Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3013: The changing ancient city

The place where the convoy stopped was not far from the ruins of the ancient city in the desert, only a few hundred meters.

Therefore, everyone did not use camel teams or desert all-terrain vehicles, but carried various exploration equipment and other things on their backs and walked to the ruins of the ancient historical city not far away.

The sand in this desert is not very thick, the terrain is not undulating, and walking is not particularly difficult.

Another reason is that the current tripartite joint exploration team is all men.

Everyone's physical strength is very good, and this distance is not a problem at all.

On the way, Joshua briefed Ye Tian and the others about the situation here.

"Steven, the reason why we set this historic city site as one of the exploration destinations is because it has something to do with the Queen of Sheba and another ancestor of the Israelites.

According to legend, on her way to and from Jerusalem several times, the Queen of Sheba would stop in this historic city on the edge of the Blue Nile every time she passed near Khartoum.

Later, Menelik I took some Israelis back to Ethiopia and also lived here for a while, and some of the Israelis also settled here.

They lived here for about a few hundred years, then went south to the Ethiopian Plateau, merged with the Israelis who had gone to Ethiopia earlier, and finally formed the Beta Israelis! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian was suddenly stunned.

"So, if the Israelis living here moved from Jerusalem with Menelik I, then it is indeed possible for them to bring the treasure of Solomon here.

However, they did not live here for a long time, only a few hundred years, that is to say, it is very likely that they had left here before the Christian era and went south to Ethiopia.

After these Israelis left, who else lived in this area, in this ancient city? How long have they lived in this ancient city? Are there any relevant records? "

Down the road, an Israeli archaeologist next to him said:

"Those Israelis who have lived here have indeed only lived here for a few hundred years. The ancestors of the Israelis in Dongura have not lived in Sudan for as long.

After they left this ancient city, the place was deserted and was later occupied by a group of Nubians. Because of frequent floods, the Nubians did not stay for long.

After the Nubians, the Arabs also lived here for hundreds of years. It wasn't until the Middle Ages that it was completely uninhabited, and it slowly became the way it is now."

As the Israeli archaeologist introduced the situation, Ye Tian and the others were also looking at the ruins of the ancient city not far away and the surrounding terrain.

Around this historic city site, there are no uplifted mountains or steep valleys, only a barren desert, and the terrain is relatively flat.

Not far from the ruins of this historic city, is the famous Blue Nile River, like a jade belt, winding from the Ethiopian plateau.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the terrain here, and then shook his head gently.

"Gentlemen, the terrain here is too flat. I don't think it is very likely that Solomon's treasure and the ark are hidden here. We may be disappointed.

Another point is that this historical city has changed hands many times. If there are any treasures buried here, they would have been discovered long ago and will not be kept until now! "

Hearing these words, everyone nodded and agreed.

The Israelis, headed by Joshua, were somewhat disappointed.

Within a short while, the tripartite joint exploration team had arrived at the ruins of this ancient city.

For safety's sake, Ye Tian and the others did not immediately enter the ruins of this ancient city to begin their exploration.

The first to enter the ruins of the ancient city were many Israeli agents and military police led by Seaman.

They walked every corner of the ancient city ruins to make sure that there were no ambushes, mines and other traps planted by others, and to avoid accidents.

Matisse and the others stayed in place to protect everyone in the tripartite joint exploration team.

As for the Sudanese military police who came with the team, they can only stand a little farther away and take charge of perimeter security.

Everyone walked here and just stood still. Several Sudanese officials and the elders of the Iraqi religion who were in charge of on-site supervision immediately walked over and asked with concern:

"Mr. Steven and Mr. Joshua, when will you start exploring? Where is the treasure of Solomon buried in this ancient city ruins?"

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but looked at the short wall closest to him, and then looked at the situation on the ground.

He pretended to think, then smiled and shook his head and said:

"Gentlemen, judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that Solomon's treasure is hidden here. You can look at the low wall in front. The water stains on it are very obvious."

With that said, this pointed to the low wall in front.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone looked over.

As he said, there are indeed clear traces of water stains on that section of low wall.

