Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 3000: Peach Blossom Spring or Jedi

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After walking down the intestine path for less than a hundred meters, everyone ran into the first trouble.

This is a newly emerging trench, about 20 meters wide and more than 10 meters deep. The interior is very steep and difficult to climb. It directly cuts off the small intestine path under everyone's feet.

The Israeli advance team, who arrived first, was looking at the terrain here, trying to find a way to safely cross the trench, into the valley deeper, and continue to explore.

It can be seen that their faces are very ugly, and the appearance of this trench is obviously beyond their expectations.

When he reached this point, Ye Tian raised his hand to make a stop gesture, and all the joint exploratory team behind him stopped, stood on the spot, and brought Matisse forward to check the situation.

When they came to Haogou, an Israeli exploratory team immediately introduced the situation.

"Steven, when we sent people here to check the terrain more than two months ago, there was no such trench. Obviously it just appeared. It was either eroded by rain or caused by a collapse."

Ye Tian looked at the terrain here, then at the depths and the opposite side of the trench, and then said with a smile:

"Now it is useless to say when this trench was formed. What we should think about is how to get through the trench safely and continue to advance into the valley."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded, and an Israeli exploration team said:

"Steven, leave this to us, and it will be done soon"

Ye Tian nodded, then pointed to the opposite side of Zhidiaogou and put forward his own opinions.

"Our goal is to pass here smoothly, so how quickly we can come! I suggest using a zipline method. You use a drone to bring a climbing rope to Haogou.

Then come around behind the huge boulder on the opposite side and fly back here, so that you can set up a zip line to let everyone pass this trench smoothly, which saves time."

Following the direction of his fingers, everyone saw a huge boulder on the opposite side of the trench.

The stone is the size of a table, it can completely hold the zipline, and it must be very firm.

Several Israeli exploration team members nodded in agreement,

After determining the plan, Ye Tian and the others retreated, and the Israeli exploratory team members became busy.

In a short while, a zipline across the trench was set up.

The first to fly over the trench was still a few guys from the Israeli advance team, followed by the other members of the tripartite joint exploration team.

Everyone flew across the sky one by one, and within a short while, they passed the trench safely.

Next, there is still a winding sheep-gut path, clinging to the cliff on the right, extending to the depths of the valley.

Compared with the trail at the entrance of the valley, the latter section is more difficult to walk, with greater ups and downs. Everyone trek deep and shallow, and always be careful of the rocks that may fall from the cliff.

Fortunately, it is still early, the sun has not yet entered the valley, and the temperature is quite suitable, at least not having to endure the torment of intense heat.

After walking along this narrow path for about 100 meters, an archaeologist who was walking in front suddenly exclaimed with excitement:

"Steven, come and take a look. It seems that there are some words and patterns carved here. It looks like ancient Hebrew, but it's not very clear."

Hearing this, Ye Tian looked forward immediately.

Several historians, archaeologists, and ancient writing experts in the same team all looked to the front, and everyone was very excited.

While they were talking, Ye Tian and the others had come to the archaeologist's side, following the direction of the archaeologist's fingers, looking at the cliff on the right side of the team.

At a distance of seven or eight meters away from everyone, there is a steep cliff, like a knife and an axe!

Like many places in Egypt and Sudan, there is no vegetation cover here, and the blue-black rocks are directly exposed and unobstructed.

On that side of the cliff, there are indeed some ancient words and patterns carved, but because the age is too old, coupled with the erosion of wind and sand, those words and patterns are very vague and difficult to recognize.

Only from the structure of the text, it can be vaguely distinguished that it seems to be some Semitic texts, and the ancient Hebrew is just a branch of Semitic.

Because of the long distance, the text is very fuzzy, and for a while, everyone still can't recognize the true origin of those text and patterns.

Ye Tian checked the terrain here, and then said to everyone at the scene:

"From here to the front of the cliff, although the terrain is very steep, you can still pass. For safety, it is best to tie a safety rope, and I will take you to look at the ancient text and patterns."

