Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3007: Volley cut

After completing the initial exploration, the tripartite joint exploration team returned to Dongola and did not stay in the valley for a long time.

A joint security team composed of Israeli military police, the security personnel of the Brave Exploration Company, and the Sudanese police remained in the valley, guarding this unknown treasure.

The following day, the tripartite joint exploratory team rested in Dungura to prepare for the follow-up exploratory action.

During this period, Ye Tian took part of the company's employees, several archaeologists, and a team of security team members to the nearby ancient city of Dungula for a round trip!

The ruins of this ancient city are located in the desert south of Dongola. From the 6th to the 14th century, it was the capital of the Christian kingdom of Mukula.

In the ruins of this ancient city, Ye Tian discovered some things through perspective, all buried deep underground.

However, he did not point out the existence of these things.

The reason is simple, this is a protected ancient city site.

Before obtaining legal permission and negotiating the distribution plan, anything found here belongs to the Sudanese government.

Naturally, Ye Tian wouldn't do this kind of wedding dress for others.

At noon the next day, an archaeological team temporarily organized by the Sudanese government rushed to Dongola in a hurry.

On the same day, after some negotiations, after the Israeli government paid a certain price, an oral agreement was finally reached with the Sudanese government.

The Israeli government came forward to purchase the half of the treasure that belonged to the Brave Exploration Company, and then cooperated with the Sudanese government to organize a joint exploration team to dig and clear the treasure on the cliff of the valley!

However, there is a premise here.

That is, the treasure on the cliff of the valley is not the legendary Solomon's treasure, and has nothing to do with the Solomon's treasure. The ark of the covenant is not in that treasure, and this transaction can be completed.

After the Israeli government and the Sudanese government reached this verbal agreement, Joshua, on behalf of the Israeli government, also reached an verbal agreement with Ye Tian and agreed on this transaction.

In the evening, an archaeological team from Israel and several archaeologists arrived in Dongola by helicopter.

Next, this new Israeli archaeological team will succeed Joshua and the others, and work with the Sudanese to dig and clean up the treasure on this cliff.

As for the tripartite joint exploration team, after picking up this treasure and completing the general clean-up work, it will leave Dongola and continue south along the Nile Valley to explore other places.

Soon, the time came to the third day.

The sky was light, and Ye Tian and the others came out of the hotel, preparing to return to the valley southwest of Dongula, to dig and clean up the treasure hidden on the cliff.

There are only four or five employees in the company who participated in this operation. The rest of them stayed in the hotel to rest.

If the treasure hidden in the cave on the cliff is not the legendary Solomon's treasure, then they will not participate in the excavation and clean-up work, just stay aside and supervise!

Responsible for digging and clearing the treasure is a new exploration team composed of Israelis and Sudanese. They will take over all subsequent work, including archaeological research!

When Ye Tian and the others came out of the hotel, the numerous media reporters who had been guarding the entrance of the hotel all night immediately surged up like a tide.

The news that the tripartite joint exploration team discovered the treasure near Dongola had been leaked two days ago, and it was widely known.

In fact, in a place like Sudan, it is harder to keep secrets than to go to heaven!

After the news was leaked, many treasure hunters and local residents of Dongola who followed the joint exploration team, as well as a large number of Sudanese from other places who heard the wind, immediately poured out and poured into the desert southwest of Dongola. !

After more than a day of searching, they finally found the valley and determined that the treasure was hidden in that valley!

However, the Sudanese army, as well as the many Israeli security personnel, and the unusually steep terrain around the valley, stopped them all and couldn't enter the valley at all!

They can only gather outside the valley, sighing!

Reporters from major news media gathered at the entrance of the hotel where the tripartite joint exploration team lived, waiting for the opportunity to conduct interviews.

Fortunately, there were many Sudanese military policemen in charge of security at the entrance of the hotel, stopping these media reporters who swarmed.

These guys can only stand outside the cordon, asking questions in a loud voice.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from the Sudanese National Television. Are you going to dig and clean up that mysterious treasure today? What are you going to do with that treasure? Can you tell me something?"