Those traces of water stains are deep, formed over the years, not overnight.

Only because the low wall was built of granite instead of mud bricks, it can still stand there without collapsing.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Judging from the traces of water stains that have been formed over the years, there are often heavy rains and even floods here, so these clear traces of water stains are left.

In addition, the terrain here is relatively flat and not suitable for hiding any treasures. In that case, the treasures hidden deep underground are likely to be completely submerged by floods.

The underground space used to hide the treasure will also collapse because of this. If I were the owner of the treasure, I would never hide my treasure in such a place.

By extension, the Israelis who once lived here before the Christian era, even if the legendary Solomon treasure is in their hands, they will not hide the treasure here.

According to my speculation, in addition to the race and religious beliefs, the reason why the ancestors of the Israelites left here is probably the environment is also a very important factor.

Perhaps they left this ancient city to avoid the frequent floods and went to the relatively high Ethiopian plateau. The same is true for those latecomers! "

After listening to his explanation, a look of disappointment flashed across the faces of the high-ranking Sudanese government and the elders of the Iraqi sect.

They even hope that Ye Tian will discover something more than Israel and the Vatican, and find the legendary treasure of Solomon or other treasures here.

If Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant are found, Sudan will receive the benefits promised by the Israeli government, a large amount of aid, and a large investment.

It will also become a religious sacred place, and it is a holy place for the three religions, which will attract countless tourists to travel and at the same time attract countless believers to come for pilgrimage.

As long as it is operated properly, it will continue to bring rich income to Sudan and become a tourist attraction.

If you find another treasure, it's straightforward.

According to the agreement reached before, half of this treasure will belong to the Sudanese government, which may also be a very amazing wealth.

But the current situation is that there may be nothing here, just a broken wall.

After a while, Seaman and the others walked out of the ruins of the ancient city.

"Joshua and Steven, we searched the ruins of this ancient city and found no danger, so we can rest assured!"

Seaman briefed the situation.

"In this case, let's start to take action. If we explore the ruins of this ancient city, what can we find?"

Ye Tian nodded and said.

Next, everyone took action.

As before, many employees of the Brave Fearless Exploration Company were divided into several groups. Each group took a pulse metal detector and began to scan the ground of this historical ancient city and all the horns.

Compared to many places that have been explored before, the task of exploring the ruins of this historic city is relatively simple.

The terrain here is flat, there are no cliffs, nor is it a dense forest, nor is it rivers, lakes or seas.

Everyone is like walking, just scan the ground continuously with the pulsed metal detector.

If there are any treasures buried deep underground in this historic city, as long as the buried location is not very deep, it can be detected!

After the employees of the company were dispersed, Ye Tian and several archaeologists and historians also took action.

The main objective of their investigation was those sections of ancient stone walls.

Ye Tian teamed up with an archaeologist from Columbia University and came to a low stone wall to start exploring.

They did find something on this ancient granite stone wall.

Not long after the exploration started, the Columbia University archaeologist said:

"Steven, come and take a look here. There are a few ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and a few stone carvings. It looks interesting."

Hearing this, Ye Tian walked over immediately.

Coming to the front, following the direction of the archaeologist's finger, he looked at a granite stone at the bottom of the stone wall.

On the side of that piece of granite, there were indeed a few ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, but it was not very well-formed, or rather scribbled.

In addition, under those few ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, there are two stone carvings.

It seems to be two women who are praying.

Judging from its facial features, it should be black, not ancient Egyptians.

The side of the other piece of granite next to it was also carved with several ancient patterns, which looked like a few miners who were digging, and the outline of their faces was also black.

Due to the age too old, coupled with the erosion of running water and wind and sand, these characters and patterns are no longer clear and difficult to distinguish.

Ye Tian observed carefully, then pondered for a moment, and then said his judgment.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the words and patterns carved by Nubians. The facial features of the figures in these patterns appear to be obviously black, not ancient Egyptians.

From this point of view, these ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and patterns carved on the stone wall can be traced back as far as the Nubian dynasty, that is, the 25th dynasty of ancient Egypt.

