The tribesmen standing opposite the eldest brother and the others had already seen Tobirama at the door and the cold gaze in Tobirama's eyes.

Well, it’s so cold!

"Hurry up."

Hearing the somewhat familiar voice coming from behind, the three brothers nodded repeatedly.

Yes, yes, they are getting excited.

Wait, it's strange, why do I feel a little cold?

It shouldn't be. Just now, they were excited and pulling hard on their collar openings, trying to make themselves, who were already sweating profusely, feel a little more comfortable.

"It's getting colder and colder..."

Feeling that something is wrong with the people around them, they all seemed to be looking at them with strange and frightened eyes, looking behind them...

"What, come on, play, I'm still waiting."

A cold hand gently patted Wama and Itama's shoulders.

The body that was still hot just now suddenly became cold at the increasingly familiar voice.

After swallowing, the two brothers turned to look at the hand on their shoulders that exuded a cold aura.

Then, when he turned his head, he saw the second brother's cold... dead fish eyes!

"Hey, why don't you guys play anymore?"

Only the eldest brother is still gearing up, preparing to show off his skills so that he can defeat miserably and come back victorious.

"Ice, ice, it's going to freeze!"

It's getting colder on my shoulders.

Looking at the cold air emanating from the second brother's hand that was visible to the naked eye, and feeling the second brother's power with their bodies, the two brothers were almost unable to move.

"Where did the ice come from, Wan Jian, Ban Jian, you two idiots, it's still summer..."

The eldest brother turned his head and looked very happy after seeing Tobirama.

"It's Tobirama here, hey, what are you..."

The eldest brother looked at Tobirama holding the two younger brothers' hands, and curiously came closer to take a look.

"It's amazing. Has it already been developed to this extent?"

Looking at his elder brother who had no idea what he had done to make people angry, Tobirama suddenly lost his temper.

"Forget it, let's go home."

He released his grip on the shoulders of his two younger brothers and took the lead outside.

"Oh, it's time to go home for dinner, so let's stop playing and let's go, Wajian, Banjian."

The two younger brothers followed their eldest brother with confused expressions and walked towards home.

"What's going on? Why are we two so miserable?"

"Second brother, why don't you scold the elder brother?"

The two people, muttering, quickly followed back home.

"Where did you find them?"

Facing the inquiry of Senju Buddha, the old father who had finished his meal and was sitting on the chair, almost dozing off while resting.

Tobirama was silent for a moment.

"Big brother is giving them two extra training, so that's why I'm back now."

The two younger brothers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that their second brother actually chose to cover for them.

After all, it was my first time to go to that kind of place. When I returned home and faced my old father’s Thousand-Armed Buddha, I still felt guilty.

"Hey, we..."

"Yes, I'm just practicing more!"

The two younger brothers hurriedly covered the eldest brother who looked confused and wanted to answer the question honestly, and took him to get hot food.

The old father looked at the three people who looked almost muddy and sneered.

Little bastards, it's still early for you to hide from my eyes.

If Mito hadn't been here, today I would have to remind you again of the way he taught you when you were young.

Let you relive the long-lost father's love!

The three brothers had just heated up the food and put it on the table, and were about to start eating.

Tobirama knocked on his sister-in-law Mito's door.

"Sister-in-law Mito, can you lend me some of the hot sauce you brought back from your hometown?"

"Hey, Tobirama, you want to eat too!"

My sister-in-law Mito was very excited and felt like she had met someone of the same mind.

Then, she rolled her eyes at her husband Hashirama, who didn't even mention that he came home late and didn't eat very spicy food.

"No, it's not me, it's my eldest brother and Wama and Itama."

Tobirama said expressionless words that made the three brothers feel cold.

Are you kidding? They like to eat so spicy!

Chili is delicious, but you can’t eat too much.

Even the God of Ninja would feel uncomfortable somewhere because he ate too spicy food.

"They went to the Country of Whirlpool before and their bodies got a little wet. They always felt wet and moist. They wanted to eat some chili peppers to remove the moisture."

"That's it."

Seeing the nervous looks on the faces of her husband and his two brothers, Uzumaki Mito returned to the room and selected the bottle of hot sauce she had brought from her hometown.

"That Tobirama, we are already healed, not so wet anymore, so there is no need to eat..."

The three brothers whispered, but Tobirama had already placed the hot sauce he got from his sister-in-law Mito on the table.

"Why do you like eating this so much? Then eat more and get rid of the moisture!"

The two brothers who felt wronged as Tobirama glanced at them with terrifying eyes, and Hashirama, whose momentum was inexplicably overwhelmed by Tobirama, obediently spread the hot sauce on their meals little by little.

Seeing the dazzling bright red in front of them, the three brothers felt that some parts of themselves were about to turn bright red.

68 Second brother, you finally started to live like a monster.

"They started fighting, they really started fighting!"

