Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3100: Looking forward to 3000 years

, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of treasure hunt!

It was already around eight o'clock in the evening, and the whole world was enveloped by night.

The tripartite joint exploration team camp in the wilderness was brightly lit, full of laughter, and very lively.

The tripartite joint exploratory team has all set up camping tents, preparing to spend the night in this camping site by the road, instead of returning to the hotel in downtown Axum.

In this case, everyone will not have to toss and go back and forth, and they will be able to start follow-up exploration when they get up tomorrow morning.

More importantly, although it is a wilderness, it is safer than the city of Axum at this time. Although the conditions are not good, it is not much worse.

Since Ye Tian decided to camp in the wild, the Israelis immediately launched an action.

They used several helicopters and numerous vehicles to quickly transport all kinds of materials and equipment, including fresh water and food, as well as barbecue grills and camping tents.

After the camp, everyone set up the barbecue grill and started a barbecue party.

Everyone gathered around the barbecue grills, enjoying the food and discussing today's exploration activities.

The top of the towering mountain not far away, as well as the top of the cliff on the opposite side, are also brightly lit.

The Israelis deployed a lot of security personnel in those two places to tightly protect the mountain peak and the opposite cliff top, and no one can trespass without permission.

They also placed a few strong light searchlights at the bottom of the cliff and at the entrance of the canyon on the highway side, and powerful beams tore through the night sky and pointed directly at the large satellite pattern on the cliff wall.

In this case, even if someone can fly, they cannot get close to the large satellite pattern.

Both ends of the road where the tripartite joint exploratory team is located have long been blocked. No one or vehicle can enter this road, which is very safe.

Those guys who heard the wind can only stay and watch from a distance, and cannot get close to the three-party joint exploration team, nor can they get close to the towering and steep cliff.

At a barbecue grill in the middle of the camp, Ye Tian and David were chatting in a low voice while eating barbecue.

While talking, Cole's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, the Orthodox monks and believers, the citizens of Axum, and many media reporters and other people watching the excitement gathered on both sides of the highway did not mean to disperse at all.

Many of them requested that they could enter this valley tomorrow and witness the follow-up joint exploration operation with their own eyes. Some Orthodox monks and believers demanded that the exploration operation be terminated immediately.

As more and more people gather, the sky is getting darker and darker, and the situation on both sides of the highway has become a little tense. It is not ruled out that some people will secretly pick things up, break the cordon, and rush here.

Fortunately, the vehicles were unable to pass. The Israelis got a few heavy trucks and completely blocked the roads on both sides. No one can drive into this section of the road. At least there is no need to worry about the impact of someone driving."

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian's expression immediately changed.

He immediately left the grill, stepped aside and whispered:

"Cole, you ask the guys to be more vigilant and keep an eye on the movement on both sides of the road. If there is a conflict and the situation is out of control, we will withdraw from here as soon as possible.

Until then, your most important task is to protect the safety of company employees and the experts and scholars employed by us, and we must take everyone out of here safely.

In addition to both sides of the road, you should also pay attention to the surrounding wilderness, mountains, woods, etc., to prevent people from approaching this camping site from those places under the cover of night.

As for the requests made by those guys, we don’t have to deal with them. Israel and the Vatican will come forward to deal with them. Without even thinking about it, they will never agree to those requests.”

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us!"

Cole responded.

Next, he reported some other situations before ending the call.

Ye Tian walked back to the barbecue road and continued to chat with David and the others.

As soon as he came back, Joshua asked curiously:

"Steven, what happened?"

Ye Tian didn't hide it, and said solemnly:

"According to my security personnel, the situation at both ends of the highway is relatively tense, and there are a large number of people outside the cordon on both sides, and the scene is rather chaotic.

The composition of these people is very complex, ranging from Ethiopian Orthodox monks and believers to ordinary citizens, media reporters and some unpredictable guys.

Among them, the most emotional and dangerous ones are those devout Ethiopian Orthodox monks and believers who demanded the termination of joint exploration operations.

In order to prevent accidents, security around the camp of the tripartite joint exploration team must be strengthened. Joshua, when will your support force arrive here? "

Hearing his words, everyone's expressions changed.

Joshua paused, then continued:

"Wait a minute, Steven, I'll call to inquire about the situation. The first marines who flew from the Red Sea should have arrived in Axum."

After speaking, Joshua walked aside and called.

After a while, he had finished the call and came back and said:

"Steven, the first group of Marines who came to support has arrived in Axum. They came by helicopter and need to change vehicles. They will arrive in an hour at most.

More armed security personnel will arrive in Axum tomorrow morning. Mr. Prime Minister will fly to Axum tonight, and he will bring security personnel here early tomorrow morning.

I just talked to the relevant personnel of the People's Front and asked them to strengthen the security forces in this area. The other party agreed and said that they would send troops to maintain order here! "

"This is the best, but I hope that there will be no accidents before your Marines and the troops of the Mentioned Front arrive!"

Ye Tian nodded and said.

