Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3025: Old friends


Suddenly, there was a loud crash on the street outside the hotel.

At the same time, a fire flashed outside the window, dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, the jade-like gunshots sounded immediately, completely torn apart the quiet night.

The fierce gunfire was also mixed with bursts of hissing, and the sound of fast running footsteps.

"Steven, someone downstairs wanted to drive into the hotel and ran into a roadblock set up by the Ethiopian military and police. There was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides.

These masked guys also speak Amharic. Judging from this, they may be militants from the Tiren Front, not far from Tigray!

Because of the issue of the general election, the Ethiopian authorities and the TF are at odds, and the TF is in urgent need of raising military expenses. Perhaps this is why the TF is attacking us! "

Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible earphone, announcing the latest situation.

Upon hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately said coldly:

"The fighting outside the hotel is left to the Ethiopian military and police. They have a large number of them and their equipment is decent. I believe they can cope with some militants' sneak attacks.

Even if the militants break through the defenses of the Ethiopian military and police, there are also heavily armed Israeli Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando, which should be able to defend.

What we need to deal with is a sneak attack from the air. Just like the small drone just now, let the guys all put on infrared night vision devices, which is convenient for combat.

Another point is that in every room we live in, the lights are all turned off to avoid becoming targets, so that everyone should pay attention to safety and try to avoid exposing themselves to the outside."

"Understood, Steven"

Matisse responded immediately and acted quickly.

As the order came out, the three parties jointly explored the room where the team members and security personnel lived, and the lights went out immediately.

Except for the lobby and a few rooms on the first floor, the entire hotel was plunged into darkness.

As a result, the gunmen outside the hotel ambushing in the dark can't tell which room the tripartite joint exploration team member and security team live in, and which room is empty.

Naturally, they couldn't tell which room Ye Tian lived in!

Those guys who came towards the treasure map lost their target in an instant!

After the lights went out, many security members of the tripartite joint exploration team took out the infrared night vision devices, put them on, and made preparations for the night battle.

Ye Tian did the same. He wore an infrared night vision device and looked at the dark night sky outside the hotel.

The situation in the night sky was fairly calm, occasionally only a few stray bullets flew across the night sky, leaving red trails.

Some buildings on the opposite side of the hotel are relatively low in number of floors, mostly two or three-story residential buildings.

The tallest building has only four floors, which is far from the hotel.

As soon as the explosion sounded, the people living in those buildings turned off the lights as quickly as possible, and left the windows far away to avoid the fish in the pond.

After a while, those buildings were plunged into darkness, with only a few street lights still on.

The fighting downstairs continued, and the gunshots were continuous and intensified.

Because the sky was dark and the light conditions were poor, the battle became a melee from the very beginning.

The Ethiopian army and those militants who lack night vision equipment can only open fire frantically in the dark, sometimes even unable to distinguish the enemy from us!

The many security team members responsible for protecting the tripartite joint exploration team did not participate in the battle downstairs, but guarded the hotel, guarded all floors, and stared at the night sky outside the hotel.

Everyone should be on guard, but not only the masked militants trying to rush into the hotel, but also the Ethiopian military police outside the hotel!

No one knows whether the Ethiopian military and police will take off their military uniforms and rush into the hotel pretending to be militants. After all, the wealth is moving!

As Ye Tian expected, another person tried to sneak attack from the air under the cover of night.

There was a sudden flash of fire on the roof of a three-story building about three to four hundred meters from the hotel, and someone opened fire on the hotel from there.

A wave of intensive bullet rain immediately pounced from a distance, cut through the night sky, and rushed straight to the hotel.

"Boom Boom Boom"

At the same time as the gunfire came, the glass in some guest rooms of the hotel was also broken by bullets flying at high speed.

Fortunately, everyone was well prepared and took shelter long ago, and no one was injured.

At the same time, several small drones quickly lifted off in the distance, flying towards the hotel silently.

However, the security team guarding the hotel has already been prepared.

As soon as those small drones took off, the electronic jamming guns on the top of the hotel had been aimed at them.

Just wait for them to fly closer, and they will be shot down immediately!

At this time, Ye Tian had come out of his suite and stood in the corridor with a gun.

There are no windows at both ends of this corridor, and the elevators and stairways are armed with security guards to guard against them. The corridor is undoubtedly the safest.

Not only Ye Tian, ​​but many of his company employees also came out of their rooms and stayed in this corridor.

The walls on both sides of the corridor are made of reinforced concrete, and everyone is wearing Kevlar body armor, safe!

You have experienced things like this tonight many times and are used to it!

