In Gehena, where strength is paramount, the identity and authority of the Lord of Demons are naturally not obtained by empty words.

And now...

Hina Sorasaki just wanted to laugh.

Last month, when she stepped on the red carpet and rushed into the conference room of the Temple of Demons with her mg in hand,

Of the eight hidden sentries on the road, three of them shouted arrogantly at her before being shot down by her.

There were two cases where she solved them by tricking them into using passwords she had interrogated from other people.

There are two hidden sentries, but they are completely empty.

There is only one secret sentry, who knows how to use the terrain to conceal himself and fight with Hina Sorasaki.

But the first-year student had little combat experience after all, and was defeated by Hina in less than a minute.

Of the eight hidden sentries and a dozen elite warriors, no one thought of setting up an ambush for a sneak attack, and no one sent out an attack alarm.

Hina Sorasaki looked at the pile of unconscious members of the Demon Palace, and then looked at Makoto who was still cursing after being picked up by his neck and lifted up.

She could only smile bitterly and shake her head.

How could I have tolerated them for so long in such a top institution with such a state of ignorance and neglected martial ethics?

Although she had already been in hell because of her husband's death, she had decided to transform into an evil Shura ghost and bear the infamy for thousands of years.

But now it seems that her large-scale purge may not be a good thing for the future Gehenna.

No matter how she lamented, a new era had arrived, and the former Temple of All Demons had officially merged with the Commission for Discipline Inspection O.

In this era when her husband is dying and hope is still elusive, Hina Sorasaki needs stronger power than ever before.

Holy Trinity, Abydos, Hundred Ghosts, Thousand Years...

No matter which college the facilitator came from, she would not reject anyone regardless of their origin.


The sound of footsteps could be heard in the distance.

Hina Sorasaki looked towards the corridor on the left.

Under the light, a group of girls were walking quickly.

The leading girl has blond hair, big sunglasses, and the uniform of Holy Trinity College.

Although she always calls herself an 'ordinary and ordinary girl',

But anyone who knows her true identity will never treat her with any degree of contempt.

"Hello, Chief O of Hina Sorasaki."

Hifumi raised her sunglasses and her golden pupils flashed.

"No more gossiping, let's go in together."

Hina Sorasaki turned sideways and made a 'please' gesture.

The six-pointed star array emits a burst of light.

Two groups of people stepped forward and walked into the former conference room of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

Chapter 017: Day 084·Gehna New Library ②

This is a spacious room with long tables lined with various scientific documents and historical books.

On the ceiling of the room, there is also a shining hexagram shape. There seems to be a mystery flowing in the lines of the hexagram, providing protection for the conference room.

Hina Sorasaki, who was holding her hands together, looked at the blond girl wearing sunglasses across from her and said slightly worriedly:

"Hifumi...are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" Hifumi smiled.

"What happened between you and your husband..."

"Oh, that's the one you're referring to. I didn't expect that the scandal I made would spread throughout Kivotos in such a short period of time."

A lazy smile appeared at the corner of Hifumi's mouth, and she folded her hands behind her head.

"Don't worry, Hina-chan. Since I can sit here and talk to you, it means that my condition has not been affected."

"No offense intended..."

Hina Sorasaki lowered her head and bit her lips gently,

"It's just that there are too many children affected by Mr.

She looked at Hifumi, who was still smiling, and seemed to have remembered something, and sighed softly:

"Just yesterday, Gehena's supply department director Aiqing Liquidambar wanted to cook a meal for Mr. and take care of him as usual."

"But she doesn't know yet... Not only has the husband lost his sense of taste, but a small part of his stomach and intestines have been eroded, and he can only get nutrients through intravenous drips."

Hifumi's smile disappeared.

She frowned and whispered, "Oh...what happened next?"

Hina closed her eyes and exhaled deeply through her nose.

"Later... Mr. forced himself to eat her food, and pretended that it was delicious, happy, and enjoying it."

"Fangxiang believes it to be true. After all, the imitation is so similar that there are almost no flaws."

"Lilac is really happy, very happy, and even smiled for the first time in a long time,

Because she felt that her husband still needed her and relied on her as always. "

"Until she turned back and saw her husband vomiting blood on the hospital bed."

Hifumi looked up at the blue six-pointed star on the ceiling and was speechless for a long time.

She thought a lot, but finally swallowed it into her stomach.

She found that she really couldn't make any other expression except laughing.