Next, everyone continued to enjoy dinner, but it was not as relaxed as before.

Fortunately, no accidents happened.

In less than an hour, nearly a hundred fully armed Israeli Marines arrived here and quickly joined the security team.

Not long after that, another company of soldiers from the Mention Formation joined the outer guard team.

With the arrival of these heavily armed marines and soldiers, the tension around the camp of the tripartite joint exploration team suddenly eased.

Everyone took a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

When the time came to about three in the morning, the Israeli Prime Minister’s special plane landed on the runway of Axum Airport.

Following the Israeli prime minister, there are also some senior government officials, experts and scholars, as well as a large number of armed security personnel and Mossad agents.

At about 6 in the morning, the Pope’s special plane also flew to Aksum Airport and landed on the airport runway.

He took two heavyweight cardinals, as well as a group of experts and scholars from the Vatican, and naturally a large number of members of the Swiss Guard responsible for security.

After arriving in Axum, neither of these two took a break, but immediately began to act.

After entering the city of Aksum, the Pope and his party rushed to the Church of Saint Mary of Mount Zion to meet and talk with the high-ranking monks of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

During the meeting, he directly put pressure on the other party to ensure the smooth progress of the joint exploratory operation.

The Israeli Prime Minister took the people to the Aksum city government and met with the Ethiopian President’s special envoy, the Tigray state government and the people involved in the People’s Front.

He did the same as the Pope, putting pressure on all parties in Ethiopia and Tigray to ensure that joint exploratory operations are not disturbed.


It's another day.

And this is destined to be an extraordinary day.

In many countries and places all over the world, countless people are always keeping an eye on the movements of the tripartite joint exploration team, watching Ye Tian's every move.

The three parties jointly explored the camp.

After getting up in the morning and washing up, the live broadcast team of National Geographic Channel followed Ye Tian closely. The camera lens always locked his figure and was shooting live footage.

Ye Tian treats these guys as if they are nothing, and does their own thing.

It was just after seven in the morning.

He sent the first group of joint exploration team members and security personnel, carrying a large amount of exploration equipment and other materials, and took two medium-sized helicopters to fly to the top of the cliff opposite the canyon.

The task of these exploratory team members and security personnel is to find a suitable and sturdy spot on the top of the cliff, set up a cable-dropping device, and prepare for the exploratory operation to be launched later.

The tragedy that happened to the Tigray people before must not be repeated on the tripartite joint exploration team, otherwise it would be too stupid.

After flying back and forth twice, the two medium-sized helicopters transported all personnel and supplies to the top of the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, the second group of joint exploration team members and security personnel also set off, took a helicopter to the bottom of the opposite cliff, and set up an exploration camp at the bottom of the cliff.

In a short while, the campsite on this side of the highway was much empty.

However, Ye Tian stayed here, and did not immediately go to the top or bottom of the opposite cliff.

Later, the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope will come here. As the leader of this tripartite joint exploration operation, he will naturally stay here to meet the Pope and the others.

During this period, he is also making various preparations for today's joint exploration operation.

At around 8:20, Seaman brought a blasting expert to find him.

"Steven, this is our directional blasting plan. The explosives for blasting have been prepared. The explosive equivalent can be adjusted at any time. You can take a look at the plan."

With that, Seaman handed over the blasting plan.

Ye Tian took it and glanced at it, and then said:

"The directional blasting of the big satellite pattern is best done by you. I don't know much about explosives and directional blasting, and I don't have the right to speak.

But I hope that this directional blasting plan is best not to be used. For directional blasting on that steep cliff wall, I am still a little worried, for fear of causing collapse."

"Don't worry about this, Steven, we can precisely control the power of blasting, and it won't affect the cliffs surrounding the large satellite pattern."

The Israeli blasting expert continued to say, appearing very confident.

After chatting for a few words, Ye Tian called Cole over and showed him the directional blasting plan.

There is no problem with the directional blasting plan, and Cole agrees.

As a result, Ye Tian determined this plan.

In a blink of an eye, it was nine o'clock in the morning.

The brilliant sun shines on the cliff opposite the canyon, the light conditions are very good, and it is suitable for exploring.

It is a pity that it is not the Passover, and everyone cannot see the so-called ‘God’s light’.

Just after nine o'clock, under the **** of a large number of military police and armed security personnel, the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope came together and came to the camp where the tripartite joint exploratory team was located.

Also coming together were the U.S. ambassador to Ethiopia, as well as several senior monks from the highest ranks of the Timani Front and the governor of Tigray State, and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Of course, there are also a group of high-ranking officials and religious figures from Israel and the Vatican. Everyone is not light!

The arrival of the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope immediately caused a sensation in this wilderness.

From the many media reporters who stayed here last night, how could they miss this opportunity?

They held up their cameras and video cameras to take pictures continuously, and then sent these photos and news to their respective news media and the Internet in the first place.

Following their reports on the scene, the news that the Israeli Prime Minister and the Pope arrived here at the same time spread out like the wind and quickly spread all over the world.

