"Oh? How's it going?"

"Chairman, I can only say...it is quite pessimistic."

The atmosphere in Hina Sorasaki's office became quite depressing.

Logically speaking, her three subordinates should not be as angry as Hina Sorasaki.

But now, the cloud of war has completely enveloped the entire Kivotos, which makes everyone who knows the details feel a huge pressure.

Ako, Iori, and Chinatsu... of course they have not forgotten their loyalty to Hina.

But loyalty and risking death are obviously not the same nature.

"Sir, I love you and respect everything you have done for Kivotos...

But I have to say, you're putting us in danger now. "

The bespectacled health committee member, Chinatsu Kamimiya, stared at her husband with her eyes.

The seriousness in the golden eyes makes people feel like a knife scraping on the skin:

"We have begun to imitate and trial-produce the new weapons of Holy Trinity College, but the technological content of those things is too high. Even if all the factories in Ghenna are opened, the production capacity will not be enough."

The gentleman sat back in his chair, playing with a short knife in his hand.

He grinned nonchalantly, revealing a faint smile:

"You said I put you in danger?"

Qianxia suddenly blushed, pursed her lips, and waved her hands:

"No, that's not what I meant...but..."

The gentleman rubbed his chin and looked at Qianxia, ​​who was in panic, with emotion in his eyes.

After a long silence, he sighed:

"Perhaps you are right...perhaps I lacked enough foresight to see the changes in Holy Trinity during the time when I was ill."

He stood up, the blue and white hospital gown sliding on his body, he pointed at his heart and whispered:

"Of course I can use my life in exchange again and try to negotiate with Shengzono Weihua to let Holy Trinity suspend their offensive."

"But we all understand that this won't work."

The gentleman spread his hands, faced the senior executives of Gehena, and said sincerely:

"You see, Holy Trinity wants a lot of things. Not only destruction and conquest, but also faith and interests.

Shengen Mika may just want to implement her plan to become a god, but the people under her don't think so. "

He glanced at the other senior officers and smiled:

"Everyone has something they cannot give in to. Now Holy Trinity has an arrow on the string and has to take action. Guess, if you throw me out, can you get the peace you want?"

There was a hint of amusement in Mr.'s eyes,

"Believe me, if my body could bring peace, I would have thrown it to Shengyuan Weihua without you urging me."

Chapter 028: Day 073·Noon·Gehna Arms Laboratory ②

The atmosphere in the room became solemn again.

The hands of the big clock hanging on the wall hit everyone's heart, and some people slowly clenched their fists.

The husband looked at them and smiled helplessly.

Faced with the aggressive military pressure from the Holy Trinity, Gehenna's officers were, as expected, divided into two groups.

One faction is too conservative and the other is too radical.

Facts have proved that the children of Holy Trinity are no different from the children of Gehenna. Even the camps they have divided themselves into are exactly the same.

The conservatives wishfully believe that as long as they throw the husband out and promise some substantial benefits to the Holy Trinity, maybe they will give up the attack and retreat obediently.

The radicals are mostly the extremists of the Temple of Demons who hated the Holy Trinity in the past. They claim that this is an endless war. The only way for Ghenna to survive is to be prepared to sacrifice everything and fight to the last drop of blood.

Psychologically speaking, this is a classic fight-flight mechanism.

When an enemy appears in front of them, either fight or run away, the options given to children are always simple and clear.

However, when the battle situation becomes extremely unfavorable and the pressure is as huge as a mountain, children will easily deviate from rational judgment and quickly move towards the irrational pole.


An officer slammed the table heavily and looked at the gentleman with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Since sir, you are so confident that you are willing to sacrifice for us, why not give it a try? Maybe they will be satisfied if you are left to those war maniacs with wings?"

The military commander spoke so straightforwardly, obviously not wanting his husband to get too involved in Gehna's affairs.

The husband glanced at her and shook his head silently.

In troubled times, there are never a few people who fish in troubled waters. Holy Trinity has them, and so does Ghenna.

Among the conservatives in Gehenna, there are indeed many people who have made a fortune from weapons orders and are afraid that their husband will find out their background.

But before the husband could refute, another officer immediately stood up, pointed at her nose and angrily said:

"You are kidding me! You are right, sir. Those bastards don't want to negotiate with us at all! Are they using so many high-tech weapons to launch salutes and water fights!?"

"What are you people who don't understand the value of peace talking about!?"

"I think you are the ones who are trying to make money so much that you don't even have a brain! You actually talk about peace. When did those twitchy ladies from Holy Trinity coexist peacefully with us!?"

