In the final analysis, the war faction and the peace faction are just two sides of a sword and an ax.

Without the black market and mercenary groups, smart people will not disappear.

They always have the most sensitive sense of wealth, kicking in empty doors here and there.

War cannot be started by Seinon Mihana, Sorasaki Hina, or Iromari alone.

Rather than the confrontation between the two sides and the emergence of fanatical sects, it is the will of certain individuals.

Rather, it is the tide of the times that has chosen their thoughts.

There are those who pursue profit, and there are those who pursue righteousness.

The enemy Yuexue Gongzi wants to fight is the common choice of those who pursue profit and those who pursue justice.

Everyone's choice.

She finally woke up and looked at her husband with sad eyes:

"Sir, mean..."


The gentleman looked at Yuexue Gongzi, who was about to fall into chaos, and smiled calmly:

"If you don't have the courage to be an enemy of the world, don't get involved in this powder keg that's about to explode."

"Tomorrow, I will go and have a talk with Shengzono Mihua. But I think even if I meet her, I won't be able to achieve anything."

"After all, I can't give her what she wants."

The fan in the interrogation room made a monotonous sound.

The all-pervasive silence made Yuexue Gongzi more intolerable than ever before.

"SRT College is an armed organization under the General Student Union. Once a fight breaks out, it will inevitably be affected by Xia Lai's tendencies."

"I sincerely advise you not to take this path. Of course, the path is your own choice, and I will not interfere."

"But I can only wait for you until Sunday."

Chapter 026: Day 075·Afternoon·Peace Statue Fountain ①

Past, present, Future.

Looking out from the edge of the central square of Kivotos, you can see a triple scene that reflects the times.

On the street corner, you can see that the black market bank that was originally built in the bustling market has been listed and closed under the pressure of the joint forces, waiting to be demolished and rebuilt.

That was the unbearable past that Kivotos had long since collapsed.

Mr. Sitting next to the fountain, his robe was widely open, attracting side glances from the students passing by.

The person who is currently in charge of the mediation power of Kivotos happens to be pretty good-looking, and he always attracts some students to stop and pay attention.

As for the peace statue behind him, it has long become a check-in point for nearby students going to and from school every day.

Could peace be the future of Kivotos?

No one knows, not even the gentleman can tell clearly.

It's just that this statue, shining with golden light in the sun, depicts the scene of the Holy Trinity and Gehna marching hand in hand. It seems that there is some kind of inexplicable power that attracts people's attention.

For students, too many things are too complicated.

The changes of the times are twists and turns, and they have no way of judging whether they are good or bad.

But there is a vague belief in their hearts, as if as long as their husband is still there, and as long as the statue of peace still stands in the central square, their present and future are fully guaranteed.

The sky is still as blue as ever, hanging high and indifferent to the world.

The husband gently squeezed his hand, looking relaxed and content, but in his heart he was confused.

He is a smart man, a ephemera who is aware of his insignificance in the long river of time.

Whether it is war or peace has already been decided.He knew this.

The tide of the times cannot be easily resisted by human efforts alone.

But why is he still waiting here, waiting for a girl who has already set foot on his own path?

"Maybe old habits die hard."

He smiled with some understanding on his face and shook his head.

The sun moved from the midday zenith to the side. In an instant, cool shadows enveloped the earth, and the breeze blew, which was really indescribably refreshing.

The students on the edge of the square were already having fun, whistling and chasing each other under the blue sky. It was so lively.

I don’t know how long it took, but the flowing clouds in the sky covered the scorching sun.

In the distance, a white figure flashed across the lush green garden.


A clear and gentle call sounded in his ears.

He couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart. After all, he couldn't escape what was coming.

The rose garden exudes a warm fragrance, and golden light shines through the gaps in the clouds, like sacrificial balm, smearing on everyone's head.

There is a blue and clean sky above your head, and the colorful colors in the garden are in front of you, just like being in a fairy tale kingdom.

Sheng Yuan Weihua walked towards him with gentle steps.

The cloud-like hair splashes down like a waterfall, and the crystal skin is as clean and flawless as jade.

She was still wearing the white dress with a starry sky background, her soft face was like jade carved from ice, and her eyes were full of indescribable tenderness.

The Holy Garden is still in bloom, and it is still the Holy Garden in my mind.

It's just that the worldly affairs that are so heavy that they can't escape, like a glacier that never melts, stand between the two of them, so that he and she, who had no suspicion at all, have to face each other directly in the name of negotiation.

He seemed to be suffocated in his heart, as sluggish as a puppet, letting her step forward slowly, step by step.

Weihua's body gradually began to tremble, and she stared at him without saying a word.

The gentle eyes were filled with some kind of obsession, and the mist slowly rose.

Although the distance was only a few meters, Weihua could not go any further. The two people who were looking forward to seeing each other also had a desire to run away in embarrassment.