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I'm a reporter from the Jerusalem Post. Excuse me, the treasure discovered by the three-party joint exploration team near Dongola is the legendary Solomon treasure? Have you found the Ark of the Covenant? ?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian stopped immediately.

He glanced at these media reporters quickly, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, this is Steven. I am very happy to meet you here, and thank you for your concern. I hope you all have a good day.

Regarding the treasure found near Dongola, I can tell you about it. This treasure is located on an extremely steep cliff. It can be said that this treasure was discovered by coincidence.

Up to now, we have only determined the existence of this treasure, but we are not sure what is hidden in the treasure. I don't know if it is the legendary Solomon's treasure. Is the ark of the covenant inside?

In view of this, it is too early to say how to deal with this treasure! What is hidden in this treasure, further excavation and clean-up work is needed to know the answer.

What I can tell you is that we are going to start the excavation and clean-up work today. Please be patient. I believe that it will not be long before you will know some details about this treasure."

Upon hearing this introduction, many media reporters nodded.

Immediately afterwards, another reporter asked questions loudly.

"Hello, Mr. Steven, will you take half of this treasure as you did before in Egypt?"

Ye Tian did not respond to this question.

He just looked at the reporter, and then boarded the Israeli military vehicle parked beside him.

Immediately afterwards, others got in the car one after another, drove out of the hotel, and headed straight for the valley in the southwest.

These media reporters guarding the entrance of the hotel, no matter how willing to give up, immediately drove up to follow them!

Not only these media reporters, but after the joint exploration convoy drove off the street where the hotel was located, many vehicles parked on other streets immediately followed.

Like the media reporters, the guys in these vehicles stayed here all night.

But they can't get close to the hotel, they can only stay a little further away.

After the joint exploration convoy drove out of Dongola, many more vehicles followed one after another. These vehicles appeared in an endless stream just like popping out of the desert.

As all kinds of vehicles of unknown origin joined one after another, the size of this convoy became larger and larger, and it was heading for the desert in the southwest.

Seeing the large number of vehicles with different routes behind the convoy, everyone was astounded.

"Let me go! Who are the guys in the cars behind? I think there are blacks, Arabs, and a lot of whites. They all seem to be unkind and unkind!"

David said with emotion, looking at the rear of the team from time to time.

"The guys in the vehicles included those who followed us all the way south and came towards Solomon’s treasure, as well as people from various Sudanese forces and some tribal armed forces, including people from South Sudan.

Look, there must be many things happening around this treasure hidden on the cliffs of the valley, and there may even be armed conflicts, but these things have nothing to do with us! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, his expression very relaxed.

The facts are as he expected!

In an SUV behind the convoy, a black man of about 30 years old is staring at the joint exploration convoy ahead and reporting the situation to his boss by phone.

"General, we are now following the tripartite joint exploration convoy, and go to the valley southwest of Dongola together to see what treasures are hidden in that valley!"

The next moment, there was a low voice on the phone.

"You must keep an eye on this tripartite joint exploration team. Once you find something, call me immediately. We should have a copy of the treasure buried in Sudan!"

"Understand, General, we will stare at this joint exploratory team"

The black man replied, his eyes gleaming fiercely.

The same scene is happening in some other vehicles behind the convoy, with similar content.

Although there are many trailing vehicles, there were no accidents, such as an ambush or something, when the joint exploration convoy approached this road!

When the joint exploration convoy drove about five kilometers away from the valley, they found that a checkpoint was suddenly added on the road, guarded by more than a dozen heavily armed Sudanese soldiers.

The last time the joint exploration team passed here and returned to Dongola, there was no such checkpoint!

Obviously, this is a checkpoint set up by the Sudanese military at the direction of the Sudanese government to intercept and delay those vehicles following the joint exploration convoy.

When they arrived here, the joint exploration convoy immediately slowed down and passed this checkpoint slowly.

The media interview vehicles and other social vehicles that followed behind were stopped by the Sudanese military under various excuses and inspected one by one.

