The surrounding vehicles flashed with lights, leaving the stage to the real protagonist in the rain:

"Go back with me... Xiaolu..."

Saiha Momoi's hand was on the trigger of the weapon, which was a pink assault light gun with a pendant given to her by her sister, the same as Xiao Lu.

The icy raindrops were like sword rays, flashing by bit by bit in the dark night,

That sharp light is just like Saiha Momoi's heart at this time,

With her face soaked by the rain, the little girl looked directly at her dearest sister in front of her with painful eyes.

"I have read the email sent by Shengyuan Mihua... Xiaolu, that kind of thing is wrong."

Caiyu's green lips moved a few times.

She looked at her dearest sister in front of her, her best playmate since the day she was born. Her voice became messy in the rain, but Xiao Tao could still hear her clearly:

"Sister, don't be like this, okay? Let me go, I'm just going to take a long vacation. Are we strangers since we are in different places?"

There was a glimmer of prayer in her eyes,

"Let me go. I will come back when I have cured Sir."

"At that time, we can still make and play games together, and we can continue to ask my husband to be our club consultant... Isn't that good, sister?"

"I have no idea!"

The muzzle of the gun in Momoi's hand suddenly rose, flashing a dangerous red light in the rain.

But Momoi's eyes were so confused that Xiao Lu's heart broke.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know..."

"But I always feel like something is strange, something is wrong! The same goes for that email, and so does you. Why is everyone acting so weird..."

Momoi shouted, her voice piercing the continuous rain.

But at the moment she raised her gun and pointed it at the opponent, Xiaolu moved forward silently,

Taking slow steps, step by step, slowly but firmly, he walked towards Momoi's gun.

Looking at her sister's extremely troubled expression, Xiao Lu sighed:

"Do you want your husband to leave like this?"

"Absolutely not."

Momoi sniffed, and tears mixed with rain flowed down.

Her eyes were confused, but like a child who accepted death, she grabbed her intuition and refused to let go:

"But I believe sir, if she is doing it for his own good, then why doesn't he go to their side!?"

"Maybe sir doesn't want us to pay too much for him." Xiao Lu whispered.

"So...he is willing to leave us...?"

Tears burst into Momoi's eyes again, and the hand holding the weapon trembled.

Seeing her sister's confused eyes, Xiaolu's face was filled with tears of disappointment.

It was like she suddenly grew up at this moment.

She once thought that using painting skills proficiently was growth. She once thought that being able to communicate with others bravely was growth.

But now Xiaolu knows...

The feeling of using a knife to cut your heart bit by bit, but you can't resist, is the real growth.

Cai Yulu only felt disappointed.

Weapons were in their hands, but it was useless.

Looking at her sister crying helplessly in the rain, Xiaolu felt that it was difficult for her to move her feet any longer.

They don't know what to do, where to go,

Until an unexpected voice sounded,

"My husband said that there is no right or wrong in many things, and we cannot use simple right or wrong to measure the meaning of people."

Alice, holding a black umbrella alone, walked out of the box.

The light in the eyes of this bionic machine girl who lives in the game department is as blue as when the Caiyu sisters first found her from the ruins.

Alice passed by Momoi who was crying, stood in the middle, and looked at Xiao Midori in front of her.

She stretched out her left hand and put it on Xiao Lu's trembling shoulder,

"Brave man, have you made a decision?"

Xiaolu's body trembled even more when she heard Alice's voice.

But she finally raised her head and stared at Alice. The tears and rain on her face were intertwined, pitiful but unwavering.

Alice looked at the face, closed her eyes for a moment, and then wiped away her tears.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xiaolu felt that there was a tenderness in Alice's tone that she had never experienced before:

"Now that you have made a decision, don't regret it anymore and move forward bravely."

"Although I don't believe that email, it feels like the last boss bewitched the brave before the final battle,"

"But, doesn't the famous RPG game "Final Fantasy" also have such a line? 'There is no such thing as justice and evil in the world, they are just two opinions.'"

"Furthermore, after a companion leaves the team, isn't it also a good convention to return to the team with stronger equipment and a job change?"


Alice touched her lips, seeming to be planning her next lines.

But when she saw Xiao Lu, who was bowing his head in silence, she suddenly understood.

She walked over and held Xiaolu's body in her arms,

"O brave man, may the light be with you."


The umbrella fell to the ground.