"Okay, Steven"

Several experts and scholars nodded, no disagreement.

Next, Ye Tian asked the employees of the company to take action and tied a safety rope around the waist of each of these experts and scholars, and he was no exception.

After taking safety precautions, everyone left the sheep intestine path under their feet, lined up, and walked towards the steep cliff, step by step, everyone was very careful.

Under the lead of Ye Tian, ​​everyone came to the cliff without any danger, stood still, and looked at the ancient characters and patterns carved on the cliff.

In a blink of an eye, everyone has come to a conclusion.

"Yes, these are ancient Hebrew, and they are very old, which proves that the ancestors of the Israelites did live in this valley!"

"It's a pity that these words have existed for too long, and they have been blurred and cannot be translated completely, only a few words can be translated.

What is recorded here seems to be the living conditions of the ancestors of the Israelites here, and there are also some content related to sacrifices, but they are intermittent."

Listening to the analysis of these experts and scholars, Ye Tian was silent for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Since it is proved that this valley is indeed the place where the ancestors of the Israelites once lived, our trip has not come in vain. In the depths of this valley, there may be surprises waiting for us!"

While saying this, he quickly looked at the cliff and the ground under his feet.

It is a pity that there are no surprises, only rocks and soil appear in his eyes.

Next, several archaeologists took out their cameras and mobile phones to take pictures of this cliff, as well as every text and pattern carved on the cliff, and prepare to take them back to study them.

After doing this, everyone went down the steep **** and continued with the exploratory team.

As the exploratory team gradually deepened, the valley became wider, from the initial width of less than 60 meters, to the width of nearly 150 meters.

Although the width of the valley has increased, the terrain has become more dangerous, which has reduced the advancement speed of the three-party joint exploration team a lot.

After another 200 meters, a cliff suddenly appeared in front, blocking everyone's path.

Unlike the previous trench, this cliff has existed since ancient times and is very steep.

To the right of this cliff is a cliff 70 to 80 meters high, and to the left is a ravine more than 30 meters deep, and the front is also a steep cliff.

On the cliff on the right, there is an artificially excavated path that is less than half a meter wide. Only one person can pass through. The terrain is very dangerous.

Because there was no one to walk for a long time, and no one to maintain it, the upper intestine path was rugged and covered with large and small rocks.

Not only that, but some places in the middle of the trail were smashed, making it very difficult to walk.

At this point, the tripartite joint exploratory team stopped again, and had to think about countermeasures on the spot and how to pass here safely.

Fortunately, everyone has a lot of experience and quickly came up with countermeasures.

That is, the safety rope is tied and passed slowly one by one. Although the time is delayed and the efficiency is very low, the safety is no problem. This is the most important thing.

Next, the Israeli advance team responsible for exploring the way took the lead to tie up the safety rope and start to pass this small path one by one!

After they all passed, safety measures were taken on the other side of the cliff, and the other talents began to pass one by one.

During this period, several guys slipped down the intestines trail one after another and fell below the cliff, but they were pulled back alive, and then pulled to the opposite side, which was nothing short of surprises!

It took nearly half an hour for the three-party joint exploration team to successfully pass this narrow path, and then continue to move forward towards the depths of the valley.

Just like that, stop and go.

It took nearly an hour before the tripartite joint exploratory team walked through the approximately one-kilometer mountain road and reached the depths of the valley.

What appeared in front of everyone was a valley with a width of more than 200 meters, a depth of more than 300 meters, and steep cliffs on three sides.

In this valley, there are the ruins of some ancient buildings, most of which are only short sections of walls. There are broken walls everywhere, and you can't even see a complete building.

Perhaps it is because no people and herbivores have entered here for a long time. There are also some green plants and a few tall palm trees, which give this valley a little bit of life.

Standing at the entrance of the valley, Ye Tian quickly shot the entire valley, and then said to everyone around him:

"For the ancestors of the Israelis, this is indeed a very good haven, you can avoid the wind and sand outside, but also avoid the disputes and seek peace.

