So Shengyuan Maihua approached Wakazao Kitsaka.

The simplest and most brilliant strategic balance is that I want everything you have.

"Welcome to Holy Trinity, Wakazao-san."

Mika Sazono's gaze swept across Wakazao's cheek.

Although she was wearing a mask and couldn't see her expression clearly, Weihua could see through the eye holes in the mask. Hidden under the mask was a pair of eyes burning with fierce love.

The fiercest love is only for the person in her heart.

Weihua seemed to be satisfied with what she saw. She smiled, looked back at her companions behind her, and said softly:

"Everyone here is a partner with the same ambition, right?"

Bai Zhouzi immediately took a step forward and said firmly:

"Yes, we are willing to pay any price to make our husband a god."

Shazhi remained silent, looking up at the narrow, dark ceiling of the church.

As the captain of the Arius team, she had personally started the chaotic war, and had witnessed with her own eyes the appearance of her husband as a savior and the end of the multi-eyed woman's dark reign.

However, at this moment, the dark clouds once again enveloped the entire Kivotos, heavier and more intense than ever before.

If the best warrior among them couldn't bear the sadness, what could Saori say?

"I recognize your efforts and your determination to save Mr. I admire you even more. Otherwise, I would not respond to your invitation."

Under Wakazao's mask, a deep and long voice came out:

"Judging from the news I have recently spied from Ghenna, I can already foresee our final victory. They are still preparing in the old-era combat methods and have no idea of ​​our technical advantages."

"As long as the time is right, our plan will be completely successful. Anyone who dares to stop us will only come back in vain."

In the church, excited discussions suddenly broke out.

The senior officers of Holy Trinity were whispering among themselves, obviously hearing this exciting good news for the first time.

Only the children around Shengen Mihua did not show surprise.

Atsuko was still looking straight at the blood-red sunset outside the door, her eyes filled with tears.

Shengyuan Weihua clapped her hands and asked with a smile:

"So, Wakazao-san, in your opinion, when should we launch a general attack on those unbelievers?"

The tone was understated, but what he said was extremely heavy.

Wakazao understood Mihua's plan in an instant.

If she can give a precise answer, she must provide corresponding physical evidence and intelligence as evidence.

If she cannot, then the trust she receives in the Holy Trinity group will be greatly reduced.

Ruozao took out a data disk from his clothes and said slowly in a slightly arrogant and cold tone:

"This is the complete defense map of the Ghenna campus so far. It not only includes the parts disclosed to Holy Trinity, but also includes all the hidden firepower points and weapons depots that I have figured out."

"Shengyuan Weihua, you are the one who decides the time of the general attack. I will not inquire about your judgment.

All you need to know is that as long as you order an attack, this defense map will allow Holy Trinity's troops to come and go freely on Gehena's territory. "

There was a sudden exclamation of surprise in the church.

Since Gehna was placed under military control by Hina Sorasaki, she has long lost the chaos and disorder of the past.

The entire academy is covered by complete defenses and firepower points, and will resist intruders with the highest efficiency.

But at this moment, the defense map that Foxasaka Wakazao took out meant that all these defenses were useless.

What could be more pleasing to these high-ranking officers of the Holy Trinity than the dissection of their enemies?

"I think everyone can't wait to make those unbelievers taste the pain."

Mika Seion was very satisfied with this answer. She nodded with a smile and looked at Wakazao with trusting eyes:

"I'm looking forward to that day. As soon as the time is right, I will notify you in advance so that you can also appreciate the end of our common enemy."

Chapter 024: Day 077·Twilight·Trinity College ③

Escaping from the chapel, Kitsaka Wakamo took to the air as quickly as possible.

She turned into a black shadow again, propelled herself with mysterious power and wind, and glided towards the other end of Kivotos.

That is the direction where Ghenna Academy is located.

No one in Holy Trinity would doubt her actions, not even Holy Garden Weihua.

In the eyes of those officers, a universal card was of little use if she did not enter the enemy's territory and spy on the enemy's situation.

As for Sheng Yuan Meihua, she was even more convinced that Wakazao would not play tricks on them.

In addition to the defense plan that has been verified to be correct, Shengyuan Mihua has another reason to be more confident.

That is because Wakazao attaches too much importance to Mr.

The extremely dangerous criminal Wakazao, who was once one of the "Seven Prisoners", was like a watchman when facing his husband, willing to wait from morning until nightfall for an agreement with him.

As long as there is a chance for her husband to survive, Shengyuan Weihua firmly believes that Wakazao will seize it.

