Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3064: Fanatical believer

Ten minutes later, the tripartite joint exploration convoy drove out of the city of Gondar and drove straight to the north of Ethiopia along the simple highway.

Because it is still early, the life attitude of Ethiopians is rather lax. Many people have not gotten up yet, so there are not many pedestrians and vehicles on the road.

For the tripartite joint exploration team, this is undoubtedly a good thing and can reduce a lot of trouble.

It didn't take long for the convoy to drive into the mountainous area north of Gondar.

There are fewer pedestrians and vehicles on the highway, but the outside scenery is more beautiful, with undulating hills and green grass.

In Gondar City, and many other places, those guys who are watching the three-party joint exploration team have received news.

In a hotel in Gondar, Cook is talking to his men.

"Boss, the **** Steven, with the tripartite joint exploratory team, has left Gondar and set off for the holy city of Axum in Tigray State. Should we continue to follow or do something?"

One of his employees said via his mobile phone, reporting the latest situation to Cook.

Hearing this news, Cook couldn't help but froze for a moment.

After a while, he gritted his molars and said:

"Star me down on that **** Steven and the three-party joint exploratory team. I don't need to do anything for the time being. Just stare at them. Tigray State is not Amhara State.

The situation there is more complicated. Whether the tripartite joint exploratory team can successfully enter Tigray State is a problem. The subsequent exploratory operations will inevitably be difficult.

Axum is not Gondar either. If the **** Steven wants to lead a team to explore Solomon's treasures and the Ark of the Covenant in Axum, he will definitely encounter countless obstacles and even attacks.

Our primary goal is to hide the treasures left over from World War II near Gondar, not the treasures of Solomon and the Ark that may be hidden in Aksum.

I have received the news. I can probably determine the location of this treasure left over from World War II. I just don't know the exact coordinates, but I can start the action.

If we can't deal with this treasure left over from World War II, it won't be too late to go to Axum, I won't believe it, and I will never be able to do that **** Steven! "

"Understood, Boss, I let people continue to stare at the three-party joint exploration team and wait for your instructions."

The man said, and immediately ended the call.

The same scene happens at the same time in many places, with similar content.

At the same time, there are some guys who are watching Ye Tian and the three-party joint exploration team have also taken action.

Through various means, either by car or by plane, the tide generally poured into Tigray State and went straight to the holy city of Axum.

Among these people, there are not only professional treasure hunters, but also local militants, gangs, tribal armed forces, and many religious fanatics.

In a blink of an eye, it was already around 12 o'clock in the morning.

The convoy of the tripartite joint exploration team drove into a valley and was walking through the valley.

On both sides of this valley, there are dense mountains and forests, and the terrain is quite steep.

Soon after entering this valley, Ye Tian noticed that the atmosphere here seemed a bit wrong, or a bit nervous.

On this road along the valley, there are only a tripartite joint exploratory convoy and numerous escorted Ethiopian military and police vehicles. There are no other social vehicles, and no one can be seen.

More importantly, in the forests on both sides of the valley, animals are rarely seen, which is a bit quiet and weird.

But above the forest, there was a flock of birds circling, and they refused to land in the forest.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said to his opponent's security personnel:

"Guys, everyone should be vigilant and be prepared for battle. The situation in this valley is a bit wrong. Someone may be lying in ambush here, trying to attack the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

If there is an attack later, the first thing everyone should do is to protect the safety of the company’s employees, protect their own safety, wait for my order, and wait for an opportunity to rush out of this narrow valley."

As soon as the voice fell, the response of many security personnel immediately came from the intercom.

"Received, Steven, we know what to do!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said to Seaman through the walkie-talkie:

"Sieman, the situation in this valley is not right. Someone may ambush the tripartite joint exploration convoy here. You must be vigilant and be ready to fight at any time.

This valley is the only way for Gondar to Axum. It is not surprising that we encountered an ambush here, and the terrain here is also conducive to ambushes.

If the tripartite joint exploration convoy is really attacked, I suggest that the convoy do not stay here for a long time, break away all obstacles, and directly rush out of this valley, which is safer."

"Understand, Steven, leave these things to us. We must protect the tripartite joint exploration team. I will contact the Ethiopian military and police immediately to make them more vigilant!"