As if she had found the last pillar of support, Xiao Lu hugged Alice tightly with her arms and Xiao Tao who came closer, sobbing and unwilling to make a sound.

Needless to say.

No need to say a word more.

Even if they go their separate ways, they will remain friends forever.


"Have you finished saying goodbye to them?"

"Yes. Speaking of which, you are really willing to get out of that cabinet, Minister."

"That's two different things."

It was raining continuously at night, and two girls were sitting side by side on the tram bound for Holy Trinity.

The tram at night is like a gray-black ship, carrying all kinds of thoughts, slowly drifting into the distance along the waves of fate.

Chapter 034: Day 067·Gehna College·Maintenance Room ①

The air filled with the smell of engine oil penetrated the gentleman's nose, and the stinging smell made him open his eyes suddenly.

Just like countless days and nights in the past, he had opened his eyes and saw that the scene in front of him was no different from the past.

It's just that he is very familiar with the vehicle maintenance room of Gehenna Academy.

But now Mr., it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain consciousness and not fall into a deep sleep.

His consciousness was barely maintained by sheer willpower.

Any hint of tiredness would easily push his consciousness into the abyss like knocking over a domino.

"Ha ha……"

He was breathing heavily, with a mocking smile on his face,

"It's really despicable...Why have I been unconscious for so long? Too much time has been wasted..."

Putting down the hand holding his forehead, his face regained its cold look.

No one knows that Mr. Kivotos, who is currently the most famous, laughs most often at his own incompetence.

Time is still moving forward ruthlessly, and the students have drawn their own conclusions under his careful guidance.

And some conclusions are enough to destroy the entire Kivotos.

This time, no conspirators misled the students and made them fight against each other.

The source of all evil, if this thing can still be found, it can only be himself.

His soul just wanted to hide in a deserted corner and cry silently, but he could not ignore the war that was so close at hand.

He opened his mouth and closed it again.

He couldn't say anything because he wasn't qualified.

(Heavy vehicles...Gehna's current main equipment...what role will they play on the future battlefield?)

His hand gently touched the thick armor plate, and the cold steel gave him a rare sense of coolness.

Gehna is good at indiscriminate blasting, and everyone in Kivotos knows this.

This can be seen from the large number of heavy vehicles they have installed, as well as the various explosive weapons equipped by the students.

In the long past of Kivotos, it was precisely because of the large number of heavy vehicles that Gehenna was qualified to stand on one side, and together with the Holy Trinity, it was called the twin walls of Kivotos.

But new technology has emerged, and old equipment has not yet been eliminated.

In this case, where will the war situation go?

The gentleman also lost all confidence.

In the past history, countless facts have proven one truth:

Those who cannot keep up with the times will be ruthlessly crushed.

Mr. is exactly this sentence and an active practitioner of this kind of thinking.Whether in the past security battles in Kivotos or in the planning of the joint forces, he never rested on his laurels, but actively studied, simulated, and constantly updated his tactical ideas.

No matter who his opponent is, Mr. is confident that he will not be overwhelmed by the opponent.

However, now his opponents are the students he wants to protect the most.

They inherited his tactics, held more advanced weapons, and used war methods to probe his soul.

"This is a little embarrassing..."

The gentleman laughed softly twice.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves in front die on the beach. This is a natural principle.

As a front wave, you naturally have to use your life to clear the way and build bridges for the waves behind.

He once thought that if students could grow, he would be extremely happy even if he would be the price of that growth.

It could even be said that he was looking forward to this moment.

What joy can be more encouraging than for a tactician to see his juniors defeat him in the field he is best at?

It’s just that the world is really weird.

No matter what the real purpose of Shengyuan Mihua is, the banner she raised has exceeded the bottom line that Mr. Yu can bear.

The risk of a scorched earth in exchange for one person becoming a god is absolutely unacceptable to Mr.

So now, the husband can only stand on the opposite side of her.

Forcibly suppressing the tangled thoughts, Mr.'s eyes returned to the heavy vehicle in front of him.

However, the information he could master about the Holy Trinity's army was very little, and he could not simulate the scene of the future battlefield.

The war was fought due to information gap, so even if he stared at the heavy vehicles and prepared to 'investigate things to gain knowledge', without Holy Trinity's army information, he couldn't figure out the reason.

"Ah, sir, what are you doing in my dressing room with a dazed look on your face?"

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