When these vehicles passed the checkpoint, the joint exploration convoy had already left, and even the shadows could not be seen.

It didn't take long for the joint exploration team to come to the entrance of the valley again.

At this time, it seemed to be a major military site, surrounded by many heavily armed Sudanese soldiers, and no other people were allowed to approach it.

In addition to the Sudanese soldiers, there are many heavily armed Israeli military police here, but they have removed the nationality logo on their coats and the logo of the Israeli army.

Ye Tian and the others got out of the car after the convoy stopped and was sure that it was safe.

Next, they took a large amount of exploration equipment, weapons and ammunition, and once again entered the valley along the steep path, and walked deep into the valley.


Soon, the time has come to ten o'clock in the morning.

After some serious preparations, the work of digging and clearing the treasure on the cliff will begin.

The people who are going to climb this cliff with a height of more than one hundred meters are several master climbers from Israel and Sudan. Among them are military and civilian masters.

This time they set off from the bottom of the cliff, following the safe route that Ye Tian and the others had explored, towards the inverted area in the middle of the cliff.

After arriving there, they will use the three pitons installed by Ye Tian to fix their figure, and then cut the rock blocking the cave entrance.

After cutting off that piece of rock, they will also install a cable-dropping device at the entrance of the cave to facilitate the smooth expansion of the next exploration operation!

When they came to the bottom of the cliff, these rock climbers from Israel and Sudan looked up one after another.

Looking at this steep cliff like a knife and axe, everyone of him felt a burst of huge pressure on his face, and at the same time he was excited.

Immediately afterwards, they looked back at Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting under a palm tree in the shade, and everyone was full of admiration.

As professionals, they certainly know the danger of climbing this cliff for the first time!

After adjusting their emotions a bit and moving their hands and feet a bit, these rock climbers climbed this steep cliff one after another and began to climb higher.

Due to the safety rope protection, there are many pre-installed pylons on this line.

For them, although this rock climbing looked thrilling, it was not that difficult.

In a short while, they had already climbed to the middle of the cliff, arrived at the inverted area, and then used safety ropes and rock spikes to secure their bodies!

Ye Tian, ​​who watched this scene through the telescope, waited for them to stabilize their figure, immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Matisse, you can hang the cutting equipment to those guys!"

"Okay, Steven"

Matisse responded, and acted immediately.

Soon, the two cutting equipment were slowly hung from the top of the cliff and gradually hung to the middle of the cliff.

Because of the safety rope traction, there is no need to worry that the two cutting devices can't reach the anti-bow area.

Soon, two rock climbers from Israel and Sudan got these two hand-held cutting devices.

At the same time, Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Guys, you are working at a high altitude and your footing is on a cliff. It is very unstable, so you must pay attention to safety when cutting the rock. Don't cut yourself or cut the climbing rope.

You don’t have to cut the rock outside the gap completely, it’s better to leave a little connection around it, so that it’s safer, and finally pry the piece of rock down with a crowbar.”

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do!"

The two rock climbers responded.

Next, the two guys activated the hand-held cutting equipment, each side, and began to cut the flaky rock outside the rock gap.

The others, including Ye Tian, ​​could only stay in the valley, looking up at these two guys working at heights.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, no accidents happened!

After several rotations, the flaky rock outside the unusually hidden gap has been cut open all around.

As Ye Tian said before, those rock climbers did not completely cut the rock, leaving a little place on each side to connect with the cliff.

After finishing the cutting, they hung the two hand-held cutting devices on the pitons on the side for reuse.

Then, a rock climber from Israel came to the side of the rock gap, then took out a crowbar and inserted it into the gap just cut out.

In the next moment, that guy pressed the crowbar down hard and pressed it towards the cliff!

Following his actions, the piece of flaky rock blocking the entrance of the cave was immediately pryed down, fell from a high altitude, and crashed into the valley floor.

Look at this cliff that is more than one hundred meters high. In the middle of the cliff, there is already a circular hole!

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