"It looks like it was raised by someone... But you have to be careful... If you are scratched, you still have to get a shot, and the vaccine that the horse racing girl needs to get has a very thick needle." Yang Hui reminded With colored glaze.

Liuli nodded. She was still frightened by the injection that Tamamo Cross received.

If you are scratched by this cat, it will be a disaster.

Chapter 53 Akikawa Yayoi

"I'm going to the bathroom to see if my hand is broken... I guess the cat's owner will find him soon."

Seeing that the cat was quite docile, Yanghui rubbed his painful arm, got up and walked towards the toilet.

"This kitten is actually domesticated?"

Liuli looked at the cat that was lying on his lap and shaking its head. Probably because the temperature in the auditorium was very low, the cat chose to lie on his lap.

Just as Liuli was thinking about how to deal with this kitten, the originally closed door of the auditorium beside Liuli was quietly pushed open, and a small figure squeezed in.

The visitor is a jockey girl with orange hair. Although she is a jockey girl, she is not wearing the school uniform or other uniforms of a jockey girl. Instead, she is wearing a well-tailored dress and a blue hat on her head. top hat.

The orange-haired horse racing girl saw the kitten lying on Liuli's lap at the first sight, and immediately stretched out her hands towards the cat with a smile on her face:

"You are here...we were already late...and now you are still running around."

Unexpectedly, the cat just raised his head and glanced at me, and then lay on someone else's lap again.

"Is this your cat?"

The orange-haired horse girl nodded: "Yes!"

"So are you here for the meeting today?"

"Yes! Thank you for taking care of it for me..."

The orange-haired horse girl looked up in the direction of the sound...

The first thing that catches the eye is a red uniform and the conspicuous "Discipline" epaulettes.


"Name." Liuli spread the Discipline Committee's registration book on her lap, preparing to record the information of the late horse racing girl.

"Aki... Akikawa Yayoi." A racing girl named Akikawa Yayoi was sitting on the other side of Liuli holding the cat. She looked at Liuli with curiosity in her eyes, "Well, what is your name?"

"My name is Liuli, and I am the vice chairman of the Discipline Committee."

"Oh, so you are Ruri!" Akikawa Yayoi smiled brightly: "I heard Minister Daisuke talk about you! And not only Minister Daisuke, but also Rudolph is very optimistic about you."

Liuli coughed slightly and lowered her voice: "It's useless to mention Minister Daijie. If you're late, you're late, and you still have to copy the Teresin College Code of Conduct!"

"You only have to copy it once? If you were the chairman of the Green Bamboo Conference, you would definitely ask for it to be copied three times..." Akikawa Yayoi smiled softly, her tone relaxed, as if the person who was about to be punished for copying was not herself.

Liuli's face was full of helplessness. This little horse racing girl was too ignorant of the ways of the world, wasn't she?

"As long as you know it, don't say it out loud... If word gets out, Chairman Qingzhu will definitely scold me."

Akikawa Yayoi smiled even more happily, "I won't tell anyone. I think you, Ruri-san, are indeed very interesting."

"But Liuli-san doesn't recognize me... I'm sad."

Liuli raised her eyebrows, did she want to know the names of all the racing girls?

Just when Liuli was about to ask a question, Yanghui came back with a relaxed look, "I almost broke my hand by you..."

Yanghui sat down next to Liuli, took out his mobile phone, and opened the game with ease: "As compensation, I'll play the game for a while, but don't catch me."

"Do you know Akikawa Yayoi? She is a horse racing girl."

Yanghui didn't even raise his head, "Of course, Treson, who doesn't know Chairman Qiuchuan? Oh, you are a transfer student, it is normal that you have never met her."

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble." Yang Hui avoided Liuli's touch on his arm and explained:

"Akikawa Yayoi, when she participated in the Jockey Girl Competition, her name was Northern Flavor, and she was also a legendary Jockey Girl. After retiring, she served as the president of Teresin College. She can be said to be the boss of the entire Teresin. "

Liuli looked at the petite racing girl next to her with an expressionless expression.

"That's right!" Yayoi Akikawa opened the folding fan with a smile on her face, "This trainer is absolutely right! Liuli-san, do you know me now?"

Liuli silently tore out the notes she had just made from her notebook and crumpled them into a ball: "Chairman Akikawa, you have worked hard..."

Only a "teng" sound was heard.

Yang Hui had already sat up straight, looking at the rostrum with eyes full of curiosity and thinking. He nodded from time to time, expressing his approval of this arrangement.

