Travel Through Konoha and the Thunder Fruit Replacement at the Start

Chapter 92 A bumper harvest, 5 precious items (68, please customize!)

"The new era has no ships to carry the remnants of my old era! My journey is almost over! My sons, let Dad take you for the last ride! Kula la la la la la la la la la la!"

Whitebeard laughed and rushed towards Akainu, who was chasing Ace and Luffy. He raised his fist sharply, white light condensed, and slammed into Akainu's dog head.

Whitebeard appeared too fast. Akainu was obsessed with chasing down Ace and Luffy, but he didn't react. He was punched directly into the dog's head, and his whole body was smashed into the ice.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Akainu looked at Whitebeard angrily and shouted angrily: "Whitebeard! You are courting death!"


Ace saw that Whitebeard came to save him, and immediately said with joy: "Dad, let's go with us!"

"Kura la la la! Brat, don't make me say it again! Let's go!"

Whitebeard said angrily.

This kid Ace is fine, but is this the time for you to be coy?

"Damn son! Do you want my efforts to be in vain? Get out of my way! Live with the Whitebeard Pirates! Don't disappoint my expectations!"

Whitebeard scolded angrily, and then shouted: "Marco! Take them away!"

"Yes! Dad!"

At this time, Marco fell from the sky, grabbed Luffy and Ace, and flew to the pirate ship in the distance.

Akainu tried to chase, but was repelled by Whitebeard.

"You goddamn old thing!"

Akainu kept attacking Whitebeard in resentment, trying to knock him back, and went after Ace and Luffy.

In his opinion, Whitebeard is not too lingering, and the importance is not even for Ace and Luffy.

Those two are the real scourge.

must kill.

"Kura la la la!"

Whitebeard listened and laughed loudly: "I was going to die, but I don't mind taking your mad dog before I die!!"

Saying that, Whitebeard punched Akainu again.

“Great Eruption!”

Akainu fought back without hesitation.

"Frozen Capsules!"

"Light speed kick!!"

At this time, reinforcements from Kizaru and Aokiji arrived, and they both used their ultimates to attack Whitebeard.

Whitebeard had already reached his limit at this time, and he was hit by the attack of the two, and his body shook for a while.

When he saw that the Whitebeard Pirates had passed through the Gate of Justice, heading into the distance, and sensed a few powerful breaths approaching rapidly, Whitebeard showed a relieved smile.

"Kura la la la!"

Loud laughter sounded.

In the end, Whitebeard died standing up amid such laughter.

At this time, if someone carefully probed, they would find that something was missing in Whitebeard's body.

"what is this?"

The excitement was over, and he also played against Whitebeard, Foil Bista, and others, and Mihawk, who was already satisfied, was about to leave.

Suddenly, two scrolls appeared in front of him.

He looked around in a puzzled way. There was no direction to throw the source of the thing, so he simply opened it to take a look.


Looking at this, Hawkeye frowned slightly: "Ninja swordsmanship? Kendo in another world? This is a bit interesting!"

The extra information in his mind had already told him the origin of these things, and Hawkeye was quite surprised.

"I didn't expect that Otherworld actually exists?"

"These two things are worth studying and studying. Maybe they can help you find a new way, get a higher breakthrough, and maybe explore a higher level of kendo!"

With such a desire, Hawkeye took off and left the high platform, and left Marineford in a short time.

The war here has come to an end, and there is no need for him to stay.

"Everyone! I am here to end this war. I have sacrificed too many people. Please give me a face. This war will end in the end!"

After more than ten breaths, the one-armed foot stepped on Marineford's land, and in the face of Sengoku's questioning, Akainu and the others stared hostilely and announced loudly.

The video ends here.

"So, what got you this time was Blackbeard's Haki and Devil Fruit? Or something else?"

"Give Hawkeye for Mao's final replacement item?"

After reading it, Bai Ming said that he could not understand the situation this time.

At this moment, three crystals and two Devil Fruits suddenly appeared and slowly fell into Bai Ming's hands.

At the same time, Bai Ming had more information on these five things in his mind.

His eyes widened directly, and the moment he opened his mouth, he was the quintessence of the country: "My Cao! It's a blast! Is this the designated multiple replacement mode? It's developed! Hahaha!"

[Blackbeard's Haki Experience Crystallization]: Condenses Blackbeard's lifelong Haki experience and Haki power, and the fusion can directly obtain all of Blackbeard's Armament Haki and Observation Haki experience and cultivation.

(Its owner was originally a king, but unfortunately his character is too bad.)

【Dark Fruit】: Logia Devil Fruit. (Your replacement talent dislikes the weakness of the fruit, and carefully removes the defects for you; the fruit has no restrictions on consumption; the fruit also contains all Blackbeard Teach's insights into the development of the fruit.)

[Whitebeard's Haki Experience Crystallization]: Condenses Whitebeard's lifelong Haki experience and Haki power, and the fusion can directly obtain all of Whitebeard's Conqueror's Haki experience and cultivation.

(The legacy of the curtain call of a generation of sea tyrants.)

【Shock Fruit】: Paramecia Devil Fruit. (Your replacement talent dislikes the weakness of the fruit, and carefully removes the defects for you; the fruit has no restrictions on consumption; the fruit also contains all the insights of Whitebeard Edward Newgate on the development of the fruit.)

"I'm getting rich! Am I going to be invincible?"

Seeing what he got this time, Bai Ming's eyes began to light up, and his saliva was about to flow out.

"Devil Fruit aside, are these two Haki experience crystals serious? After I merge, can I directly obtain all the Haki experience and cultivation of Blackbeard, the White Tiger?"

Bai Ming was a little confused.

It's enough to see and hear the color and Conqueror's, but the armed color is directly linked to the physical quality of the individual.

His physique is estimated to be inferior to that of Blackbeard.

After all, this guy had left three indelible marks around the red-haired eye sockets with his physical skills and Haki before he got Dark Fruit.

Taiju and two-color Haki are definitely not weak.

That is, this product does not have Conqueror's, otherwise it will only be stronger.

Of course, for such a wretched and forbearing person, it is normal without Conqueror's, but it is strange to have.

With such doubts, Bai Ming chose to incorporate Whitebeard's Haki experience.

Immediately, a warm current poured into his body.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Ming felt that even if he didn't open his eyes, he could "see" the nearby scene within a radius of 5 meters.

Can perceive all movement within this range.

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