So everyone is not so nervous, but they are talking and laughing!

More importantly, the company employees who came to Ethiopia this time are all men.

As early as in New York, everyone was arranged to learn how to use guns and how to protect themselves. Everyone had a certain ability to protect themselves.

It can even be said that the employees of these companies also have a certain degree of combat effectiveness, and they are by no means a lamb to be slaughtered!

They just have no chance to participate in the battle unless the armed security team members are dead.

Seeing everyone in this state, Ye Tian was immediately relieved.

"Who are these guys outside? The reaction is so fast, is it the Gondar citizens who hate the tripartite joint exploration team, or someone else?"

"Yes, these guys reacted too quickly. We only discovered that valuable treasure map in the afternoon. They launched an attack at night, as if they were prepared in advance!"

Many employees of the company are discussing, and they are very curious,

"These guys who launched the attack are a group of masked militants who copied Amharic and should be Ethiopians, but whether they are religious extremists or local armed forces is not known for the time being!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and did not say that he was an militant from the People's Front.

While everyone was talking, laughing, and chatting, the battle continued.

On the top of the hotel building, two snipers used night vision sights to quickly lock the gunner ambushing on the top of the three-story building not far away, and did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

"Bang, bang"

Accompanied by the sound of sniper rifles, the two gunmen ambushing on the roof of the building not far away, their heads were exploded in an instant, and they flew upside down.

The two gunners had just been killed, and two more sniper rifle bullets flew through the air, continuing to harvest lives.

Those small drones flying towards the hotel under the cover of night have also been locked and suffered fatal blows one after another.

As several electronic jamming guns fired and interfered, the remote control signals of those small drones were immediately cut off, and then they lost control and were directly planted on the ground.

In a short while, several small drones slammed on the ground, exploding one by one.

"Boom, boom"

Amidst successive loud explosions, this battle in the dark also reached its climax.

The masked militants who tried to rush into the hotel launched the craziest attack since the fighting broke out.

They drove four or five pickup trucks, galloping from different directions, and rushed directly to the hotel door and several roadblocks, intending to forcibly break the roadblocks and rush into the hotel.

While driving the impact, the masked gunmen inside and outside the car were shooting frantically, trying their best to suppress the Ethiopian military police guarding the periphery of the hotel. The firepower was very fierce!

Those Ethiopian military police, who had no intention to fight, were immediately suppressed by the fierce firepower, and they looked for places to hide!

Seeing that those pickup trucks were about to hit the roadblock, they might even rush into the hotel in a hurry.

Even at this time, the Israeli Mossad agents who had been watching the show and the 13th Commando finally took action!

"Boom Boom Boom"

The windows on the second and third floors of the hotel, as well as the numerous armored military vehicles parked in and around the hotel, opened fire violently, pouring bullets wildly.

Especially those heavy machine guns mounted on armored military vehicles, like shredders, use a dense and terrifying rain of bullets to ravage those galloping pickup trucks.

In a blink of an eye, those pickup trucks that were speeding up were all battered, and it was terrible to watch.

This is a complete suppression of firepower, without the slightest suspense!

In less than half a minute, those pickup trucks were completely scrapped, and they caught fire and exploded one after another.

The masked militants in those pickup trucks have all been killed, even torn to pieces by powerful machine gun bullets!

Faced with this result, the remaining masked militants fighting on the streets can only retreat hastily.

Those Ethiopian military police who had just been suppressed came to their spirits again.

They came out of their hiding places one after another, and began to pursue the militants who failed to retreat.

While pursuing, they also looked back at the Israeli armored military vehicles and the heavily armed Israeli agents and commandos from time to time.

Obviously, they were shocked by the powerful strength of the Israelis suddenly, and they were also a little frightened!

The Israeli agents and commandos did not pursue them, they always guarded inside and outside the hotel, and they stayed at every step!

This battle in the night came very suddenly and went very quickly!

After a while, the fighting outside the hotel subsided.

The street in front of the hotel, as well as the main entrance of the hotel, is already a mess, riddled with holes, burning and exploding vehicles can be seen everywhere, just like a battlefield!

And in the darkness in the distance, from time to time there would be one or two gunshots, and they became sparser.

At this moment, Mustafa called in and asked with concern:

"Steven, have you been injured or suffered any loss? Is that precious treasure map still with you?"

Ye Tian smiled, then responded:

"Don't worry, Mustafa, the sheepskin scroll is always on me, undamaged, no one of my men is injured, nor is there any loss.

My armed security team did not participate in this battle very much, just solved a few small drones and a few gunmen hidden in the dark.