Recently, it can be traced back to about 300 BC. Nubia gradually got rid of the influence of ancient Egyptian civilization, gradually became culturally independent, and began to use its own characters.

In other words, from the middle of the eighth century BC to about 300 BC, Nubians are likely to live in this ancient city for four to five hundred years.

If the Israelis are right, there used to be a group of Israeli ancestors who lived here for a long time, then there is only one possibility, they live together with the Nubians! "

"Yes, Steven, these ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and stone carvings are most likely left by Nubians. This is enough to show that Nubians once lived here.

Combined with the time when Menelik I took a large number of Israelis out of Jerusalem, it happened to be the period when the Nubian dynasty rose, and this is the territory of the Nubian dynasty!

It can be inferred from this that when Menelik I came here with some of the ancestors of the Israelites, this ancient city may have been built and the Nubians lived in it! "

The Columbia University archaeologist nodded and said, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian's analysis.

Next, the two of them discussed for a while.

Moreover, Ye Tian called an expert on ancient characters and asked him to translate the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs carved on granite and analyze the meaning of the stone carvings.

According to the translation by the ancient text expert, the content of these ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs was a sacrificial activity that took place nearby.

The black miners carved on the granite are a group of slaves, and they should be mining gold for the slave owners.

It is a pity that these words and patterns are blurred and incomplete, and only a small part of them is left.

In these ancient words and patterns, no information about gold mines can be found.

Next, Ye Tian and the Columbia University archaeologist continued to explore this section of the wall, trying to find something.

On this low and ancient stone wall, they found some Nubian characters, ancient Hebrew and ancient Greek, and ancient Arabic, etc.

In addition, they also found some strange symbols.

These strange symbols look like primitive words and patterns, and their meaning is unknown!

Through these findings, they were able to determine.

The history of the ruins of this ancient city is very long, dating back to about one thousand years BC.

Since that era, this ancient city has gone through vicissitudes of life, replaced countless owners, witnessed countless historical changes, until it was completely abandoned.

There are Nubians, Israelis, travelers from ancient Greece, and Arabs who have a machete in one hand and a sutra in the other. They have all left their marks here. .

However, Ye Tian and the others never found any information related to Solomon's treasure or the ark of the covenant.

During this period, the exploration team composed of several brave people who explored the company’s employees also detected some metal objects buried deep underground.

Those metal objects buried in different depths and different soil layers basically exist in isolation, and at most only two or three pieces are put together.

After careful analysis, Ye Tian quickly determined.

Those metal objects deep underground are not treasures, but some other things.

Among them are ancient farm tools, broken weapons, and a small amount of funerary objects, etc., which have nothing to do with Solomon's treasure.

For the tripartite joint exploration team, these metal objects have no excavation value, and it is not worth wasting a lot of time and energy for them.

They can only be left to the Sudanese. As for whether the Sudanese will dig it, that is their business and has nothing to do with the tripartite joint exploratory team!

In a blink of an eye, four or five hours passed.

It's noon.

The scorching sun was scorching the desert mercilessly, and it was about to ignite here.

Fortunately, everyone has already explored the ruins of this historical ancient city, so you don't have to suffer here anymore.

Ye Tian gathered all the employees and representatives of the other parties together and said to these guys:

"Well, Our work here has been completed, and now we can be sure that the legendary treasure of Solomon is not in the ruins of this ancient city. Everyone can leave."

"Wow! Great!"

Cheers immediately rang out on the scene.

The reason why Khartoum is called the ‘Furnace of the World’ is not for nothing.

Staying in this desert again, everyone feels that they will soon be dried up.

However, the Israelis and Sudanese at the scene were somewhat disappointed.

Ye Tian announced that after today's exploratory operation was over, everyone immediately packed up, left the ruins of this historic city, and returned along the original road.

It didn't take long for the tripartite joint exploration convoy to reappear on the road and drove straight to Khartoum.

Until this time, the vehicles that were looking around the highway like headless flies had determined their targets and followed the joint exploration convoy back to Khartoum.

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