Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2819: Black jew

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Joshua and the others left the hotel, took the joint exploration agreement drafted by Ye Tian and the others, went back to study and discussed, and they had to report to the highest level of the Israeli government.

Soon after these Israelis left, Ye Tian and the others also came down from the hotel, ready to go out to visit Tel Aviv and feel the amorous feelings of this small Mediterranean city.

As soon as they entered the hotel lobby, they saw a few familiar faces. It was a few Mossad agents who had fought with them in London before.

As Ye Tian and the Israeli government reached an oral cooperation agreement and prepared to jointly explore Solomon's treasures, they naturally shook hands with these Mossad agents.

During this trip to Israel, it was these Mossad agents who were responsible for the safety of Ye Tian and the others. In the subsequent joint exploration operations, these guys will also follow the joint exploration team.

In addition to these Mossad agents, there were also several dark-skinned Jews at the scene, and they were heavily armed Israeli military police, all of whom looked quite sturdy.

Obviously, these guys come from a very special group in the Israeli military police sequence, Ethiopian Jews.

As the name suggests, these dark-skinned Jews are from Ethiopia and are said to be the descendants of those Jews brought to Ethiopia by Menelik I.

Because these Jews are from Ethiopia and are black, the main destination of this joint exploration of Solomon's treasure is Ethiopia, and these guys will appear here.

In the joint exploration operation that will be launched next, the Israeli security personnel, except for Mossad agents, are mainly these Ethiopian Jewish military police.

At this time, they appeared in this hotel just to get familiar with Ye Tian and the others, and it would be convenient to cooperate in the future.

Seeing these Israelis, Ye Tian nodded to these guys, said hello, and then went to the hotel to play with David and the others.

The Mossad agent in the lead also nodded in greeting, and then followed with a few of his men and the heavily armed Israeli military police.

While they were talking, Ye Tian and the others had already walked out of the hotel door and came to the street outside.

With the appearance of their group, the entrance of the hotel suddenly boiled. The media reporters guarding the entrance of the hotel, like chicken blood, started to ask questions loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. May I ask, what is the purpose of your coming to Israel this time? Are you going to explore any treasures with the Israeli government and the United Nations? Can you tell us something?"

"Hello, Steven, I'm a reporter from the National Geographic Channel. What did you talk to the Israeli Minister of Culture Joshua just now? Is it about joint exploration operations? Have you reached a cooperation agreement?"

Ye Tian didn't answer the questions of these media reporters. He just waved at these so-called uncrowned kings, and then walked to the other end of the street with David and the others.

At this time, it is evening, and it is the most beautiful time of the day in Tel Aviv, which is especially suitable for walking.

Especially when the setting sun goes down, the afterglow of the setting sun is evenly scattered on the Mediterranean Sea, reflecting the entire sea surface into a golden color, sparkling, and looking very beautiful.

Seeing that Ye Tian and the others seemed to intend to visit Tel Aviv on foot, so many media reporters were willing to let go of such an opportunity, so they were ready to follow up and continue to interview or film.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!

These guys are very clear in their hearts, but where Steven this guy appears, there must be constant disturbances, and it is very likely to set off a huge wave.

What's more, this is Israel, the eye of the storm in the entire Middle East. Major events may happen anytime and anywhere, and even **** and tragic fires will break out and fight with you!

However, when these media reporters had just started, they were stopped by the swarming Israeli military police and stopped directly at the door of the hotel. They could only watch Ye Tian and the others gradually go away.

At the same time, there are many heavily armed Israeli military police around Ye Tian, ​​and most of these Israeli military police are Ethiopian Israelis.

In addition, around them, there are many Mossad agents dressed in casual clothes and sturdy figures, mixed in the crowd, staring at the surroundings vigilantly.

Obviously, the Israelis are also very aware of Ye Tian's tremendous destructive power, knowing that he is an ancestor who caused trouble, so they sent a large number of agents and military police to follow them to avoid accidents!

Tel Aviv is the cultural center of Israel. There are many antique art markets, galleries, and antique shops of various sizes in the city.

These Mossad agents and Israeli military police also shoulder another responsibility, that is, to monitor Ye Tian and stare at his every move to prevent him from looting Tel Aviv's antique art market.

What happened in Paris, London, Rome and other cities before is still fresh in the memory of Israelis. They don't want to see the same tragedy happen in Israel and Tel Aviv!

Ye Tiansi was not surprised by this arrangement of the Israelis, and did not take it seriously.

As long as he wants, he can take action anytime and anywhere, looting the antique art market in Tel Aviv, and the Mossad agents and Israeli military police behind him are just decorations.

Several company employees who followed Ye Tian for a walk were full of curiosity about the heavily armed Israeli military police around him. One of them asked in a low voice:

"Guys, why are the Israeli military police who protect us mostly black? In the Jewish neighborhoods of New York, there are not many blacks. Don't the Jews originate in the Middle East? Why are there so many blacks?"

Ye Tian looked back at this guy, then smiled and said:

"Yes, the Jewish nation originated from the Middle East, not from the blacks of Africa, but the Jews have a very special branch, but they are the blacks living in Ethiopia, namely the Ethiopian Jews.

This starts with the relationship between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. According to legend, after they fell in love, they gave birth to a son, the first king of the Ethiopian dynasty, Menelik I!

According to related legends, when Menelik left Jerusalem, he took a group of Jews and brought those Jews back to Ethiopia. Because of this, there were dark-skinned Ethiopian Jews.

Because of religious, cultural and linguistic surprises, Jews living in Ethiopia have not been treated for a long time. They are at the bottom of Ethiopian society and suffer from bullying and discrimination!

By the 1980s, due to the Ethiopian civil war and widespread famine, these black Jews living in Ethiopia had worsened their living environment, and it could be said that they were on the verge of life and death.

In order to rescue these Jews, the Israeli government planned and launched the famous Operation Moses and Operation Solomon in 1984 and 1991, respectively, and airlifted large numbers of Ethiopian Jews to Israel!

The Ethiopian Jews who fled the sea of ​​bitterness have since settled in Israel. Tel Aviv has a large Ethiopian Jewish community, and they have always been grateful to the Israeli government.

Among all the citizens of Israel, Ethiopian Jews have the highest proportion of participating in the army. They are proud of being able to join the army and defend Israel, and the loyalty of Ethiopian Jews to Israel is also very high!

We are going to Africa to explore Solomon’s treasure this time. The most important locations are in Ethiopia. Therefore, the Israeli government will arrange for these black military police to protect us. Let us get familiar with it in advance! "

Hearing this, the employees of the company understood what was going on.

"Wow! That's it!"

While talking, Ye Tian and his party had already turned the corner and walked onto another adjacent street.

At the same time, the golden Mediterranean under the setting sun rushed directly into their eyes!

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