Even if Ruozao went to Gehena, there would be nothing there to give her, at most she would be able to meet her husband.

——On the contrary, it will strengthen the determination of Wakazao and the Holy Trinity.

To sum up, based on various rational and profit-driven judgments, Mika Sazono has become convinced that she can firmly hold the universal card of Wakazao Kitsaka in the palm of her hand.

However, Shengyuan Weihua was wrong.



The howling wind passed by Wakazao's ears, and the scenery on the earth continued to change, gradually receding.

While gliding, she quickly entered information on the data terminal she carried with her.

That was what she witnessed with her own eyes - the list of senior military officers attending the meeting of the Holy Trinity.

This list will appear on Hina Sorasaki's desk in the name of an anonymous facilitator.

Of course, the defense plan that Wakazao Kitsaka gave to Ghenna, who is not a flower in the sacred garden, is also genuine.

Is Kitsaka Wakazao the wild card of Hina Sorasaki, or the wild card of Seion Mihana?

The answer may be surprising.

She's not a card for either party.

Kitsaka Wakazao has her own plan in mind.

And that plan was even more terrifying than the plan in Mikasa Seion and Hina Sorasaki's heart.


Ruozao's voice sounded like he was talking in his sleep.

She recalled her husband's light gray eyes, which were the only clear and pure color in the chaotic Kivotos.

It is a pure and beautiful soul that is burning with fire.

"Sir, I'm here to see you..."

Tears rolled down her eyes, and she let out a silent howl from her chapped lips.

Through clenched teeth, Ruozao tasted the taste of rust, and his stomach churns.

After all, she was still too naive and too negligent.

She thought that by defeating all opponents, she would be able to give her husband the protection he deserved.

She thought that with her hands stained with blood and sin, she could help her husband escape from the dark abyss.

But after all, she is still too small.

When her husband fell seriously ill for the second time, she went to Gehna to see him.

Ruozao forced herself to make eye contact with the gentleman on the hospital bed.

The boundless pain deep in those gray eyes has burned Wakazao's soul.

She finally understood.

Kivotos had already been standing behind her and her husband, with curved lips and twisted pleasure in his eyes, admiring his struggle and looking forward to her choice.

She could no longer hear the teachings her teacher had given her, teaching her to soothe her mood and release her obsessions.

Ruozao only knew that after all the chaotic thoughts settled down, the only thing that appeared in her mind was her husband's smiling face, which gradually moved away from her.

There was no despair in Ruozao's heart, only the never-ending anger that was enough to burn her out.

The gentleman was sentenced to death.

Someone has to pay a price.

Someone is going to die.

The multi-eyed girl is going to die, and so is the Arius team.

The hand that holds the gun dies, and so does the weapon itself.

Holy Trinity is going to die, Gehna is going to die.

Both parties to the conflict will die.

Those who sneer will die, those who look indifferently will die, and those who fail to rescue in time will also die.

Those who claim to respect their husband's wishes but are unable to solve his pain and are only seeking self-satisfaction will die.

Those who, under the guise of serving the teacher, misinterpret the teacher's teachings and drive fanatics to tarnish the name of the teacher, will die.

Hina Sorasaki is going to die, and Mika Seion is going to die.

There is another person who deserves to die the most and deserves to go to hell——

Kitsaka Wakazao who failed to protect her husband deserved the worst death.

right now,

Back to the original topic,

Whose wild card is Wakazao Kitsaka?

She actually doesn't belong to any party,

But she's a true, unpredictable wild card.

She captured information about Gehna for Holy Trinity, and then provided Gehna with information about Holy Trinity's personnel.

While gaining the attention and favor of Shengyuan Weihua, she is also constantly balancing Gehena's combat power.

What Kitsaka Wakamo hopes for is the complete destruction of both parties in the dispute.

They say that when things go downhill, someone has to get in the driver's seat and step on the gas.

Wakazao Kitsaka simply picked up the entire car and threw it off the cliff.

"Saint Yuan Weihua...your plan sounds good."

"However, it has a fatal flaw."

"That is, there is no need for all souls except sir to continue to exist..."

Kitsaka Wakazao laughed so hard that his whole heart trembled.

The sun fell on her palms.

Under the setting sun, she saw her husband holding a ball of light of hope, saying that she was a good child and that she did not belong to the dark side.

But Wakazao knew that the moment his husband became the victim of Kivotos, his soul was also torn apart.

She thought, why sit back and watch the ink mark dissipate, why dye the entire river black for that ink mark.

Ultimately, it is the river Kivotos that has a problem.

Everyone has problems.

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