She even held the book upside down.

This little pony is a talent!He is worthy of being a player sitting in the last row.Liuli has a great feeling of cherishing each other.

But unfortunately, this little pony is still just a girl after all, and has not yet accumulated mature fishing experience, so she was soon blown off the head by Minister Daisuke's chalk.

Minister Daisuke's voice was loud: "Oguri Hat-san, please repeat what I just said."

"Ugh." The horse racing girl named Xiaoli Hat let out a cry of pain, and then stood up, with a dazed expression on her face like "Where am I? Who am I?"

Liuli leaned down, tilted her head, and whispered, "Run for squad leader."

Oguri Hat glanced at Liuli with an expression of surprise, turned around and replied: "Sorry, I was sleepy just now and didn't hear it."

Liuli was secretly stunned. This child was unexpectedly simple. He was a good horse girl who had not been corrupted by society.

Minister Daisuke knocked on the blackboard and emphasized: "Although I am not a teacher, what I say is usually about the upcoming arrangements of the college, so you must listen carefully and sit down."

When Xiaoli Hat sat down, a gust of wind smelled of earth blew up.

Only then did Liuli realize that the little Li Hat next to her was dirty all over her body. There were mud spots hidden in the folds of her skirt. There were holes in her stockings. The most exaggerated thing was her pair of tattered sneakers. , the sole of the shoe on the left foot is even rotten, and there is a skylight at the tip of the toe. Through the small hole, you can see the girl's instep wrapped in white socks.

Did you just come back from moving bricks at the construction site?Or just came off the battlefield?

Oguri Hat also felt Liuli's gaze, tilted his head and thanked Liuli: "Thank you for reminding me."

Oguri Hat did not lower his voice, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding students and Minister Daisuke on the podium.

"It's too loud!" Liuli couldn't wait to find a hole to crawl into. This kid was so unreasonable.

Director Daisuke's voice also sounded at the right time: "Ruri-san."

"Here." Liuli stood up and glanced at Xiaoli hat sadly.

"You and Oguri Hat are both transfer students. I'm actually very happy that you can meet me so quickly, but this also shows that Liuli-san, your social skills are very strong."

Liuli was stunned. This Lao Deng's tone was all too familiar to her.

In the past, that was leadership:

[I see that your ability is outstanding. This Baga, no, this very thoughtful client, I leave it to you. You must negotiate! ] and [You get rid of Tang Seng and his disciples. 】, such a deployment arrangement to catch the ducks on the shelves.

Minister Daisuke’s words later confirmed Liuli’s hunch.

"Liu Li, please also run for class president."

Chapter 9 Senior, aren’t you looking at your legs too?

"Li Hat, don't vote for me..."

Liuli bared her teeth and watched as Oguri Hat wrote the word "Liuli" on the voting paper.

As we all know, the class monitor is the long-term employee of the class teacher. He has many things to do when he has no money. He is in charge of a classroom and cares about world peace, not to mention the young and restless horse racing girl in the whole class.

As for the eighty-cent class fee, even if she secretly used it to reward herself, Liuli didn't think it was enough to fill her teeth.

From the bottom of her heart, Liuli didn't want to get involved in such a troublesome matter.

The ears on top of Oli Hat's head twitched, and he carefully folded the written votes and placed them on the corner of the table: "I think Liuli, you are very suitable to be the monitor."

From the first moment he saw Liuli, Oguri Hat instinctively felt that Liuli should be the same type of person as his mother.

In the words of the folks, she is a good wife and mother who is good at giving birth.

"Well, I hope other students can have better choices." Looking at Xiaoli Hat with a serious face, Liuli's theory of social animals lying flat can only be suppressed in the bottom of his heart, and he can only lie down on the table feebly, with a pair of The horse's ears trembled slightly, collecting the low voices in the classroom.

"How about Ruri-san? Her self-introduction just now seemed very reliable."

"I heard that she is the eldest lady of China. She must have strong organizational skills."

