Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3098: Not hesitate to fight

Ye Tian and David took a small helicopter and flew back to the joint exploration team camp in the canyon, ready to start the next exploration.

The live broadcast team of the National Geographic Channel, as well as Joshua and the Bishop of Kent, boarded two medium helicopters one after another and flew to the joint exploration camp across the canyon.

Today's discovery is so important. Joshua and the Bishop of Kent want to participate in it personally wherever they are willing to stay from a distance and watch.

Not only them, but also others.

Without exception, everyone is very eager to participate in this joint exploration operation. This is most likely a great archaeological discovery recorded in the annals of history. How can I miss it!

The same goes for the deputy mayor of Axum and others. They quickly boarded a medium helicopter and flew to the joint exploration camp across the canyon.

After returning to the joint exploration team camp, Ye Tian immediately gathered everyone together, and then said aloud:

"Guys, next we will start the next step of exploration, to carefully explore the rest of the cliff, and then explore all areas of the top and bottom of the cliff.

Our goal is very clear. It is to find another entrance to the cave behind the big satellite pattern on the cliff wall. According to my guess, there is probably such an entrance.

More likely, this other entrance may have been completely filled in, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up, and we must work hard to find this entrance.

Finally, if there is no other entrance, there is only one way, which is to break the big satellite pattern on the rock wall and enter the cave behind the big satellite pattern..."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone on the scene was excited and eager to try.

Everyone can't wait to set off immediately, carefully search every inch of the cliff and the ground here, find another entrance to the cave behind the big satellite pattern, and create another miracle.

Within a short while, Ye Tian had finished the mobilization work.

Subsequently, the tripartite joint exploratory team was divided into several groups, and the exploratory operations were carried out separately.

Immediately afterwards, two medium-sized helicopters led several groups of exploratory team members directly to the top of the cliff, and simultaneously carried out exploratory operations on the top of the cliff.

Deep in the canyon dense forest.

Those guys who followed the joint exploration team all the way and coveted Solomon's treasure and the ark, all saw this scene.

In fact, they had received relevant news through social media before, and they knew that Ye Tian had solved the riddle of the variant ancient Hebrew.

Seeing the two medium-sized helicopters full of three-party joint exploration team flying to the top of the cliff, these guys were jealous.

"Behind the big satellite pattern on the cliff wall, what is the amazing secret hidden? Could it be the legendary treasure of Solomon and the ark of the covenant?"

"No matter what secrets are hidden behind the big satellite pattern, we can't reach it. There is simply a jedi there, and we can't reach it at all!

We can only wait here to see what treasures Steven and those guys can find, and when they come down from that cliff, we will have a chance! "

Just as these guys were discussing, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps around them.

Before they could react, seven or eight fully armed Israeli security personnel quickly rushed out from behind the surrounding trees and bushes and directly surrounded them.

The Israeli security personnel all held automatic rifles, loaded their bullets, and pointed their guns directly at these unsuspecting guys, ready to fire at any time.

"Gentlemen, this gorge and the mountains on both sides have been sealed off, put down your weapons, and then leave this gorge, we will send you away!"

Looking at the muzzles of those black holes and listening to these murderous words, how dare those ill-intentioned guys move!

They had only one choice, and that was to lay down their weapons and leave the canyon obediently.


Just when Ye Tian led the tripartite joint exploration team to explore again, the outside world was already turbulent.

The news that he cracked the riddle of "God's Light" has spread throughout the Western world.

Vatican, office of the Pope.

While checking the first-hand information sent by the Bishop of Kent, the Pope discussed the current situation with several heavyweight cardinals.

"Dear friends, Steven, this amazing guy, once again created a miracle. He discovered the secret of'God's Light'. It seems that I must go to Ethiopia and Aksum."

The Pope said excitedly, his eyes shining straight.

"The situation in Tigray State, where Aksum is located, is very unstable. It is possible to go to war with the Ethiopian government at any time. Isn't it a bit dangerous to go there at this time?"

A cardinal said successively.

The pope shook his head.

"Regardless of the Ethiopian government, the Tigray State government and the Tiren Front, as well as the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, it should not be aimed at us. After all, they believe in Christianity.

More importantly, behind the large satellite pattern on the cliff, there is probably hidden the highest holy relic, the ark of the covenant, and the legendary treasure of Solomon, so I must go to Aksum.

As long as the news is released that I am going to Aksum, it will put a certain amount of pressure on the Ethiopian government, Tigray State, and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. At least it will make them feel jealous."

The cardinals at the scene nodded, and no one raised any objections.

The situation in Ethiopia is very special. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church they believe in is one of the oldest Eastern Orthodox sects and is basically not restricted by the Vatican.

In order to maintain the faith and avoid the collapse of the faith that they have insisted on for more than a thousand years, they may prevent the joint exploration operation from continuing, and they will even be crazy and do everything!

If the Pope rushes to Axum at this time, it will indeed put a lot of pressure on the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, making them a little jealous.

Of course, this also has certain risks.

But this risk is definitely worth taking!

You know, behind the big satellite pattern on the cliff, what is hidden may be the most holy thing, the Ark of the Covenant!