The husband took a deep breath and stood up with difficulty.

Through her eyes covered with water mist, Weihua saw that her husband's eyes were also sparkling with water like hers.

The unflowered tears of the Holy Garden finally fell, dripping on the stone steps in front of the stage, silently.

Chapter 026: Day 075·Afternoon·Peace Statue Fountain②

Shengyuan Weihua has also thought about how he hesitated, hesitated, and hesitated along the way. He walked very hard and felt exhausted.

The little girl in my heart always has the habit of crying.

What is all this for?

Is it for that illusory hope that Mr. Sir will survive?

Not at all.

When she pierced the Infinity Sword into Hoshino's chest, there was no blame or resentment in those golden and blue eyes looking at Weihua.

But a kind of mercy.

What is Hoshino pitying for?

Is it pity for the young girl in love who has been poisoned by the same love, or is it pity for the conspirator who is getting more and more lost on the difficult road?

Shengyuan Weihua couldn't explain clearly, but she understood a little.

She is no longer a good child that her husband can trust.

No matter how forgiving and tolerant the husband is, even - she has no face to think about this possibility - he is willing to ignore the cries of the children in Abydos who have been deprived of their companions for her sake.

Shengyuan Weihua will never be able to walk side by side with her husband again.

"Don't be naive, the Holy Garden has not yet blossomed."

She told herself so.

Ever since she took over the Infinity Sword from Bai Zhouzi, hadn't she already made up her mind?In order for her husband to become a god and regain his life, she would not hesitate to destroy everyone who stood in her way and use everyone she could.

Why did the determination that was as cold as stone that day melt into a stream of heat that was so warm that it made her cry when she saw her husband today?

"Sit down, Weihua."

The husband patted the stone steps beside him and motioned for Weihua to sit over.

His appearance has become much thinner than before, but the gentleness on his face has never changed.

It was not the indecisive tenderness of swallowing water, but the tenderness of breaking the boat even if Weihua accidentally destroyed the world, he would smile and serve her a plate of tea and a cup of black tea.

The world-defining courage and tenderness of mind, such contradictory traits, miraculously merged into a contradictory unity in Mr.

"Okay, sir."

Weihua found that she really couldn't resist her husband's invitation.

She wiped the crystal tears from the corners of her eyes, smiled as bright and innocent as ever, folded her white wings, and sat next to her husband.

The spring water in the fountain is gurgling endlessly, with golden light shining and mottled waves. A girl and a man are sitting by the pool, praying together for this moment of silence to become eternal.

Because the memories of the past were so beautiful, it made their state of mind even more embarrassing.

Shengyuan Weihua thought carefully that she, her husband, Hoshino, and many people in Kivotos were actually fighting against themselves.

She and her husband had been together day and night for a year, and had shared the joys and sorrows of life and death. If she had to force herself to let go, it would be an embarrassment to herself.

But Shengyuan Weihua is still paranoid and embarrassing herself.

"Sir, stop resisting and come to my side."

The breeze blew and carried her words into her ears. Even Weihua herself found the words unbearable.

She closed her eyes tightly, holding back the tears from rolling down from the corners of her eyes, and said coldly:

"Sir, please believe that our Holy Trinity has established an overwhelming military advantage over Ghenna. Even if you side with them, the balance of victory and defeat will not tilt."

"You're only doing them a disservice by putting them in the middle of a fight they can't win."

"As an educator, if you don't want to see those kids get hurt, sir, you have only one option: put down your weapons."

Say it.

Weihua smiled sadly in her heart.

There was absolutely no room for maneuver in what she said, and it was even more outrageous than when the Holy Trinity rebellion was launched that day.

He actually threatened his husband with the children, he was really hopeless.

Mr. Mingming saved her with his life, led her to the right path with his life, and guaranteed her with his life so that she would not have to go to jail...

Isn't everything in vain?

The Holy Garden has not yet blossomed, no matter what kind of kindness others show you, you are just a witch who can let down all their good intentions.

Chapter 026: Day 075·Afternoon·Peace Statue Fountain ③

Shengyuan Weihua turned her head and looked at her husband coldly.

The beautiful big eyes are also a little red and swollen.

She tried her best to force out a sinister smile that was worthy of the names of villain and witch.

But no matter how hard she tried to activate the muscles on her face, the best she could do was to remain livid and expressionless.

Sir is close at hand.

The ethereal warmth exuded from his body made Weihua's heart feel like it had grown wings, fluttering out of her chest desperately. She just wanted to fall into that warm embrace, forget about the world, and fall asleep.

But how could Weihua let her weakness and greed for her husband go and ruin the only chance she had to save her husband?

Her body was said to be unconscious, but it felt as uncomfortable as being pushed into a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire, and being split in two.

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