"I really like Liuli's outfit, so I'll vote for her..."

It's over... Liuli is pessimistic about the next campus life.


Trainer's Office.

The senior trainer, Ichiro Nagoshi, was arming arms with Yanghui and said with a kind smile: "You kid, you signed up such a good horse racing girl when you came up. The leaders of the council and the student union are watching. I Let me tell you, if she fails any subject at the end of the semester, you should be careful of the minister's German back fall."

Yang Hui nodded to show that he understood.

The vast majority of racing girls have very poor learning abilities, and as athletes, most of their energy is spent on training.Therefore, it is not unusual for a class to fail half of its history exams and only a dozen or so to pass math.

At the same time, Treson also has a unique set of "incentive" measures for the contracted trainers who fail in the subject. If they fail in one subject, they will write a 1000-word review, with no upper limit. At the same time, the contracted trainers must accompany them every day to provide make-up lessons. , until the horse racing girl passes the make-up exam.

No overtime pay is given.

But all this shouldn't be a problem for Liuli. After all, she fought hard in Huaxia High School. She is a top talent who can even make chlorine. Shouldn't these little pony test questions be passed casually with eyes closed?Besides, Yanghui learned all his proficient note-making skills from Liuli.

So Yanghui gave a thumbs up and said with full confidence: "He is from China, so you know his academic level."

Nagoshi Ichiro sat back on the swivel chair, chewing gum in his mouth, and looked through the upcoming work schedule, "You came at the right time. This afternoon, the freshmen will conduct entrance examinations, and the person you signed is also among them. Anyway, you have to accompany me into the gate. Just listen in and help other trainers along the way."

Nagoshi Ichiro raised his eyes and looked at Yanghui and asked: "Now that we have signed the contract, do you have a rough plan for Liuli-san's running style?"

Yang Hui's words were concise and to the point: "Get ready for a big chase."

"I am Cao, Niu. Is this the Long Aotian route? I don't even try the bad route first, and just go straight to the big chase." Nagoshi Ichiro became interested, lying on the back of the chair and pushing the swivel chair over, "But I I have to say a few words in advance, a big chase is not something you can just run away when your brain gets hot."

"I know this. I thought about it for a long time yesterday." Yang Hui nodded, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket and started playing the video recorded yesterday, "It just happened, senior, please help me take a look."

Nagoshi Ichiro and Yang Hui looked side by side: "Oh, you have such long legs! I really envy you... Move your phone closer to me, let me see more clearly. You are in charge of your family, when can you not look at it? ah?"

Then when he saw Liuli starting off, Nagoshi Ichiro's eyes almost popped out of his head: "I, Cao, this young man... with this explosive power, this acceleration, even if you say she has four-wheel drive, I believe it."

After playing the entire video, Yang Hui bumped his shoulder into the senior who was similar to himself: "Help me see if I should run the chase."

"Can you watch it again?"

Yang Hui was overjoyed, "You didn't spend the 4000 meters to see your legs, did you?"

"Ahem." Nagoshi Ichiro spread his hands and said without changing his expression: "There's nothing we can do about it. It's human nature. As trainers, it's reasonable to analyze that the horse racing girl's legs are obsessed with her."

So the two watched the video again, and Ichiro Nagoshi touched his stubble: "Judging from the explosive power of her legs, Liuli is indeed a natural chasing player. But you are so confident in her mentality? She is so good. Seedlings, be careful to escape from the inner demons."

Yang Hui said proudly: "We have lived together for so many years, and I have never seen her have mental problems. Anyway, she will definitely not be anxious because she is lagging behind in the rankings."

"Living together? After so many years?" Nagoshi Ichiro sharply captured the key words and gritted his teeth: "So, Liuli-san is living in your house now?"

"Actually, I'm borrowing Liuli's house to live in. After all, she is still paying the rent."

Nagoshi Ichiro covered his chest, his eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred: "I will definitely not choose you during the selection process this year. You did nothing wrong. It's all my fault for my disgusting jealousy and low self-esteem."

