Convenience House 68 not only became Xia Lai's thug, but also maintained a close relationship with Gehena.

Even in the current environment where the peace treaty has been signed, Alu can mobilize hundreds of Ghenna's elite warriors at any time as long as he is willing.

This is already an incredible force.

What's more, there is Xia Lai's background behind A Lu.

In addition, Alu's own strength, although still far from the top level of the three major academies, is enough to lift up other mercenary troops.

If it hadn't been for the recent rumors that Kayoko and the others were inseparable from President Alu, these mercenaries would never have laid an ambush for Kayoko and the others.

"Sir, are you going up or not?"

The subordinates next to the mercenary senior murmured softly.

The senior mercenary gritted his teeth and looked at Kayoko who refused to give in.

She just wanted to take advantage of the unstable public sentiment among the 68 people in the convenience house to threaten Kayoko and their East Branch branch to gain some territory and ensure her own interests.

But if he fights Kayoko with real swords and guns... it means an all-out war with Convenience House 68.


The senior mercenary only felt a splitting headache and worried about gains and losses.

Up, or not up?This is a problem.

But just when the mercenary troops hesitated, a palm-sized object hit them from outside the school gate.

It was a black, melon-sized iron ball bouncing on the ground.

After 1 seconds,


A scorching and furious storm swept everything around.

In the shock wave formed by shrapnel and flames, the bodies of all the mercenaries, like kites with broken strings, were driven by terrifying force and hit the outer wall of the school.

Well, at least they don't have to worry about it anymore.


Kayoko waved her hand to brush away the smell of gunpowder smoke that filled her nose.

She only heard a few precise and cold gunshots, accompanied by brief sounds of fists and kicks.

Soon, the sporadic resistance from the remaining mercenary troops disappeared.

After a moment, she saw a girl with amber eyes walking out of the smoke.

It is none other than the current president of Convenience House 68, President Alu.

When the smoke cleared, Kayoko saw several accurate punch marks left on the mercenaries' helmets, as well as numerous bullet marks on the hem of President Alu's cloak.

"...Why did you come now?"

Kayoko's voice was filled with strong dissatisfaction.

President Alu frowned and moved his lips, with joy and sadness in his expression at the same time.

"I should say... I haven't decided yet how to face it."

"Then why did you leave without permission then!?"

Kayoko's eyes were a little moist and she continued to ask.

President Alu tilted his head and his voice was a little low:

"I don't want to live in a world without my husband, but I'm afraid that I'll hurt you."


Kayoko patted her head, and the expression on her face turned bitter.

What, it's so boring.

President Alu is still the same as always...

So stupid, so clumsy.

"We feel the same way."

Kayoko jumped down from the second floor lightly, the light in her eyes became clear,

Then, she stretched out her right hand towards the awkward and clumsy President Alu:

"No matter where you want to go, don't think you can leave us behind without permission...President."

Chapter 010: Day 091·Early morning·Joint Operations Command Center

There was a faint roar in the distance, and the gentleman secretly counted four sounds in total.

It was still not dawn, the sky was filled with bright clouds, and there were no stars or moon in sight.

The night that has not yet dissipated tightly covers the earth. Although it is not impossible to see all the fingers, you still have to have a light on the road.

Hayase Yuka, wearing a small suit, walked in from the door next to the command center.

Her brows were a little tired, and her expression was full of seriousness and helplessness.

Hayase Yuka held two pieces of information and forced a forced smile towards her husband who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Sir, there is good news and bad news about this joint operation. Which one do you want to hear first?"

The gentleman suddenly sat up.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, held his messy hair with his hands, and said to Yuxiang with a smile:

"Listen to the bad news first."

"Okay, let me tell you the bad news first..."

Yuxiang exhaled a long breath,

"The combined force was cut into two parts by the mercenaries. This is probably because the students who wanted to show off rushed too far forward and did not notice the protection on both wings."

"Now, the mercenary troops are using large forces to intercept our reinforcements, while using small groups of elite troops to clear out the students in the encirclement. The battle situation is not optimistic."