After a short pause, the pope continued:

"At this time, I rushed to Axum, which will also help the tripartite joint exploration team's next move. And I have another purpose, which is to rebuild the ‘God’s Light’!

After the joint exploration operation is over, the big satellite pattern on the cliff and the old castle on the opposite mountain must be rebuilt. We must let the ‘light of God’ reappear in the world.

In this case, by 9 o'clock in the morning of Passover every year, the ‘light of God’ will reappear there, and it will become a holy place, attracting countless believers to make a pilgrimage,...! "

Before the words fell, the cardinals all stood up excitedly.

"Yes, we can build a religious shrine there. In this way, maybe we can spread the influence of the Vatican to Aksum."

Next, the pope discussed with these cardinals for a while, and then asked his staff to arrange the trip to Axum.

It didn't take long for the pope and the two cardinals to visit Axum, Ethiopia, and the news came out, causing another sensation!

Hearing this news, many people instantly understood why the Pope rushed to Axum at this time.

Obviously, he is going to support the platform of the tripartite joint exploration team and put pressure on the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and other parties!

After understanding this, people suddenly became more excited!

People are also looking forward to the next discoveries of the tripartite joint exploration team.


Jerusalem, a conference room in the Israeli Prime Minister's Palace.

The Israeli Prime Minister is meeting with cabinet members and some staff to discuss how to deal with the current situation.

Everyone in this conference room was very excited.

At this moment, a secretary in the prime minister's office suddenly walked into the conference room and whispered something to the Israeli prime minister.

After listening to the report, the Israeli Prime Minister fell into contemplation.

About half a minute later, he suddenly said:

"Gentlemen, just received the news from the Vatican that the pope is going to rush to Axum, accompanied by the pope to Axum, and two heavyweight cardinals.

Without even thinking about it, the Vatican’s purpose is very clear, that is, the most holy thing, the Ark of the Covenant. According to the information obtained by Mossad intelligence personnel, the Vatican is also preparing to rebuild the ‘God’s light’.

It seems that I am going to Axum too. The Ark is the supreme holy artifact of Judaism and all Israelis. It must not fall into the hands of any other person or organization, including the Vatican.

There is also the large satellite image on the cliff, and the old castle on the opposite peak. It is a monument to Beta Israelis, and a holy place and monument in the hearts of all Jews!

The reconstruction of the big satellite image, the reconstruction of the old castle on the top of the mountain opposite, and the reappearance of the "light of God" to the world can only be done by Israel, so there will be no trouble to the Vatican! "

"Mr. Prime Minister, the Tien People's Front and the Ethiopian government forces are now in the same situation, and they may go to war at any time. Isn't it too dangerous to go to Axum now?"

A senior military official replied, slightly worried.

The Israeli Prime Minister looked at the officer, then smiled and shook his head.

"Israel is full of enemies on all sides. When we are living in the Holy Land Jerusalem, when is it not dangerous? Compared with the previous experience on the battlefield, the danger this time is not worth mentioning.

However, we still have to take precautions and prepare the army and Mossad to protect the tripartite joint exploration team at all costs and protect the large satellite pattern on the cliff.

The Jews have been wandering for more than two thousand years, have been searching for the ark, and have never found anything. Now the hope is right in front of us. We must not let our hope become emptied. For this we will not hesitate to fight! "

With these words, the emotions of the Israelis at the scene were instantly ignited.

"Understood, Mr. Prime Minister"

These Israelis responded loudly and stood up from their seats one after another.

Immediately afterwards, these people strode out of the meeting room and started their actions one after another!


Across the ocean, the Oval Office of the White House in Washington.

The President of the United States and his staff of think tanks, as well as several leaders of the government and the military, are gathering here to discuss the most concerned thing at the moment.

"According to reliable sources, the guy Steven deciphered, or discovered the true meaning of the modified ancient Hebrew sentence, and discovered the so-called despair of life and the light of God.

Regarding this point, we have verified with relevant experts and scholars from Harvard University and Columbia University. This is indeed the case. I have to say that this is a shocking discovery.

Many people now think that the large satellite pattern on the cliff, in the cave behind it, is likely to hide the legendary treasure of Solomon and the ark of the covenant! "

A presidential staff member introduced the situation.

With his introduction, the eyes of everyone at the scene became brighter and brighter. Everyone was so excited and full of greed that they couldn't hide it.

The President of the United States, with his feet on the resolute table, behaved the same way.

After the introduction of his staff was completed, the president immediately said:

"Steven is really a very amazing guy. He can always create all kinds of miracles. There is no doubt that this time he has created a miracle again. It is really enviable.

It's a pity that I still have a lot of things these days. I can't rush to Axum or witness this great historical moment with my own eyes. I have to say that this is really a pity.

However, we have to do something to get the ambassador to Ethiopia to rush to Axum immediately to put pressure on the Ethiopian government, the Tien Front, and the Orthodox Church.

Prepare the army stationed in Saudi Arabia and the warships cruising in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean to protect the tripartite joint exploratory team, and protect Steven and his fellows"

"Ah! Using so much power to protect Steven and the guys under him, isn't it thrilling?"

