Smiling brings happiness, while negative emotions are contagious to everyone.

Children will believe anything adults say. They desire to be noticed, loved and appreciated, rather than the opposite - becoming a punching bag for adults to vent their negative emotions.

No matter from which angle you look at it, his speech can be called disqualified as a teacher.

The insistence on 'adult status' has become a joke now.

Now, he no longer has the position to claim that he can protect students.The professionalism that has been maintained since taking office is also facing severe challenges.

The husband grabbed Hifumi's wrist with one hand with difficulty, sat on the ground, and looked up at her tear-stained eyes.

"Hifumi... you've done a great job during this time, better than I could have imagined.

Even when facing enemies, you didn't deny them lightly, but tried to use your empathy to understand them, right?

This shows that you have matured a lot and become more emotionally self-disciplined. I am proud of you.

At least in terms of state of mind, I have nothing to teach you.You have already caught up with me and even surpassed me. "

He forced a smile to Hifumi,

"So...haha, no need to 'chase' me, Hifumi.

On the contrary, I am... afraid of being left behind by you, afraid that in a blink of an eye, you will fly very high, flying to a place where I can't even see you. "

Hifumi's eyes were fixed on him.

The gentleman's eyebrows finally relaxed, as if a lifetime's burden had been lifted off him.

The mask that had been on his face had cracks and shattered.

He was too exhausted. Apart from unfulfilled responsibilities, nothing could touch his heart and keep him in this world.

"'s not as amazing as Mr. said."

After being praised by the teacher, Hifumi's eyes suddenly became bright, just like any child who was praised by the teacher, his face was slightly red with embarrassment.

"But I always feel that there is still a spiritual gap between me and my husband."

"That's just a difference in the ability to endure pain."

The gentleman stood up and patted Hifumi on the shoulder. There was a kind of unconcealable relief in his voice.

"Actually, there is no fundamental difference between adults and children. It's just that adults are better at enduring pain than children. It's that simple.

As a person lives for a long time, the nervous system will gradually become accustomed to various stimuli.

Whether it is pain or pleasure, because you are used to it, you will not write your inner feelings on your face like a child, but hide them in a "mature way like an adult".

Although this gives adults the ability to endure pain, it also strips them of novel experiences and youthful vitality.

In short, it's not something to be proud of. "

He gently took Hifumi's hand.

Rifumei heard the wind blowing softly by her ears, as if he and she were still strolling by the campus river full of cherry blossoms. The small river in the sun flowed between the trees, and the pink and white petals bloomed quietly in her hands.

"Also," the gentleman continued, "there is something I may need to apologize to you for."

"Sir?" Hifumi was a little confused.

“That’s it – before I came to Kivotos, I was not a teacher and had no experience teaching children.

Although you have never asked me, deliberate omission is still considered a lie. "

Hifumi blinked, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"But when we met, sir was already very gentle and reliable——"

"That's because before I took office, I went through all of Xia Lai's collection of books on education."

The gentleman's eyelids twitched twice, showing an embarrassed expression.

"Ah, how should I put it... It's a bit like cramming before an exam, right? Anyway, I memorized a lot of things in those two days, such as 'always smile' and 'don't bring worries outside the classroom into the classroom.'" Ah...I just swallowed these things wholeheartedly and forced myself to abide by them. But in hindsight, the effect is not bad."

"However, rules are just dead after all, and they are incomparable to living life."

The gentleman sighed deeply.

“I just paid so much attention to these things that I ignored your feelings.

So, if you still care about the mask called 'teacher' on my face, I have told you the truth: I am also a teacher for the first time, Hifumi-san. "

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