"No, senior, your evaluation must be objective and true."

"But Liuli-san's feet should feel great, right?" Ichiro Nagoshi raised his eyebrows at Yanghui tacitly, like a male high school student discussing the bra of the girl at the table, and asked in a low voice: "Run Chai As a racing girl, the soles of your feet must be soft and flexible, right?"

Recalling Liuli's delicate and soft feet and Yurunzhu's toes, Yanghui covered his nose and shook his head: "It does look soft, but I haven't touched them."

Nagoshi Ichiro's face was full of surprise, "How is that possible? You don't usually massage the feet?"

"Huh? Why do you want a massage?"

Nagoshi Ichiro gritted his teeth and said: "You are really a complete rookie. With such a fast speed and such high intensity of exercise, your legs and feet will definitely be sore and sore after running back. At this time, I'm going to help with massage. It can not only deepen the bond between each other, but also evaluate the muscle mass and power-generating habits of the horse racing girl's legs. It serves multiple purposes."

Mingoshi Ichiro turned around and rummaged around in the table while continuing to talk: "Is it possible that you are still a herbivore? We live together and are childhood sweethearts. There are so many opportunities to eat soft tofu but you don't take the initiative. You have to wait for others to stuff your feet. In your mouth?"

After rummaging for a while, Nagoshi Ichiro patted an almost torn book on top of Yanghui's head and said sincerely: "Read it carefully, study it carefully, and remember to tell me how it feels when you come back."

Yanghui caught the teaching material that fell from above his head: "From Massage to Being Kicked to the Hospital - Jockey Girl's Leg Muscle Physiotherapy Techniques".

Ichiro Nagoshi added: "Unless the bond is deep enough, never use a fascia knife, as it will easily get kicked."

Yang Hui casually flipped through a few pages and vaguely felt that the techniques in it were a bit familiar: "Hey, Liuli seems to have done this to me before. This book is a bit professional."

Nagoshi Ichiro: "?!"

Yanghui flipped through a few more pages to verify his conjecture, and then explained: "Liu Li comes from a family of Chinese traditional medicine doctors. In the past, when I had a stiff neck or sprained ankle, I would go directly to her for bone setting and physical therapy."

"Gulu, gulu." Nagoshi Ichiro turned his wheelchair back to his workstation expressionlessly.


"I'm busy. I'm going to the circus or M to find a part-time job as a clown."

Chapter 10 Fiercely! Holding hands!

Tereson Academy, the second training ground, the gates used for entry tests are neatly lined up on the playground.

Gate test.

As the name suggests, it is a test set up to test the state of mind of a racing girl when she enters the starting gate.Because the horse gate is relatively narrow and cramped, some racing girls will feel fear and nervousness when standing in the horse gate.

The purpose of this test is to detect early and allow trainers to adjust the mentality of racing girls in a targeted manner.

"Hello, Mr. Mejiro Aldan, I am Liuli, the monitor of Class [-]. Today we were conducting the entrance test and we didn't see you during roll call, so we called to check on you."

"Yeah, sick leave, right? I understand your situation. If you need anything, you can contact me at any time. I also wish you a speedy recovery."

Liuli, who was wearing sportswear, held the roster and marked sick leave behind the name of [Mejiro Aldan], then continued to call names down the roster, saying in a flowing voice: "Golden City classmates, are Golden City classmates here?"

Seeing no one answered for a long time, Liuli dialed the phone skillfully, "Hello, hello, are you from Golden City? I'm Liuli, the monitor of Class [-]. Oh, good morning to you too... No, it's two o'clock in the afternoon now. Oh!"

The screams coming from the other end of the phone made Liuli have to put the phone away from her horse ears. It wasn't until the horse racing girl opposite calmed down that Liuli started to communicate with the other end of the phone again, with a gentle tone: "It's okay, it's okay, remember more next time." Just set a few alarm clocks, please come to the second training ground now... You're welcome, this is what I should do, please come as soon as possible."