Who are the guys who attacked the hotel? Their reaction was too fast, they gathered a large number of people to launch an attack so quickly, their strength was impressive! "

Mustafa on the other end of the phone clearly paused.

After a moment of silence, he said:

"The guys who attacked the hotel were all covered, and we don't know who they are. We still need to investigate. Fortunately, the treasure map is not damaged. This is the most important thing!"

Ye Tian knows the relationship between the People's Front and the Ethiopian government.

This involves Ethiopia's internal affairs, as well as the hatred and conflicts between ethnic groups, and he doesn't want to ask more.

In fact, the person who launched this night attack did not want to reveal their identity, so they chose to mask.

Not surprisingly, there must be no documents to prove their identities on those militants who were shot dead.

In the next joint exploration operation, the tripartite joint exploration team is likely to go to the base camp of the People's Front, Tigray State, to cooperate with the People's Front!

The reason is simple, because Aksum is in Tigray State!

After briefing each other about the situation, Ye Tian ended the call.

At the same time, this night attack in Gondar caused a huge sensation in Ethiopia and the outside world!

The first time they received the news, everyone was stunned and shocked!

In a blink of an eye, people felt that this was an unexpected thing, and it was not worth the fuss!

Where the **** Steven goes, there will be huge waves, even **** storms, but this time it is Ethiopia's turn and Gondar's turn!

Of course, the citizens of Gondar don't think so.

While they were frightened, they gritted their teeth with hatred, but there was nothing to do.

The sporadic gunfire finally stopped.

At night, peace was finally restored.

But the air of this city is full of strong **** smell, lingering smell of gunpowder smoke, and the smell of burning rubber!

After confirming safety, many members of the tripartite joint exploration team returned to their respective rooms and began to clean up and clean up the glass fragments scattered in the room.

During this period, the hotel has always been on high alert.

The many security team members responsible for protecting the tripartite joint exploration team, guard the inside and outside of the hotel like an iron bucket, and keep an eye on the surrounding movement, ready to respond at any time!

Fortunately, nothing happened after that, and everything was quiet again!


One night passed, and it was a new day.

The burnt-out car wrecks and numerous corpses on the street in front of the hotel have been dragged away overnight by Ethiopians.

But the dense bullet holes left in the buildings on both sides of the street, as well as in the entrance and walls of the hotel, are vividly visible.

After the fierce exchange of fire last night, the crowds and media reporters who had gathered near the hotel to watch the excitement have completely disappeared, and no one can be seen!

The Ethiopian military and police who are responsible for protecting the tripartite joint exploratory team are much more than yesterday. They are fully armed, as if they are facing a major enemy!

In a blink of an eye, it was already around half past eight.

Ye Tian was packing things in the room, and was going to set off later to continue exploring the Fasilidas castle group.

At this moment, Matisse suddenly knocked on the door and walked in, with a slight smile on his face.

After entering the door, the guy said with a smile:

"Steven, a very familiar old friend came downstairs in the lobby of the hotel. He wants to see you and talk to you about something. You can never think of who this guy is!"

"Who is the very familiar old friend? This is Gondar, Ethiopia. We are here for the first time. What old friend will there be here? I really can't remember."

Ye Tian said curiously, confused.

Seeing his performance, Matisse didn't sell it anymore, and immediately said the answer.

"It's Cook from the Los Angeles Golden Eagle Exploration Company. That guy is still the same as before, dressed like a Hollywood superstar. The moment I looked at him, I thought I was dazzled?"

Hearing this answer, Ye Tian couldn't help being stunned.

After a while, he said in surprise:

"I heard you right? How could it be that **** Cook? How could he be in Ethiopia? He came with us, I didn't notice it before?"

"That's the case. Their company is also performing an exploratory mission in Ethiopia. It is said to be cooperating with the Amhara state government to explore a legendary gold mine.

And this exploration area is on the plateau in the northwest of Ethiopia, not far from Gondar. I heard that we came to Gondar, so he brought people here! "

"So, don't ask, this **** is also hitting the treasure map in my hand. I know him too well!"

"It must be so, do you want to see this bastard?"

"Since he is here and everyone is old friends again, let's meet again, otherwise the face won't look good. You can bring him up, but you have to search!"

"Okay, Steven, I know what to do"

Matisse nodded in response, and then left the suite.

About ten minutes later, he walked in with Cook.

As Mattis said, the **** Cook is still so embarrassed.

Although he didn't wear a tailor-made three-piece suit this time, he wore a pure white Armani suit, which was dazzling white!

