Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 75: Fierce battle

After    turned into shape, Adam's height was also increasing, and his swelling muscles even broke his clothes.

   Yin Tian frowned and looked at this monster-like Adam, thinking that he still underestimated the genetic warriors, because they only increased their strength and speed, but now it seems that they still have the ability to transform.

   "Damn Chinese, I want to tear you apart!"

   Adam let out a loud roar, and then rushed towards Yin Tian. Every time his steps fell on the ground, he would make a muffled sound.

   "When I am afraid you will not succeed!"

   Although Yin Tian was surprised, he was not afraid at all.

  Looking at Adam who rushed forward, Yin Tian slammed to his back and slammed Adam's waist with a heavy punch!



   The tremendous power made Adam almost fall down, and the severe pain made him roar.

   Yin Tian frowned after his blow. Although his punch didn't show its full power, it was at least 80%. It was unexpected that he couldn't even hurt Adam.

   The furious Adam turned around and rushed to Yin Tian again.

   Yin Tian didn't hide again this time, instead he won with the same punch. He wanted to see how powerful this monster can be!


   Two fists of very different sizes slammed into each other, and Adam's body was beaten, but Yin Tian flew out and rolled for several times before stopping.

   He rubbed his numb wrist, his eyes were full of incredible, Adam's strength after transforming was not worse than him, and the opponent's weight had the upper hand, and he would still be at a disadvantage under the hard work.

   "Haha, **** Chinese people, know that Adam is great! Die to me!"

   Adam screamed and rushed over again, but Yin Tian, ​​who had suffered a loss once, obviously would not fight with him again!

   "I want to see how thick your skin is!"

   Yin Tian directly took out the desert eagle on his waist and decisively pulled the trigger on Adam's chest. ,

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

   7 rounds of bullets were shot out by him. Adam fell to the ground after being hit. There were 7 fist-sized blood holes in his body, and the blood kept flowing out.

   "Roar! You actually used a gun! Ah!!!"

   I thought that Ya would not die and be seriously injured after being shot, but he immediately got up like a okay person.

   Yin Tian's face became completely dignified. He couldn't handle the power of the Desert Eagle. He wanted to use his muscles to clamp a bullet that was comparable to a rifle. It was a dream.

   Seeing Adam with blood-red eyes and full of blood rushed forward again, Yin Tian simply put away the Desert Eagle. He had no time to change bullets. Right now, he could only kill Adam with his real strength!

   "I want to see how thick your skin is!"

   Yin Tian leaped high, kicked Adam's head with his full strength, and then his body leaped into the air, and another knee hit his temple.


   Adam was shaken after being hit, but the big palm of the washbasin suddenly waved to Yin Tian's chest! If this blow is implemented, it will definitely be injured!

   Yin Tian naturally also saw Adam’s attack, but he was in mid-air now. It was obviously too late to dodge. In a hurry, he immediately gathered his inner strength on his arms and crossed his chest!


   There was a muffled sound, and Yin Tian was pumped out and hit a big tree before stopping.

   "Ahem... what a great power!"

   A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Yin Tian's mouth. Adam's strike force was definitely 2,000 jins, which had exceeded his body's defense limit.

   "I can't fight with this monster after seeing it!" Yin Tian thought in his heart that he now decided to change his tactics and adopt the way of fighting.

   Just when Yin Tian was about to take the initiative to attack, his hair suddenly exploded, and a huge sense of crisis rose in his heart.

"not good!"

  Between life and death, Yin Tian rolled and hid two meters away. Almost at the same time, a bullet hit his original location.

   is that sniper!

   Yin Tian felt annoyed for a while. Just now he was only concerned about fighting Adam, but he forgot the bunch of American special forces.

   After avoiding this bullet, before Yin Tian could stand still, suddenly a greater sense of crisis came again!


   A burst of gunfire sounded, and the hitting sand and rocks around Yin Tian splashed all over, and he kept rolling on the ground in embarrassment.

   Now it seems that the team of American special forces rushed over.

   "Damn it! Xiao Feng, what are they doing!"

  Yin Tiantian was so embarrassed that he yelled at him. The five Xiao Feng hadn't come, and now he was beaten by a group.

   Adam laughed happily after seeing Yin Tian's embarrassed appearance: "Hahaha, **** Chinese, don't hide if you have the ability!"

   Yin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to this guy's ridicule, facing such a dense bullet, the fool would not hide.

   "Cecile, you go kill that woman and give this **** Chinese man to me!" Adam suddenly shouted into the distance.

   At this time, the gunfire stopped, but Yin Tian's heart became even more anxious. Adam let the special soldiers shoot Avril Lavigne!

  If Avril Lavigne their mission this time would have failed!

   "Avril Lavigne! Get down!" Yin Tian yelled in horror.

   Fortunately, the woman Avril Lavigne is not stupid. When Yin Tian spoke, she immediately hid behind a big rock, which was a dead spot for enemy shooting.

   After seeing Avril laying down, Yin Tian sighed for a while, but he knew that he had to take Avril to leave that place now. With the ability of that sniper, as long as Avril showed a nod, he would be killed.

   So Yin Tian rushed to Avril's position!

   "Where are you going! Your opponent is me!"

   Adam's tall body blocked Yin Tian's path forward.

   "Get off! I thought I couldn't kill you!"

   Yin Tian was completely ruthless. He may not be able to defeat Adam with his bare hands, but if he uses a weapon!

   "Come on, then, Adam is invincible!"

   Looking at Adam who was roaring forward, Yin Tian narrowed his eyes, and a fierce light flickered in it. Then he sprinted suddenly, and he met Adam in a blink of an eye!

   "Die me!"

   I saw Yin Tiangao leaping up, and his right arm greeted Adam's palm!

   "Haha, overwhelmingly!"

   Adam laughed wildly with disdain, as if seeing Yin Tian being photographed flying by himself again.

   Seeing that the two attacks were about to collide, but at this moment, something happened suddenly!

   Yin Tian's originally empty right hand unexpectedly suddenly appeared a strange scimitar, the handle was golden, and the blade was titanium gray, and then the scimitar turned into a black light and struck Adam's wrist fiercely.

"Do not!"

   Adam shouted in horror, but it was too late to escape!


   The blood was killed, Adam's right hand rose to the sky!

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