In the ninja world, the ninjas of the Kaguya clan and the Uchiha clan are searching for traces of their clan members, and possibly, coveting the guys who are within their bloodline boundaries.

When the inevitable friction became more and more extreme, someone finally couldn't help it and launched attacks on the Uchiha and Kaguya clans respectively.

The bloody collision and a new round of shuffling began, and the era of chaos continued.

"Let's go, it's time for us to take action!"

And the eldest brother is communicating with many people in the family, understanding their pain, their longings and wishes.

He also had to continue on the path of tit-for-tat confrontation with others in order to protect his family and safeguard the interests of his tribe.

“Our mission this time is to defeat the Kaguya clan.

Recently, the bastards of the Kaguya clan have been going crazy in the ninja world, and they are conquering everywhere. "

On the way, Tobirama introduced the mission to his eldest brother, younger brother and others.

Once a group of lunatics like the Kaguya clan were opened, they would start to wreak havoc crazily in the ninja world of the Land of Fire like a scourge.

They were fighting more and more crazily. During the battles, they even fought against the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.

It's not just them. In the troubled times, almost every family is fighting against more than one enemy, and the family's strength is greatly spread out.

Now it seems that only the family with the strongest capital can have the last laugh.

As for his father Senju Buddhama, he asked his eldest brother to lead the team and Tobirama to command to complete the battle against the Kaguya clan.

Defeating these lunatics like the Kaguya clan can allow the Senju clan to gain the favor of many small families who have been made miserable by the Kaguya clan invisibly.

If the eldest son Senju Hashirama wants to realize his dream, he cannot just rely on uniting the strength within the family.

The group of them set off quickly, leading a few elite families and running quickly through the ninja forest of the Country of Fire.

"Are you going to fight those lunatics from Kaguya?"

The two younger brothers felt a little shuddered as they thought about how they were surrounded by ten adult lunatics from the Kaguya clan.

Whoosh whoosh!

Using the teleportation technique, they hurried through the forest without worrying about chakra consumption.

Most of the ninjas of the Senju clan have chakra levels that are much higher than the normal level of ordinary ninjas.

"I heard that their bones are very strong and their physical skills are very strong?"

Tobirama nodded, yes, the Kaguya clan's lunatic physical skills are very strong.

Moreover, these guys' bone veins and blood inheritance limits make them very strong in defense against taijutsu and even ninjutsu attacks.

"Well, you should be careful."

The two younger brothers nodded, their faces becoming much more serious.

But soon, after finding a team of ninjas from the Kaguya clan, the performance of the eldest brother Senju Hashirama and the second brother Senju Tobirama made them feel that their worries were in vain.

After witnessing the madness of the Kaguya clan's ninjas, the eldest brother spoke to the Kaguya ninjas in front of him with compassion.

"Ninjas of the Kaguya clan, your power is so crazy and terrifying!

I'm sorry, for the sake of peace in the ninja world, I have to defeat you here! "

"Hahaha, it's Senju Hashirama, it's Senju Hashirama, kill him!"

Dozens of Kaguya ninjas, who were already killing each other like crazy and red-eyed, rushed towards Senju Hashirama.

Their soaring killing intent, fearless courage, and the blood of the enemy on their bodies all made the two brothers feel a lot of pressure.

Are these Kaguya's ninjas?

They were really so crazy. The terrifying fighting spirit on their faces made even the weak-willed ninjas so frightened that they would not be able to use their full strength even before they started fighting.

Senju Mooka subconsciously glanced at Tobirama and Hashirama, and found that only the two of them still looked calm and calm, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief.


Senju Hashirama took a deep breath and looked at the Kaguya ninjas in front of him.

Sure enough, they are too evil, too terrifying, and too powerful!

"Woodun, the tree world is coming!"


Rows of towering trees rose from the ground and grew rapidly, completely enveloping the entire area.

Kaguya ninjas are very strong. Their physical fitness and defensive capabilities are at the top level among normal ninjas in the ninja world.

However, what they encountered was an even more unreasonable monster.

Countless towering trees were densely packed all around, sealing them all in.

Huge, thick, yet flexible branches like snakes grew rapidly, twisted around their bodies, and tightly entangled them.

The bones that burst out from their bodies were bounded by the blood vessels of the corpses that they exerted with great power. For a moment, a white wave of bones appeared in the vast forest.

It seemed that a large number of trees were knocked down and cleared by the powerful force of the Kaguya clan's ninjas.

However, the eldest brother Hashirama was unmoved when he saw that his own technique had trapped dozens of Kaguya ninjas on the other side, and they were still struggling violently.

Their current reaction seems very intense, however, this is already their desperate struggle with all their strength.

Just as the two younger brothers were thinking about whether they should enter the forest created by their eldest brother and help him touch up the wounds, the sounds in the forest began to weaken rapidly.

The lush and dense forest looked murderous under the control of Senju Hashirama.

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