At the same time, this is also a Jedi. If someone blocks the exit of this valley from the outside and then launches an attack from three cliffs, those who hide in this valley will have only one dead end."

"It is true. Perhaps it is because of the recognition of this that the ancestors of the Israelis who once lived here left in the Middle Ages and went to Ethiopia in the south.

In that era, Sudan has become the sphere of influence of the Arabs. If the Israelis do not leave here in time, they are very likely to be massacred by the Arabs! "

A Columbia University historian continued, and everyone else on the scene nodded.

While talking, Joshua and two Israeli archaeologists came over and began to introduce the situation here to Ye Tian.

"Steven, what you see now is the village where our Israeli ancestors once lived. After returning to Sudan following the last pharaoh of the Nubian dynasty, this group of Israelis lived here for more than a thousand years!

It was not until the Middle Ages that they left here and went to Ethiopia in the south. We were also with Ethiopian Jews. We learned of the existence of this place and sent people here to investigate and confirm it!

After the ancestors of the Israelites left here, although other ethnic groups and tribes also entered here, they did not stay here for a long time, and the damage caused was not great, and the place basically maintained its original appearance.

The ruins in front of us are the Israeli villages. In this fragmented wall, we found many things related to the Jewish people. Unfortunately, we did not find the legendary Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant.”

An Israeli archaeologist said, telling Ye Tian and the others about the situation in the valley.

During this process, Ye Tian kept looking at the cliffs around the valley and the ground under his feet, and quickly looked through it.

When he looked at a cliff on the west side of the valley, a surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes. It was fleeting, and no one noticed it.

After a while, the Israeli archaeologist had already finished the introduction.

Ye Tian looked at Joshua, then glanced at everyone at the scene, and then said aloud:

"Gentlemen, since we have already come in, let's start, take advantage of the fact that the weather is not very hot, and start exploring as soon as possible to see if we can find something. This valley may bring us a surprise."

When the voice fell, everyone immediately took action.

Everyone unloaded their backpacks and put down boxes containing various exploration equipment to prepare for the upcoming exploration operation.

As always, Ye Tian gathered the company employees under his hand and said to these guys:

"Guys, everyone is still divided into several groups, scanning the valley with the pulse metal detector, scanning the ground in the valley first, and detecting every place to see if you can find something.

After exploring the ground, let's explore the cliffs around the valley. During the exploration, if you detect metal objects, you must not act rashly. Remember to notify me as soon as possible.

Because none of us can be sure whether those metal objects are mines or gold and silver treasures, so be careful! After the operation is launched, the groups next to each other should take care of each other and respond to each other.

I will send security personnel to always follow you to ensure your safety. In addition, when you explore the cliffs around the valley, everyone must be tied with a safety rope to avoid accidents!"

"Understood, Steven, we know how to protect ourselves, so don't worry!"

The guy Derek responded loudly, and the others nodded. Everyone was high-spirited and confident.

"Okay, the pre-war mobilization is here, so as not to say too much everyone hates it, let's start working, I hope to hear your good news!"

Ye Tian said with a smile issued an action order.

In the next moment, many brave people will explore the company's employees fearlessly.

Everyone took out the pulse metal detectors packed in the boxes, assembled them, and then went to the ruins in the valley while scanning the ground in pairs.

The other members of the tripartite joint exploration team, those from Israel and the Vatican, can only stay at the entrance of the valley and watch others explore the valley.

When the employees of the company dispersed and began to explore, Ye Tiancai led several archaeologists and historians to the largest ruin in the middle of the valley!

It used to be a temple. The Israelis who came here to explore earlier found a large number of stone slabs, pottery fragments and broken statues carved with ancient Hebrew characters and patterns.

If there are treasures hidden in this valley, the ruins of the Jewish temple are the most likely places to hide the treasures.

Because of this, Ye Tian took people to explore there.

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