On the feet are a pair of shiny gray patent leather shoes, wearing a narrow black tie, and the hair is meticulously taken care of, so smooth that even flies will smash your feet!

If you understand the situation, you know that he is here to explore the gold mine in Ethiopia; if you don't know the situation, you might think that he is here to catwalk in Ethiopia!

Although Cook was very glamorous, his face was not very good-looking, turning blue and white.

Obviously, during the security check just now, this old friend was made difficult by Mattis and the others, even verbally humiliated!

Seeing this old friend enter the door, Ye Tian immediately greeted him, jokingly said:

"Good morning, Cook, I didn't expect to meet you in Ethiopia. We are so destined. You are still as dazzling as before, just like a superstar from Hollywood!"

Hearing this, Cook's face immediately blushed.

Of course he heard the irony in the words, unless he was an idiot, he couldn't understand it!

However, as an old fox with a thick face and black face, it is the basic quality to do it on his own!

In a blink of an eye, his expression returned to normal.

"Good morning, Steven, I didn't expect to meet you in Ethiopia. It seems that God is still caring for you and made you discover another amazing treasure. It is so enviable!

In fact, I have been paying attention to the series of exploration activities of your company during this period. I have to admit that you guys are really lucky and have created one miracle after another! "

With that, Cook shook hands with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian said with a smile:

"Man, I'm not lucky, but my strength is good!"

After a few phony greetings, Ye Tian took the old friend into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Also in the living room is David, who is also an old friend.

After sitting down, Ye Tian asked curiously:

"Cook, I heard that your company is exploring a legendary gold mine in Amhara. How is the progress? Have you found a gold mine?"

Hearing this, the muscles on Cook's face twitched immediately.

Needless to say, they must have been very unsuccessful in their exploration this time, and they probably didn't even touch the hair of the gold mine.

In Cook's style, such a shameful thing would naturally not be admitted.

"We have been in Ethiopia for more than a month, and we have been exploring in the mountains of Amhara State. Now we are a bit eye-catching. It is estimated that it will not be long before we can find the legendary gold mine!"

"That's great, I congratulate you in advance, it seems that you are going to make a lot of money!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded and said, but a bit of disdain flashed in his eyes.

After a few small chats, Cook explained his intentions.

"Steven, I heard that you found a precious treasure map in the Fasil Gaby Castle, which points to the huge wealth that the Italian army looted from all over East Africa during World War II!

This discovery has caused a huge sensation! Undoubtedly, this is definitely a shocking treasure. The reason why I came here to find you is to see if there is any possibility of cooperation between our two companies?

You have just arrived in Ethiopia and are not very familiar with the situation here. We have been here for more than a month and are quite familiar with the situation here, especially the mountainous areas in the northwestern plateau!

If the two of us cooperate, we can definitely increase the efficiency of exploration, speed up the process of exploration, and find this amazing treasure as soon as possible. As for how to distribute the gold and silver treasures in the treasure,..."

He was still going to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Tian directly.

"Cook, as a familiar old friend, if you are here to relive the past, then I am very welcome. If you are here to talk about cooperation, you don't have to waste your tongue. I don't plan to introduce any third parties."

Before he finished speaking, Cook was stunned, his expression was rather embarrassing.

Although he expected this kind of result, he didn't expect Ye Tian to refuse so directly, leaving no room for it.

Next, he is also going to recover and continue discussing this issue.

However, Ye Tian turned off the topic and talked about other things.

Don't be too speculative!

In this case, where can Cook sit down!

After a few casual perfunctory words, this guy got up and said goodbye and left the luxurious suite.

Seeing his leaving back, Ye Tian and David both laughed.

A few minutes later, Cook left the hotel with a few heavily armed bodyguards.

As soon as the car drove out of the hotel, an assistant turned his head and asked:

"Boss, how is the situation? Did that **** Steven agree to work with us?"

Cook shook his head gritted his molars and said:

"That **** refused very simply, leaving no room at all! The **** Steven wants to swallow this amazing treasure, and his appetite is as greedy as ever!

How can it be so easy? This is the other Africa, not the **** America, I don't believe it anymore, I can't play Steven this greedy **** in Africa!

In order to make up for the loss of this trip to Africa, we can only use this guy's idea, and grab a sip of the broth to drink, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the investors!

Send someone to keep an eye on the **** Steven. If he is not good at starting, then watch the exploratory team of the Ethiopian government and start with the Ethiopians! "

"Understood, boss, we know what to do"

The assistant nodded in response.

While talking, the two SUVs have galloped away.

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