Yang Hui looked down at the water that had submerged the soles of his shoes. It was hard to imagine how bad the condition of the grass at the Kyoto Racecourse was at this time.

"Brother, what is a heavy horse farm? I'm here to join in the fun. I don't understand horse racing girls at all... I have been hearing terms like heavy horse farm just now." A pedestrian passing by asked with curiosity.

Yang Hui glanced at the ticket and the spectator guide in his hand, and was about to remind the tourist: the knowledge about the horse racing girl competition is written in the spectator guide, and the commentator will definitely tell the audience about it later. Explain the situation of the venue.

Just when Yang Hui was about to remind him, a man's voice came into his ears. Even in the torrential rain, the man's voice was still full of passion: "The so-called racecourse condition refers to the moisture content of the track. … You can also think of it as the softness or hardness of the dirt on the track.”

Yanghui looked back and saw a man with a beret on his head and a camera on his chest standing aside. He had thick black circles under his eyes, a stubble and a fairy air, and looked like he was about to die suddenly. It was hard to imagine that the passionate and energetic voice just now was made by this person.

The man clamped the umbrella handle between his neck and shoulder, and took out a textbook from the handbag beside him: [Five years of Central Treson, three years of simulation].

The corner of Yang Hui's mouth twitched. No wonder this guy looked like he was about to die. It turned out that he was preparing for the Central Teresin exam...

I remember that I was tortured by this essential textbook for preparing for the trainer exam. If Liuli hadn't helped tutor the basic required courses, I might not have been able to get into the Central Teresin.

The man wearing a beret kept flipping through the textbook in his hand and muttered: "I'm looking for a topic about the venue..."

Then he turned the reference material to a page about the condition of the racecourse track, opened his mouth and read: "A good racecourse generally refers to a track on a sunny day. If an ordinary racehorse girl steps on it, the ground will not deform, even if it is good." Racecourse."

"If it is a track after rain or light rain, the grass will be soaked by the rain. If the racehorse steps on it, the ground will sink slightly and leave faint shoe marks, which means that this is a slightly heavier racecourse. Already..."

"And when the jockey girl steps down and can squeeze out water, it means that this race is a heavy horse racing field."

The tourist nodded with gratitude on his face: "I see... I didn't expect you to understand horse racing girls so well. Are you the trainer of Central Treson?"

The man wearing a beret scratched his head in embarrassment, "Hey, I wish I was, but unfortunately, I'm just a local trainer at the moment. I'm not far away from the big guys at Central Treson." What about a small distance..."

"It's okay. I believe I can pass the exam. Your attitude towards preparing for the exam is much better than my trainer." Liuli poked her head out of the taxi, then quickly got under Yanghui's umbrella and pointed. Yang Hui on the side said, "This guy played games until the early hours of the morning the night before the exam."

The man wearing the beret admired Yang Hui even more: "As expected of a big shot who was able to pass the Central Teresin... He could pass the exam even if he stayed up late playing games..."

Yang Hui glanced at Liuli and smiled proudly: "I can't help it, this is talent..."

"By the way, boss, can you help me with this question?" The man wearing a beret asked shamelessly, and immediately came to Yanghui's side holding the textbook: "It's the question about Chongxangchang just now..."

"Although the textbook says that a track that can make puddles with one foot is considered a heavy horse racing track, the textbook does not say what kind of racing girl it is? For example, a racing girl like Oguri Hat..."

"Oh no, for example, a horse racing girl with strong leg strength can step out of a puddle, but an ordinary horse racing girl cannot step out... How does this count?"

Yang Hui pondered for a moment: "Choose C."

The trainer wearing a beret was confused: "Huh? But this is a short answer question?"

Liuli laughed out loud: "The quality of the venue is based on a relative value. It is generally judged based on the footwork strength of the horse racing mother. Of course, this is only a reference value. The specific track conditions are still It’s up to the horse girl standing on the track to judge for herself.”

The trainer wearing a beret kept nodding his head to express his approval of Liuli's words, and then his face was filled with sighs: "Ah, sure enough... this is the horse racing girl of Central Treson. This is indeed a suitable place for Oguri." It’s a place for hats.”

Liuli raised her eyebrows and looked at the trainer with a scrutinizing gaze: "I just wanted to ask, why do you often mention Li Hat? Let's talk about it first, I am a racing girl with a trainer, so But in Hokkaido..."

Although she spoke very harshly, a hint of possibility emerged in Liuli's heart. It is said that... Oguri Hat's former trainer was a scumbag, and his written test scores were poor, so he was unable to transfer to Treson with Oguri Hat. , but he still made an agreement with Xiaoli Mao that he must be admitted to Central Treson...

Liuli looked at the reference material in the beret trainer's hand.

The trainer wearing a beret just pursed his lips and muttered in disbelief: "Shouldn't it be...a former trainer? I asked her to find a better trainer."

Liuli and Yanghui looked at each other and saw a look of understanding in each other's eyes.

Sure enough, this guy is Oguri Hat's scumbag trainer!

