Alright, perhaps it was because her face was full of pustules that she couldn't help but pay more attention to such symptoms.

Although the pustule on his face had already disappeared, and even Gu Jinyu, Gu Yu, and company probably wouldn't be able to recognize him now, she still hadn't figured out what was going on. She slept for five years in a single night. She did not know what had happened in that period of time.

Second, Prince Jin …

The crown prince was also the son of the prince.

A woman with a face full of pustules can be favored by a prince's son.

"Tsk tsk, it must be true love."

Nona could not help but mutter in a low voice. At the same time, her lips curled up into a faint smile.

Yes, this is f * cking true love.

Back then, his face was full of pustules and he couldn't even bring down the kidnapper, yet this person was able to bring in a prince just like him. For some reason, Jiu Niang was suddenly a little curious about that woman.

Tsk tsk, I really want to see what kind of person he is.

It was the same thing, but the way it was opened was completely different.

"Forget it, forget it. Let's go back quickly. The sky is already dark."

However, even if he wanted to, the most important thing right now was to quickly return. The sky was already turning dark …

Nona could not help but increase her speed.

However, she didn't know that not long after she left, a figure slowly walked out from a corner. His brows were tightly furrowed as he stared at her back with a sharp gaze …

In the quiet alley, Situ Jin stood there silently, staring at the figure that was slowly disappearing.

For some reason, he felt that this young doctor was very familiar, as if … It was as if he knew her, but … However, after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't think of anything else …


As Situ Jin's personal bodyguard, Black Robe had always been silently following beside him.

For some reason, he felt that his master was different today.

He was very clear in his heart that as a personal guard, his duty was to protect his master, to talk less and do more.

However …

But this was the first time he saw his master in such a helpless and helpless state.

He didn't know anything about what had happened five years ago. He only knew that only a few of the people who had followed Master out of the city had managed to make it back alive. Logically speaking, if there was a chance to follow their master, their master would definitely value them highly.

However, no one had expected that after returning, his master had actually swapped out everyone around him for someone else.

No one could figure it out, but … However, no one dared to pursue this line of questioning. After all … After all, their master was their master. Whatever he wanted them to do, they only needed to execute it … He had been by his master's side all these years, and had some doubts. It was just that except for the fact that his master was extremely against marriage, nothing else was out of the ordinary.

In the end, he could only guess whether some of those people had a bad feeling, and his master saw through it and no longer believed them.

But today...

He thought about how his calm and steady master had actually made it two times in a row …

"Follow him!"

"Yes sir!"

Follow him? A doctor?

The black-clothed man was perplexed.

Even so, he still nodded his head obediently and followed her without hesitation.

As for why his master wanted him to follow him … He could only constantly tell himself that this was his master's business and had nothing to do with him. He just needed to be responsible and follow suit.

"Who the hell are you?"

Although he let Black Robe follow him, Situ Jin didn't let his guard down. After a while, he still felt that he had to check it out himself.

Clearly … She was clearly just a young lad, and at most fourteen or fifteen years old. He had been in the capital for the past five years, and her accent shouldn't be from the capital …

If he knew her, it would have to be five years ago. At that time … At that time, he should have not even been ten years old, and was only a child. How could he possibly …

No, there were exceptions.

Hehe, wasn't she an exception back then?

Back then, she was only eight or nine years old, but …

"No, I won't."

Yes, it couldn't be. In this world, there was only one Niang, and it was impossible for there to be a second one. There was only one Ninth Mother, and she was special. It was because she was special that he had always been thinking about her all these years. Right, never forget …

He had thought that time could change everything, and as time passed, he could slowly forget about it.

She was just an ugly girl with a face full of pus. If she had no family background, then she would have no looks. How could she possibly like such a girl? It was only because she was really too special that he couldn't forget her.

That's what he kept telling himself.

However, the more time passed, the more he realized … Not only did he not forget about it, he even … Instead, it became even clearer. Her every move, every word and action clearly stayed in his mind. It was as if everything that had happened yesterday had happened in his head.

After countless dreams in the middle of the night, he would always think that everything had happened yesterday, and everything had never been far from him.

However, it was only after dawn that he realized that five years had already passed unknowingly.