He looked completely different from the way he looked with his head down while playing with his mobile phone just now.

Akikawa Yayoi burst out laughing: "You two are really a natural partner..."

Seeing the seriousness and seriousness on their faces, Akikawa Yayoi waved her hand, "It's okay, I'm late. Mr. Trainer was playing on his mobile phone in a meeting, and Liuli-san privately reduced the penalty and copied the content..."

Akikawa Yayoi showed a tacit smile, "So the three of us keeping secrets from each other can be considered even."

Doing ten things together is worse than doing one bad thing together. Keeping secrets from each other is the fastest way to improve the relationship between each other.

As the chairman of Tresen, Akikawa Yayoi’s tone is gentle and sincere, and her strong affinity makes people instinctively want to trust her.

Liuli breathed a sigh of relief, but the big boss of the college was sitting next to her. She was still a little uncomfortable, so she said: "Chairman Akikawa, please go to the meeting quickly. I am very sorry to have delayed you for so long."

Akikawa Yayoi quickly shook her head, "I'm not going. Even my seat has been revoked. It must have been acquiescence that I asked for leave."

"Then, Chairman Akikawa, are you ready to sit here and listen?"

Akikawa Yayoi shook her legs, with a smile on her face: "Yeah, I'll just listen here, and then follow Liuli-san to see the daily life of the Discipline Committee!"

"Although I'm here on duty, no trainer should be late."

Yanghui nodded and agreed with Liuli: "Yes, Treson's trainers are still very punctual..."

The voice did not fall.

The door next to Liuli was pushed open again.

The three of them looked along the crack in the door.

I saw Ichiro Nagoshi sneaking in through the crack in the door.

Nagoshi Ichiro clenched his fists and said with a smile: "I'm lucky, I finally caught up..."

Yang Hui coughed slightly and attracted Nagoshi Ichiro's gaze.

"Hey, Yang Hui, why are you sitting here? How about my extreme infiltration, no one noticed it, right?" Nagoshi Ichiro lowered his body and walked to Yang Hui's side, not forgetting to brag.

"Mr. Trainer, remember to come early next time."

"Trainer Nagoshi Ichiro, good morning."

Nagoshi Ichiro's smile froze on his lips.

He knew both of the people here, one was the chairman of Teresin College and the other was the vice chairman of the Discipline Committee.

I am so virtuous and capable, but I was caught by these two big guys just once when I was late.

Chapter 54 Do you need fans to participate in a competition?

Student Union Building, Discipline Committee Review Room.

"You only had to copy it twice. You are so kind... As expected, I made the right choice by voting for Liuli-san."

Nagoshi Ichiro was lying on the desk writing furiously, and Liuli's generous intervention made him burst into tears.

I was late for the meeting and was even caught by the chairman and the disciplinary committee member.Nagoshi Ichiro was already prepared to be fired from the beginning and went to work in Yanghui's hometown.

As a result, I was only punished by copying the code of conduct twice!

If you are caught by Qingzhu Memories, you will be punished three times.

Liuli nodded, signaled Nagoshi Ichiro to keep a low profile, and whispered: "By the way, change a pen the second time you copy, and then don't sign your name... That way I can get away with it."

What a good horse racing girl. Nagoshi Ichiro made a confirmation gesture towards Liuli and continued to write rapidly.

Liuli showed a victorious smile while sending messages on her cell phone to Yanghui, who was very close at hand.

[I asked him to copy it twice, and he still had to thank us. 】

[It’s really yours... Chairman Akikawa’s copy was also copied by Nagoshi Ichiro...]

[You can’t really let Chairman Akikawa copy it, right?And in this way, Chairman Akikawa also received a favor from Nagoshi Ichiro. 】

Yanghui gave Liuli a thumbs up. Liuli had to be considerate in terms of human relations and sophistication.

"Ah, everyone, I'm back from being lectured by Rudolf!" Chairman Akikawa opened the door and came in full of energy, without any intention of introspection, "Trainer Nagoshi, thank you for your hard work! Remember to arrive on time next time."

Chairman Akikawa sat down next to Liuli. After seeing Liuli's "ok" gesture, he smiled even more happily, "Sure enough, the Ethics Committee needs a racing girl like Liuli."

Originally, when Minister Daisuke wanted to elect a new chairman of the ethics committee, Chairman Akikawa was not convinced. Now that he has personally experienced the convenience brought by a highly emotionally intelligent ethics committee chairman, Chairman Akikawa suddenly thought if he could Will his secretary be replaced by Liuli?