And judging from the way he looked through the reference materials, it was indeed quite scummy.

However, Yanghui doesn't hate this passionate peer. Compared with Liuli, who is not a scumbag?

Yang Hui directly reached out and patted him on the shoulder, with a face full of enthusiasm: "We are familiar with Xiaoli Hao. We have won the slot together, so what do you call him?"

"Eh? You actually know Oguri Hat?" The trainer wearing a beret looked shocked. "My name is Kitahara Rang (second tone)."

As he spoke, Beihara Rang unfolded his notebook and showed it to Yanghui and Liuli.

"Such a difficult Chinese character to write? What a good name!" Yang Hui laughed, "By the way, my name is Yang Hui."

"My name is Liuli, and I am the monitor of Xiaoli Hat..."

Just after introducing himself, the announcement pierced through the rain: "Due to weather conditions, racing girls participating in this flash debut event can enter the waiting room in advance..."

Chapter 100 Drink some water. If you win, there will be a urine test.

"Miss Liuli from Central Teresen, right? And Miss Liuli's trainer, Mr. Yanghui?"

The person responsible for the reception politely confirmed Liuli's identity information.


"it's me."

Liuli and Yanghui said in unison.

"Miss Liuli, please register your student ID card with me."

Liuli handed her Treson student ID card to the receptionist.

The receptionist took Liuli's student ID card with both hands and started the registration process. The receptionist asked at the same time: "So, Miss Liuli, would you like to let Yanghui trainers help you draw your number plate and competition clothes?"

Yang Hui pointed at himself: "Me? Can I still smoke?"

"After all, this is Miss Liuli's debut match, and she is also your first responsibility. If you, Trainer Yanghui, help draw, it will be more memorable, right?"

As he said that, the desktop next to the receptionist lit up, and the "Draw" button with a gold border shone brightly, looking even more tempting than "Ten Draws in a row".

Yang Hui looked at Liuli beside him, eager to give it a try, "Ahem, what about that? You should also know that my luck in drawing has always been very good."

Liuli raised her eyebrows and looked at Yanghui. Maybe because her ancestors were in the shrine business, Yanghui's luck has always been good. Whether it's a bottle of oolong tea or a multiple-choice question, Yanghui's success rate is always the best. The probability is far higher than average, commonly known as "European dog".

"But every time you smoke for me, I draw it crookedly..."

"It's okay, I will definitely win this time!" Yang Hui was full of energy.

"All right……"

After getting Liuli's approval, Yanghui's anger sank into his dantian and he silently recited in his heart:

My ancestors, give me strength...

Yang Hui closed his eyes and slapped the lottery button.


Kyoto Racecourse waiting room.

Yanghui was following Liuli, emphasizing the arrangements for the upcoming competition.

"There will be a small T-stage catwalk in a while. This is part of the process of the debut competition. Horse racing girls who are new to the debut or new to the G1 event will have to go up and show off themselves."

Yang Hui handed the unscrewed mineral water to Liuli, "Generally speaking, you can just throw your coat or make a cool move to let the audience remember you. But if you have other ideas, you can also directly Try it on stage.”

At this time, Liuli was sitting absentmindedly on a chair. She was wearing a pure white sportswear on her upper body and ultra-short sports shorts on her lower body. Her knees wrapped in white stockings were rubbing each other. On her feet were a pair of beautiful and handsome shoes. mid-calf boots.

"What do you think you put on my clothes?" Liuli pushed away the mineral water to show that she was not thirsty. "Do you know how embarrassing it would be after the mud was thrown onto the pantyhose in such a heavy rain? You He also said you are too European..."

Yang Hui was helpless: "At least I got you the No. [-] innermost track. Isn't this a great achievement?"

"Next time I'll do it myself. By the way, where did you just say? I understand the part about walking on the catwalk. What next?"

"Then it's about the post-match matters." Yang Hui handed the mineral water to Liuli again, and said vaguely: "So I suggest you drink a little bit..."

"Isn't it just a winner's stage after the game? What does it have to do with drinking water?"

Yang Hui's old face turned red, "The main reason is... the horse racing girls who won the top three must take a urine test after the game..."

Liuli: "?!"

"Wait, wait a minute, why didn't anyone tell me this in advance?" Liuli subconsciously clamped her legs together, and a burning sensation rushed from her neck to her mind, "Is this the kind of urine I understand? A urine test?"

Yang Hui nodded, "And it's not just as simple as requiring you to provide a urine test sample. For athlete-level urine tests, two URA urine test officers will supervise and accompany you throughout the process..."

Liuli felt like she was about to faint, "You still have to supervise the entire process?! That's not right, please, look at me..."

Yang Hui nodded even more vigorously, "After all, the debut competition is also a professional-level competition... From now on, it will also be held in all competitions. You have to adapt and enjoy the process."

"How is that possible! Only the bad people in the book will enjoy this, right?"

Seeing Liuli's cute and embarrassed look, Yanghui tried hard to control his facial muscles, "So I suggest you drink a little... After all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain."

