the horizon.


The starry sky was vast and magnificent, reminding her of the night when she and her husband went to the beach for the first time.

She and her husband were holding hands, lying on the soft and delicate beach, smiling like two carefree fools.

Bai Zhouzi's legs weakened and he fell to his knees, finally feeling that the world was collapsing.

The battlefield was far away, but the sound of burning seemed to be close to her ears, tormenting her and making her miserable.

She opened her mouth to say something, but something choked her throat. The more she wanted to spit it out, the less words came out.

She thought that as long as she could ignore it, the memories would be buried deep in her heart and gradually become blurred, but she was wrong.

That day at the beach, her husband's smile was as beautiful as ever before her eyes.

The once beautiful pale pink-purple eyes were now lost and could no longer find focus.

She could only see the sea below the cliff at the moment.

"Suffocation, this method has been proven to be feasible for the students of Kivotos..."

She repeated the knowledge she had.

Cruel knowledge.

But now she needs this.

After she closes her eyes and sinks to the bottom of the sea, will she be able to see her husband in the same boundless darkness?

What a wishful thinking, she smiled stupidly.

What are the people who drove my husband to death talking about here with such shamelessness?


Although I don’t think this can atone for my sins, and although I don’t think this can change anything,

However, for the time being, this incident can be considered to have a beginning and an end.

She dragged her body up the sea cliff step by step.


Bai Zhouzi felt a familiar warmth.

She was hugged gently from behind by someone.

Chapter 039: Day 062·Early morning·Coast③

Her pale and slender limbs were like broken flowers, hanging down weakly.

His arms were still calm, warm, and exuding the slightest trace of heat.

With her iconic long silver hair and two wings on her back, it was difficult for the gentleman not to recognize the girl in front of him.

What's more, she is indeed the type to leave a deep impression.

Shirasu Azusa, a transfer student from Arius who is nicknamed the Ice Witch.Underneath her slightly cold appearance is a passionate and active soul.

But now, how much of this passion is left, Mr. can’t even imagine.

Bai Zhouzi was held by his husband from behind, but his body was motionless and unresponsive like a puppet, as if all the sensations in his body had been stripped away.

The gentleman exhaled slowly and said nothing.

From his point of view, he should not stay in this area for another second, and must immediately join up with the students of Ghenna who have evacuated the sea.

Any delay of one second will increase the possibility of being discovered by the Holy Trinity troops.

If he was discovered, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

That would be a failure of the efforts of all the Ghenna students who have been fighting so far.

However, the gentleman still did not let go.

"Maybe I will never be a competent teacher."

He thought so.

It would be derelict to give up a hundred people for one person, but can we accept it with peace of mind if we give up one person for a hundred people?

At least he couldn't.

He couldn't give up Bai Zhouzi.

If he could make up his mind to give up on any of his students, his body would not be as broken as it is today.

He wanted to say some comforting words in her ear, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he found that he was so short of words that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

(It’s too unbearable...whether it’s this battle...or us...)

The glorious future we once looked forward to together is now only a bloody road full of thorns.

People in this world always have to care about something.

He may not care about his own life, but he cannot give up on his students.

Similarly, the students also have their own thoughts.

Since each is unable to compromise and give the other what it wants, strife arises and unrest increases.

He can't break this situation yet.

He can only do what he can.

He hugged Bai Zhouzi gently, trying to use his own body temperature to wake up the girl's body, which had been blown cold by the sea breeze.

Different from his cold appearance, Bai Zhouzi's body is unexpectedly soft and petite,

No one would associate the girl who was helplessly nestling in her husband's arms with the military maniac who blasted shoe cabinets every day.

Shirazu Azusa, who was once covered in thorns, had to check the security conditions wherever she went, and surrounded the classroom with broadswords and trip mines.

Now there is no defense and no vigilant action.

For a moment, the gentleman seemed to have an illusion:

It was only today that he finally touched the girl's slender, sensitive and fragile heart wrapped under Bai Zhouzi's outer shell.

Time seems endless.

The sea breeze blew against the two of them, trying to take away the precious warmth again.

The husband could only open his coat and wrap Bai Zhouzi in it, trying to block the wind while also transmitting the warmer body temperature from the core of the body.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally felt his warmth.

Familiar body temperature, familiar smell.

There was also that look that was so familiar that it couldn't be turned away, and that was so gentle that it was a little helpless.

Bai Zhouzi couldn't help but tremble, starting from his shoulders and extending to every cell in his body. Even his toes were contracting hard.

She once thought she had given up,

What she thought had been destroyed,

The fire caused by the explosion appeared in front of her eyes, accompanied by Weihua's screams that oppressed her vision, and then the overwhelming regrets that gritted her teeth rushed towards her, instantly swallowing up her already overwhelmed emotions.



Miraculously appeared behind her.


She suddenly muttered quietly.

"Don't turn my body around, okay?"

The husband was a little confused, but he didn't speak. He just waited quietly and hugged her silently.

After a moment, the girl trembled and spoke:

"If I see your face now, I will definitely go crazy and die..."

"So, at least for now, give me some time, okay?"

The gentleman closed his eyes.

The sea breeze that had been howling for a long time stopped in an instant.Bai Zhouzi clearly heard the sound of breathing that was more familiar than her own heartbeat.


A low voice of agreement was transmitted from her throat, slightly shaking the back of her head.

Tears dripped down the back of Mr.'s hand.

The sound of the wind howled, like weeping and complaining.

They maintained their position of not seeing each other, and were silent for a long, long time.

It was so long that Mr. Rang’s head was blown dizzy by the wind. It was so long that he forgot whether the sky was pitch black or about to turn fish belly white.

The girl in her arms suddenly smiled shyly:

"You can turn around."

The husband pressed Bai Zhouzi's shoulders and turned her body around, letting her see the face that was indelible in her memory.

Seeing the silver-haired girl's face so close to him, with the inextricable attachment between her brows and eyes, he felt a pain in his heart and turned away.

Xiaozi slowly reached out her hand and touched his cheek tremblingly.

As if to confirm again and again that this was not an illusion, she used the gentlest palms to touch his eyes, nose, lips...

Then, slender arms were wrapped around his neck, white and translucent.

The familiar feeling made Mr. eyes widen involuntarily.

Although the husband has been mentally prepared for this.But the next moment,


Bai Zhouzi pounced on him fiercely, biting his forehead, his eyes, his nose, and his lips...

All the repression and madness in the trembling girl's body completely exploded at this moment. She didn't know how to kiss at all - or even if she did, she had forgotten it at this moment.

She can only nibble and lick.

It was not an expression of love based on skill, and I never wanted to use it to gain the slightest pleasure and satisfaction.

Just a simple need for survival.

Just like breathing air, just like drinking water,

If he didn't use this primitive way to express his feelings, Bai Zhouzi thought, he would definitely die.

Tears fell like broken beads.

The girl hugged him crazily and pressed her husband's head hard into her arms to prevent him from running away.

The husband and Bai Zhouzi lay on the beach, just like they had done in the summer just past.

They can stretch out their fingers and count the stars in the sky.

Azusa, who had always been taciturn, rarely spoke more.

She talked to her husband almost all the time about what happened in the school, her views on various phenomena in Trinity College,

There was really nothing left to talk about, so she started to list the dessert shops and doll shops she had visited, and she told her husband in the form of a mission report.

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