In an instant, the two incompatible groups of Ghenna officers started arguing over each other's words.

A huge armaments laboratory turned into a noisy vegetable market in an instant.

The gentleman blinked his eyes, and suddenly saw that some guys who were afraid of chaos in the world had quietly unhooked the weapons around their waists.

If we don't stop them, I'm afraid the vegetable market will soon turn into an all-out martial arts business.

He quickly winked at Hina Sorasaki.

Hina Sorasaki's eyes turned cold.

The current supreme leader of Gehena looked at the officers who were in chaos and calmly raised a fist.

Then it hit the big round table in the laboratory hard.


Smoke and dust filled the air, and sawdust flew everywhere.

The large round table carved from solid wood was smashed into ruins by Hina Sorasaki's punch.

Not to mention the stunned officers, even the gentleman was dumbfounded.

He suddenly thought for no reason that the demon race was indeed a race that valued strength.

The most powerful person should be the lord of all demons.

The chaotic situation had returned to silence under the punch of Hina Sorasaki.

The teacher thought that Hina would use her authority to forcefully subdue those people.

Unexpectedly, she directly used the most straightforward physical method.

However, looking at the expressions of those officers, even though there were some sawdust splattered on their faces, their expressions were quite useful and convinced.

Strength is Gehenna’s passport.

Hina Sorasaki, who is becoming more and more familiar with this, has become a qualified Lord of Demons in their minds.

She straightened up and glanced at the officers,

"Next time you make a fuss, you'd better come up with something substantial..."

"Otherwise, you all go clean the toilet for me!"

There was a burst of laughter in the armament laboratory.

Each of those guys didn't look like they had been scolded, but rather like they had been tickled comfortably.

Gehena is such a monster-like place. If you treat you politely or even sarcastically, they may not be able to look at you once.

But if someone as powerful and prestigious as Hina Sorasaki were to deal with them, they would be happy.

"Yazi, how are our armaments? Let's give a briefing."

"Ah...Okay! Chairman!"

Hina whispered, and Ako, who was wearing a bell collar, walked quickly to her side.

"According to the information sent by Hoshino-san, we have begun to imitate new individual weapons."

"Because the technological content of the weapons in those materials was too high, our evaluation team decided to copy only one weapon after taking into account the factory's production capacity, technical level and the difficulty of the replicating process."

Hina Sorasaki raised her eyes, looked at Ako, and asked:

"What weapon?"

"A plasma launcher controlled by an electromagnetic field, commonly known as a 'beam gun'"

Hina's eyes became dangerous;

"This thing is not the same thing as the light gun that the kids at Millennium Academy play with, right?"

"Unfortunately, no."

Yazi sighed deeply and continued,

"That kind of beam gun is so powerful that it can't even compare to a rocket launcher. We tested it in the weapons factory. Just firing it with the lowest power can melt the armor of the entire main battle vehicle."


Upon hearing the news, the commanders of the Gehena Armored Force looked like cannibals.

As we all know, Gehena's Temple of All Demons has always been proud of having a large number of heavy ground vehicles.

If Yazi's information is correct, it means that the entire battle situation will be rewritten.

And on the future battlefield, their heavy-duty vehicles will be useless!

Amid the commotion, Hina continued to ask:

"Can this kind of weapon be deployed on a large scale?"

"No, neither Holy Trinity nor us can."

Ako shrugged and showed an apologetic smile to Hina,

"It takes a lot of energy to trigger the electromagnetic field that confines the plasma.

We have made every effort, but we can only produce 20 beam guns in the remaining construction period. "

"That means it can only be used for special operations."

Hina nodded, "That's fine, at least no one will have an absolute advantage on the frontal battlefield."

The gentleman folded his hands behind his head and whispered:

“It’s hard to say, Hina… maybe they have some trump cards.

By the way, Yazi, do those data only record weapons?Is there no information on armor or anything like that? "

Yazi looked troubled:

"Yes, yes, but..."

"But what?"

Yazi looked at her husband's eager eyes and lowered her head helplessly:

“Those armors are too difficult to smelt.

The most practical armor in the current data is ceramite armor, which can withstand the plasma heat flow of the beam gun. However, let alone large-scale installation, even if it is only built for one person, all our factories will work together for seven days. "

"Seven days, just seven days."

The gentleman frowned, glanced at Hina Sorasaki, and said seriously:

"Give Hina a pair of power armor first, and we'll take care of the others later."

"Already doing it."

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