"Of course, URA's urinalysis examiners are all very gentle women. When faced with a racing girl who is really in trouble, they will also whistle for the racing girl... If you want to talk about it..."

"Such a thing... Yada (I don't want it)!" Liuli grabbed the mineral water bottle in shame and anger.


The cheers of the audience were competing with the torrential rain.

Dark clouds covered the sky, the sky was filled with faint blue, and the entire Kyoto Racecourse was shrouded in rain.

The volume of the commentary at the Kyoto Racecourse has also been turned up to resist the interference of the heavy rain. "Since ancient times, thunder and heavy rain have been songs of triumph dedicated to the brave. Today, our racecourse will also welcome twelve brave horse racing ladies." I believe that they will break through the rain and conquer the lightning with their heroic running!"

"Even in the commentary box, I can hear the cheers of the audience! If the applause and cheers are the encouragement sent by the audience to the horse racing girls, then I believe that the rain and thunder are the sounds of the gods for the horse racing girls. War drum..."

"First of all, let us introduce the contestants participating this time. First of all, the most popular horse racing girl contestant who is also ranked first on the track, Miss Liuli!"

Several sets of spotlights illuminated Liuli walking on the trail. The girl's white hair was tied up, revealing her beautiful white neck.

The girl stepped gently into the rain curtain, quietly and elegantly. The ears on Liuli's head were slightly swaying due to the weight of the rain, but she seemed not to notice at all and walked leisurely to the center of the stage.

The temperature of the rain is slightly cool, but my skin is burning. With every breath, fresh and cool air will be poured into my lungs... Yang Hui is right, such a temperature is for a person who is ready to gallop. For a racing girl.

Just right.

"Miss Liuli's condition does not seem to be affected by the heavy rain at all. Her steps are elegant and beautiful. Wait, what do I see? There is obviously only one officially recognized fan, but the director has switched the camera to the auditorium, and we can see It seems that some viewers have already made a support card for Miss Liuli..."

"Yes, I have seen some signs saying 'Senior Liuli, I love you!' They are really passionate fans. It seems that Miss Liuli has accumulated a good foundation before this game... "

Liuli looked up at the viewing platform facing her and remembered what the other trainers had said before in the waiting room when they comforted the racing girl.

[Just strike a nice pose. Of course, if you are nervous, it’s okay to stand still and wait for the explanation. 】

[Actually, everyone is dressed similarly, and the audience doesn’t care too much about which horse racing girl performs on the debut stage. 】

Almost all trainers don't take the T stage for the debut match seriously.

But as the saying goes, "He who seeks the upper part will find it, he who seeks the upper part will find the lower part, and he who seeks the lower part will get nothing."

Liuli narrowed her eyes slightly. Since you don't care much about this runway, don't blame me for taking away all the fans!

"Then let's officially introduce the horse racing girl from Central Teresen - Liuli!"

As the explanation sounded, Liuli reached out and took off the hairpin from her hair, slightly pointed her toes, and supported herself with her slightly curled toes.

"Miss Liuli...the distance she is good at is..."

The commentator was suddenly stunned.

The cheers of the audience on stage gradually turned into silence.

There is only the sound of falling rain left between heaven and earth, and under the torrential rain, an epiphyllum as white as snow is blooming...

On the display catwalk, most racing girls will choose the common display action of throwing their coats or capes.

But Liuli didn't have these. She just started to spin gracefully in the whipping position in ballet. She was not as quick and smart as a professional ballet athlete. Liuli just spun slowly and steadily, with the elegance of ballet and the brilliance of the ballet. Showing the nobility of the Chinese peacock dance.

Liuli's long snow-white hair, which was originally tied up, gradually spread out as the girl rotated. From a distance, it looked like an epiphyllum that was gradually blooming.

Liuli's delicate hair shone with silver light in the rain. The water droplets falling from Liuli's hair were like pearls falling to the ground, shattering into pieces of silver shards on the T stage.

The girl spun around, standing on her tiptoes as if she were the center of the world.


Yang Hui took out his mobile phone and filmed this dreamy scene through the rain, "Really, you are going to run a heavy racecourse and do it so cool... don't tell yourself for a while."

The other spectators on the auditorium acted in the same way. Suddenly, the entire auditorium was filled with the sound of taking pictures and breathing rapidly.

"I think... Miss Liuli is a strong contender for No. 1 in this debut competition... Let us offer our blessings and applause to Miss Liuli." The voice of the commentator was full of shock and obsession.

As the explanation ended, Liuli finally stopped spinning. After standing still for a moment, she gracefully saluted to the audience.

The applause and cheers were thunderous, like another passionate storm.


In the waiting room, a group of waiting horse girls were looking at Liuli's back.

"Is this the horse racing girl from Central Tereson... I should have known better than to take revenge for this."

"Although everyone is famous, why are you so beautiful?"

"The trainer also told me to just take off my coat and throw it out. Now I can't catch her even if I take off all my clothes and throw it out."

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