Seaman responded in a deep voice, and moved quickly.

Soon, the two small drones were released by the Israelis and flew quickly over the forest on both sides of the road, trying to detect the situation in the forest.

At the same time, everyone in the tripartite joint exploratory team quickly put on body armor and prepared for the emergency.

The convoy was still moving forward, but due to the very bad road conditions, the speed could not be raised.

While driving, the Ethiopian military and police vehicle driving in front of the convoy suddenly issued a parking warning and stopped quickly.

The three-party joint exploration convoy and other Ethiopian military and police vehicles that followed immediately had to brake and stop on this road.

As soon as the convoy stopped, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and asked:

"What happened before? Seaman, why did the Ethiopian military and police suddenly stop?"

At the next moment, Seaman's slightly frustrated voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"What the hell! Steven, on the road not far ahead, someone is praying in the middle of the road. They are some 60-year-old Orthodox believers wearing white robes.

They laid a carpet in the middle of the road, and several people were praying. Obviously, the purpose of these Orthodox believers was to prevent the tripartite joint exploratory team from going to Axum!

Behind them, there is a cross. Someone is carrying a camera to shoot. Maybe they are doing live TV or webcast. They must be prepared! "

Hearing that this was the case, Ye Tian's expression immediately changed, and he also had a headache.

After thinking for a while, he said through the walkie-talkie:

"Sieman, find a way to figure out the origins of those people first, and determine whether they are fanatics from Tigray State or Orthodox fanatics from other parts of Ethiopia.

If you are a fanatic from Tigray State, then let the Tigray State Government and the representatives of the Tiren Front to solve this problem and see if you can let those guys leave.

If they are Orthodox believers from other parts of Ethiopia, then only representatives of the Ethiopian government and religious circles, as well as representatives of the military, can negotiate.

In any case, the tripartite joint exploratory team cannot directly resolve this matter. In that case, once there is a conflict, we don't even want to enter Tigray State and Axum.

Those fanatical Orthodox believers in Axum will definitely flood us like a tide! If I'm not wrong, those guys are waiting for us to send someone out!

In the process of negotiation, everyone must be vigilant to prevent attacks from the mountains and forests on both sides. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a situation, which is a bit of a headache."

"Understand, Steven, we will contact the Ethiopians and ask them to send someone to solve this problem."

Seaman responded and ended the call.

"I'll go! Let's not run into Ethiopian religious extremists? If this is the case, then it will be in trouble!"

David exclaimed, his eyes full of worry.

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded immediately.

"I'm afraid this is the case. The other party may indeed be an extremist of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Such people are not uncommon in Ethiopia.

When we enter Axum, we will encounter more fanatical Orthodox believers. Troubles like today are likely to continue to appear."

As they were discussing, the Ethiopian military and police protecting the tripartite joint exploratory team had sent a car to the front to negotiate with the Orthodox believers who were blocking the road.

Soon, the military and police vehicle approached the other side and stopped in front of the carpet in the middle of the highway.

Afterwards, two Ethiopian police officers and a government representative got out of the police car, walked towards the elderly Orthodox believers, and began to negotiate with each other.

After a few conversations, the government representative and the policeman retreated and returned to the car.

Immediately afterwards, the police car drove towards the convoy.

After a while, Seaman's voice came from the walkie-talkie again.

"Steven, the Orthodox believers who blocked the road ahead are not from Tigray and Axum, but believers from other parts of Ethiopia.

Their purpose is very simple, is to prevent us from going to the holy city of Axum. They claim that the Ark of the Covenant is enshrined in the Church of St. Mary in Axum.

There is no need for the tripartite joint exploration team to go to Axum. It is impossible to gain anything, so I hope we will go back and leave Ethiopia! "

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian groaned slightly, and then said through the walkie-talkie:

"Since you are an Orthodox believer from elsewhere in Ethiopia, let the Ethiopian government and religious representatives come forward to see if you can persuade them to leave.

Dealing with these religious fanatics cannot be the same as dealing with militants and robbers. It is best to try to persuade them to avoid violent conflict as much as possible."

