Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2781: Founder statue

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Before I knew it, more than an hour passed.

During this period of time, Ye Tian selectively opened seven or eight boxes, and displayed the contents in these boxes in front of everyone and displayed them on the live broadcast screen.

Except for the gold in the first box, in the other boxes, they found two boxes of gold and silver coins one after another.

These gold and silver coins come from different eras and countries before the 16th century, and their value is also different!

Some of the gold and silver coins are engraved with the head of Ludovic, which is the rarer Ludovic gold coin, and there are other very rare antique coins, which are of great collection value!

In addition, they found a box of gold bars, all of which were branded with the Sforza family's double-headed snake emblem!

In fact, there is far more than just one box of gold bars on this platform. What's more, Ye Tian only opened one of them!

In the two wooden boxes on the side of the platform, they also found two bronze sculptures from the ancient Roman period. The two statues are small in size, but they are both top art works by famous artists.

One of them is carved by Poseidon, the **** of the sea, and the other is carved by the ancient Roman emperor Trajan. Both statues are very exquisite and extremely rare!

Following these two ancient Roman bronze sculptures, they found another bronze sculpture from the Hellenistic period, which was placed in a box about 1.5 meters high.

This bronze sculpture is carved by the goddess of hunting in Greek mythology, Artemis, and this is a top antique piece of art from the master's hand, priceless!

Not surprisingly, the discovery of these gold and silver treasures and top antique artworks directly detonated the scene and countless live broadcasts, drew a burst of almost crazy cheers!

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wanted to see.

When choosing which boxes to open, he deliberately avoided those boxes containing oil painting art works, and chose boxes containing gold and silver treasures, in order to stimulate people's senses as much as possible and expand the impact of this exploration.

As for the sculptures from ancient Rome and ancient Greece, not only are they invaluable, they can also bring a lot of impact to people, and more importantly, they are less affected by changes in light conditions.

However, oil painting antique works of art and some important historical documents are not suitable for appreciation under the current strong light conditions, which may cause some irreversible major losses!

Only by allowing them to adjust to the environment a little bit and lowering the light intensity can they open the boxes containing oil paintings and documents for appreciation and appraisal!

Even so, those oil paintings should not be exposed for too long and should be put away as soon as possible!

Just as Ye Tian opened the boxes to show people how amazing this treasure is, the employees of his company were busy cleaning up the dust and moss that had accumulated in this underground palace for a long time.

With the passage of time, this magnificent underground palace located deep underground has become cleaner and cleaner, and everything presented in front of people has become clearer!

The dust and moss accumulated on the floor, the walls, the Corinthian columns and statues, and the boxes were wiped off by the employees of the company.

After more than an hour of busy work, the cleanup just ended.

Coupled with several powerful ventilation fans working non-stop to replace the air here, this underground palace has been completely renewed, and even the air has become much fresher, just like the outside world!

Subsequently, Ye Tian asked these employees to rest on the spot, and then start the follow-up cleanup operations later.

He didn't stop himself, and was enthusiastically studying and discussing with several experts and scholars on the spot. The bronze statue stands in the middle of the platform.

Because this bronze statue was placed on a marble pedestal in the center of the platform, there were so many boxes around it that it blocked the pedestal and could not be approached temporarily, and the dust and moss that fell on it could not be cleaned up.

Only by moving these boxes on the platform can you approach the bronze knight statue and clean up the dust and moss attached to it.

This makes it difficult for everyone to see the details of this bronze sculpture. They can only stand on the edge of the platform to appreciate and appraise it based on the current conditions!

Of course, Ye Tian is not included here. He knows this bronze knight statue better than anyone.

"Steven, who is the figure carved by this bronze statue? It looks a bit like Ludovich, but it is specious! Who is the artist who created this bronze statue?"

"This should not be Ludovic's statue. In addition to a slight discrepancy in the image, this bronze statue also has an obvious early Renaissance style, and the time is not right!

The period when Ludovic took power and ruled Milan was after 1476. When he became the Grand Duke of Milan, it was 1494, which was the mid-Renaissance.

By 1499, he was driven out of Milan by Louis XII, only 47 years old! The figure carved by this bronze statue should be over fifty years old, which obviously does not match! "

Listening to these discussions, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

He did not respond immediately, but looked at the bronze statue carefully, pondered a little, and then smiled and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I also don't think this is Ludovic's sculpture. Although he grasped the military and political power of the Duchy of Milan very early, he really became the Grand Duke of Milan very late.

He hadn't had enough of the addiction of the Grand Duke of Milan, and he was driven away by the French King Louis XII in 1499. Before that, he probably hadn't thought of creating a statue for himself!

Let's talk about the artistic style of this bronze sculpture. It has a clear early Renaissance style! You know, there are many top carving masters beside Ludovic.

The Renaissance was a great era of rapid changes and innovations in artistic style. It was almost impossible for a famous sculptor in the mid-Renaissance to carve an early style work.

Even if Ludovich made such a request, those arrogant carving masters could not agree to it. From this point, we can be sure that this bronze statue was not carved by Ludovich.

Looking at the image of this knight again, it is not the same as Francesco Sforza carved on the stone gate. He is obviously not a person, but his artistic style is very close to that of the Virgin Mary.

From this point on I boldly guessed whether this is the bronze statue of Muzio Sforza, the founder of the Sforza family? Only his statue is qualified to be placed here!

The age of Muzio Sforza was in the early Renaissance. This bronze statue may have been cast in memory of his son, Francesco, which coincides in time.

On this bronze statue, I saw a little bit of Donatello's shadow, and there were some discrepancies. From this, it was inferred that the sculptor who created this statue was probably related to Donatello!

Of course, these are just my guesses, and it is not certain whether they are accurate or not! But I believe that we will find the correct answer on the marble base of this bronze sculpture later! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone at the scene nodded, agreeing with his explanation.

Next, everyone admired the bronze knight statue for a while, and then left here and walked to the back of this platform!

At the back of the platform, there are two Da Vinci inventions and creations. Everyone is full of curiosity about the two weird things!

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