Another child.

Sir, you are really a sinner.

Hina Sorasaki showed a helpless smile and spread her hands:

"In short, now Ghenna's students can only get supplies from vending machines and machine cafeterias."

"I'm sorry that I can't offer you better terms to entertain you."


Hifumi waved her hand gently and stared at Hina Sorasaki with her golden eyes:

"We're all in that pain and there's no reason to force people to keep working."

The light in those eyes was so dazzling.

Hina Sorasaki suddenly realized that Hifumi, a girl who had always claimed to be ordinary, turned out to be so strong and brave.

Under her delicate and lovely face, there is a kind of calm confidence:

"Now, Chairman Hina Sorasaki, let's exchange information."

Hina Sorasaki was stunned for a second.

She wanted to tell Hifumi that what happened next was not something that ordinary students could participate in.

When disaster strikes, leaders should stand in the front row to protect ordinary students from fatal harm.

But whether she wanted to or not, she had to admit that Hifumi was no longer a protected person - she was standing as a protector, and they both needed an ally too much.

Finally, Hina Sorasaki faced Hifumi's bright eyes and nodded slowly:

"Okay, let me tell you my information first."

"Gehna's various exploration teams discovered unusual vibrations underground. However, according to the analysis of the Hot Spring Department, there was no obvious leyline activity in Kivotos during this period."

"Such strong and frequent vibrations are either testing weapons or manufacturing weapons."

Or maybe both, Hifumi added mentally.

Hina Sorasaki took a sip of water and continued:

"I entrusted the data analysis team from Millennium to combine the data obtained by the reconnaissance team and found that Holy Trinity sent most of its troops to the border area of ​​Kivotos during this period."

Hifumi frowned:

"Could it be ancient ruins? Did they find any technology inside?"


Hina Sorasaki spread her hands, "Now that I've finished telling the information, it's your turn."

Rifumi pondered for a few seconds, then smiled helplessly:

"I'm sorry, Chairman, I'm just an ordinary Holy Trinity student. I don't know what their higher-ups are doing."

"But based on my observations, there are two changes that can be determined:"

"First, Holy Trinity's legion has completed its reorganization. They have drawn more mysterious students from various regular troops to form a more elite team."

"Those squads distinguish themselves from other troops with their green and platinum patterned armbands."

Hina Sorasaki nodded:

"Training commanders on a large scale? It seems that they are preparing to rapidly expand their ranks and fight a big and protracted war. Holy Trinity has great ambitions."

Hifumi was noncommittal and continued:

"Second, the Sisters of the Holy Trinity have also begun to enter the front-line troops in large numbers."

Hina Sorasaki suddenly stood up and slammed the table:

"Are you sure!? Although the Sisters have changed their past policy of non-intervention, but they are participating in actual combat troops on a large scale!? This is too fast!"

Hifumi snorted coldly:

"As far as I know, a new sect is spreading wildly among the students of Holy Trinity."

"The way they act is very mysterious, and I can't find out anything."

"But the strange thing is that their sect not only has a large number of warring factions, but also a large number of main peace factions have joined it."

Now, the problem is indeed serious.

Hina Sorasaki lowered her head.

The Warring Faction and the Peace Faction of Holy Trinity have always been incompatible with each other, and no one can tolerate the other.

It allows two incompatible factions to coexist harmoniously and develop rapidly.

She had never heard of any Holy Trinity sect that could have such unifying power.

This new sect may be the biggest problem for Holy Trinity at the moment.

After thinking for a long time, Hina Sorasaki raised her head.

She looked at Hifumi's solemn face:

"Seventy Gehna elites, plus heavy weapons and vehicles, are they enough to support Senior Hoshino?"

"Okay." Hifumi nodded.

Hina Sorasaki whispered: "I can't come forward directly. I represent Ghenna. Taking action now will only give Holy Trinity an opportunity to take advantage of public opinion and morale."

"You don't have to worry about this, we all understand, Chairman."

Hifumi clapped her hands and looked at the heavy-duty chairman with sincere eyes:

"Rather than fighting in person, we need you to sit in the rear and stabilize the situation. Now is not the time for you to end, Hina-chan."

Hina Sorasaki smiled calmly:

“I will end up one day, but for now, I still have to trouble everyone in Abydos.

Go help Hoshino-senpai - as for sir, we will always protect him with the highest level of protection. "

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