A senior military officer from the Pentagon interjected, apparently disagreeing.

The President of the United States looked at this one, then shook his head and said:

"I think it's worthwhile to invigorate the teacher and mobilize the crowd. At least we have to make such a gesture so that all parties can see it. You must know that what Steven and the others discovered this time are likely to be Solomon's treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.

As far as I know, except for the Ark of the Most Holy, Solomon’s Treasure, everything else in Solomon’s Treasure belongs to the Brave Fearless Exploration Company. I think everyone understands the value of these things.

If the Brave Fearless Exploration Company really finds Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, and then ships all the things in Solomon’s Treasure to New York, what does that mean? Have you thought about it?

We must protect those Stevens. No one should try to take away those priceless treasures. For the treasures in Solomon's treasure, even if the war is worth it, it is a big deal to have another crusade! "

When the voice fell, a cry of exclamation immediately sounded on the scene.

"Wow! Another Crusade, it's a bit exaggerated!"

"But Solomon's treasure is indeed very tempting. We must not let that invaluable treasure fall into the hands of other people. They must be brought to New York, at least most of them must be obtained!"

After a while, these people in the president's office reached a consensus and acted quickly.


The same scene is being staged in many places in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, with similar content.

Everyone stared at the canyon west of Aksum, stared at the large satellite pattern on the cliff, and also stared at the joint exploration team of Ye Tian and the three parties.

The capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.

After listening to his report, the Ethiopian President couldn't help feeling a headache.

Why is this shocking discovery in the **** Tigray state, and not elsewhere in Ethiopia.

Change to any other place, the Ethiopian government can respond, perhaps can eat a bite of meat, at least a bite of soup.

Only the **** Tigray State, where the Ethiopian government's influence is completely negligible.

What an astonishing discovery this is. There is probably a huge treasure hidden behind it. Just giving up like this is really unwilling!

Just as he felt a headache, his staff suddenly knocked on the door and walked into the office and said to him:

"Mr. President, the American ambassador and the Israeli ambassador respectively called to talk to you and talk about what is happening in Axum."

Hearing this, the Ethiopian President was stunned for a moment, then gritted his back teeth and said:

"Obviously, the Yankees and Israelis are putting pressure on me. They are really a bunch of bastards. Get their phones in. We can't offend either!"

The next moment, the indicator light of the phone on the desk lit up.

In another building in Addis Ababa, several top figures of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church are gathering together to discuss, with very solemn expressions.

"I think we should take action immediately and find a way to stop the tripartite joint exploratory team, so that they can't let them continue to explore. That will be very detrimental to us!"

A senior monk in his sixties said in a deep voice, his face gloomy.

As soon as the voice fell, another senior monk smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"The Pope will soon come to Ethiopia and rush to Axum to stand up for the tripartite joint exploratory team. According to the latest news, the Israeli Prime Minister is also ready to rush to Axum immediately.

In this case, how to prevent the tripartite joint exploration team? If they are forcibly stopped and not allowed to continue their exploration, they will definitely attract strong protests from the Vatican, Israel, and the United States!

In the unfortunate event of a conflict, the three-party joint exploratory team is attacked by monks and believers in Axum, causing a large number of casualties, which may even trigger a war, and we will be besieged.

At that time, not only Israel and the Vatican, but also the United States, and even almost all countries that believe in Christianity, will stand on our opposite side. We can't deal with that situation at all."

Upon hearing these words, these high-ranking Orthodox monks were all silent.

They know very well in their hearts that this situation is indeed possible.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church exists and develops independently. It has very little contact with the outside world, including the Vatican. Now I can't find a friend to help me speak.

After a long time, the senior monk sitting at the head spoke.

"Don't take any action, see what the three-party joint exploration team can find, then it depends on the situation!"

The other senior monks nodded, no objection!

In fact, what can they do without nodding?

At the same time, the same thing is happening in the Tigray State Government, within the Tiren Front, and the Aksum City Government, as well as the local Orthodox Church leaders.

They all felt the pressure from all sides, especially the pressure from the Israeli government, the Vatican, and the U.S. government, which made them very jealous.

The Tigray people know very well where the **** is pressure, it is simply a naked threat!

If one is not handled properly, Tigray State will be unable to eat.

Especially the Yankees and Israelis, in the name of protecting the tripartite joint exploration team, it is possible to send troops directly to Axum!

The governments of Sudan and Eritrea, which are not far away, have also received veiled warnings from Israel and the United States. It is best for them not to act rashly, so as not to incur reprisals and attacks!

The citizens of Axum and many ordinary Orthodox monks and believers who received the news through various channels can't think about that much.

These people are like a tide, swarming towards the canyon west of Aksum.

At this time, Ye Tian had already taken a small helicopter to the top of the cliff.

He was standing by a crack on the top of the cliff, his probe was peering inside!

This crack is winding, about 20 meters long and one meter two or three meters wide. The inside is rugged and dark, and it leads directly into the mountain. No one knows how deep it is!

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