"Hu hu, I'm so tired!"

After seeing the illness for the whole day, and following the little guy for a while, although she didn't even see the appearance of the patient, Jiu Niang still felt very tired.

Even though that little fellow's home was in the city, it took her nearly two hours to walk from north to south with her little clinic. After that, one person walked back and forth for approximately four hours …

They left before the sun went down, and by the time she got home it was night.

"Gulp …" "Gulu …"

After putting down the medicine box, Nona carefully lit the candle. At this moment, a rumbling sound came from her stomach. She remembered that she hadn't eaten in a whole day, so it was no wonder she was hungry.

However …

"Forget it, forget it …" We'll talk about it in the morning. "

Rubbing her stomach, Nona shook her head weakly.

Although she was gradually getting used to living here, she was still very unaccustomed to the darkness every night. No one knew how much she missed the bright lights …

Yes, if someone had asked her before she transmigrated, what would she miss the most? She might have been able to tell them dozens of times in one breath. However, he definitely wouldn't think of the lights. Indeed, lights were already common in modern times. Whether it was day or night, the first thing one needed to do when entering the house was to turn on the lights.

It was because he was too used to it that he would not put it to heart.

But when you really start living in ancient times, you'll find that everything else can slowly get used to it. Only this light …

Although she wasn't so short on money that she couldn't afford to light a candle, she still … However, how could these weak candlelight compare to the bright lighting … It was just that such a small glimmer of light did not disperse the unease and hesitation in their hearts in the lonely night. Instead, it made them feel even more uneasy …

"Oh god, if I could go back, I would save electricity."

As she was half-lying on the bed, she couldn't help but yell out.


He rolled up the blanket and went to sleep.

Yes, sleep, what else can I do if not sleep?

Was he really hoping for some miracle and a sudden electric light?

Alright, although she was a transcender, she didn't think that she had the ability to do so. Therefore, since he couldn't think of anything, he might as well wash up and sleep. There were still a lot of things to be done tomorrow.

It was too tiring today, and she had planned to go into the Spaces at night. The herbs she had planted a few days ago should be ready for collection. Since there were too many patients and things were out of her expectations, she needed to prepare more. However, she was really tired today, so she might as well take a rest …

Jiu Niang, who was extremely tired, wrapped herself in a blanket and fell asleep very quickly.

She didn't know that while she was sleeping, a figure had appeared in her room without a sound. After inspecting the room thoroughly, and finding nothing, the figure left the room unwillingly.

She had no idea that while she was too tired to enter the space, she had done herself a big favor …

The black clothed person followed Jiu Niang silently. He personally watched her enter the room and never came out. Situ Jin waited until late at night before stealthily sneaking into the room. If he didn't see anyone when he entered the room …

However, at this moment, the slumbering Fourth Mother didn't even know what had happened during the night.

"Ugh …"

After a good night of sleep, the first ray of sunlight shone through the window into the room. Jiu Niang slowly stretched and yawned. She rubbed her eyes with all her might before sleepily opening them.

Well, there was one good thing about ancient times.

He had gotten used to sleeping early and waking up early, sleeping at night and getting up at dawn. According to modern people, this was an extremely healthy day off.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Doctor, doctor, is there anyone here? Is anyone there? "

On the other side, Nona had just woken up and was still in a daze. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that almost scared her out of her bed. She struggled for a long time before she slowly recovered and spoke with some dissatisfaction, "Who is it, what's up this early in the morning?"

Yes, this early in the morning, even a doctor wouldn't come so early, right?

As he asked, he got up and put on his clothes.

Fortunately, in order to make it convenient for her, she made herself two sets of close-fitting clothes. Just like her modern pajamas, she wore them every night when she slept. After she got up, she only had to put on her coat.

However, after dressing up, she did not hurry to open the door. Instead, she went downstairs to the door and asked, "Who is it?" What's the matter? "If you want to see a doctor, it's not time yet. We're not open yet, so come back after you open the door."

When she first opened the medicine store, she didn't intend to make much profit. Firstly, she wanted to find a place for herself to rest. Secondly, she wanted to test out the value of love in the space. He also hoped to get some information on Situ Jin …

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