Liuli hung up the phone and sighed.

This classmate named Golden City was even more important. He slept until two o'clock in the afternoon. If Liuli hadn't made a call, he might have gotten up for breakfast tonight.

"Next, Oguri Hat-san."

Liuli looked at Xiaoli Mao, who was rummaging around to study running shoe redemption coupons. Liuli took these coupons out from under Xiaoli Mao's mattress during her lunch break.

At the beginning of school, Oli Hat, who was naturally stupid, took these exchange coupons as promotional advertisements and threw them on the bed board, and even covered them with a layer of mattress as a seal. To this day, Ouri Hat is still wearing rags. Rotten shoes come to school.

As for Xiaoli Mao’s other living expenses?All of them were taken for late-night snacks by this foodie horse racing girl. The amount was so huge that even Liuli, who prided herself on being a good rice cook, was willing to give up.

"Don't look at Li Hao, hurry up and enter the gate now!" Liuli pushed Xiao Li Hao's shoulders and stuffed her into the horse gate with exhaustion, and emphasized at the same time: "If you feel uncomfortable or depressed, remember to tell us in time Mr. Trainer or me.”

When the horse gate was closed, Liuli nodded to the trainer at the horse gate and said, "This is Xiaoli Hat. I'll ask you to take care of me next time."

Liuli, on the other hand, flipped through the roster non-stop: "The next one..."

"Hey! Don't come here!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a good person, no, I'm your monitor."


Not far from the training ground, Yang Hui was lying on the railing looking at the distressed Liuli with sympathy. Nagoshi Ichiro next to him exclaimed: "Your family is really good at taking charge. You can control this kind of scene. You said before I was a little skeptical about Chasing Horse, but now I think she is indeed a good fit.”

"How about I take advantage of the break to arrange for Liuli-san to be in my class?" Director Daisuke, who was sitting on the chair, was blowing the tea leaves in the tea cup with a contented expression on his face, as if he was not the class teacher and stayed away from the incident: "Liuri-san , he is a very good boy.”

The head teachers of other nearby classes gritted their teeth in envy:

Gentle, easy to talk to, and able to do well, if you can find a class monitor who is like a housekeeper, your work as a class teacher in the next few years can be said to be directly into retirement. If you have anything, you can directly hand it to the class monitor, and the class teacher will just drink tea on the side. , just look at the legs.

Driven by envy, jealousy and hatred, the class teachers soon realized another point: it is very common for horse racing girls to change schools, move to another country, or study abroad, not to mention just changing classes?

As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be dug!

"Boss Daisuke, I see that there are not many students in your class. Why don't you ask Liuli to transfer to our class? Our class really needs a monitor who can unite classmates."

"Daisuke-senpai, I just became the class teacher recently, and I really can't deal with the horse racing girls. It just so happens that Ruri-kun seems to have a lot of experience in coordinating things..."

"Classmate Liuli, who is full of virtuous wife power, is an excellent horse racing girl who can become my mother...who can become our class monitor!"


Minister Daisuke chuckled, pointed at Yanghui who was watching the fun without too much trouble, and tried to divert the trouble: "You have to ask trainer Yanghui, he is the first person in charge of Liuli-san. Student Liuli must obey Trainer Yanghui’s words.”

"After all, Liuli took the initiative to submit an application to Trainer Yanghui to take over the responsibility."

Yanghui secretly sighed that something was wrong. The old man also deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "responsible" in his words. More importantly, Minister Daijie said, "If you dare to agree to Liuli's transfer, I will kill you." expression,

Sure enough, all the class teachers looked at Yang Hui and their eyes immediately became serious.

I wonder which trainer has never had such a dream:

A beautiful horse racing girl who was originally proud and noble was finally moved by the trainer's firm but gentle heart. One day, under the setting sun, she handed over the application form to the trainer with a crimson look and said with nostalgia in her eyes: "Trainer, please take good care of me for the rest of my career...and the rest of my life."

You have to dream to think this way!

In real reality, most situations are:

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