She glanced at the sleepy gentleman with a solemn look:

"I can only say that sir woke up in time. There is still enough time to organize a rescue and cover their retreat."

The teacher laughed, walked forward, and gently touched Yuxiang’s head:

"What about the good news?"

Yuxiang brushed her husband's hand away with a complicated expression and glared at him.

“The good news is that the cover of night prevents those elite mercenary troops from advancing quickly.

So as long as we launch a rescue, the success rate is at least guaranteed. "

"But I want to say something privately, sir...this joint combat operation did not achieve its goal."

Yuxiang seemed to not want to make her husband feel too uncomfortable, so she added in a low voice:

“Of course, there wasn’t any big trouble.

If we are optimistic, in the next joint operation, we can have enough time to formulate a plan that can truly eliminate the mercenaries. "

The gentleman curled his lips:

“If you don’t succeed the first time, it will be even harder the next time.”

Yuxiang lowered her head, pouted slightly, and fell into silence.

The gentleman raised his head, looked at the gentle light above his head, and murmured to himself:

"Someone once said to me that if death is destined to come, he hopes he can die on the battlefield instead of dying in humiliation in a hospital bed."

"Perhaps, I am also that kind of person. I always want to achieve success in one battle, so I run hard towards my goal."

"Yuka, you should understand how I feel."

Yuxiang closed her eyes tightly and whispered:

"I don't understand, and I don't want to understand."

"Well, maybe now's not the time."

Mr. nodded.

Then he closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing,

"Yuka, help me contact the hacker organization of Belitas,"

"Let's just say... I need all the command rights of all participating academies and all frequency bands."

The gentleman clenched his fist tightly, and his joints cracked.

His gaze was as steady as an eagle's.

"Come on! Our counterattack will start from the moment of dawn!"


Along with the sound of signal connection, a light blue virtual display screen unfolded in front of the teacher.

dividing line, signal, subject matter,

Every light point and every piece of information that fills the virtual display screen comes from the most realistic battlefield feedback, as if it is alive.

He calmed down, his eyes fell into concentration, letting his spirit sink into a certain 'state'.

In his ears, the sound of the collision of weapons and equipment, and the sound of people slowly marching in the darkness, began to ring.

It was as if he was a member of this forced march, walking among the soldiers and yet transcending them.

This is a technique that is unique to him. It is a command technique that he has been pursuing all his life before coming to Kivotos, a certain command technique that is ahead of the times:

"Complete control of the battlefield"

In his eyes, war is the most exquisite art.

A skilled artist can change the battlefield situation by simply moving his troops, thus weaving a net of ultimate destruction for the enemy, a dragnet just waiting for the prey to step into it.

On the contrary, every time a poor artist moves, he is pushing his body one step closer to the opponent's sword.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is difficult to accurately control every aspect of it.

The unknowability of the battlefield stems from the lag in the speed of collecting battlefield information.

The uncontrollability of the battlefield stems from the unknowability of the battlefield.

With all kinds of complex factors entangled together, commanders will misjudge the battlefield environment.

This is the origin of the so-called 'fog of war'.

Therefore, if you want to achieve complete and precise control over the battlefield,

It not only requires one's own strong information perception ability, but also needs to grasp the dynamic information of both parties in a timely manner.

At the same time, it is also necessary to cut off the enemy's perception ability and make the enemy blind and deaf.

The most important thing is that based on all the above conditions, the commander must paint a picture of the changing battlefield in his mind.

In short, it's chess.

But not just playing your own chess, but also playing the enemy's chess.

Command all the troops on both sides and eliminate all changes on the chaotic battlefield.

This is the conclusion of 'Total Battlefield Control':

Turn the battle that depends on the outcome into a script with a pre-written ending.

The knife is already in place, the fish meat is also in place, and all that's left is the process of chopping it off.


It was already dawn, and the refreshing wind blew through the smoke-filled battlefield.

Elites drawn from underground mercenaries throughout Kivotos used heavy firepower weapons, vehicles, and a completed automatic fire network to block the path forward of the joint forces.

A full 2000 people.

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