There was also a warm and moist feeling on my shoulders, which was the tears my husband couldn't hold back.

Hayase Yuka's lips moved a few times, wanting to say something.

But in the end, she shook her head.

Her hands gently wrapped around her husband's waist, with a peaceful smile on her face.

"There's really nothing we can do about it, sir."

Knew it.

Even if it's such a clumsy lie,

"I believe you, sir. I will never do anything to make you sad again."

Hayase Yuka will still choose to believe it.

what else can we do?


Hayase Yuka is so hopelessly and irresistibly in love with her husband.

Chapter 013: Day 088·Relics ①

The ruins of Kivotos are a suitable place for survival.

It is close to the edge of Kivotos, and except for a few places, the temperature is not too high throughout the year.Warm in winter and cool in summer, no need to turn on air conditioning, very comfortable.

Of course, as long as the wandering automaton warriors in the ruins are ignored, people can live well there.


Low gunfire sounded in the empty ruins.

An automaton soldier fell to the ground, and the parts in his head were scattered on the ground.

"...It's been three days, and there's still no progress in exploring the ruins."

"There is still no trace of what Shengyuan Weihua asked us to find..."

In front of the spindle, Shaozhi's eyebrows were lowered, and his face didn't look very good.

Wearing a baseball cap, large sunglasses, and a gauze covering with a tactical face shield, he raised his automatic weapon to his chest and wandered around the town near the ruins with a solemn expression. From time to time he would pick up his mobile phone to take photos.

She narrowed her eyes, not missing every detail around her, and with the heavy backpack on her back, she looked like a master tomb robber.

Following her was Bai Zhouzi, who was fully armed.

Bai Zhouzi's dress is exactly the same as that of Shaozhi in front of the spindle. The difference is that the long wooden box behind her looks like Shazhi's bodyguard in terms of temperament.

In the afternoon, the two people, who had been wandering around for a long time, walked on the streets of the ruins town.

Saori looked around at the buildings in this small town and asked in a low voice,

"Zi, did you notice something?"

Bai Zhouzi seemed not to hear her words, and his amethyst-like pupils lost focus.

Her movements were still professional and careful, but something more important had been lost.

Yes, Bai Zhouzi is still an outstanding soldier - this is something that Dingqian Shaori can testify to.

But now, she is just an outstanding soldier.

Apart from mechanically performing tasks and destroying enemies, she seemed to be unable to think any more.

"It's just like the past, right? Those old days at the old Arius campus, you and I are all the same..."

Shazhi gritted her teeth and smiled, sighing that fate plays tricks on people.

"Bai Zhouzi, you who defeated me that day, didn't you proudly swear to me..."

"Even if there is nothingness ahead, we must fight with all our strength to the end...? Do you remember?"

Still no response.

Bai Zhouzi just stood guard around with his gun in hand, his expression on his face not changing at all.

If Bai Zhouzi hadn't pointed the gun at herself, Saori would have almost equated her with the automatic robots wandering in the ruins.

Saori laughed softly, whether it was pleasure or pain.

Born in darkness, growing up in darkness, drinking dirty water from the gutter, eating food thrown away by others,

From the bottom of her heart, Shazhi is a resident of the dark world.

Even though Saori, as a responsible captain, had tried her best to protect Shirazu Azusa,

But deep down in Saori's heart, she hated Bai Zhouzi.

Not only Shirazu Azusa, but also the girl named Hifumi who made an unknown declaration of youth.

She hated these people full of hope and the world full of light.

It was not out of malice, nor was it the instigation of that damn multi-eyed woman,

Spindle Weaving simply believes in this:

Everything will eventually return to darkness.

Nothingness will swallow everything and no one will be spared.

She regarded it as truth and as a guide,

So once someone who can challenge this truth appears in front of her,

Saori would want to pour all her firepower mixed with malice towards that person,

Deep in his heart, he secretly observed the outcome of the showdown between despair and hope.

If despair prevails, Saori will be delighted that her theory has been defended.

And if Hope wins, Saori will be angry and relieved.Sigh that there is still light in this world.

Although most of the people in Arius's team are seriously ill,

However, as their leader, Ingqian Yaori seems to be a common sense person, but in fact he is the most seriously ill and awkward one.

She defends the nihilistic truth, but deep down in her heart, she always hopes for the collapse of this truth.