Ichiro Nagoshi had a correct attitude and his face was full of emotion: "Thank you, Chairman Akikawa, for giving me a chance to start a new life!"

"Whether it's Trainer Nagotsu or Trainer Yanghui, they are all part of Treson. I will definitely take care of you."

Director Akikawa sat carelessly on the desk, his legs swaying happily, "The two trainers seem to be responsible for the newly transferred racing girls, right? How did you arrange this rookie competition?"

Yang Hui answered truthfully: "I helped Liuli sign up for the middle-distance track. It's the same 2400 meters as last time."

"Tamazo Cross has signed up for the 3200-meter race. I also want her to challenge the long-distance track. I recently discovered that although she is not as good as Liuli, Tamamo Cross's ability is actually very good..."

"Eh? Tamamo Cross actually signed up for long distance?" Liuli, who was listening on the sidelines, felt a little pity.

After all, all my hard work during this period of time was just to compete with Tamamo Cross again, but this time the rookie competition was actually postponed...

Chairman Akikawa scratched the cat's chin, his face full of regret: "Wow, there are so few racing girls running short distances..."

"Short distance, not even dogs... There are very few horse racing girls who choose short distance." In front of the college chairman, Yang Hui stopped his urge to tell the truth.

From a competition point of view, the endurance of jockey girls is generally much higher than the demand for short-distance racing. In short-distance competitions, planning for physical strength is directly eliminated. After entering the competition field, everyone is enthusiastic. Just charge forward, which directly dissuades most of the racing girls who have no advantage in speed and explosive power.

And from a more realistic point of view... the time of the short distance race is too fast, and it is over in just a sip of water... Even in the winter, the racing girls have already crossed the finish line before even sitting on a stool to warm up.

According to the survey, [-]% of the audience who are willing to buy tickets to watch the horse racing girl competition actually do not understand the running method and running strategy of the horse racing girl... And the nearly half of the audience who do not understand the sport of horse racing girl at all are actually I came here to feel the passion and youthfulness of a horse racing girl while running.

To put it a little more tacky... everyone came for the legs of the beautiful young girls and the winner's stage where the idols of horse racing girls sang and danced after the game.

That is to say, the so-called good-looking fans and idol fans...

After all, they come here to see the legs, so why don’t they choose middle distance or long distance races to see more of the legs of beautiful girls?

Ichiro Nagoshi didn't even raise his head: "There's no way...there are relatively few spectators at short distances, and the profits are low...low profits have led to the scarcity of short distance events with high rewards."

Liuli listened silently, suddenly thought of something, and asked Chairman Akikawa on the side: "So... the high prize event requires wearing the final uniform... is it also because of the audience?"

Chairman Akikawa unfolded his fan with a swish, and said with a certain look on his face: "Ruri-san thinks much faster than the average horse racing girl!"

Afterwards, Chairman Akikawa jumped on the table, waved his fan and began to talk about event operations. Although he was small, his words were professional and his narration was popular, fully worthy of the name of Chairman Treson.

"The number of fans is sometimes more important than ranking! For this reason, prize events around the world have made a lot of concessions!"

In order to retain more than half of the fans who come here for beautiful girls, all event operators in the world have made decisions to one degree or another.

For example, in a certain competition, only if the number of fans officially counted by the horse racing girl reaches 5, will they be allowed to register for the high-reward event.

Even horse racing girls are allowed to wear various well-designed winning uniforms to stand in the arena of high-prize events.

Although compared to competing in uniform sportswear, the various winning uniforms worn by horse racing girls will make the competition unfair...

But if you can’t stand it, the income from fans is too high!

Over time, it has become a horse racing tradition to wear the winning uniform when participating in high-prize events.

Liuli's head was as big as a bucket, and this was the first time she heard that she needed a number of fans to run in the G1 event...

Liuli felt uncomfortable when she thought that those weird teammates in online games might be her fans...

Fortunately, I have a connection with David's idol company. If not, let David help me when the time comes...

Chairman Akikawa lowered his head and looked at Liuli: "Liuli, maybe you can win a group of fans in this rookie competition."

Liuli said nothing.

"You have to be confident. Look at Rudolf Symbol. She, a racehorse girl who doesn't interact with her fans at all, has 1000 million fans."

"Then what if I 'interact' with fans?"

"What kind of interaction?"

"Greetings and grudges, sweet words...commonly known as, quarrels."

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