"Understood, Steven, the next step depends on the ability of the Ethiopian government and religious representatives."

Seaman responded.

Soon, under the **** of these heavily armed military police, representatives of the Ethiopian government and religious circles drove out of the convoy and drove straight to the place of worship ahead.

At the same time, Ye Tian also received the news.

There are indeed many people hidden in the forests on both sides of the valley.

Among these people, there are armed militants with guns and many Orthodox believers in long robes.

They hide in the forest, watching the movement on the road, ready to rush out from the forest at any time to support the Orthodox believers on the road, and besiege the tripartite joint exploration convoy.

Hearing this news, Ye Tian couldn't help but get another headache.

Issues involving religion are always the most sensitive and the most difficult to solve.

One carelessness may cause huge trouble.

When he was in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, Ye Tian had always worried that it would attract a siege from extremists.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen!

In other words, it happened only once, the **** battle in Aswan!

But who would have imagined that when they arrived in Ethiopia in East Africa, the tripartite joint exploratory team would be blocked by a group of fanatical Orthodox believers.

After the Ethiopian government and representatives of religious circles arrived in the front, they immediately started negotiations with each other.

From a distance, the negotiations did not seem to go smoothly.

After talking for a while, the two sides quarreled, and the voice was loud.

Especially the sixty-year-old Ethiopian Orthodox believers, they seemed to be very excited, all blushing.

Seeing this scene, David couldn't help asking worriedly:

"Steven, if the negotiations fail and the tripartite joint exploratory team cannot pass this valley smoothly? Are we going to Axum yet? Is this the end of the tripartite joint exploratory operation?"

Ye Tian turned to look at him, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, we have all come to this point, and we have discovered a part of Solomon's treasure in Gondar, which confirms that Menelik I did bring Solomon's treasure to Ethiopia.

Under this circumstance, how could Israel and the Vatican stand by and see that this tripartite joint exploration operation ends. They will do their best to continue the operation at any cost.

If we cannot pass this valley smoothly, we can only retreat along the original road and take another road to Axum. If the road is not possible, then fly to Axum. There is no difficulty."

Upon hearing this, David was not only silent.

He thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

"It is true. The discovery of Solomon's treasure hidden deep underground in Noah's Ark Church, especially the discovery of the gold statue of the Three Kings of Israel, has completely ignited the enthusiasm of the Israelis.

This is probably the closest to the chance of finding Solomon’s treasure and the ark of the Jews who have been displaced for more than two thousand years. They will naturally not give up, even if they have paid a huge price for it."

While talking, the representatives of the Ethiopian government and religious circles who had negotiated before have returned and returned without success!

Suddenly, the situation fell into a stalemate.

The Ethiopian Orthodox believers who are stuck on the road have no intention of giving in.

The militants and Orthodox believers hidden in the forests on both sides of the road did not immediately launch an attack.

The tripartite joint exploratory team cannot force the past, as that will inevitably intensify the contradictions and is not conducive to the development of follow-up exploratory operations.

Faced with this situation, everyone has a headache and can't think of a good solution.

Soon, Ye Tian's cell phone rang.

It was a call from Joshua.

When the phone is connected, Joshua is straight to the point.

"Steven, how to deal with the situation in front of you, do you have any good suggestions? I hope to break this deadlock!"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Tian said:

"I do have some ideas but it is not certain whether it will work. You can investigate the identity of these Orthodox believers who are blocking the road to see which organization they come from or who is behind them.

You can start from their organization or the people behind them, give the other party certain benefits and promises, knowing the reason and enticing them to profit, and maybe you can break the deadlock in front of you, but you have to act fast!

We can't stand in a stalemate here. It's too dangerous. If it doesn't work, we will return along the same road and take other routes to Axum. All roads lead to Rome. We don't need to die here! "

"Understood, Steven, we will contact the organization behind these Orthodox believers or the people behind them as soon as possible, hoping to resolve this matter smoothly."

Joshua responded.

Then they talked for two more words, and they ended the call.

Soon, representatives of the Ethiopian government and religious circles came forward again to negotiate with the fanatical religious believers ahead.

The difference is that Israel and the Vatican also sent people to come forward this time.


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