She longs for light, but whenever the light is annihilated, the nihilistic truth in her heart will drive her to make dumb and crazy ridicule.

Therefore, when Bai Zhouzi was once again swallowed up by the boundless nothingness and could not even refute himself,

Is Yaori laughing or crying in her heart?


A smile appeared on the corner of Saori's mouth,

"Sir... I really almost fell into your trap. I believe there is still light in this world."

"But luckily I wasn't fooled, so I didn't end up looking like a puppet like Bai Zhouzi."

She looked back, then raised her right hand, signaling Bai Zhouzi to move forward.

"If we become two puppets, who else can direct this operation?"

"Sir, am I right? Hahaha..."


Although Bai Zhouzi didn't say a word in reply, Shaozhi was still arguing about one thing after another, and laughed dryly from time to time.

In the past, it would have been impossible for Saori to chat nonsense with her subordinates during the mission.

(People will always change)

Saori thought.

Saori felt pity and hatred for the former Bai Zhouzi who never gave up hope and had the courage to resist.

And what about the puppet following behind now?

Maybe it feels funny and sad at the same time.

However, at least the option of using Bai Zhouzi as a qualified soldier still exists.

The two walked slowly through the ruined town. The roads in the town were already covered with a layer of snowflakes, but they were greeted by a gust of hot wind.

As soon as she walked in, Saori felt that this place was very weird.

The town is very large, and there is a bar-like shop on the roadside.

She looked through the window and saw that it was full of idle people, eating and drinking.

However, the movements of these guys were all frozen.

They are like rusty sculptures trapped in a long-abandoned time, maintaining their current movements and being sealed by a leaden shell.

Deeper down, similar to a small town square, there was a large iron cage. Inside were two guys wearing medieval knight armor, slashing at each other with swords.

Of course, the movements of those two guys were also frozen.

Shazhi looked at this weird and weird place, and then looked at Bai Zhouzi whose expression didn't change behind her.

She swallowed and opened the drink bottle she brought with her.

"Be on guard, Azusa."

Saori drank the energy drink in one gulp, feeling the cold liquid flowing in her stomach, and she exhaled slowly.

Immediately, the hairs all over her body stood up immediately. She held her breath and concentrated, and she and Bai Zhouzi moved forward slowly.

This hellish town is full of buildings, and the snow on the ground is gradually getting deeper. It's easy to hide your body.

After passing a corner, Saori put the gun in the holster on her back and quickly took out a black combat belt from her backpack.

This is a custom-made thing from Holy Trinity's weapons laboratory.

With this belt installed, she would have four more gun holsters under her ribs and sides of her legs, plus a row of explosive daggers on the belt.

The most important thing is the bulletproof mask,

Unlike her previous mask-style visor, this mask did not expose her eyes. After putting it on, there was only a strip of tactical goggles glowing red, which looked very dangerous.

Bai Zhouzi was much simpler. She just took out the black gas mask and put it on her face, and her voice became loud and angry:

"Since there are no automatic robots in the town, it means that there are enemies in the ruins of this town that are much more powerful than the automatic soldiers..."

"Are you finally willing to speak, Miss?"

Shazhi laughed softly, but saw Bai Zhouzi shook his head,

"I was analyzing just now... the style of this town does not seem to be from the era of hot weapons, but more like the medieval era of mankind mentioned in the Holy Trinity ancient book."

She turned to the yarn weaving in front of the spindle, paused, and continued:

"This also means that our enemies are not necessarily armed with guns."

"Well, it makes sense."

Saori held her forehead helplessly.

There are no thermal weapons in this damn place. Can it still fight off the autonomous robots wandering in the ruins?

There should be a limit to the inexplicable.


Shaozhi cheered up.

Since this place is getting weirder, it means that what Shengyuan Weihua asked them to find might be nearby.

The two of them had made up their minds and immediately quickened their pace, their agile bodies trudging quickly through the town.

They walked along the stone-paved passage and passed through this strange town until they came to an open area outside the town.

The sky has gradually darkened and the light has begun to dim.

Outside the town is a hillside covered with coniferous forests and thick snow on the ground.

Leaving the warm towns, we arrived in the uninhabited wilderness.

Nights in the wilderness are not easy, especially in the snowy and coniferous environment, which is wet and cold.

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