After hearing this news, people were shocked.

At the same time, people are more certain.

In this canyon west of Aksum, Ethiopia, there may be great discoveries that will shock the world today.

Solomon’s treasure that only existed in the past, and even the most holy thing that has disappeared for nearly three thousand years, the Ark of the Covenant, may be seen again today, shaking the entire world!

That is the expectation of the Jews for three thousand years, and it is the same for those who believe in Christianity!

Thinking of this, people are very excited, and they are always paying attention to the news here, looking forward to a miracle.

The arrival of the Pope and his party has caused a lot of pressure on the many Orthodox monks and believers gathered here, and they have become somewhat quieter.

The reason is simple. After all, the Orthodox Church is also a branch of Christianity. No one can ignore the huge influence of the Pope!

The convoy entered the camp of the tripartite joint exploratory team. After the safety of the scene was confirmed, the Pope and the Israeli Prime Minister got out of the car.

As soon as they got out of the car, they saw Ye Tian with a smile, walking towards them.

After everyone met, it was naturally a polite greeting.

"Congratulations, Steven, you guys are amazing, and once again created a miracle, your discovery is so important this time, I would like to thank you on behalf of the Vatican!"

The pope shook hands and said in awe.

Ye Tian smiled and said lightly:

"This is also a coincidence. We almost missed the cliff and the big satellite pattern on the cliff wall. Fortunately, my luck has always been good, and it's the same this time.

But what is hidden behind the big satellite pattern on the cliff wall is still unknown for the time being. Only by further exploration can the answer be revealed.

I hope that everything will be as we thought. In that case, the tripartite joint exploration operation can draw the most complete ending and create a great miracle! "

"Yes, Steven, I hope we can get the most satisfactory result. In that case, I will immediately fulfill my previous promise."

The pope said excitedly.

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help chuckles.

What this so-called promise is, only he and the pope know.

Like the Pope, the Prime Minister of Israel was very excited and very enthusiastic.

"Steven, thank you very much for this series of great discoveries. You are really a magical guy. From now on you will be the most popular guest of Israel and a friend of all the Jews in the world."

"I am very honored, Mr. Prime Minister, I hope we can find those legendary things today and achieve a perfect result!"

Ye Tian said with a smile and shook hands with the Israeli Prime Minister.

After these two giants, he shook hands with other people and met each other a little bit more politely.

After walking through the procedures on these scenes, we all enter the topic.

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced yesterday's findings.

Everyone who came here knew about the amazing discovery made by the tripartite joint exploration team yesterday.

Because of their different positions, the reactions of these people are also different. Some are excited and full of expectations, while others are full of worry and even fear.

After introducing yesterday's discovery, Ye Tian talked about the exploratory action that will be launched today.

"Gentlemen, we explored carefully on the top of the cliff yesterday, but unfortunately, we did not find other entrances to the cave behind the big satellite, and it is not certain whether other entrances actually exist.

In this case, we can only choose to descend, go down the cliff, explore the secrets hidden behind the big satellite pattern, and see if there is a cave behind the big satellite pattern.

If there is indeed a cave behind the big satellite pattern, then we will find a way to break the big satellite pattern open and enter the cave behind to see what is hidden inside? ..."

Just now, a senior Ethiopian Orthodox monk suddenly interjected and said:

"Mr. Steven, as far as I know, the big satellite pattern on the cliff wall has no gaps. How can you be sure if there is a cave behind the big satellite pattern?

If there is no cave behind the big satellite pattern, you destroy it. In this case, it will inevitably cause irreparable and major losses. I think it is better to be cautious! "

Ye Tian looked at this person, then smiled and said:

"It's normal for everyone to have this worry. Here I can assure you that we will first find out if there is a cave behind the big satellite pattern before we start the next step.

If there is a hidden cave, we will break the big satellite pattern and enter the cave. If not, we will naturally not destroy the big satellite pattern.

In the subsequent exploration operations, we plan to use two high-tech exploration equipment to ascertain the situation behind the large satellite pattern. Everyone will know the result soon."

Hearing this, the Tigray people and representatives of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church at the scene had nothing to say.

They know that today's joint exploration operation cannot be stopped.

Now it's up to God to stand there!

Next Ye Tian briefly introduced the exploratory process that will be launched.

After the introduction, he smiled and said:

"His Majesty the Pope, Mr. Prime Minister, gentlemen, I want to take a helicopter to the top of the cliff and lead the team to start an exploratory operation. I won't be with you here, please feel free to do so.

You can see our every move through the high-definition video screen, and can also participate in this joint exploration operation. I hope you all enjoy all this and enjoy this perfect day! "

After speaking, he took David and Cole, carrying his hiking bag, and strode towards the medium helicopter parked not far away.

After a while, the medium-sized helicopter roared up and flew straight to the cliff opposite the canyon!

Looking at the medium-sized helicopter going away, the Israeli Prime Minister, the Pope and others were extremely excited and full of expectations!

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